How To Install Metasploitable3 [Cybersecurity]

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hey guys hackersploit here back again with another video and in this video i'm going to be showing you how you can set up uh and install metasploitable 3 without any issues so this is pretty much one of the most requested videos when it comes down to a particular type of installation or setup and you know i've covered metasploitable too and there's been like a ton of requests asking me to cover metasploitable three but for some reason many people find it a bit difficult to install or to configure and i could totally understand it and i can understand the position of the developers or the creators of this box because you're dealing with windows distribution of the service has to be done correctly and you know you can go around distributing windows virtual machines or windows images because even though you're using the valuation version i i'm pretty sure it's illegal so because of that you have to use vagrant and packer to sort of configure your own virtual machine that means you have to download your a new version or a fresh version of windows server 2008 and of course it's an evaluation copy but with that out of the way let's actually get started with the video so there are a few things i want to cover first of all you can check out the actual uh the actual post or the release as to when you know metasploitable 3 was released it's a blog post on and this essentially gives you an idea of why it was created and how to set it up the requirements and you can see we need packer vagrant the vagrant reload plug-in and uh you also need virtualbox installed so those are the prerequisites and you can you can also find the source uh you know from the github repository which you already have open here and this is pretty much the only time you'll find me using microsoft edge and that's because i'm going to be demonstrating this within a virtual machine a windows 10 virtual machine you can also install it on linux i'll probably make a video on that but it's it seems to be the most straightforward uh on on on windows and i haven't run into any issues with this particular method so what you want to do is if you're on windows and you have a git client like like the git for a windows system or you can actually download it and use it you can clone the repository or you can just download the zip file here it's about 150 megabytes as for packer the links are hyperlinked right over here so you have backup vagrant virtualbox etc now on this virtual machine i already have virtualbox installed i have all the files within a metasploitable 3 folder for some reason my vm is it's not that quick so hopefully that doesn't affect the performance here so i have the metasploitable 3 zip file this is from the github repository what i'm going to do is i'm just going to extract it here and we'll just click on extract and we'll let that extract the file so there's quite a few files in there it's about as i said 150 megabytes we also have packer so i'll be showing you how to set up the environment so ensure that you have virtualbox setup and i know you can do this with vmware but vmware causes a lot of issues and i'll be showing you the easiest way you know the path of least resistance when doing this all right so uh when you have the uh the meta exploitable uh file unzipped here or the folder unzipped what you want to do is uh let me just open this up and we'll get rid of the zip files so i'll get rid of these backer and the metasploitable3 master zip files here so you can this is the the directory will be working in the metasploitable 3 working directory right over here and we'll be working with this build powershell script in a second so um what we want to do with packer is we want to copy the the executable and we want to go into our local drive our local disk here and you're going to program files because we want to we want to be able to access packer so we're going to add it to the system we're going to add it as an environment variable so we'll just create a new folder within program files and we'll just wait for it from to prompt up here so we're going to say packer and we'll enter in here and paste in the packer executable all right now we need to we need to make sure we can set the environment variables here so sorry that is environment variables we're just going to click on that and we're going to go into environment variables into system variables we're looking for the path variable here we're going to click on edit and we can just click we can just copy the path here to the pack executable or you can browse for it manually we're just going to click on new and i'm just going to paste in the directory there and i'm going to hit ok hit ok and i'm going to close these dialogues here and now we can sort of test it using the command prompt so again we can simply just type in packer and that will actually prove that it's working so there you are uh packer and again you can enumerate the version that you have running right so say pack a version so 1.45 and that proves to us that we have packers set up correctly uh the next thing you want to do is you want to uh you want to set up a vagrant so we're just going to click on the executable by the uh all of these download links will be in the description section in the event that you want to download them so we're just going to wait for this to uh to actually prompt us with the setups so this is the setup wizard so just leave everything as it is in regards to the the the default options within the setup wizard i'm going to next install and hopefully we can get this installed without any issue so we'll just let this begin it should ask us for administrative privileges that we are i'm gonna hit accept and it's gonna start the installation process after which we should also test and see whether it's installed by actually testing to see if we can access the vagrant command from the command prompt uh after that we'll be working with the powershell so i just wanted to let you guys know that so um uh we'll just wait for this to complete and uh in the meantime we can actually just prompt up our powershell here uh sorry not power you know windows and uh windows usually has these issues so i'm just going to open up powershell here and uh let's actually pin this to the taskbar while that is well that is actually installing did i pin that yeah my vm is really really slow today i do apologize for that you know windows vms are always going to be slow i think that's because i didn't actually the it's not really a problem with the vm uh being slow i pretty yeah i didn't enable 3d acceleration i've already installed the virtualbox guest edition so the performance should be fine all right so once vagrant has completed downloading we can just hit finish here and it's going to prompt us to restart our system so we're just going to let that restart so i'll get back to you when this is done all right so i've just restarted the system now one thing you want to do before we actually even install any vagrant plugins is you want to ensure that windows defender is disabled right so uh let me just search for windows defender here um i'm not really sure how this works exactly i haven't used so there we are we're gonna click on virus and threat protection settings managed settings we want to disable uh real-time protection and cloud delivered protection and you can just keep that as so far as you're actually installing it after the installation process you can get rid of it or you can enable windows defender once again um so we are now gonna we're gonna start installing the vagrant plugins that are required here so i'm just gonna open up the command prompt and the first and the first one that we're required to install is the uh the vagrant virtualbox guest plugin so what to do to do this we first of all uh want to test and see whether we can access vagrant here so i'm not really sure whether you guys can see this but i'll try and zoom in here so i'll just go into my fonts here and let me increase that to something like 20 so you guys can see what's going on so vagrant is still uh it's not giving us any output yet so we'll just wait for for for this to actually give us an output that we can work with and then we can start installing the plugins after we've installed the plugins we can then work with powershell so there we are so we know that vagrant works so we can just say vagrant we then say fragrant plugin sorry vagrant plugin install and then we say vagrant uh and the name of the uh the plugin in this case it's a virtualbox guest and that's the first one that we have to install and this uh this setup tutorial is primarily focused on virtualbox i know it can work with uh with vmware and you can also do this on linux but this is again as i said the most uh straightforward way you can go about doing this so it's gonna start installing the plugin so again it tells you this can take a few minutes depending on your internet connection and other factors so i'm just going to wait for this to complete all right so that plugin has completed installing and we can now install the other plugin here so i'm just going to use the uh i'm just going to use the previous command i'm going to just change it to vagrant reload that is the primary plugin that we require here so i'm just going to let this install again and once this is installed we can actually start working in the metaexploitable directory where i want to explain a few things so we'll just wait for this to complete all right the vagrant reload plugin is done so we can close that up and we want to go into the directory where we saved or where you saved the meta exploitable three uh github repository or the contents of the github repository i have it under my display table 3 master here and you want to just use your shift and your right click here and you want to click on open powershell window right over here and we'll just minimize this because i want to talk about a few things regarding the directory so within this directory this is where all the installation is going to occur uh so again if you're working with the antivirus you can actually omit this uh this directory from being scanned or being protected and you can keep your antivirus active so uh what's gonna happen is within packer this is where you find your um your templates uh where your templates will be stored and you'll also have your um you'll also have the the build folder which i don't think is here right now but uh that's essentially where your windows server 2008 image is going to be stored now if you take a look at the iso folder and you take a look at the readme here we can just open this up with notepad if i can actually access this uh or that that really didn't work out so i'll just click on notepad and hit ok here um so we'll just open this up with notepad so you can see that this directory is for a manual download of windows server and you can it gives you the various uh the various download links if you want to go up go ahead and do this uh and the various licenses that you can use so this is very important if you don't have a stable internet connection during the installation process by the way you will require uh you will require an internet connection throughout the entire installation process so uh that's essentially what i wanted to explain now the file of the script that we're going to be using is the build powershell script right over here you also have your build shell script this is for the build process on linux systems if if you want to go down that that road now uh many people have actually been if you take a look at the resources directory this is where you have all the the various tools and the vulnerabilities where they'll actually be installed if you take a look at the where is the direct the packet directory and the templates you have the vagrant the windows sorry windows 2008 r2.json file you can also use this for the image but that that technique hasn't worked for me and the one that works is by just installing the script so we'll go back into powershell and i'll just go into properties here and uh when i'm going to font let me just make that larger so you guys can see what's going on now if we try and install the script directly what you'll see will happen is very very common so if we just say build dot ps1 and we hit enter you can see it's going to tell you that it couldn't execute because uh running scripts have been have been disabled on this system and to actually enable this you need to open up partial as administrator so i'm just going to do that right now and we'll open that up and we'll give that a few seconds to load up and again let me just set this up correctly i'm going to set it to about 24 so you can see what's going on so this is an administrator powershell session so what you need to now enable is the execution policy you need to set it to unrestricted so we're going to say set set execution policy and we're going to set that to unrestricted unrestricted and we're going to hit enter and if we're going to say yes to all and we hit enter and that's going to now enable us to run these scripts without any issues so uh once you hit uh once you hit enter to this script you're going to see it's going to check for a compatible version of virtualbox it's also going to check for packer uh vagrant and the vagrant plugins and once all of that is done it's gonna prompt you to specify what version uh you want to install now the one you want to install is windows server 2008 and to do this we're gonna just click on no right now so you can see it gives you the option so you specify the script and the version you want to build so we're going to say build a ps1 or the partial script we're going to execute it and we're going to pass the parameter windows 2008 as the option and we're going to hit enter now once this is done this is going to set up it's going to set up the box and then once this is done what you need to do is you simply need to type in vagrant up and that is going to set up the box all right now once the box is set up it's auto it's automatically going to prompt up uh virtualbox even during the installation process so you just want to let it go for uh in my case it took about one to one and a half hours for the entire process to complete um so once you once you've run the script it's gonna essentially what's gonna happen is uh once you run this script right over here what's gonna happen is it's gonna start downloading all the tools and it's gonna start downloading windows server 2008 if you haven't done it already and yeah so so that's how to set it up now i've already set it up and i've already got it set up as a ova file i actually converted it into ova file um so i think and i can actually show you this right now let me just minimize everything and i have it somewhere on my desktop here so there we are it's uh i've actually converted it into a an ova file and you can see it on my host operating system right of the air meta exploitable three now i i was tempted to actually share this ova image and i'll have to go go through the licensing terms in regards to the evaluation versions of windows server 2008 because i if it is illegal to share it then i can't i know many of you will be asking me for the va file because you simply just need to run it you don't need to install it manually it's about 6.5 gigabytes i'm not really sure let me just check uh the last time i checked uh yeah it's about 6.52 gigabytes um so i already have it set up on virtualbox here and if i just hit if i just click on run here and you can see that right now all right so once it's set up on virtualbox after the installation process and once you've set it up with vagrant and you've specified uh vagrant actually uh to actually push the box up uh into virtualbox uh you can see you'll be greeted with this screen right over here and if you try and use the uh the keys to actually log on that'll not work so you won't go into input keyboard uh insert control alt and delete and that's gonna prompt you to this login screen you can log into the vagrant account and the vacuum password is fragrant and you just hit enter so we'll give that a few seconds to load up here by the way after the uh it's actually finished installing and setting up the metasploitable 3 uh what you want to do is you want to just take a snapshot in the event you want to roll back and there you are so you can see metasploitable three is now running and in the next set of videos i'll be showing you how to exploit it uh there's tons of services it's gonna be really really exciting let me know what you guys think if you have any any questions uh i'll also be having a a write-up of of this uh installation process on my blog so if any of you are facing any issues you can actually check them out there as for the ova file i'll have to read through the documentation and if i if i will be uploading it i'll have to do it anonymously and i'm not going to be held responsible for any you know for for any of the distribution uh violations in regards to the microsoft evaluation copy so let me know what you guys think if you have any questions suggestions regarding this video and i'll be happy to answer them uh so that's pretty much what i wanted to cover in this video and i'll be seeing you in the next video peace guys
Channel: HackerSploit
Views: 83,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hackersploit, hacker exploit, metasploitable, metasploit, hacking, metasploitable3 vmware, metasploitable3 vmware install, metasploitable3 download, metasploitable3 tutorial, metasploitable3 ova, metasploitable 3 virtualbox, metasploitable 3 linux, metasploitable 3 vmware image download, metasploitable 3 walkthrough, metasploitable 3 setup, metasploitable 3 install, how to install metasploitable3
Id: errn34YrEjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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