How to install Magento 2.4 and build a web server - Magento 2 Tutorial

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okay so this is a rather long video but by the end of it you're going to learn how to build a web server that runs ubuntu 20.04 apache 2.4 mysql8 php 7.4 postfix elasticsearch 7.6 composer magento 2.4.0 and the sample data for magento 2.4.0 but that'll all be after this quick message mirrorsbits developers of magento 2 extensions that will dramatically enhance your store for navigation seo performance customer care user experience and productivity take for example advanced reports a powerful yet easy to use solution that lets you build reports based on customers sales and products that includes interactive charts to better understand your data a must for any store owner head over to and use code digital startup to get money off your next purchase details in the video description below i always try not to start with lengthy introductions these days however i've packed so much information into this tutorial that i felt that it was important i cover some basics i want to start by acknowledging that this tutorial is not for everyone the topics are aimed at nerds like myself who want to install magento 2.4 from scratch however this tutorial has been designed for any skill level to follow to help you follow along you want to refer to the supporting article that i've linked in the video description below there you will have access to commands that you can copy and paste all timestamps to help you navigate with ease it will also contain any amendments that get made as obviously i can't make any amendments after the video gets uploaded so let's move on by highlighting what you'll need to actually get started you'll first need access to a service provider that hosts web servers i recommend digital ocean for a number of reasons the costs are reasonable and their services are spot on you can literally create a server in minutes as i use this service myself it improves the chances that i'll be able to answer any questions that you may have if i haven't answered them in the video already unlike amazon web services which i haven't used you'll find a link to the lotion in the video description and the article you'll also need a magento marketplace account this is where you'll need to generate a set of keys these keys are required during the installation of magento 2.4 once you sign into magento marketplace navigate to my profile under the marketplace tab click on access keys then under the magento2 tab click the create a new access key button in the pop-up give this an appropriate name such as the business name of the website you plan to install notes you can't use spaces once you have your public and private keys generated keep them somewhere safer later the majority of this video will require you to use an ssh client to connect to the server both linux and mac users have an ssh client built into their operating system but on windows which is what i'm using i use a program called putty for windows again you'll find a link to this in the article during the entire process you'll be prompted to provide credentials such as usernames and passwords i often find that it's good practice to think of these in advance on the right hand side you'll notice that i've already done this i've also used the following guidelines they are longer than 16 characters they contain numbers they contain lower and uppercase characters they contain special characters and have avoided using quotations and apostrophes due to technical reasons as you can see my screen is split up into three sections we've got my web browser my ssh clients of choice and a breakdown of chapters to help you quickly navigate through the video let's start by building our web server so that we can install magento 2.4 don't forget that you can follow along with me at your own pace by referring to the article that i wrote containing all of the commands that you're going to see me use first things first we need a web server i've chosen the ubuntu 20.04 operating system using the basic twenty dollar a month package from digitalocean this includes four gig of memory two cpus and eighty gig of storage i do not recommend any server package under four gig of memory because elasticsearch is quite resource heavy after creating my server we'll move on to the next step you're following along pause here until you're ready so currently i'm logged into my server as root and i've logged in for the very first time it's time to create a super user that we can use instead of the root user to carry out our administrative tasks this is a recommended security step when building new servers as it strengthens against brute force attacks plus as a super user you can't accidentally run a route task commands without first prefixing your command with sudo once you copy commands from the article you can actually paste them directly into putty by right clicking anywhere inside the window the text will paste wherever the blinking cursor is so create yourself a super user by entering the following commands i'm calling mine craig so add user craig you'll then need to set and confirm password that we decided upon earlier on in the video so i'll go and copy that file and i will paste that in and then paste that in again to confirm after confirming the password you'll be asked a bunch of questions however you can just press enter to skip until you get a prompt that asks for a yes or no so just hit y for yes and hit enter now give the user a super user privilege by adding it to the sudo group that'll be user mod space dash small a capital g space sudo space break now it's time to log out as the root user and reconnect with our new super user from this point forward you'll notice me prefix most of my commands with sudo this tells the operating system that i want to run the commands by exercising my super user privileges to run the administrative task i've now closed the original putty window and reconnected to the server as craig which i'll remain logged in as to the remainder of this tutorial feel free to pause here for a moment whilst you do the same now access the ssh configuration file to disable the root user login so we'll do that by entering sudo the super user privilege space nano we'll be using the nano text editor followed by the location and name of the file so let's hit enter and then as this is the first time we've entered a super user commands after logging in we'll be prompted for our password so let's enter our craig password next use the arrow keys on your keyboard or the page up and down keys to work your way through the file until you find an entry that says permit root login and then we're going to change that from a yes to a no and now to save press control x to exit the nano text editor y to save and enter to confirm now reload the ssh service for the changes to take effects and we'll do that by entering sudo space system ctl space reload space sshd and you've successfully blocked the root user from logging in now you must create a rule that allows ssh connections to your server this is the connection we're actually using right now so we'll do that by entering sudo space ufw space allow space ssh and enter and with the new rule created turn on the firewall using sudo space ufw space enable and hitting enter again now you get a warning to make sure we've allowed ssh connections and we already have so let's press y and then enter to confirm fantastic so just to quickly recap we've built a server and followed some very basic security practices if this is your first time using ssh i hope it wasn't too intimidating for you now is the time to take our basic server and convert it into a web server that is capable of installing magento 2.4 there are lots of commands coming up in this chapter so pay very close attention you'll start first by updating the server repositories this tells ubuntu what is available to download when we ask it to install something kind of like refreshing the app store on your phone and we need to tell ubuntu to update its records by entering the following command sudo space app space update this doesn't normally take very long and i think we're done thinking about it and we're done now we're ready to install and configure apache apache is the software that will ultimately convert our basic server into a web server with the repositories updated let's install apache so we'll do that using sudo space apt space install space apache 2 space dash y now you'll notice me put dash y on a lot of the commands that are relating to install that's because if we're ever prompted if we want to confirm something the dash y will automatically enter yes for us so let's go ahead and install apache this is normally a very quick installation i'm nearly there and we should be done there we go now open one of the apache config files to allow.html files in the web directory so we're going to use sudo space and nano space and then we're going to refer to the location and file name that we want to edit so hit enter and then we're going to scroll all the way to the bottom of the file i'm just going to hit page down a few times there we go and then we're going to want to copy and paste the following set of rules from the article and then once those are pasted control x exit y to save and enter to confirm there's a second apache configuration file that we also want to edit so let's use sudo space nano space and then the location and file name of what we want to edit and hit enter and then i'm going to hit page down and go to the very bottom of the file and in here i'm going to enter server name capital s capsule n space followed by the ip address of my server so that's 1 7 8 now note you need to press the number keys at the top of your main part of the keyboard not the numpad when you press the numbers on your new numpad it actually navigates through you through the file instead so just try and avoid using those set of keys so with that entered control x to exit y to save enter to confirm now let's check our syntax for errors and we'll do that by running sudo space apache to ctl space config test and hit enter and that tells us that syntax is okay this doesn't spot all of the errors that you might introduce into an apache configuration file but it will look out for the most obvious ones next we need to enable apache rewrite this resolves a lot of post installation 404 errors so we'll do that by entering sudo space a2 en mod as in apache 2 enable mod space rewrite and hitting enter now restart apache for those changes to all take effect so we'd use sudo space system ctl space restart space apache 2 and then enable apache through the firewall that we enabled earlier so we'll go sudo space ufw space allow and then apostrophes apache full and hit enter and those rules have been added so let's test that apache is working by entering the ip address of our server into our web browser like so and then you should see the apache 2 ubuntu default page now we need to install php php is a scripting language which allows web applications like magento to supercharge normal html pages it's a bit more complicated than that but needless to say it's a requirement for magento let's start by installing php and all of the php extensions required in order for magento 2.40 to run so we do that by entering sudo space at space install and then followed by a series of the applications and extensions that we need and then as you might notice i've put the dash white the ends skip all of the confirmations by entering yes for us now this command will take a minute or so so i'm going to hit enter and then i'm going to skip forward through the video with the php now installed it's time to tell the web server to prefer php files over html files so we'll go sudo space nano space and then enter the file name and location and in here you're going to notice several versions of index now php will actually sorry apache will uh prioritize index files in this priority but we want to prioritize php files first so let's delete dot html at the end of the first one replace that with php and then go down replace php over here with html and with those changes and effects draw x to exit y to save enter to confirm you now need to replace two default variables in the php configuration file do this by entering the following command sudo space nano space and then the location of the file we want to enter and hit enter for that and now this file is rather large and there's two variables that we want to look for so rather than pressing the arrow keys and scrolling through the whole document in nano we can actually do control w and that will bring up a search box so let's type in memory underscore limit to find the first one and as you can see by default this is set to 128 meg let's change that to 4g because that's how much memory we have available on the server and then we're going to do control w and this time i'm going to search for date dot time zone and there we are let's remove the semicolon at the beginning first of all and then at the end we're going to enter europe london well at least i am yours may differ depending on where you are located throughout the actual world in the article i've actually put a link to all of the potential possibilities so make sure you find the one that's appropriate to you and put that one in if you put something in that's not recognized you may come across some error so with those changes and effects control x to exit y to save and enter to confirm and then like we've done before let's restart apache for those changes to take effect with sudo space system ctl space restart space apache 2 and hitting enter now it's time to install and configure mysql mysql is a database management system that allows the web server to store information that can be accessed by magento so let's install mysql with sudo space app space install space mysql dash server space dash why i'll skip ahead quickly whilst this installs and now this is installed i'm going to run the mysql security script that addresses some vulnerabilities so i'm going to put in sudo space mysql underscore secure underscore installation and hitting enter now the first question is about password validation now in the past i've had a few issues by pressing y at this stage um as it seems to be very unsatisfied by a lot of the passwords that i enter even though they're really complex so i'm going to put no in for the time being now as you've seen at the beginning of the video my passwords are rather secure anyway so i'm quite happy with the way that i set mine up so this shouldn't be too much of a deal for me i'm going to hit no there then i'm going to enter a root password for mysql that i prepared earlier i'm just going to copy that from my file and then paste that in and then paste it in to confirm the new password and then i want to remove anonymous users by hitting yes and then disallow yes remove tester base test database yes and reload privilege tables yes now the newer version of mysql password plugin does not allow you to log into phpmyadmin as the root user instead of logging you in it will make you think that you've entered the password incorrectly to resolve this issue switch to the native mysql password plugin this can be done by entering the following command i won't go over the whole commands but needless to say you want to be changing the last part of the command so here i've got my root password that starts with the capital x and ends with the capital r it's actually the same password that i used when setting up with the mysql security script so i'm going to put that in and hit enter so what we're doing now is installing phpmyadmin this is not required but certainly makes life easier when interacting with our mysql databases it essentially allows us to log into a web page and make adjustments with your mouse and keyboard as opposed to using the command line interface let's install phpmyadmin plus a couple of the required php plugins by entering sudo space apt space install space hp myadmin followed by a couple more of the php modules and then hitting enter again i'm going to skip forward because this can take a minute so i'm going to hit enter and skip okay now we're prompted with a question do we want to use apache 2 configuration or light epd we actually want apache 2 so hit spacebar which will add an asterisk and hit enter and then when asked we want to hit enter for yes and then i'm going to paste in the php password page sorry my the phpmyadmin password i prepared earlier so paste and paste again and then with that installed let's restart apache again using sudo space system ctl space restart space apache 2 any changes to take effect so to test that php my admins working correctly simply put slash phpmyadmin on the end of the ip address of your server like so and you'll see the php my admin login screen this next chapter is super easy and quick thanks to phpmyadmin which we'll use to create a magento user and database so let's log in to phpmyadmin using the mysql root user credentials that we set up just now and then go to user accounts and then add user accounts and let's put in the name of the user which is going to be magento we want to change hostname to local i'm going to copy and paste the mysql password that i prepared earlier for the magento user and then if we scroll down ever so slightly we'll see create database with the same name and grant privileges let's check that box ignore everything else and the bottom right hit go and you've now set up an isolated mysql user that only has access to one specific database that it owns a database that magento will use to store all kinds of information such as settings product details customer details sales etc if i go back to the main screen we can see that under user accounts magento now exists as a user and on the left magento now exists as the database and the user has all privileges all privileges required to access that database the next step is somewhat controversial as it only is required to send you a 2fa email during the installation of magento 2.4.0 this may change in the future but who knows therefore we'll only be doing the bare minimum to get this bit working so let's install postfix postfix is a mail transfer agent that handles email on a server let's go ahead and install that by running sudo space at space install space mail utils space dash y and for the most part we're just gonna be hitting enter through all of these prompts so let's do enter for ok we want internet site so make sure that's selected and then for the system mail name we can purely leave that as it is so whatever yours is showing here just leave it as it is but after installing postfix we need to edit the configuration file for it so let's do sudo space nano space and then the file name and location and we're going to scroll all the way down to the bottom and the second to last is inet underscore interfaces equals all delete all and change that to loop back dash only then ctrl x to exit y to save enter to confirm and then let's restart postfix for our changes to take effect so that's sudo space system ctl space restart space host fix now remember this is the absolute bare minimum to get it working there's no configure there's lots more configuration that can be done that we've skipped so what will basically happen is that when the email gets sent out later it's going to come from a weird email address and probably end up in your spam folder but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it magento 2.4.0 now requires elasticsearch as the search engine specifically version 7.6 it's a memory hungry tool so i recommend a minimum of four gigabytes for your server these days so let's start by installing the javascript development kit which elastic search needs to run so let's do that by entering sudo space apt space install space open jdk dash 8 jdk space dash y hitting enter this will take a minute so i'm going to go and skip ahead right we can now verify the installation by putting in java space dash version and you'll get something that looks similar to this so here we've got the version being 1.8.0 and now we're about to download two files from the elasticsearch websites one is the installation file and the other is a duplicate file that will be used to compare the integrity of the file useful for both technical and security reasons so let's download those two files using the w get command followed by the url of the file that we want to download onto our server and then we'll do the same thing again with a second file again copy paste this from the article and with the two files downloaded it's time to run the command to ensure that there's no compromisation with those files so i'm not going to spell this out as it's a bit of a long one but again copy and paste this but it's the shar sum command i'm going to enter and it's come back as okay which is good the final setup is to add the downloaded file to our operating system package manager this is simply achieved by running sudo space space dash i space and then the name of the file that we downloaded and then hitting enter and then now that we've installed elasticsearch it's time to our web server to auto run whenever you restart the server so start by reloading the systemd manager configuration with sudo space slash bin system ctl space daemon dash reload and then adding elastic search to our list of boot up services using sudo space slash bin slash system ctl space enable space elastic search dot service with the auto run now set we still need to manually start elastic search so do this by entering sudo space system ctl space start space elastic search and hitting enter this can take about one to two minutes so just be patient when it's ready it'll go back to the command prompt i'm going to skip ahead to save time now before we go any further it's time to test that everything we've done so far for elasticsearch is working as expected so we'll use the curl command to load up elasticsearch and get an output and as you can see we've got an output so if you get something similar to this it means everything's working correctly next i was going to talk about securing your installation of elasticsearch but from the research i've done it appears that this is only necessary when installing elasticsearch on a secondary server due to the use of open ports and external connections it appears that as we're running this on a single server those configurations are redundant however i do urge you to do your own research in case i'm wrong by default elasticsearch boasts that its default settings are good to go straight out the box however this is subject to some optimization tweaking that i won't be covering in this video and some light housekeeping which we're about to do now let's start by opening the elasticsearch configuration file using sudo space nano and then the location of the file we want to enter and then there's three things we want to change in here first if we scroll down to cluster dot name get rid of the hash at the beginning and let's change that to magento cluster and then let's go down a little further to node name get rid of the hash and then change that the node 1 to magento node and if we go down a little further under network we'll see network dot host get rid of the hash and then remove the ip address and change that to local host and then with those three changes in effects control x to exit y to save and then enter to confirm so in order for those changes to take effect let's restart elasticsearch with sudo space system ctl space restart space elasticsearch again this might take a minute or two so i'm going to hit enter and skip ahead now let's run a final check to ensure those changes have taken effect so run the same command that we run before the curl commands and hit enter and as you can see name now says magento node and cluster name now says magento cluster we're now at the point where we can think about installing magento 2.4 just like the rest of this video so far you'll want to pay very close attention it's especially important that you run the commands as the correct user as you'll see issues further down the road that may not be obvious straight away to do with permissions let's start by creating a magento user the reason for creating a new user is for added security the main user that we created in this case craig has the ability to run super user commands if required where the web user would never need such privileges this user will also be what you use to log in and upload and download files via ftp so let's add the new user called magento and we'll do that by entering sudo space add user space magento and then we're going to assign it a password so i'm just going to copy paste the password that i prepared earlier for my other file i'm going to copy that and paste it in and then paste it in again to confirm and then hit enter to skip through the following until i get to the yes no question where i'm going to hit y and then enter and then make the web server group the primary group for the new user and let's do that by using sudo space user mod space dash small g space www dash data space magento then hitting enter when we installed apache it automatically created a web directory to store web files however it will have created this under the default user known as or even root so we need to update the permissions for that directory this will allow our new magento user to operate correctly let's update that by using the following command sudo space shown space dash absolute r space magento colon www dash data space slash var slash www html and hitting enter now we're ready to install composer composer is an application that allows us to access download package files from various repositories not only can we access and download magento but many third-party developers will recommend installing their extensions this way as opposed to traditionally downloading a zip file and uploading it via ftp let's install composer by downloading the file directly from the website so we use sudo space curl space dash small s capital s space the url and then space pipe space php and hit enter it's in a small file so that's always going to happen quickly then we need to move the downloaded file to the appropriate composer file location so sudo space mvspace composer.far which is the file we downloaded space and then the directory we want it to go and then hitting enter now it's time to use composer to download magento 2.4 we first need to navigate to the web directory for our web server so we'll use that but do that by using cd space slash var slash www html now we need to switch from our super user to the magento user that we created a few moments ago so do that by entering su magento and then the password that we need to put in is magento password not the super user password let's pop that in there there we go and as you can see we're now switched to the magento user and we're in the var www.html directory in order for composer to work it needs to be run within an empty directory otherwise it will generate an error however the web directory we're now sitting in isn't empty because when we install the patchy it installed a test file and just a reminder the test file was this file and we can verify this by listing all of the contents of the directory that we're in by typing in ls space dash l a and hitting enter and that index.html file we can see in the command prompt is the file that we're looking at in our web browser right now so we need to go ahead and delete that by typing rmspace index.html and hitting enter and that will have removed that file now the directory is completely empty next thing we need to do is use composer to download the magento projects that's done by entering the following commands now pay very close attention to the fact that there's a full stop at the very end of this line a space full stop and even now that basically means here because at the very end of this command you would say where you want to install this project and by putting the dot in the command at the end rather than our location it says here and as you remember we're in the var www.html folder so that's exactly where it's going to put it so i'm going to hit enter for that to start running and it's going to ask me for a username and password now at the beginning of the video we talked about obtaining the private key and public key from the magento marketplace account which i've got copied already in my file over here so i'm gonna put in my public key as the username and then for the password that's my private key and so i'm gonna hit copy that and paste in and then it's gonna ask me if i want to save those credentials i'm gonna put in y for yes and hit enter now at this stage this can take anywhere up to 10 minutes to complete uh you'll sit on this particular screen for a while and you'll think nothing's happening and then it might even be broke but however if you just be patient after a few minutes kick into life you'll see all sorts of text flick of the screen but rather than keep you waiting i'm gonna skip ahead you should now see a screen similar to this where putty is waiting for the next commands this is when we want to take a moment to set all the necessary permissions in order for magento to run correctly now if you're actually sitting at the screen you can ignore anything in yellow the only time you need to worry is if you see something in red or if you see it something labeled as an error in this case what you're seeing is the expected results so let's address those permission issues that i just spoke about this next command is a really long one but it's actually four commands strung together into one so rather than me read this out to you i'm just going to allow you to copy and paste this article now ensure that magenzo can now access all of the necessary files folders at this point we're going to run the magento installation script use the example that i've put in the article and change the values where appropriate you'll be able to copy and paste this next command as one large block so do not try and copy and paste individual lines in terminal i'm going to go ahead and copy my commands i'm going to paste them into the ssh terminal so there i've just gone right ahead and pasted the block of text after making some tweaks that it's relevant for me so as you can see i'm running the bin magento setup in storescript i've set the base url to my ip address now very important to note that the base url doesn't have the slash at the end like you would be you doing if you were to change it inside the back in the magento just pay very close attention to that and then we've put in all my variables such as my database username and a base name and the database password for magento and i've also taken advantage of setting up an administrator for magento for me to log in as afterwards and then very importantly as well i've set an email address and that email address will be used when sending over the 2fa email in a moment which will allow me to log into magento so that will paste in i'm going to hit enter again this is somewhat of a longest one as well as you can see i'm out on four of 1206 things that need setting up if memory serves correctly this can take anywhere between two and five minutes so i'm going to let this do this thing and then again skip ahead and see you in a moment okay that didn't take as long as i thought it only took a couple of minutes as we can see we've got two success messages at the end the fact that magento installation is complete and the magento admin uri has been set so this text that we've got here slash admin underscore 1 rqrjc that's a randomly generated backend url that we've been assigned so if i go back into the browser and at the end of putting my p address put in slash admin underscore 1 r u r j c and hit enter what we should expect to see is the magento login screen now this might take a minute or so because when you load into magento for the first time after installing it everything takes a while for it to cache so let me try and log in using craig as the username that i set up and the awful password that i chose which was craig at 123 and hit sign in and you should see a message that says this you need to configure two-factor authentication in order to proceed to your store's admin area email was sent to you with further instructions this is why it was important that we installed postfix earlier on in the video that we received the email as the email contains a link for us to continue with the installation so i'm just going to go ahead and load up my emails on my other screen again as i mentioned earlier because we didn't set postfix up correctly the email would have gone to my spam folder and it might just come from owner at so just keep an eye out for that and in there you're going to see an email that says you are required to configure website-wide personal two-step authentication so if you click on the link i'm just going to copy that link and then i'm just going to paste it into my browser so that you can see and i'm given the choice of setting up google authenticator or ub key or something else i'm going to choose google authenticator and hit apply and then on the next screen it's going to ask me to load up google authenticator and scan this so i'm just going to grab my phone and i'm going to scan the qr code and then it's giving me my six digit code for me to set up in this case my mobile phone app gives me this code for me to hit confirm and 2fa is now set up so here we are logged into the backend of magento so we all know that's working correctly i guess we should look at the front end of magento as well so let's just load the front end up again this will take a few moments for it to load because it's caching everything there we go so obviously this is completely blank and there's nothing to look at but either way it's all installed and good to go but we haven't quite finished there next we need to update our memory limit let's open up our hd access file and change the default memory limits from 756 meg to let's say two gig i know we've got four to play with but let's just stick with the two gig for now because it's actually elasticsearch that needs that memory more so than magento so let's do nano dot h t access and then we're going to scroll down a little bit until we find this variable under mod php seven we're gonna get rid of seven five six m and change that four to g control x to exit y to save enter to confirm we don't need to restart apache for those changes to take effect because it's just a hd access file that we're updating after that we need to ensure that our cron tasks are running correctly this ensures that magento has a heartbeat if you will and that when you ask it to run commands or do some sort of tasks that it has the scripts running in the background for that to happen this is a very easy thing to set up we just need to do bin slash magento space cron hold on install and there we go it's installed the crons and they're good to go congratulations you've built a web server and installed magento 2.4 so let's do some bonus bits and pieces let's switch over to developer mode which is something that i like to do when i install magento first time as developer mode allows you to see errors error messages or debug things that would be much harder to do in default or production mode now i have spoke about different modes before in another video so go ahead and check that if you are interested but for the time being what we're going to enter is a bin slash magento space deploy colon mode colon set space developer and now we're in developer mode and after switching to developer mode you need to manually clear out a couple of uh caches so you'll do that by entering rmspace dash rf space and then the location of both of those folders that we want emptying so i've hit enter to do that and then we're going to do a bin slash magento space c colon c which is shorthand for cache colon clean and then we're going to hit enter for that as well so it would be a shame now to spend all this time building the web server and installing magento point 2.4 just to fill it with some sample data so i would recommend creating a backup at this stage of your installation and web server before doing anything else if you're using digitalocean the easiest way to do this is just to create yourself a snapshot and then once we finish playing around with it which we're about to do in sample data mode i guess you can call it then you can roll it back to the clean install and get your own website set up again so magenta has a really useful command for installing all of the sample data from the magento repository via composer this step can normally take a couple of minutes as well to complete like it did before when installing magento and at times it may appear nothing's happening but just give it some time and it will continuation so we're going to go ahead and put in bin magento space sample data colon deploy and hit enter and this is going to call on composer to do the installation it's going to ask us for our username and password again and as a reminder that was our private key and public key the public key is the username and the private key is the password and then we're gonna tell it to remember those credentials once again and we're going to let it do its thing i'm going to skip four in the video after the installation has taken place so it's been a couple of minutes and now putty is waiting for our next commands so we need to tell magento to run the upgrade command to finish installing our sample data so let's do that by entering bin slash magento space setup colon upgrade hitting enter this doesn't take very long so i'm not going to skip ahead but uh as you'll see you'll see the blue text flap the screen in a second as all the modules are being updated in the database we're nearly done and we're done so now if we refresh the front end and the back end i might have to log into the back end again after doing that let's just give that a second whilst it recaches everything that it's trying to load there we go we now have a front end with a bunch of sample data in it so we've got uh cms pages that are filled up we've got product pages that we can click into and if we go into the back end yep i need to put my password in again uh what was it was that terrible password craig at one two three you'll never see me use a password like that in the real world and then let's grab our authenticator code uh which 210 532 and hit confirm and we can safely log into magento2's back end and then if we go under sales we'll see some sample data orders there we go and the catalog will see some sample data products as well here we go so my recommendation if you're new to magento is to play around with the sample data reverse engineer everything see how it all works and when you feel more confident about it roll back to your backup that you did before installing the sample data and then go ahead and build your own so there you have it again just as a reminder everything that we've talked about in this video can be found in the article of which the link can be found in the description below and you can copy and paste all those commands across if you have any questions you're better using our forum as opposed to the comments the comments do get a bit spammy and it can be hard to address genuine questions so if you at least go over to our forum then either myself or one of the community members will do our best to help you out until next time guys take care
Channel: Digital Startup
Views: 37,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magento, starting an online store, build a magento store, how to, tutorial, ecommerce, web development, digitalstartup, magento 2 beginner tutorial, magento 2
Id: lu6NkGUFOnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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