How to Setup Magento on Your Computer 01/10 | Magento 2 Tutorials for Beginners (2019) | MageCafe

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hey what's up guys this is joy from Cordillera technologies bangalore in this video reminiscin how you can install and configure Magento so but before we get our hands down and already in Magento first we're going to need a couple of tools to get started so the first tool is we need a server which is which has PHP and MySQL configured along with it so since I'm on a Mac system I'm using this would called ma'am if you're on a Windows system I would recommend samp and for Linux users you always have the lamp stack or if your invention X and all its not land it's it's the lamp stack and then for nginx lovers and all you have the lamp stack as well so that's that after you have installed so I have already installed the map software on my system and it's up and running so after you have your server ready the next thing we need is cool called composer so what composer is is that if I go to the composers website it says right here then it's a dependency manager for PHP so what that means is it allows you to manage all your extensions all your a dolls which the project uses and it helps you manage the project as a whole so the problem with downloading and just unzipping Magento in your directory like how we did in Magento one is that it becomes very very difficult to actually manage or update the versions or even more difficult if you're actually using a ton of different extensions and then you need to update those extensions so manually doing it is a very tedious task so this composer comes to our rescue and we are surely going to be using this tool to actually install and I mean download and install Magento so after you have that installed so I already have my composer installed in my system if I type composer you can see that it shows up here so after you have your composer ready the next thing is we're going to be actually installing Magento so let me just open this up real quick so this is a list of you can say it's cheat sheet of the important commands which you would need to execute during your Magento development or installation process I'm going to be leaving this these commands here as well so that you also have a cheat sheet where you can copy and paste instead of searching here and there so this is the first command for downloading Magento I'm just going to copy that and then I'm going to go inside my map project through directory which in my case is applications mam htdocs and here I'm gonna okay I already have created it in a tree called Magento - I'm gonna go inside that and here I'm gonna execute the command so instead of this to point to point 7 you can have to point to point 6 or you can have to point three point 0 depending on which version you want to install so since two point three is not that stable yet so we're going to be working with two point two point seven for now and then we just press Enter so it's going to ask for the username and password here so that you can get from by logging into the Magento marketplace so if we go there and after you sign in you go to my profile and here in under access Keys you're going to get the actual username and password so you're just going to copy those and paste it here and then the installation should start so as you can see here I have put in my credentials and it's it started installing Magento project Community Edition two point two point seven so this might take some time depending on your internet speed and things like that the server's performance at the time so it should not take more than five minutes or so on average so I'm just gonna forward this video to the time when it's actually installed so as you can see the download is complete it downloaded a couple of from modules which are required from the gentle and now if I list out the files of the deductr you can see all the files which are required from the chapter to run are downloaded so next thing is actually installing the system so for that we have two different ways to do it one is we can actually go to our command line and type this command so we have to change the base URL the database name username password etc etc and that would install the Magento system but the easier way to do this which we're going to do right now is we're going to go to the directory where we installed and we are greeted with this installer so one more thing which I think you guys should know is don't try to use localhost here instead of localhost always opt for 127 point zero point zero point one when you are doing your local development because there are known issues with localhost the cookies are not set properly because of that the add to cart' doesn't work sometimes so always go for this and you're good to go alright so now we click on agree and setup Magento start the readiness check Wow everything's good to go click on next I give my username and password and already created a database for Magento 2 so you can name it whatever database you have created and then next let's change this to something simpler like admin or let's say demo admin next so all of these things we don't need to change we can just click Next because the default timezone the local currency the language all of these things can be changed later as well after the installation is complete so on this is gonna leave it as they are I'm gonna click Next and I'm going to have to create a user so I created a admin is the username choice the password is let's give something alright next and install so that would start the installation process this would also take some time but it won't take as much time as composure to download the files so let's just wait for some time you can see here we are installing the database schema and install in the deployment configuration so the installation should start at any point now so now we are actually installing the modules which are required all right so you can see that it's success we have created a username and we have created our store so this is our store URL and this is the back end for our store URL we go there the home page is opening its opening it's taking a little too much time to open let's check the back end till then the back end itself is also loading alright so we have our home page here this is the luma theme which Magento comes with so this theme is installed by default you can put your own things and also I'm going to show you those and the next videos how to install your own theme how to make your own thing things like that and also we have the backend loading as well alright so let's use the username and password which we had created and see if it logs in all right so we have our admin panel already here and we have our home page ready here so we have successfully installed Magento so in the next video so I'm going to try to make this as a series of video so that you can follow along and you can go through the ride with me and you can start developing on Magento so this video was a very basic video and it just showed you how to install and configure Magento as a bonus I'm going to show you the IDE which I prefer and which Magento most of the Magento developers prefer which is phpstorm so if you can it's not free but you will get a free trial so if you need a very good IDE which will actually improve your development time I think phpstorm is the best there is so I'll just gonna in my project which is inside so this phpstorm is what I use and what I would recommend you guys use as well to do your development on Magento so this video was I mean that concludes this video so if you have any ideas for the next videos what the next videos should be if you have any doubts which you want here please leave me a comment on the comment section below and please like and subscribe this video so that I can continue making more so thank you that's all bye bye
Channel: Codilar | Magento Development Company India
Views: 30,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Setup Magento, Magento, Magento 2, Magento basics, Magento Tutorial, Magento Tutorials for Beginners, Learn Magento, magento developers, magento tutorials, magento howto, magento guide, magento overview
Id: XwXWg5fU7tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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