How to install LS Life [Drug Mod] Fully Explained (2023) GTA 5 MODS

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hey my man what you doing out here bro okay he's just a homeless guy man no see now if you look at the top of the screen it says you need more rep before hiring more dealers all right that means that I can't get him to work for me all right cuz I don't have enough rep yet but if you wanted to just you know if you just wanted to just you know take his drugs or you know something like that type of nature then you could just simply do this go up to them knock them out and then when they die you will see a big large bag pop open all right it's floating in the river I better get [Music] it push the goddamn button push the goddamn button everybody subscribe to the channel if you haven't already go ahead and click that red button right there and also click that bell for notific ation and select all all right yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yoooo yo yo yo yo yo games and Graphics we are back at the building with another GTA 5 Mod tutorial for you and we are going to be installing LS life that's right man we're going to be doing an updated video installing LS life is created by mcal 999 shout out to the Creator now LS life hands down is one of my favorite scripts mods all around the board man I I could play this for hours all right now when you get down to this download page what you always want to do is read the full description especially on this one it has a lot of important information as well as Q&A so if you have um some issues you know in the future of you using this it has a lot of things that um you might find some solutions here right here inside of the description all right and it also mentions the requirements it's going to need script hook V and scrip hook as well as iFruit add-on and Native UI okay we are you're not going to be installing none of the requirements today although I will leave links in the description showing you how to install all of those requirements if you don't have them already all right so now once you have done finishing reading the description you want to come up here where it says current whatever version the current one is you want to go to the current and select the Green Arrow to download all right once you have your requirements installed and you have your LS life downloaded should look something like this on my left hand side I have one download that says LS life and it's going to say the version number whichever version it is and on the right hand side I have my grand theft ao5 directory opened up I have all of my requirements installed and ready to go so let's go ahead and head back to our downloads and open up our LS life folder going to open that up right there and inside the ls life folder we are going to have these files that I'm going to highlight right there okay I'm highlighted the ls life folder l LS life. dll lsli configuration settings file and it's going to be a LS lsli pdb file okay so it's going to be four files you want to highlight the same ones I have highlighted and we're going to drag and drop those to our scripts folder okay so by this time in your GTA 5 directory you should have a scripts folder cuz you're going to need native UI installed and iFruit add-on 2 installed in your scripts folder all right that's why it's important for you to make sure you have all those requirements installed so go ahead and open up your script folder in your GTA 5 directory and let's go ahead and take those four that I have highlighted over here and we're going to drop drag and drop those for right here into our scripts folder that we just made earlier with our requirements installed all right so now that is dragged and dropped let's go ahead and minimize any windows we might have open and Run the game all right once you spawn into the game what we want to do um well what I like to do is uh press insert on the keyboard to reload the scripts okay so if you have watched my um how to install scrip hook V and scrip hook I show you how to uh go into the scrip hook configuration settings and change the reload key to insert all right so I'm going to go ahead and reload the scripts as I reload the scripts after you do that you will have a duffel bag I went ahead and changed the duffel bag into a backpack but you will have a duffel bag okay if you read the full description it will let you know you'll have a duffel bag that is what you will be carrying your future drugs in now in order to go get some drugs we're going to have to open up our phone open up the contacts scroll down to the bottom and you will see you will have a new contact called Z go ahead and contact Z then there will be a menu on the left side of the screen in the corner that will pop up and you will have some options the first option will be dealing second one will be order drugs third will be buy weapons and then ask for lift and pay deth and then you have options okay and options you can go ahead and um adjust where you want this at if you want to change it from the position of the left to the right or wherever you want this menu at all right and let's go ahead and start with um buying some drugs okay cuz we are first going to need to some drugs you know in order to sell drugs so let's go to order drugs and select that then you will have the option to select what type of drugs you want to purchase so we're going to go ahead and select weed and then you have a uh a multiplier right here also that you could adjust it to like you know to hurry up and just you know get a certain amount get the full amount that you could get so right now the full amount that we could get is uh 180 Oz okay and for that it says what order 20 order 24 3,600 all right so before you do this you want to make sure that you have some money on your character of course and you do have credit okay you have up to $1,001 in credit all right so we want to select after we select the amount of drugs we want we want to select order once we select order we want to back out now we can go to another drug and make an order of that and as you see right here this is the order so far okay this is the order so far so it's pretty much like putting it in our checkout basket okay so that's what we're doing right now let's go in and C and uh let's go ahead and up that by the most we can with that and it is uh order three for uh 1,200 let's go ahead and select that and if you look beneath it if you look beneath where it says weed crack and Coke it uh lets us know the amount that we had um ordered and it lets us know the bill as well now we are going to go back out and go to cocaine all right cocaine is the third option right here then we're going to select how much we want go down to order select that now that we have um ordered the most that we can from these drugs because we on reputation one when you starting out there's only so um so much amount of drugs that you're able to get so let's go down and select place order of 7,400 all right as you can see above the mini map we have a message saying okay go meet my people in Mirror Park they will sort you out all right so what we want to do is go ahead and jump in our car all right and if I open up uh the the mini map or if you just look on my mini map you will see that we have a GPS I'm going open up the big map and you can see that we have a blip over here of a uh crate and that is where our drug pickup is going to be at all right so let's hurry up and make our way over there don't want to be late all right we finally found our connect all right we're going to go over here to the connect it's usually going to be the older guy this guy over here we just walk up close to them and then if you look in the top left of the screen it will give you instructions go ahead and uh follow those instructions there we go now that we have paid them and did the deal we uh look at the back of the vehicle you'll see a marker and instructions also and it will tell you to take the drugs all right so now that we had took the drugs we got the drugs on us let's go ahead and head out all right now before we can sell these drugs we are going to need to take these drugs to the Stash House stash them and then take them back out in order to to sell them so in order to get a stash house let's open up our map so when you open up the map you're going to have two new blips well three new blips actually it's going to be three stash houses it's going to be one right over here in Chamberlain Hills then another one over here in Rancho and the third one will be over here over by trevors in uh Sandy Shores okay so we're going to go ahead and uh select I guess uh one of these doesn't matter we'll select one of these I'll drive over there to it all right we are in the area where our um Stash House is at go over here and go over here now uh side note uh probably should have mentioned this earlier but um it's no biggy but if you it probably be better to run uh LS life without open all Interiors okay by having open all Interiors installed um it could conflict with the stash houses okay with you coming out of uh with you going in and out of the same location okay with uh open all Interiors they have these markers everywhere around the map for different Interiors so I suggest definitely running LS life without open all Interiors instead use enable all Interiors all right that also um is uh mentioned down in the description on the download Page by the author so when you get over to whatever Stash House that you want to purchase you're going to see a marker walk into the marker then look at the instructions in the top left of the screen make sure that you have some money to buy it once you purchase it it's going to turn green okay um the ones that aren't PCH are the ones that are not bought yet they're going to be yellow and the ones that you do buy are going to be green okay so after you purchase it go ahead and press the button to enter into your stash house and as you can see we are in our Stash House like a hotel room if you look ahead of you you're going to see a green marker in front of the closet you walk there it's going to open up the stash open up the stash and since we got drugs that we need to stash before we can take them let's go ahead and select stash so this is the process you want to go through um when you purchase your drugs from your connect from Z okay you want to always take the drugs back to your Stash House put it in the stash all right so what we have is uh 20 20 o of weed and uh 20 oz of no we have 20 o of weed 3 o of crack and 2 oz of cocaine okay so what we're going to do is Shuffle that all the way over that will put everything that you see in that category that will put everything over and we want to select the button press the button in um probably going to press e on the keyboard or press uh a if you're using the controller a orx uh whether it's Xbox or PlayStation controller but you're just going to select it okay so you want to adjust how much you want to stash and then press the button once you have done that we can exit out of the stash by pressing the back button and now we can go to take okay we're going to select take now if you see we have the same amount that we had just put in the stash we have about what 20 oz of weed 3 oz of crack and 2 oz of cocaine so if you want to take everything out with you you could always adjust the multiplier right there so you can do it a little quicker all right go down here and select that all right once you're done doing that you could select the button again just to confirm it you want to select a button all right and then that will uh show that we have all of the drugs on us okay so now we can go ahead and sell the drugs all right so it's kind of like some little realistic stuff I guess if you know get drugs you got to package them up do all that so you can kind of consider this as uh you getting your drugs and taking it to the stash house and packaging everything up all right so now that we have all of our drugs packaged up and ready to be sold let's go ahead and open up our phone go through our contacts scroll to the bottom and call Z now we have our menu up on the left side we want to start dealing select dealing then it will have options on which one of your drugs you want to deal or you could check all of them and sell all of them once you have that let's go down to the bottom and confirm start dealing once you confirm start dealing you'll see a little message at the bottom of the mini map or at the top of your mini map saying okay I'll put the word out next thing you know you will start to get um little notifications from Z from certain customers that are all over the map and um you will also see these little blue dots these little blue dots right here are going to be customers they're going to be people and they will be coming towards you all right so here goes the example right here if you're in the car you can go ahead and sit in the car the customer will automatically get in any available seat that you may have if you don't have available seats then the customer will just wait outside and once they get inside if you look at the top left of the screen it's going to say to sale from car go ahead and select that button and then select the amount that the customer is trying to get how are you if you don't have enough um thank you you won't be able to sell to them okay so we're going to let this other person get in going to sell to them too they want 2 G of weed we have 19 Oz and 22 G of weed left so we definitely could sell her two gs than there you go now you want to be careful where you sell your drugs at make sure there's no cops around if you look that we just got a uh notice right here above the mini map saying can you do 14 G of cocaine for 12200 to a certain person and you got the option to reject it or accept it let's go ahead and accept it and if you look on the mini map you will see your GPS going towards the destination of where that customer is waiting for you at so you're just going to go over here in my case the customer is down here in uh the little sewer area down here so we're just going to up there we go go down here all right so as you when the customer when you get to the customer that you accepted the order when you get close they should start making their way to you if they're not if they're just still standing there then you have to get a little closer to them and as you can see they get in the car just follow the instructions sell to them and they'll be get to out that's it there is another customer around there usually if you sit somewhere long enough enough there will just be customers that'll just start to just pop up and come towards you and there will be also other dealers out here as well okay we'll go through the dealers as well try not to make this a long super tutorial now the dealers you going to have to um up your reputation level in order to deal or in order to uh get dealers to sell for you pretty much okay so if you wanted to stop dealing okay see like you wanted to stop dealing you want press L on the keyboard by selecting L on the keyboard if you you'll get a message above the mini map saying Street dealing cancel okay so now you're not selling any drugs all right if you want to know your reputation level call Z by open up the phone going into your contacts and you will see the rep level 75 right now um level zero okay so that's like U your rep is like little points right there the more rep that you get then the more levels that you could you know um um progress to okay um I'm not quite sure exactly what um levels that you need for different features to be unlocked but for right now let's go through the dealers this is another way that I like to see dealers no matter where you're at in the map always pay attention to people that just linger around all right and if you just watch them long enough you might see other people walking to them and buying drugs like this guy right here he looks kind of skeptical right there let's go ahead and uh just walk over to him and see what happens okay so when you walk over to somebody like this that you think they're selling drugs just walk close to them they'll eventually uh you know see you or whatnot is he peeing or something all right this guy's really trying to avoid me right now doesn't seem like he wants to be on TV I I mean on YouTube yo hey my man what you doing out here bro okay he's just a homeless guy man no see now if you look at the top of the screen it says you need more rep before hiring more dealers all right that means that I can't get him to work for me all right cuz I don't have enough rep yet but if you wanted to just you know if you just wanted to just you know take his drugs or you know something like that type of nature then you can just simply do this go up to them knock them out and then when they die you will see a big large bag pop open all right it's floating in the river I better get it now when you get the bag you look at the bottom of the screen it'll let you know how much drugs and money was in that bag in on that drug dealer but it's not that easy when you just kill a a drug dealer and take his drugs usually when you kill a opposing drug dealer they will have their own gang enemies or their own click or people that will be on their way to that location and they will be um like the whole car will be deep there'll be about probably four or five deep depending on how many seats is in that car and they will all jump out and try to kill you okay so um just be aware of that every time that you kill another dealer and take his bag there are going to be other enemies on their way to kill you and even if they don't get to you right here they might get to you a little later on all right so that's the dealer part right there and we went through the stash uh the stash house right there in order to um get more reputation what you want to do is just continue to sell okay so um if you play the game um no matter what you're doing just go ahead and just call Z and just you know get to selling and when Z gives you orders try to make those orders the ones that you have to drive to try to uh make those orders that way you could um get more reputation as well okay so it's all about taking orders in um well let's get out these tracks it's all about taking orders ERS and uh doing hand inand sales as well all right what I'm going to do is uh park right here in front of the police station doesn't look like any police is out right now at this time but we're still going to go ahead and uh jump out probably put the gun up probably up then we're going to go ahead and call Z all right get the dym right here in front of the police station there we go we're going to reject um the call uh for um a drop off because I want to show you something right here in front of the police station and I have a customer on their way right now now usually this uh you will get like a message above the mini map if you choose to sell in front of police it'll be like oh they spotted you and this and that but um I don't see any police out here okay so let's go ahead and try to sell to this guy right now what's up so this is your hand toand sales right here hey what's up hey what's up you just walk up close to somebody wait for the the prompt to pop up at the top left of the screen and go ahead and do that okay okay so I have a officer walking up to me right now but he is a customer okay you will have police that will buy drugs from you how you doing and you will have people um police and regular people that will buy drugs from you and then turn around and try to kill you okay so you got to be aware of that also they will try to you know rob you or you know just straight kill you okay and that could be anybody thank you all right so yeah that's that's kind of weird right now was I guess it has to be some other cops present when they see you so if you're selling on the streets and a cop car is passing by and they're not a customer um you're going to get a message saying that the police spot that you're selling in this area and that um you're going to have a lot of heat okay so if you're in the area taking some heat all you got to do is just switch a different area try not to do too many things outside like I'm doing all in the middle of the street pretty much but not in the middle of the street but where everybody can see me selling drugs me myself I like to do it discreetly out of uh stores like clothing stores the the barber shop yep all right so I think that pretty much covers it um for this right here um if you want to know more feel free to leave a comment in the comment section and also check out my uh previous videos I have a um a whole series that I make with ls life called selling drugs so uh if you want to see more on um how I utilize LS life with um other scripts as well then feel free to check out that series it's called selling drugs drugs it's a playlist on my Channel all right well I'm going to go ahead and continue to sell these drugs you know we're starting at the bottom start the from the bottom now we here so we're going to go ahead and sell these drugs and while we do that if this helped y'all out to install it and better understand LS life feel free to smash that like button for me definitely subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and share the video with your friends in the modding GTA 5 y' this game and Graphics me can be bowling ass Frank we go sell our drugs chill out till next time I ain't scared of you [Music] [ __ ] oh
Channel: Games & Graphics
Views: 95,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 mods, gta 5 mods games and graphics, games and graphics, real life mods games and graphics, gta 5 mods pc, Installing LS Life [Drug Mod] Fully Explained (2023) GTA 5 MODS, ls life mod gta 5, ls life mod gta 5 install, ls life mod gta 5 gameplay, gta 5 ls life mod install 2023, ls life 2023, How to install LS Life [Drug Mod] Fully Explained (2023) GTA 5 MODS
Id: ZzU0xBDkXoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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