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[Music] what's up youtube it's your boy sean checking in once again and i'm back again with another video man i already know how i go man if you're new to the channel you feeling the vibes comment down below hit the bell and subscribe yes sir okay today i'm here to respond to tons and tons of people i'm actually doing a troubleshooting video on ls life so we're gonna jump right into it i'm hitting this search bar i'm typing in ls life this the joint right here by my big dog mca l9909 mk what's up patna all right the most frequent question that i get matter of fact i'm gonna show y'all i'm gonna show you guys i'm gonna show y'all the most frequent questions i get look at this dude right here boy why is was a person anyway let's not get copyrighted my channel videos a25 what are we doing hey bud hey all right let's go straight to it uh where are we at there it is right here all right so i ain't gonna really play the audio but let me see all right so the main question i get the main question i get let's look for it boom by my dog brayden young i've redone this smile like five times and check that everything is up to date but still there's no z contact i'm playing on epic games gta can anyone help this is like i'm in desperate need of help went through all the instructions so the biggest issue everyone is having is not seeing z's contact at all i'm gonna answer these questions for y'all and hopefully this video will help you all out all right so why did i do that big shout out to you big dog all right so first things first let's take a look at the requirements right our fruit add on to and native ui right so a lot of y'all think like okay sometimes a matter of fact let's go here let's go uh where's the where's the faq freak frequently asked questions comments i'm not even sure where the frequently asked questions are but that is one of the most frequently at matter of fact boom here you go right here so when you produce that log almost every time it's going to say that hey something's out of date native ui or our fruit add-on 2 is out of date almost every time the other issue that i'm seeing with a lot of people i'm gonna show you guys and not trying to pick on anybody bruh i'm just using this as an example this would be a pretty good example because nothing was really out of place here but let's see one thing there's tons and tons and tons of things in this scripts folder um you know i like to have a habit of keeping a safe and healthy scripts folder so what that means is i don't like to have everything overloaded because when you get tons and tons of scripts in here like this especially this guy right here the persistence mod has been known to work great at first and then start lagging and crashing um so just try to get in the habit of keeping a lot of your scripts into a separate fold on your desktop until you need to use them right let's look through a few more of these one thing i did see in somebody else's is let me see these heap adjusters i don't use heap of justice at all um to each his own let's see here we go script hooks i don't do the xml documents either so if you have so you should have let me see you should have the dll files the applications right it should be scripthookv.d.net3.dll it should be scripthookv.net2dll and it should be the if you have xmls in a script hook take those out i don't use them at all and i have never had an issue with ls life ever all right a lot of times i see a lot of people have the wrong stuff like they say hey man i did everything i was supposed to do you know what i'm saying i don't know what happened i asked them to see a screenshot of their uh you know folders and almost every time they have the wrong stuff in the wrong places i don't understand how you know that that goes over a lot of people's heads but they have uh almost every time they have stuff that should be in a script folder in the main directory and stuff that should be in the main directory in the scripts folder um but this right here i would definitely reduce this definitely it's just too much going on in here all right so one you could have so many things in your folders that they start to clash with each other that's number one all right number two all of your stuff needs to be updated when i say all of your stuff i'm simply talking about boom the native ui and our fruit add-on too so it is a healthy practice to just say you know what i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna re-download native ui all right and then i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna re-download our fruit add-on too just re-download your requirements all right once you download both requirements put them back in and that should help a lot of people out but also make sure when you redo your requirements make sure everything is in the right place in both of your folders and three make sure you don't have a folder overloaded with stuff like you know and i can't stress this enough you do not need 68 scripts in at once if you got 68 scripts in at once and i hate to sign me but you should not be complaining about your computer malfunctioning you have no right to complain about a computer malfunctioning if you have a ton of stuff in there i mean i'm just going to call a spade a spade man i'ma show you all my scripts folder show you my joint boom this is my scripts folder right here and i'm not even using this anymore so i'm gonna take this out i'm not using this right now so i'm gonna take that out and i don't have any issues bro i think that was part of it that burger shop video i just did but that's pretty much what i keep in my folder if i say hey i want to do this i'll throw it in there other than that i keep all my other scripts right here on my desktop so if you got a ton ton tons and tons of scripts put them make a script folder put them on your desktop right here now let's say i wanted to do i don't know let's say i wanted to do math dealing simply open it up take these drag them down to my scripts folder and boom then when i'm doing it and i'm playing and i say hey i don't want to do that no more either take them back up here or just delete them boom safe and healthy scripts photo right here still and i still got it right here if i need to get it again also one thing i would like to get in the habit of doing is before i start playing i will go back on gta5 pull this up and make sure there hasn't been any updates so the name of the game is regularly regularly make sure all your stuff is updated on a regular make sure your stuff is updated make sure to stay updated um so i'm gonna go over this again one re-update your stuff and i'm gonna do that right now i have no issues with ls life z pops up and everything but i'm gonna do this right in front of y'all all right so i'm gonna come right back here to ls life may 1st 2021 i'm not sure if i have i'm pretty sure i do have i don't know i'm just going to re re-download everything all right so i got ls life download come back here to github i'm going to download our fruit add-on too that's this joint right here all right boom and then i'm gonna come back here and re-download native ui let's join right here boom that was fast all right those are the only requirements really uh then you got scripthook v i mean if your game runs fine you don't really need to re-download or update your scripthook v and y'all know when it's time to update that when the game start working all right so let's go ahead and do i'm in my scripts folder so let's go ahead and update our fruit add-on to and native ui and ls life all right ls light first i'm going to take and y'all can see everything over here so that's the ls life i and i the dll and the folder boom boom boom the first three things in some people's i've seen them highlight everything and drag everything over here don't know how that's gonna work out for you but this is what i do i get the i and i the dll and the folder just three items that's it and i drag them over here release it's gonna ask me do i wanna replace let's go ahead and replace them all for the sake of this video right all right our fruit add-on too boom one because it's going to make its own folder so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to delete the ifruit add-on 2 folder because that's your configuration in your logs and all that good stuff um let me see i'm gonna just delete that and i'm gonna let it make its own folder again so i'm gonna grab this bring it over here release replace boom so when you go out play the game and go back in you will see the afro add-on to folder created by itself all right then i'm going to go to release this is native ui i'm going to grab these two joints right here actually when is the last time i updated native ui it's been a minute but anyway i'm gonna grab these two bring them over i can't remember when the last time i updated any ui replace these two files boom so now i just replace ls life i through add-on 2 and i replace native ui right see the dates 5-2 wait a minute it's 6 20 what the heck anyway i don't know how they date modified blah blah blah anyway so we did that now let's go back i'm showing y'all what mine look like this is everything i got in my script for i'm not telling you to take out all your stuff just keep a healthy amount and know what your computer can do um if you if if your computer is like i don't know 12 gigs of ram or you know what i'm saying eight gigs of ram and you got like 50 scripts in hey man all right so let's back up now we are in the main gta 5 directory so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you guys i got open interiors i have nothing crazy in here all right like i said script v all my scripthook v's this is it now script hook v will make its own text document after playing for a while two four six that's all i got in here i have no xml script hook v files no xml so if you look on your grand theft 505 and you got a xml document i really can't say what that does because i don't use it and i don't run into issues with ls life so my advice is to take it out all right so as you can see file types i have no xml files under my script hooks in my main gta 5 directory all right um and that's pretty much it man so we finna launch the game and when we finish see what's going on all right so let's go ahead and do that now y'all hang tight all right guys we are back in the game and as y'all can see off rip i'm telling y'all right now to smash that sub button if you haven't already yes sir remember i got 77 percent of viewers that watch my channel that do not hit that sub button now is the time we are coming up on 1 000 subs run the numbers up for your boy stop playing all right so y'all see when y'all first start the game guys the duffel bag signifies that the ls life mod is working that's why you keep your work at that's where you keep your money at all right i know sometimes to some people i you know i hear this a lot the bag can get aggravated so simply just pull up in my menu i use simple trainer of course model spawning go down to the close menu go down to accessory 2 and push stick to the left to take that off all right so i'm gonna pull up my contacts and push up and boom there is z so i'm gonna go ahead and go through the motions for y'all i'm gonna go ahead and order some drugs real quick like place a 7 400 order yeah [Music] let's take the box let's take the box all right so we're gonna head over here to the spot i'm just going through the motion for y'all just so y'all can see that that method does work woo too close now if y'all driving and the yellow market happens to go away don't panic just look for the crate on the map this crate right here if it if the yellow marker goes away it's okay it's gonna say drug pickup so just look for the drug pickup right i've had questions about that also [Music] they always want to be in a mercedes truck a g wagon there they go right there you pull up two cats gonna hop out now if it's a little order you can walk right up and grab it just pay the man money all right then you get the drugs thank you see you later now if you ever get the message that you need a stash vehicle all you're going to do is go to any vehicle does not matter what vehicle it is and then you're going to push the letter in on the keyboard and that's going to make whatever vehicle you are in a stash vehicle that's it push the letter in again and it will no longer be a status vehicle right now what's a stash vehicle well i'll show you i'll push in now it's a status vehicle when you hop out you'll see a green marker at the trunk area come to the trunk it would allow you to open up the trunk here you can take your drugs and you can stash your drugs i'm gonna say take but i don't have nothing to take because there's nothing stashed in the car but i do have drugs on me i just picked up so i'm gonna stash them okay it's showing us we got 20 ounces of weed three ounces of the crack of the cocaine anytime you pick up work it will be red you cannot sell it you have to take it to a stash house first and then you can take it right back out i'm gonna show you guys so i like to put this on the highest multiplier so i can just boom now i no longer have any work now we got to go to a stash house to stash the drugs before we can sell now real quick i will say this there is an issue with the stash house out here in sandy pines this stash house right here does not allow you to uh stash any drugs in it if you really want to use that stash house let me know my discord link is in the description and i can make it work for you or i can do a custom order and turn almost any house that you can go inside of a stash house in fact any house you can go inside of i can make a stash out for you so just hit me up single play apartments don't really work well anything else i can do it for you all right so we pulling up to a stash house now before we go on the stash house let's get the work out the trunk that we just put in there you're gonna go to take put the on put the multiplier on the highest one by pushing left to shoot it all the way up so that way you ain't got to worry about let's say it's on 10. you gotta let me see now let's say it's on one you gotta go three four five see all the t get out of 20. now just throw it up to the highest number and that's going to be a hundred thousand and just hit right boom boom boom and you out of there now close the trunk first you got it now it's your first time you're gonna have to buy this purchase of 250 dollars now that we bought it we can enter the stash house all right that's how i look now if you have single player apartments on this may mess you up because when you get ready to leave it may put you somewhere out in the country so if you got single player apartments on now excuse me not saying i'll play apartments but uh open all interiors sometimes open all interiors will conflict with ls life telling you from experience that's another example of uh scripts conflicting with other scripts okay so let's open this stash we're going to put stash multiplier all the way up boom boom and as soon as we stash it we can go back out go to take and now we can take it we can take what we just bought multiply up and now we gotta work on this man let's leave a stash house see that open our interiors will do that to you almost every single time i'm glad it did it i'm glad it did it i just got it out my mouth so we're gonna come back over here to the hood now all stash houses will remain white until you purchase them then they turn green so as you can see on the map this stash house which is which once was white is now green another thing if you leave this a stash house vehicle you are prone to getting followed by the police a little more than you would if you were to push in and make this or and not make this a stash field so i like to push in because i don't like it to be a stash vehicle all the time now what i'm gonna do here's the up i'm gonna sell i'm gonna go to dealing start dealing boom you're gonna put the word out i'm junkies gonna come running you can make some money boom there we go right there first sale still 13 grand but we i ain't got that much we only got i think i got twenty appreciate it keeps getting pranked [Music] good so this is pretty much what it is right here man pretty much what it is if you guys follow my instructions i guarantee you you will prevail if you are still having issues after following all of my instructions i promise you this don't panic retrace all your steps take a deep look at all of your folders if you want to uh hit me up on discord i'm telling you i'm not the creator i do know the creator you know he's a good person but i'm positive he there is not a glitch there's not nothing wrong with this mod um everything that me and him have trouble shooting it's always been used the air always been used so hit me up on discord man i'll take a look at it for you i give you advice as to what it is i would recommend you do but like i said i can't i can't you know what i'm saying you know so just just bear with us but don't panic thank you take your time look at your stuff get it right you feel what i'm saying how you living i'm about to sell out over here man hey gracias let me get out of the car handle this [ __ ] you don't give a [ __ ] as long as the police don't come even in the shootout you can still say as long as the police don't come [Music] what that's pretty much gonna conclude my tutorial man i want to see if i got enough to make this drop already she talking about some bread cup when you don't have enough you can't run to your stash spot get it then server but i ain't got no more so i'm just gonna say see ya do what i'm saying uh finding a dealer on the street first you got to get your rank up got to get that level up i'll show you what i mean by that i'm rep 75 so i probably can't get no workers right now how are you you need more rep before hiring some deal see uh how i know he was a dealer he was just standing he wasn't doing any type of animations dealers are just going to be standing there blank face that's the easiest way to find them so once i get my rep up how you get your rep up i'll show you how whoa who in the hell is in my car oh roll roll bro bro bro hold on bro no oh man no no no no no no no no no no bro how come i can't get in my car okay that's how you get my work right there rival dealer now y'all see these red dots well you get beef with a dealer bro you got beef with a dealer telling you they're gonna bring also if you run across somebody and they say hey you need more rep you can't hire no more dealers if you want to just knock them off and get they dope knock them off and get they dope that's fine too that's how you get my work so all these red dots bro you got to take them out they coming bro there you go [ __ ] which i pretty much get the chips of it man i got a lot of beef but that's pretty much gonna wrap up everything that i wanted to show y'all if y'all got any questions whatsoever hit me up in the comments hit me up on the discord y'all been doing a good job of that i need y'all to smash that smash that sub button share this channel this was call of duty behind boys anyway i need y'all to share this channel man uh everywhere youtube shout me out shout your boy out uh like i said i hope this helps everybody out um yeah that's pretty much it man big shout out to my dog uh ncal uh 9909 if y'all need any of us hit us up in the discords man um i'm out i gotta find my damn car that old lady that took off on my [ __ ] you
Channel: Gaming with Deshon
Views: 21,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #lslife, #how to fix, GTA 5, mods
Id: VhiqnwYStu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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