How to install Logseq and open your first graph

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so I wanted to talk about how to install lock seek and open your first graph a lot of the tutorials are assuming you already have that set up and that might just not be the case if you're that person then this is the video for you and I also will talk a bit about the differences between SAS and log seek and why you have to do these extra steps to get going [Music] now you might wonder what's SASS and SAS stands for software as a service basically it means Gmail notion any web application that you just make an account log in and use it and this has become the standard as the internet has grown but it comes with a major drawback even though they'll take all the heavy lifting out of your hands like the backups saving it storing it making it available everywhere you are giving them your data and by Design they have to be able to access that data else they can provide you the service if Google can't read my mail it also can search through my mail and find me that one email I'm looking for that I had when I made a reservation three years ago that's the benefits of SAS but if privacy is important then local becomes very very nice and essential what that means is that when I use look seek all my notes everything I've written down is on the device I'm working on that means that if I'm in a plane and I don't have internet I can still easily make all my notes type look things up because everything is there but it also puts part of the responsibility on me I have to keep these files safe because making a copy of your graph is trivially easy for anybody that has unlimited access to your system I mean if you have lock seek open and you don't lock your system and I walk by I can just pop in a USB drive and make a copy in two minutes so you have to be careful this is the constant trade-off that you're doing we're talking about security privacy and the work that comes within don't fret too much though nearly all systems these days have disk encryption meaning that if you're logged out or your system is off people can't access your notes and if you as long as you lock your screen when you walk away nobody should be able to just Crouch through it and it's just as bad as if you don't leave it locked because people can still go through your notes and you might not want them definitely if you put like personal thoughts in there that need a little bit more context to be fully understood now you might have heard about Loch Chic sync and how does that work then because you're sending your data to look seek can't they just read your information no because they use zero trust setups and what that means is the same as with a password manager is that you have a password to log in to the system but you also have a password to encrypt your data so with lockseek you have two passwords you have a username password that connects you to the machine tells you you are saying like hey I got data here and you get a second password and you use that to encrypt all your data before you send it to look seek so logic just has this blob of unreadable mess to them and all they know is that if you connect with a different device and you log in with your system they can give you this blob of unreadable data and you can take that and take that other passwords you have and decrypt it this is also why it's important to use different passwords for your login to logseek and your graph if you want to be fully secure now I could talk about how to manage this on yourself like if you're doing your own syncing but that's a whole different in that topic and I'm not gonna cover that this week we're gonna look at how to actually get loxic installed so now the first step is to actually get lock seek and for that you go to the website and there you have a couple of options so you have like the download button on the top and you have a download button here below like the examples this button Auto adjusts to the operating system you are on so if you would go here with a Windows or Mac machine it would show a Windows download or a Mac download if the website does a bad detection you can still click on downloads on top here and that will give you a page where you can just manually pick which version you want to have so for Mac OS for example that you can get an Intel chip or an apple silicon chip version and also IOS and Android then after you download it let's click on this to start the download in my case and now it starts to fetch the app image for Linux one more thing to know is that if you want really fine controls like you need a specific version you can scroll all the way down the website and there should be this weird icon but that icon is from GitHub and that is the source code for Luxy because it's open source everybody can open it I'm gonna go Zoom this in a bit this is the loxic source code anybody can add contribute to this there's of course some gatekeeping to make sure that bad changes don't automatically get merged but with a bit of back and forth most changes will get added and there you see an option that says releases now what does releases do every version of lockseek ever released will be here and it will be built so you see the latest version I've got here the zero nine free Beta And if we go down there's packages for Android Darwin which is Mac OS Linux windows are all under each other and I can go down and go like to an older version and find it there as well you won't often need it but if the latest version for some Fair case breaks things you can always go here and say like hey I just need an older version that works until the new version comes out now for obvious reasons I already have lockseek running on this system but I will make a couple of recordings about how the installation looks for Windows you click on the extra and you follow the wizard and it installs lockseek for you on Mac you drag the application to your applications folder to install it and on Linux you right click on your download make it executable and then you can double click it locksick installed but now what first of all you need to start it and then I can just double click it in Windows you can find in your start bar in Mac you can find it in applications and you'll get this nice introduction so it's a bit of text that should help you get along shows you videos and things that you could do to get started I recommend reading through this or at least skimming it to find out what you need but if you really want to make long-term notes you need to be able to save them somewhere and that's what is at a graph button comes in so if I click on that what it basically does is asks for a folder that it can put your notes in and that you can keep safe so I can say choose a folder I get like my folder download I go to my home make a folder here I have to make a folder because else will complain that they're stuffing but I usually call it something like notes and personally what I do is that I have this notes folder but because I might want to have multiple graphs I usually start with a personal it's a typo go back make another folder call it personal so I make like a personal folder under node so notes are all my graphs and personal is my first graph and this means that I can have multiple graphs under notes and I just have one place that I want to secure and back up for later now I click on open and I should work fine it should show me the empty journal and this is that blank page moment that you might be dreading where you're going okay and now what now if you don't want to start from scratch I made a quick start template or basic graph that you can download unpack and open to get started quickly right so now you have your loxic installed in your first graph setup a few very important things to know once you have this one make backups of your graph because it's local that means that if it doesn't get copied anywhere you might lose it use something like iDrive a USB drive I have one here like something like this just something simple to make a backup you can also copy it to a USB stick just make sure it's somewhere safe so that if anything happens to your system you still have your important notes that said what happens often is that people copy these notes or place those notes on something like Google drive or iCloud and the problem with a cloud syncing service I've seen this multiple times and I help multiple people with it is that you get into like a tug of war between the cloud service and log seek and the end result at least on the user side is that loxic is very slow and then I get complaints I'm like why is lock 6 slow why why doesn't this program work so what happens is lock seek makes a change writes it to a file and then the Cloud Server starts uploading that file because it sees it changed file but you keep writing and you write a lot faster than this syncing up and down to the internet I mean it's fast but it's not that fast so what happens is when you write your second work log seek wants to save that and then the sync surface goes like no I'm still syncing the last change you made and then has to wait and waiting when you're typing even it's just a couple of milliseconds is a horrible writing experience so if you have that test if it's your if this problem is the case by moving your graph to like your desktop or opening a new graph on the desktop if you don't want to move files around and if it becomes instantly Snappy and faster then you have this issue I'm going to ask go down in the description I'll put a specific Link in it probably just a Google form to collect uh names from people saying like hey I had this issue and I thought it was lock seek because I want to report that back and say like hey this is something you need to fix because I don't think that the people that open it for the first time and get like a bad experience will come complain about it they will just not use loxic which would be a horrible terrible shame right so things out of the way now that you have to set up what do you do with it because like if you look at this you're like okay this is this looks intimidating with like it's not intimidating because there's a lot of text but it's even like what do I do now am I basic tip here because I'm not gonna go in a full getting started guide because there's already videos about that and I'll probably make a video as well at some point it's just start journaling just take today's page and write down whatever you're doing or what you thought was interested copy paste a couple of links in it because um yeah like making a video it might not look like much but the basic thing the thing that I hear most people say like this is why they like look sick is because the journaling is made so easy just opening lock C get your today page and you just write down whatever comes in your head and you don't have to block references you don't have to link it you just have a day by day journal and if you have a long Journal then you can just scroll down to go back in time that's already enough enough to get started and then there's plenty of time to learn block references and linking things together and making complex structures and if you do want a quick jump start then you know I highly recommend looking at my getting started template because I build it specifically for people to say like hey I would like a little bit more than a full blank slate but bus you might ask like okay great I have this set up but I'm using this in a corporate environment and I don't have time to go down a rabbit hole of 16 000 YouTube videos to explain to me how to effectively use this or go through a full course is there any quick way to get from A to B and you're in luck because I'm setting up a workshop the workshop is just one and a half hour video call where you can ask questions do things and where I have slides to talk about like the usage within a corporate environment pitfalls to watch out things to skip over basically all the experience I accumulated using this in a large Enterprise in environments if you want to sign up then there's a link in the description down below and I just hope to see you there and if not no problem because thank you for watching remember you're awesome and keep it up foreign [Music]
Channel: Tools on Tech
Views: 3,768
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Id: g4w3Pq0Ghjg
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Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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