Start quick by using this Logseq Starter Kit

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hey welcome to tools on Tech and today I wanted to talk about a quick starter kit that I made for lock seek you can download the zip file the link is in the description down below and let's get to it and see what you get so quick overview and that is that I have things about books companies contacts projects and task lists and on the bottom you see my workflow we're gonna go through each one quickly though I'm gonna group a couple because they're basically the same but if you use my template then if you go to tools on Tech you will find a getting started page and that will take you through the same steps there also will be a video in here but it's not right now because well I'm recording it and I can't time travel let's start with the my page as a point of starting out so the reason why I have this my page is because I want to remove the views from the data one of the problems that I have is that if I make something like a book and I put all my overview in there then book becomes very busy because everything that links will be part of the references and I don't like that so what I do is I make something called my books and that one is just the query that shows me the total overview of elements then let's have a look at my workflow and my workflow is a page that I use to basically show myself what elements I have things that are in there are references to my so my my base overview my context my projects though I don't really update that that much because I add them to my favorites or constantly use them anyway so they're part of my head it's mostly for me to keep track of the tags my purpose with them and to think about them and so I have a couple or one is the hashtag and f that you see here which means no filter and that one I use when I have filters where I want to filter out certain elements because they get in the way of the total view for example I want to filter out a template or I want to filter out one or two elements that are not really related to the setup or I already processed and I just add this tag and in my query I say not and then the NF tag and remove them other things that I use a lot and this is also where you already see I added the NF tag here because all these tags I don't want these tags to be showing up when I make the total list for them so now if I make a list for visit I could make a query set like hey take a set of visit but don't show me the NF ones visit here uh is when I visit someone in person and I make notes afterwards call is for when I get called but someone and I make some notes afterwards meeting is when I'm actually in a meeting usually a zoom or teams call with multiple people and finally ideas anytime I have an idea for a YouTube video or tweet or maybe even something else anything that pops up in my head I just Ram it into my journal and Mark it with the hashtag idea and that groups those things together and allows me to go back in time I use mostly meeting and ID and practice but you know to each their own then I have the to do tags and the to do tags are very much things that I need to do and I want to tag because I want to group them so I personally have a couple of examples here one is the hashtag research that I use for anything that I need to do research on so stuff I want to read I want to go through Google it's a certain mindset when I feel like hey I want to dive into some of these research topics then I got the hashtag play and that one's more for when I don't feel like doing anything uh super productive I just want to mess around with things very often things like code new applications that I want to try or play with that I felt interesting maybe even some small games but that usually is more my free time set and I don't need to put that into like a hashtag play Then whiteboard and a whiteboard very much is needed in my case because I have things that I want to whiteboard out I want to think about them but the problem that I have is the Whiteboard is over here and not at home so by grouping them together I know like hey I'm near the Whiteboard now I want to do some free thinking and writing down I look up the tasks that are marked whiteboard and then the final tag that I have in here is the hashtag process and I use those when I make notes and I don't have time to clean them up right away so I know this is important I need to process this but I need to do it either today or tomorrow because after that I'll probably forget the details that I need to keep value into this note so then I do a to-do process there and at the end of the day I check if there's any to do process left and if that's the case then I go through that and make sure that all the stuff that is in my head is in my notes because if I try to do that a week later I will have forgotten everything that was relevant and the note loses its value right so after the workflow comes how do I deal with my tasks and dealing with my task I do with a task list page so let's go there I say my task list I'm very bad at typing today and in the task list I have a couple of queries to sort for things that I want to do and they're based on priorities so you get like priority a b c and other tasks and they filter out the elements that are in there and ABC is a bit Loosely based on the Eisenhower Matrix this is also part of the template this small overview where either things are Urgent and important I need to do them now which is a then they're less urgent but they are important B they are less important but still urgency and the rest which you normally should delete but very often they stick around because well you know there's always things that you want to do and that are another priority right now but you still want to remember them and then by going through this list I can go in this list and just go top to bottom and figure out what do I want to do next in the order of priority you can build drone setup but that's the whole goal of the task list just have a large list in the order of things how important they are to you now how do I use this very often what I do is if I go to my journal I have a task list for the day and a lock I usually have an agenda but we'll leave that one out and to decide what I'm gonna do that day I'm gonna go to my task list and I'm opening it with shift so by shift clicking on it it opens on the side and then I can just scroll and work top to bottom now normally this one's filled with different types of tasks but if I scroll down then at least I can find some other tasks and say like okay I need to set up a project page for example but this is part of a template so maybe that should be part of my NF filter um and then normally I would do Ctrl C to make a block copy go to my task list and add it here and this way and you see like the uh one getting added in the end here I have a log saying like Okay I scheduled to do it on that day because I can click to this one and it will show me exactly like Hey April 15 I put it on my task list and then if I want to work on it later that day I usually take that same element and I say like hey work on a demo in a video which is what I'm doing right now and then you can also see back in the task list they got this small lock thing that starts generating that you're like oh yeah I was working on it and I added this this is how I use my tasks it's a very short version I'm gonna make a dedicated video on my task list usage but this is one of the ways that I keep track of the tasks that I do what work has been done and if they are done of course because if I Mark any of these done then they get marked done everywhere as you can see because they are links and not copies great so that's the task list now I'm going to show you the books and they're basically the same as the contacts and the companies so if I go to my books then what you see is you see a book and you see information there and you can decide on the end which Fields you want to see and they're based on a template so if I click on this book then the details are here and say I wanted to add a different book so I'm gonna go and say a I'm gonna make a book and I'm gonna call it the Martian and then use a template so I'll go to template the templates are part of this as well I pick book and then I can add information so on the side I can give it an alias I usually give it the Alias of the actual name the reason I do that is that it's a book so it becomes part of the book namespace that means that if there's a movie I can have a different page that's called movie The Martian and the adios is for anything that I want to group so I can both name them the Martian but I could also rename this one and say like the Martian I always refer to the book and when it was the movie I add something behind it this is personal and this is still Knowledge Management for yourself not the author and the we're I believe add all the information that you need you can replace this part with a URL from Goodreads so you have an actual image and just don't touch this part then because that means that the size stays the same for all the books meaning your table has a nice overview now the summary has a small given it because I enjoy messing around a little bit and then I can put the summary so man gets left on Mars and complains about it which is basically a summary of this excellent book um of course he also finds a solution but that's outside the point here and then if I go to book you get the same thing that I mentioned earlier that it says like hey this one's just confused because it gets like a lot of stuff here and I go to my books for my overview and that shows me the book and there's no image because I didn't add an image yet and this is the same thing for my contacts which is also an overview of context my contact information is there so if you want to reach out you can find that information and this is filled in so if I go to the page you can see all the details here on the side and it's the same for companies and I can even go there straight from here I believe because it should have company in here so now I open my company page as type company and that one also has its own link and pages so and again overview of all the companies I have you can add your own properties I put a couple of examples in the templates things like address and city but nothing more oh yeah website I think but nothing really up detail because it's very personal and proper adding properties is easy enough you can just edit the template now how do you change the templates if you look for template and say for example I want to do the company template then they are all under my templates meaning that they're easy to find you can just type in something like template book and if you do that then the top hits will usually be my templates book looking at the template you can make any changes you want here add extra properties make the summary different anything that is under it I also have a section for slip notes they are all empty in this demo file because there is no Journal slip notes in my case always come out of my journal and in this quick start setup I didn't want to do that because the journal A gets outdated very quickly because the entries are old also the journal is something that will definitely overwrite other people's made up notes from that specific day making it a bad thing to just copy and paste over and then finally I have a setup for projects and I also added an example project which was the actual project I used to build this so you can have a look at that and play around with it so let's have another look at that and go like hey I go to projects and then you see my projects and this shows a couple of projects and it shows it in uh my templates project doing let's take the example project that I did and this is what I use for projects I put a goal in because you need to know when it's done a couple of things on the top things like a state a priority I use a b c d but you can also use a number you can also use hi I would highly recommend though to pick something which is either a number or alphabetical because then you can easily sort it in your table view another trick that I do here is I add an alias and I always start with p 0 P for project and zero because I usually use a number you can make that number as long as you like for me this will be good for the first 99 projects and the reason I use P0 is because the p and the zero are very close to each other on the keyboard meaning that if I'm searching for projects I can just go Ctrl k p 0 and I already get like a list of projects and then in the project I usually have a task list and all the sub tasks under it and one of the reasons I put those in into the project and inside the journal is that inside the project I can order them so I can move stuff up and down I can make this whole list that I have to work through and because of filtering they will come back in my thoughts list overview where I can then pick them up as needed put them in my day plan and work through them and I finally Slipknot switches empty because of the same reason and as you see here like we just made this example where I said like hey I'm just going to add this test to my today tasks you get that little two in the end and normally when I have large projects with lots of notes while I was doing things there's a whole row of numbers here showing me everything I did and this shows me then like hey I got it on my task list on April 15th and I was demoing it in the video on April 15th so this gives you like a backlog for each task that tells you exactly when you worked on it how you worked on it what was related to it just the information you need to keep going with it to finish up that task or to tell people for example handovers or the work done if I'm to report back on that during something like a daily stand-up okay so if you get the zip file there's two ways you can use it first of all you can use whatever zip archive manager you have to just extract it so I'm saying extract here I get the file you can also open it and drag it out it's all very dependent on the OS that you're using and then this folder itself you can open it by adding a new graph in log 6 so I got lockseek I say Avenue graph I say go to downloads I pick the file directory and I click open voila you can mess around with this play and you don't have to worry about breaking anything now the second method is that you want to add it towards your existing graph if that's the case you have to be a little bit more careful because you might just overwrite something so what I do I'm going to open the zip file I'm going to go in there and I got the pages and assets folder those two things I want to copy towards my directory I'm doing Ctrl C here I'm going to go to the demo template I have here and I'm just gonna drag these over and any good operating system and I'm pretty much sure Ubuntu here does it mostly notes do it Windows does it and apple does it we'll say like hey are you sure you want to replace these file and it should only ask that for the content markdown file because that's the only one that's really not that unique um I would highly recommend that you make a backup for beforehand and after that that you still do something like replace nothing or just tracks with the each individual file the rest of the files will then be extracted you'll be able to see them because you've gone to Pages see a whole bunch of these my namespace and tools on Tech namespace pages and at that point in time you can go to log seek open uh let's see I have a demo here and go there and do a quick re-index because there's a lot of files changed on the disk at that point in time you'll be able to mesh around and go towards my getting started page so let's see if it's there Dolson Tech getting started and then there's the information to get you started so that's a quick rundown of this template that I built the link is in description down below be sure to check it out if you have any questions my email is inside the template you can just straight up email me and ask things I'm going to use all the feedback to improve this thing over time it's always going to be free it is meant for people to get started and have like a basic structure when they start out on their lock seek Journey see you in the next one remember you're awesome keep it up foreign
Channel: Tools on Tech
Views: 9,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logseq app, logseq tutorial, personal knowledge management, how to use logseq, logseq workflow
Id: TiREuN1Tjqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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