How to Install Kali Linux in VirtualBox 2023

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hey YouTube as promised um here's my first tutorial Style video and we're gonna do a video today on how to install Cali Linux and virtualbox and we're going to do it the easy way you can do it a couple of ways one way you can install download the Kali Linux ISO file and install it that way that way you got to create the hard drive because I you know set the memory you know you gotta do a whole lot of other things to install Kali Linux that way we're going to do it the easy way we're going to download the Kelly Linux virtual file it has everything already preset it's already installed all you gotta do is start up and log in so I'm going to show you how to do that now so first thing let's hop on Google and we're going to download virtualbox all right let's go to download Spades I'm using a Windows machine so I'm going to click on the Windows host it's going to download the virtualbox executable file you know most of you see know how to install Windows executable file so go ahead and install virtualbox get that set up and running and then once you've done that then we're going to download Cali we're going to do that by going to I'm going to go back to Google to say download Kelly clicked on get Kelly instead of the iso image like we talked about before let's download the virtual machine click on virtual machine we're working in virtualbox so click on the download link and you're going to download a zip file a DOT 7-Zip file once you download that go back to our downloads you'll have this archive file so right click on it you know an extract using your zip file manager I use seven when you do that you'll get a folder and then there's two files you got the one this the virtual disk and this is the virtual box file for Cali Linux so just double click on that all right that opens up virtualbox so you see you have Cali Linux is powered off go ahead and turn it on this will take a couple of minutes depending on how much memory you have on your computer and CPU but while we wait you can see here in the description tells you the version and move this up okay it tells you the version it tells you the username which is Cali password of Cali you'll want to change your password once you get this set up but that's how you get logged so you'll see a screen like this let this start up it'll take a couple of minutes and this this is just a quick and easy way to install Kali Linux with minimal effort but if you want to be more specific about how much memory you have running on your Cali Linux box or how much disk space and so forth then you'd want to go the route of installing via an ISO image and we can do that in another tutorial but here let's login username is Cali password is Kelly all right and once you're logged in you're already if your computer your host computers connected to the internet then your Cali box is going to share that network card and have access to the internet as well so you can hop on Firefox start surfing the internet start using some of the tools first thing I would do change your password open up a terminal you're logged into the Cali user type in p-a-s-swd your current password is Cali change it to whatever password you all right and that's it so now whenever you save any files on this machine like if you download a file or whatnot it's going to be here next time you restart the Cali virtualbox machine so um it is persistent you can save files here it is not an encrypted persistent drive so it's not encrypted but I can show you how to do that in another tutorial but this explains how to get Cali Linux running in a virtualbox the EZ all right I hope you guys like that if you did hit the Subscribe button and I'll create some new videos for you thanks
Channel: Hacker 101
Views: 5,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B7wCf0JiOcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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