How to Install Jellyfin on a Synology NAS! Great Plex Alternative!

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hey everyone today we're going to look at how to install jellyfin on a synology nas so jellyfin is pretty much a media server and the best comparison for it would be plex so a lot of people love plex a lot of people run plex on their synology nas as well but jellyfin gives you a few options that plex doesn't and when i say doesn't i really mean out of the box so plex has a ton that you could do i use it i love it i have no problems with it but you have to pay for a lot of it so they have their plex pass if you don't want to buy the plex pass you have to pay for their mobile app just so that you can stream some of your content if you don't it's limited in duration um jellyfin is kind of the opposite of that so it's an open source media server all the bells and whistles that come for the paid features of plex are free with jellyfin and that's what makes it such a great alternative to plex because plex is so mature at this point it just kind of works it does everything that you want it to do but a lot of those features that it has are behind pay gates and not everybody wants to pay for stuff like that so i've been using jellyfin for a few weeks and i actually really like it i even like their mobile app better than plexus i paid for plexus a while ago because i couldn't stream any of my music without paying for it and i started to use jellyfin and it's great i really have to say it's a somewhat new project but it's a lot better than i thought that it would be right out of the gate so we're going to look at how to install this on your synology nas and by the end of this you'll hopefully be able to configure it the way you like test it out and you know determine for yourself what you'd like to do so before we get started with the tutorial i just wanted to let you know that there are written instructions in the description that will guide you through this whole process so naturally almost everything that we go through today is going to be compared back to plex and the reason for that is because plex is in the synology package center so it's part of the operating system for the most part it is a third party app but it's so easy to set up since it's part of the package center you just go into the package center install it and you're kind of good jellyfin is not like that so jellyfin you have to install docker and this runs in a docker container so the first thing that you need to do is you need to ensure that you have docker installed and as soon as you do that you're going to go into the registry and you're going to search for jellyfin download that double click it to download and then as soon as it finishes downloading in the image section you can double click it to launch the installation process of this container so give it a name and then go into the advanced settings and you're going to check off the enable auto restart and this just says that every time the synology nas is turned on automatically start this container so the volume section is the only curveball with this setup the setup process is very straightforward but the volume section is the only curveball and the reason for that is because the uh the media files themselves have to exist on the nas so for whatever reason i was researching it and jellyfin doesn't really allow you to connect to um to network shares and maybe i just misunderstood that but for whatever reason that's what i found so normally with most doctor containers on synologies you have to map config folders and stuff like that you don't have to do any of that for jellyfin what you have to map is you have to map your media folders so depending on how you have your media on your nest and this is going to be different for everybody that's how you have to map the folder so what i mean by that is if you have one folder and one shared folder and if it's called media for example and inside of that media folder you have a folder for movies you have a folder for tv shows you have a folder for music etc all you have to do is map that top level folder so you're going to map only that media folder now if you have it split up meaning that you have a different shared folder for your movies you have one for movies you have one for tv shows you have one for music you have to map them all individually and what you're doing is you're just mapping the folder from your nas where all of your media store is stored to a mount path that you'll be able to access from jellyfin at a later step so i don't think the name matters it just has to be something that's not in use so for example if you're using media you could use forward slash media as the mount path if you're using tv shows you could use forward slash tv underscore shows forward slash movies etc but you have to map this based on your media and how it's stored on your nas itself so this is going to be different for everybody for me i just split it up so that i have one folder for movies and i have one folder for tv shows but unfortunately for everybody this is going to be different so hopefully i did a good enough job of explaining that if i didn't leave a comment and i'll do my best to try and clarify that i also have in the written instructions pretty much everything i just said summed up and it might be a little easier to understand in text so there's that option as well as soon as you finish adding the volumes what you're going to do is you're going to go over to the network section and you're going to check off the box that says use the same network as docker host and this is just saying that we're going to be accessing jellyfin using our nasa's ip address as far as the setup process goes that's it so you can apply that it'll create the container and then the next thing that you need to do is if you are using synology's firewall you have to create a firewall allow rule for port 8096 so this is the default jellyfin port and that's what we're going to be navigating to so you need to ensure that you have an allow role so that you can actually access that so once that's done open up a web browser navigate to your nasa's ip address and port 8096 and you should be brought to the landing page of jellyfin you can then proceed through the settings you can define a username and a password that you'd like to connect to jellyfin with and then at the next section this is where you're going to have to add those media folders so you have to select a content type and it's pretty self-explanatory movies tv shows music etc give it a display name if you want to change it you're free to do that and then in that folder section what you're going to have to do is you're going to have to navigate to that folder that you mounted earlier so for example if you are importing your movies if you want to import your movies you select the movie's content type and then in that folder section you're going to navigate to the folder where your movies are you're going to have to do this for everything every different type of content that you have so your movies your music your tv shows etc once you add all of them you can proceed to the next step which is just going to ask you about the metadata languages and then the next step is going to ask you to configure remote access so if you want to configure remote access you're free to do it the only suggestion that i have is that you do not do it using upnp so they give you the option here and this is just a blanket statement for pretty much everything upnp automatically opens ports on your router assuming that you have a router that is compatible with upnp but the reason it's a problem is because you could be opening ports and you're not even aware that you're opening ports um it's in general a security risk so it's not something that you want to do if you do want to expose jellyfin and it's something that you want to navigate from outside of your network you're free to open ports on your router you're free to use a vpn and not open any ports on your router so that you can access your content from outside of your network but i just recommend that this step that you don't use upnp you can then move on to the next step and then you'll be able to finish the setup process and it's going to ask you to log in now as soon as you log in it's going to bring you to the main jellyfin page at this point the album art the movie art everything is going to start to crawl in you can then go to the settings and you can modify this as you'd like so i'm not going to go through all these settings just know that they're here you can set up different users there's a bunch that you could do in here and if you're looking for something in specific this is most likely where you're going to find it so go through these settings configure it the way you'd like so there are a few notes that i want to make and they're really in comparison of jellyfin and plex and i'm doing it this way because the majority of people are probably already on plex if you have a media library it's just kind of the default that everybody goes to so in order for you to switch to jellyfin you kind of have to know what the benefits are of switching and we kind of went over them a little earlier but i'm going to tell you some of the things i liked about jellyfin some of the issues that i ran into and then you could hopefully make a more informed decision so when i initially installed plex my media library was not very different than it is on jellyfin right now plex took probably around a few hours to actually crawl all of the metadata in and have the the album covers and the movie covers and all the the names and everything like that jellyfin for whatever reason has taken forever so i'm talking like 24 48 hours later it's still crawling some of that data in um that is a huge difference that's probably not a big deal in the long run but in the short term you launch jellyfin and you're just kind of brought to a bunch of blank tiles so depending on how large your media library is i know there are people out there that have you know dozens and dozens of terabytes of media it could literally take you like a week or two to crawl all that information in assuming your library is that big for me it wasn't that bad but i really don't have that large of a media library so i didn't expect it to take as long as it took so that was the first thing the second thing is that jellyfin did not recognize some of the file names that i had that plex did and that might just be a setting where i have to add a new metadata provider or something like that but i'm comparing stock versus stock plex versus jelly fin and plex out of the box is and still has categorized some of my movies correctly and jellyfin was not able to do that so that's something that you might run into the next thing that i want to point out and i mentioned this earlier but i really really like that all the paid features and plex are free with jellyfin so it doesn't sound like a big deal but when i first got my nas i set up plex i added my entire music library and i was so excited to be able to stream my music from my nas outside of my network and i downloaded the the plex app and i was able to stream 30 second clips and i was like well this doesn't do anything for me so i had to go and i had to buy the app and then i was debating well should i just buy the plex pass and i know that i'm not the only person that that you know has run into that jelly fan when you just set it up and you install it and then you install the app on your phone it just works you can stream your your music you can stream your videos everything just works as you would expect it to work it's so nice to know that you don't have any barriers so those are a few of the things that i noticed comparing plex and jellyfin i really like jellyfin i'm going to continue to use it i haven't run into any issues yet other than the slow sinking times like i said a little earlier but i really hope that they continue to improve it and i'm hoping that one day there is a third party app for jellyfin in the synology package center because i think that would appease a lot more of the more casual users because you can't really debate that plex is a lot easier set up on a synology nas than jellyfin is unfortunately but one day hopefully it's not so that wraps up the tutorial for today if you made it this far thank you for watching if you guys have any questions please leave them in the comments if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe thanks guys
Channel: WunderTech
Views: 50,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jellyfin synology nas, jellyfin synology, synology jellyfin, synology nas jellyfin, synology nas jellyfin setup, jellyfin on synology nas, setup jellyfin synology nas, setup jellyfin synology, jellyfin setup synology, jellyfin synology docker setup, jellyfin synology nas setup, synology nas docker jellyfin, jellyfin vs plex synology, synology jellyfin docker install, synology jellyfin configuration, configure jellyfin synology, jellyfin synology install, jellyfin, synology, nas
Id: 5_ZrMKIJ_yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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