How To Install Flutter For Windows - Build Flutter Apps 1

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what's going on guys john older here from and in this video we're going to install flutter for windows all right guys like i said in this video we're going to install flutter for windows before we get started if you like this video you want to see more like it be sure to smash like button below subscribe to the channel give me a thumbs up for the youtube algorithm and check out we have dozens of courses with thousands of videos that teach you to code use coupon code youtube50 to get 50 off memberships all my courses videos and books for one time fee which is insanely cheap all right i've been talking about this for a while now but we're finally gonna dive into flutter and flutter is awesome it allows you to build apps for any screen as you can see at where i'm at right now and so this is cross-platform you can build apps for you know mobile devices desktop devices android ios windows linux anything and everything you can sort of quickly and easily build an app for using flutter so we're going to get into this there's so much to learn in this video we're just going to install flutter for windows i'm on a windows computer many of you are too so this isn't the easiest installation because there's a couple things we need to do but it's not too bad so as you might know flutter uses the dart programming language for all its stuff so you may need the dart programming language installed on your computer we definitely need a dark plug-in that we're going to download and install a little bit later but i'm not sure offhand if you actually need dart itself probably so i've got a video on installing dart i will link to it up there and in the description if you're not familiar with dart check out i've got an entire playlist on dart check that out if you're interested but for now let's just dive in here and install this thing now one more thing i should mention i use sublime text and the git bash terminal for almost everything in almost every video i absolutely love it if you've been watching my channel you know that but with flutter it's not the best to use so finally we're going to break down and use visual studio code i always rail against that all the time for most things but in this case it actually works better than the alternatives so we're going to go ahead and install and use that as well all right so let's install flutter head over to and then just click the getting started button i'm on windows so i'll go ahead and click windows now there's a couple of different options you can do it from the command line yeah i'm not going to do that let's just download this zip file but before we do that we need to create some place to install this on our computer like i said it's not like a one-click installation where it just puts it where it's supposed to go you need to sort of designate it so i'm just going to head over to my terminal here and i'm going to mkdir make a directory you want to put this in your c drive i think you can get away with putting it in other drives but it's going to mess up all kinds of things you really don't want to stick it in your c drive if you can and i'm just going to create a directory called flutter that should work okay so we're good to go there now head back over to the website click this big blue button and this will download the zip file i'm just going to navigate to my flutter directory that i just created i guess we could have created it here by right clicking and doing new but you know whatever so okay i'm in my flutter directory let's go ahead and save this guy you can actually save this anywhere but might as well save it there because we're going to be installing it there and you can see this is a pretty big file so you know almost 900 megabytes it's going to expand into one point something 1.64 gigabytes so you need a lot of space on your computer windows 10 or later blah blah blah so all right let's kind of wait for this to finish all right now it's completed let's go ahead and unzip this thing so i'm going to click on it here i'm using the firefox browser so my installation stuff is up here if you're on chrome it's going to be down here in the bottom corner sort of down there wherever you've installed it click on it and this should open now here you see flutter we want to come up here and extract all now it's going to ask us where we want to install this i'm just going to install it into this flutter directory that we created and we want to show extracted files when complete so go ahead and extract it's going to take a minute or so because there's a lot of stuff going on here doesn't even know how long it's still calculating right so maybe we'll just pause this okay here we go uh yeah it's moving pretty fast so this is going to install flutter onto our computer we're also then going to have to add it to path so when we installed dart and that other dart playlist from a few weeks ago we had to add dart to path right that's sort of common i'll walk you through that as well so boy this is taking a little bit longer i'm going to go ahead and pause this video and we'll catch this back up when it completes okay so it's finished installing now we're in our c flutter directory i'm just going to go ahead and delete this zip folder because we don't need it anymore and you'll notice down here there's a couple of warnings down on the website down it says do not install flutter to a path that contains special characters or spaces and don't install it to like see program files because you need special permissions when that happens so just stick it in your c folder like we just did so all right now we're in our c flutter directory and i'm going to click here and then we want to go over to our bin and right click here and this is what we need to add to path this location so i can come up here right click and just click copy address right so now we need to add this to our windows path get your windows start menu and then type in env short for environmental variables and when you do you can see my windows thing is on my other monitor so i just create a little picture here this will pop up you want to click right here and this will open your environmental variables screen and we just want to come through here in our system properties advanced and click on environmental variables when we do we can see here is path so click on path and then click edit if you don't have a path go ahead and create a new one and call it path but you should have path as so just go ahead and highlight it click edit come down here and come over here to new click new and then just right click and paste and you can see flo c flutter flutter bin so click ok now if we come back here again we can see there it is it's been added right so come back here click ok and okay again and now we're done so now flutter has been installed to path and if you've got a terminal open close it and then open another one and i'm going to type in flutter dash dash version and when i do we get some output which says hey this has been correctly installed to your path right so okay good to go there next we want to head over to google and just type in visual studio code and it's come over here click download for windows i've already got this on my computer so i'm not going to go through the whole process again it's a basic windows installation like normal just follow the prompts click yes yes okay whatever and then install that onto your computer now we can go ahead and open this head over to our windows start menu and just type in visual studio code it should pop up and there we are so now we need to come over here and click on extensions and we need to add the flutter and dart extension so just type in flutter when you do this thing pops up click on the first one here it says flutter and click install now this will i think yeah click trust workspace blah blah blah i think it will also install the dart extension as well and boom there it says installed right there so we're good to go there it says it depends on and will automatically install the dart extension so like i said i'm not quite sure if you need actual dart itself or the dart extension will handle that let's click on this and see yes it doesn't really say anything here so i'm going to assume it doesn't and if it doesn't like i said i've got a video on installing dart it's very much like we just installed flutter but i'll put a link in the description below and you can check that out i'm just going to assume we're good to go and that's sort of all there is to it so there's one more step we need to see close that and we can close that and let's come up here to terminal and click new terminal and again we can type flutter dash dash version to make sure everything's popping up here and we get something there so that shows us yes it has been installed correctly it's added to the path correctly and all that good stuff now we need to run something called flutter doctor to see if we have everything else that we need to run flutter so just type in flutter doctor and this is running this tool thing it's going to download some stuff and you can see we've got flutter says yay we do not have the android tool chain and we need that especially if we want to do android stuff we have chrome we don't have visual studio we've got visual studio code so we should be yeah there we go visual studio code you can use visual studio for this but visual studio code is more of lightweight a little easier to use so we're just going to use that but feel free to follow along if you're using visual studio uh we don't have android studio android studio is very similar to visual studio code it's a ide it's an editor so we don't need that we're going to be using visual studio code but we probably do need this android tool chain so let's go ahead and install that you can see you can install it from here so i'm just going to highlight and follow link open and you can see it's just going to send us over to android studio and so go ahead and click this terms and conditions blah blah blah yes yes yes sell your soul i don't know and let's just go ahead and install it in the same directory why not or at least download it this is an exe file it should do all the things for us it really doesn't matter where we download this so you see it's about 900 and something odd megabytes so fairly large okay so we can go ahead and just click that and when we do this little screen pops up click next we want android studio and android virtual device we definitely want that installed in our program files slash android android studio directory that it's going to create for us and uh start menu blah blah blah and then just click install pretty simple just sort of let it do its thing here shouldn't take but a minute maybe less probably less and boom it has completed so we can click next and it's saying start android studio now we don't really need it to do that let's just go ahead and click finish now let's head back over to our visual studio code and let's clear this screen we may have to restart this but let's try it anyway type in flutter doctor again yeah it's still saying we don't have that on first launch it will assist you in installing sdk opponents so we have to actually launch this thing so head over to your windows start menu type in android and you'll see a link to android studio go ahead and click that and this thing pops up so let's click ok welcome to android studio let's go ahead and click next we just want the standard installation and you can pick if you want light or dark let's go ahead and click dark again we're not going to be really using this thing so verify settings next and here you can see all the things that this is going to download so we want to accept these terms and finish and now it's going to start downloading all of those things and installing them and you can see it's sort of unzipping as it goes along so this might take a few minutes i might go ahead and pause this video one more time just to wait for this thing to finish okay and it looks like it's finished now you want to scroll down at the bottom here and it says android emulator hypervisor driver for amd processor installation failed to install this for your particular processor head over to this page so i'll probably copy this just in case but i'm fine with not installing that for now but just make note of that if you get some sort of error or something at that point so let's go ahead and click finish and it says welcome to android studio let's go ahead and close this guy and let's head back over to our visual studio code i'm just going to close this again just in case let's run it one more time okay head back over to our terminal clear the screen run this guy again flutter doctor and it says we still don't have the command line tool so we're gonna have to add this manually to the android studio thing so shouldn't have closed that i guess go back to your windows start menu type in android studio the thing pops back up okay now come down here to more actions and sdk manager and then click on system settings and then you want the android sdk right here so this screen pops up very confusing head over to sdk tools right there and look through here for the command line tools and there it is you can see it's not installed so we want to do that click apply confirm changes yes yes and you can see it's downloading a thing okay looks like it's done click finish it is now installed click ok i can close this guy now if we run flutter doctor again looks like that has been dealt with but we're still getting this android license thing so he wants us to run this command here so let's go ahead and do that ctrl c come down here ctrl v paste that in flutter doctor dash dash android licenses hopefully that will take care of that all right six of seven do you accept yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay so we should be good to go let's try flutter doctor one more time just to make sure and we got a bunch of green now it's saying we don't have visual studio but we're not using visual studio we're using vs code which is green let's see http host ability we don't care about that right now and we're good to go we have finally now installed flutter what an ordeal not too bad a couple of little hitches but uh pretty easy to fix that's all there is to it so in the next video we'll dive in and start building flutter apps it's gonna be a lot of fun i think and uh should be a good time so that's all for this video if you like to be sure to smash like one below subscribe to the channel give me a thumbs up for the youtube algorithm and check out where you can use coupon code youtube50 to get 50 off membership so it's access to all my courses over 50 courses thousands of videos and the pds of all my best selling coding books join over 150 000 students learn to code just like you my name is john elder from and i'll see in the next video
Views: 30,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter, install flutter, how to install flutter, install flutter for windows, flutter for windows, how to install flutter for windows, flutter android studio cmd-line, john elder,, codemy, john elder flutter, john elder flutter tutorial, flutter tutorial, flutter setup, flutter sdk, flutter windows app, flutter windows, flutter windows installation, how to setup flutter on windows, flutter doctor, setup flutter windows, flutter course, flutter tutorial vscode
Id: VFDbZk2xhO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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