How To Install Exhaust Cutouts fast & easy! Full Tutorial!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today I'm gonna be showing you how to install a exhaust cutout in this case I'm going to show you how to do an exhaust cutout on our 2012 Ford Econoline with the side for trekking v8 for the factory exhaust in most cars the way I show you will work with all makes and models of cars and trucks I'm going to be using the Jegs and manual cutout in this case it's 3099 without the clamps that's exhaust cutout there's a clamp so anybody using and that's everything else it comes with so it's 30 99 uncle to link so all the stuffing I need some way to cut about 10 inches off the exhaust I'm using an angle grinder to cut off wheel clamps a wrench to tighten the clamps eyeglasses or safety glasses my fault a marker to mark up the exhaust some vlogs optional a tape measure the cutout in a way to get the van off the ground I'm gonna be using car ramps so when you before you go under the car walk off the front wheels so the vehicle doesn't roll away while you're under it so let's do a start up with the factory exhaust up the cutout let's start it right up into the race now let the reins up on the ramps you're gonna want to put a brick under the front wheels so you can get first [Music] [Music] one of the fun part so now you want to measure about ten inches if it exhausts you can want to take your sharpie in your tape measure so you want to go under your vehicle then find a nice straight part of your exhaust which is right here you don't want to put it too close today anger or too close to a card so right here seem like the perfect spot for me so I'm just gonna mark it up I want to give it to eight inches just to be safe and then I'm gonna see how it fits now let you know so I'm gonna mark up about eight inches the exhaust so let's go just push it out a full tang you don't want it too close to a curb side you're gonna put it to go to the hangar anywhere else so I'm just marking up let's go right here let's cut off around here and now we'll cut off right right here at eight inches so we're gonna cut off the piece - whines and see how that goes no way I want to move this line closer and just to be safe we're gonna go from right there to about here I'm gonna cut this line so this whole section of the exhausts me because right here to solve those three to be caught I'm gonna go get the angle grinder and my safety glasses [Music] all righty now that I got my angle grinder where it's gonna start cutting [Music] [Music] let's go just my angle [Music] [Music] [Music] almost there Oh slow cut on top [Music] it's almost there too [Music] got that piece off right here in my hand cut it off clean up the edges so next thing you don't want to do go get your exhaust cut out your wrench do two clamps and just for everything yeah just a bit bigger yeah I mean to cut picking alright I'll be right back when she's got a party guys so now that you got your cut done you're gonna want to take your cut out you just squeeze it in just like that trying to get it as clean as possible and you're gonna want to aim the cut this part towards the back of the vehicle or any way that you so yeah it's perfect it's not you don't want to think your exhaust clamp I had to go get a new exhaust clamp these are three inch exhaust clamps cuz the ones I bought previously we're wrong so do not get the exhaust clamps already that's one side doing partying off you guys can see that but that is inside completed so he's gonna do the other side I take your other eloquent I hear these are from Pep Boys they don't we they're three inches take these out just like that I swoop did not give me the wrong bus man nope big enough already so once again take off the block in the middle pop that off sailor on the next joint just like that going the wrong way that would help those on the right way see that bend it down pop in one side of these sorry about that that screw one side in so the clip doesn't end up falling off already Thank You ratchet and I might take this bolt off again well I got him you don't but they got to this bolt off so I can we missed the piece started realizing just the peace honest get that gone it's like this so once your exhaust clamps are nice and tight and it ain't moving no more you're gonna want to take your plate and a gasket and all your books in this case it gave me one you not starting to get on easy so you go take your wing nuts and bolts just pop them right off [Music] then you're gonna take your gasket there then you take your base plate [Music] saw blade looking things and just taking it all right on just like this
Channel: Brandon’s garage
Views: 110,137
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Id: rJlokVjWPMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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