How to modify a Harbor Freight Tire Changer to work amazing!!! Follow this DIY guide!!

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what's up guys um just a quick review and I'm going to show you how to modify a Harbor Freight manual tire changer I bought one just to kind of break down the wheels and tires for the shoebox because I wanted to paint them and if I go get tires and say like Walmart or something you know are they going to pull off my old 70 year old tires and then let me paint them no they're not going to do that so what we bought this is basically from Amazon but this is the exact one you get from Harbor Freight so this is assembled how you see it it comes with this bar and it's got some deficiencies right this bar let me show you this thing this thing it doesn't work well can you get a tire on and off with it absolutely will you destroy a nice wheel with it yes you will without a doubt you will destroy the wheel all right so I hacked up some stuff this is a harbor freight standard receiver tube two inch ID they don't even take that off of there but look how nicely the saw cuts if you guys are interested in this saw it's uh It's Gonna Get You Close Enough s380 CPS it's the 15 inch Evo chop saw absolutely incredible how fast this thing goes through steel don't do stainless exhaust tubing being thin and very hard it'll chip the teeth I have wiped out a blade doing the exhaust on that truck and I had to buy a new blade so I would say I would caution you against that they do make a stainless steel blade cutting blade I don't have it and I don't really do that much stainless and I got a bandsaw or I'll just cut it with the death wheel but anyway so here's a wrap so I did cut the stainless steel this is stainless steel pipe so I cut that with the saw it was fine this should fit in here can't do that with one hand see and it'll slide up and down this obviously fits in there so I'm going to clean all this up and then we're going to weld this to that that way that's our arm out and the most sliding block that way we can do you know larger diameter higher or wheel I mean and uh look what just showed up oh we were talking tires Amazon I'm gonna try to do this myself I'm gonna buy one of those manual balancers give it a go what's the worst case scenario go pay someone afterwards I scrap or I screw it up I'd rather have the experience of doing it myself so it's worth doing that guess who just showed up while I was welding Amazon so this is kind of what I'm working with still smoking crazy hot but anyway slides back and forth this goes in here goes up and down and that's going to be attached to this this is what you guys need this is a duck head and then let's open this thing up hold on struggling struggling and then we got this I hope this is the right size it looks like it is perfect see then it keeps you centered that's the ticket that's a ticket to making the ones that spin are on the perimeter work so I'm gonna walk you through the modifications so basically the bead breaker right here is not strong right and all I did was weld a piece of plate on the back of it so it would strengthen it from doing this and ultimately I think if you had bolts with nylocks obviously so you don't crush it also put a piece of rubber on here and I'm using this this is just a piece of pipe I cut off I found in my scrap aisle and um this comes with it and this is what you're supposed to put on your on your wheel but this thing would just just eat eat your wheels like it's its job so I bought this cylindrical cone this is actually designed for this unit um so if you go on you know what I'll put a link to it it's it's worth the money I think it was like 32 bucks and then the duck bill the duck bill was 15. I'll I'll get you a link to that and then this is just a piece of two inch conduit and then this is two inch um OD D diameter pipe and this is basically I mean you can see the the tag on it this is like a piece of receiver tubing and I just cut it off so this slides in and just you know some crappy little welds my my MIG welder man my old Lincoln I think she's on her last leg the the feed motor for the wire man so bad it's like then it's all of a sudden it gives you a decent bead see if I can get you guys there's my fan my wife goes you're literally running a fan outside I'm like yeah I'm fat you're fatter in person and it's hot out of course I am mountain biking all day today with her she didn't even go over the bars this time which was nice because it does that sometimes let's go in there like that and this thing that goes like here oh I'd have to go in the top one you guys will learn with me guys do something in the comments tell me yes no good bad I don't know what the hell I'm doing anything helps my channel right and subscribe if you're if you want to watch me struggle so technically oh it works hey all right okay so now you'd spinning to this side like this and you were a crushy crush oh we gotta get that side this wheel is pretty well rusted um I have a tube went in now when you do that you gotta flip it over and do the other side okay so now we broke it off the bead so now we got to get it in this apparat tie I drilled the hole for the lug we crank it down it's got that that cone to kind of Center it right now the problem I had the first time was I didn't pull the tube out first so what I'm going to do is I'm going to break this bead up over the top and then I'm going to grab that tube because that kind of hung up last time no good that was no good so then this thing drops on here and then you got to get your your ducks in a row you know what I'm saying a little duck bill in here so foreign like so I guess I don't know I don't know how this works like that like that oh if I have to tighten these with a wrench probably should though spins around we're going to take our seven dollar Harbor freighter we're gonna get this up over the duck fill right and then we're going to take our the bar that came with it we're going to walk her around the issue I saw one where the guy was like you gotta pinch the you got to get it over the B there it is like that okay so that was actually pretty easy that's pretty easy all right so now we got to get this tube out doesn't help that it's all wet now [Applause] so we're out with the tube throw the pile of other tubes man these get dirty all right so now what you want to do is grab the bottom pass your duck bill and get her up over right basically the same thing we just did and get your arm on it when you walk around that's it guys this thing works pretty good and that's it not bad that's it guys pretty decent so now you can clean up your wheels in a wire wheel all under the lip if you're going to use you know a tubeless because that's what I'm doing I got four brand new tires and that's it so we'll pop that off man the inside of this looks great hope you guys can see this that's really good um and I'm just gonna scuff them down and paint them up and then we're going to try to put one back on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign I just screwed this back down so I took this off the concrete I just screwed it back down because I have the anchors in the concrete what I did was the dismounted rims I just hit them quick rattle can red right um I bounce back and forth white walls non-white walls I think the red with the trim ring and the center cap we're gonna go with the black walls I have never mounted a tire this is the first time you guys are going to watch it and I'll fumble through it and then if I figure out a better way I'm going to explain it to you the next time I do it and um if we're lucky maybe maybe Jess will come out and uh I'll see if I can get her to do one do just to see if it's easy or not probably not easy but so this hog will send her down there is an alignment pin see if we can grab it like so I guess like that see if this bolt will go up far enough I don't even know Amy oh I could grab that couple threads at least all the bolts doing is keeping it from spinning around so alignment thing down on it and then crunch that so what you want to do is get this one at this hog tight right because you don't want to spin it's going to spin anyway I know that guys right I would imagine this could be finger tight because we're just trying to keep it from rotating past that point right I've never done this before and I've only seen it done by friends I have a buddy who mounted up the tires on our 64. he's always willing I just hate I hate asking guys I hate I always hate asking for help I don't I'd like to be able to do things by myself nothing's full of dirt now so I guess you push this thing through here because I've seen him do that before then you screw this thing on top of it and this grabs it by the threads right how far is too far I don't know and then he does something like this but I think I'm going to need a towel I'm just going to scratch the hell out of this I have seen him use a towel I don't honestly care too much about these wheels guys like I said this car is this is a budget build and then you pull oh yeah it went right through cool I wonder how well it's going to seal if it went in that easy so no it's in there good all right so this thing works I guess all right I'm gonna get yourself the cheapest possible Tire you can get which these are Nexen any xen 205 75 15. this is what I was told is the equivalent to what is on the car as far as um you know newer size non non-bias ply I guess radial what is it considered metric I don't I don't know all right now I think you can just like give it yeah right there's absolutely no way that's going on we want this in the bottom oh why not okay a lot it went on you just have to you know throw 250 at it so anyway let's get our little spinny spin unit here we're on it aren't we I need a little blasty blast that's already loose okay we're gonna duck head out of the way now we're gonna bring this a hog over um it's a good question how that works I don't know it's already in it oh that's nice it's got to be pulled in so I don't necessarily want this to touch the top of it I don't think because I don't want it to rip off my sweet Eight dollar paint job this has two of the finest coats that you could ever imagine of Rust-Oleum so I watched a guy do this and you got this thing down as far as you could and you got to bring one end up over like this and one under the duck right and what this gentleman did was he basically put a clamp here because he was concerned that the bead is going to turn around and that absolutely may happen so I think we're just going to try some some soapy water I don't like that I don't want water in it but it's does it even matter at this point okay so if I start this down here basically you want to try to hold this bead into the middle from what I see so let's try it like that and then you spin and dude just like that guys that was easy man that was easy all right that's not a bad deal I gotta be honest with you guys that worked a lot easier than I thought it was gonna work I thought this was going to be like me absolutely struggling with this and then you guys would be laughing at me which is okay it's okay if you guys laugh you know I want to try to make it entertaining now what I'm looking for on here is did it damage the wheel right did it take off the paint because honestly the paint would come off before it was scratching aluminum wheel so let me grab you guys there is no there is no paint missing from this Edge that's seam sealer that's the rim sealer all the way around guys that's amazing this thing works awesome you guys could build this it's it's easy and I'm going to give you the uh the list at the end so back on we go now I heard this is kind of a monster to get these things to take air but we're gonna see compressors off hey so I bought this thing right so it's supposed to clip on and the valve stem and then you just kind of squeeze that way you kind of work the other hand this thing's 10 bucks Harbor Freight so um this is the cheaper one they have like the Merlin line but you know how many times are you going to use this kind of thing right that's what we talk about all the time is you know are you doing this a lot man here comes the rain it's been raining off and on all day I'm trying to blast this out for you guys because I got so much to do so you clip this thing oh you should pull the valve core out right because you got to get you got to get the bead seated and you want the volume of air so you want this valve core out at least this is what my friends tell me I don't know I could be making I don't know guys and I think this just Clips on like that all right so hopefully this is the same fitting that I have it is and then you I guess your lifter yeah that's a problem oh there it goes and hopefully we'll get some pops [Music] well guys I didn't really hear any popping but it is on the beat all the way around wow guys it's awesome we're dialed we're dialed not so bad so you can do this at home and you can save yourself money now how much is your time Worth right I built this because it was fun for me and I thought it would be a cool video for you guys but I also built it because honestly short of my buddy helping me out which he does and he's he's you know he's willing and you know he's a good guy um but if you say had to bring into a shop some guys are telling me 20 bucks a tire some people are saying 25 bucks a tire wheel but if you need to break them down and you want to just spray paint them right you don't want to have the tires on them you can then you just break the bead put a plastic bag over it then paint them put them back together but I have a manual bubble Tire balancer that's going to be a different video and I'm going to show you guys how to balance them yourself and how to make improvements to those cheap balancers you know is it as good as you know a spin balancer or a road Force balancer no of course it's not I mean could you put Airsoft BBS in here of course you could but you know this car literally has never been on the road and I just need to be able to roll it around and honestly this is awesome this works guys this is great so I'm gonna time lapse another one for you and maybe I'll get Jess out to do one but I'm impressed Color Me impressed one down [Music] thank you [Music] all right guys we got Jess out here and she's gonna make an attempt to put one of these tires on for us so um I'm gonna grab a wheel and we're gonna walk her through it these are freshly painted don't screw them up I'm kidding it doesn't matter we're going to tighten this tight tight grab it pull it towards you pull go pull it is it tight yeah okay okay so that's what you were drilling holes and I was asking what you were doing that's what I was yes exactly I was drilling holes just as Jess is always curious when I'm drilling holes and things what are you doing are you drilling holes out there so we're gonna screw this hog onto there this is a tool made for this right and then to protect my absolutely Flawless Eight dollar paint job which is not floss you're just going to put this over and you're going to push this down go ahead you do it until it pops and it's going to go plunk and you're going to see it push push it okay right then you unscrew so our new valve stem is in the wheel because the old wheels and tires had tubes right so it was a tube that came through there we're gonna pull off the sticker that has our address on it so nobody stalks you oh man this is this is what I got guys her hitting me with that okay so we want black wall out we decided that together remember because we're gonna have the ring we don't want the white wall yes so usually they have this stuff and I thought that's what I bought and I can and it's not it's like tire lube so basically that's useless no it's it's seam sealer it's it's sealer in case you need it so what you're going to do is liberally add some type of lubricant you know all about this that's not even um it just has to be here okay because this is where it's gonna go so we're going to take this and you're kind of little so I'm going to do this and we're gonna put it on and we're just gonna Wrangle it down wrangle that's it so now we got the bottom one on which is easy the top one's the issue half what the top bead of the tire so now we're going to take my fan my newfangled device and this thing you like this I made this myself okay so so we're gonna push this down like this and then we're going to get this duck bill this duck head it's called a duck head actually and we're gonna put it here we're going to tighten it down and the Height's good right so these don't have to be super tight but I didn't put any like handles on there I'm gonna put a handle on it so you can just tighten it now what do we need we need that what else do we need I don't know you know no I mean a ring if it's hard to get in there what do you need a hammer you need some lube we gotta saucer up so it slips in there easier okay so now huh what is it it's just soapy water it's like my olive oil it's not it's not Evo for your taint so here's what you're gonna do you're gonna put the bead goes over the front lip and then under the duck head okay you want me to do that no here's it's already it already is like that so what you're going to do yeah is you're going to walk this you're going to stick this like this you're going to make sure this doesn't fall out into the wheel because you're going to destroy the wheel hold this you're going to stand on that side right but you need to push down so you might want to start over here right so grab it from here and you're going to continue to push down here wait so I'm just using this to hold myself you're going to use this and you're going to pull it in a circle while I'm doing this yeah you want your arm out like that put this down like that hold the tire from spinning yeah and then walk yep keep walking but you're going to push down here see keep walking keep walking keep walking you don't have to push down here you're going to be on this side so you keep pushing down yep now walk keep walking don't let this slide off of here let go you said keep going I know but you're sliding off go ahead go let's put your hip in it keep walking don't push harder okay okay keep going keep going this is the end this is where you really gotta push through I can't move push through you don't have to push down all you have to do is push the stick push the stick hold the attack keep going push the stick push the stick [Applause] foreign that's all it takes okay you made it sound like I had to be doing two things at once but as far as you pushing in a circle you didn't have to put a lot of pressure right no you just didn't understand the process man what you wanted me to do with the tire right so guys Jess is super strong for her size that was easy [Applause] so let's let's interview you [Music] overall was this easy to walk around once you knew the procedure directions were not good enough excuse me for me to understand the purpose of what I was doing oh once I started doing it it made sense okay all right guys so can you Buy a Harbor Freight manual tire changer or one from Amazon guys I'm going to give you the link for the one I bought I believe it was about eighty dollars um what else are you gonna need okay so I'm gonna swap sides of the camera and I'm going to go through with what you need right so this tapered aluminum piece is key if you were going to do this mod and you need to spin around that Rim has to be flat right can't be like this because that duck head has to be very even with the lip so when this is spinning around it can't go up and down like this right so this I believe was like 32 bucks I'm going to give you guys the link for that they do make a larger one so if you do like I did a Ford F-100 wheel I wish that I had bought the bigger one the bigger one has the taper but it's wider overall I think it's like maybe five bucks more I'm going to give you guys a link for both of those and then what do you need to get this thing spinning around right this is a piece of electrical conduit right um it just has to slide over the main post and then this was a piece of two inch and then this is a receiver that I bought from Harbor Freight this was 16 and we cut it boom also you're going to need the duck head the duck head is 15 dollars from Amazon I'm gonna I'm gonna give you guys a link and then all you need to do is crudely cut out the top all I did was put a piece of cardboard on it cut it out with the death wheel punch two holes in it and then weld it to a piece of pipe that slides in another piece of pipe now guys you don't need a pipe with the with the the internal and external diameter matching you could use a square piece of tubing here right and then a round piece of pipe and then all you have to do is drill the square piece of tubing on an angle that way it pushes the round into the corner it's going to hold it the same way so as long as you can slide in and out this way and up and down and you have this relatively Square now is it relatively Square sure but when it sits down on this collar is it so Square it doesn't really matter as long as the duck head itself gets relatively flat to the wheel so I did three of these and maybe maybe 20 minutes or so and Jess did one obviously with some tutelage my horrible instructions arguably she did not like the instructions but she handled it right and she walked it around she showed you you know she's she's tiny she's very strong but she's tiny she just threw her hip into it and just walked it in a circle so you felt if you had done another one of these you would have understood it better and you could have just zipped it right around yes okay so that's gonna do it for this episode of imagine your Customs um thanks for watching guys we appreciate all the likes all the subscribers all the comments drop a comment down there you know is this something you would want to build is it something you would spend time on and build because honestly I think it is a money saver after your initial investment is recouped but if you do four tires you recoup your investment at least where I live you do so like And subscribe drop comments I'm gonna have all of the links in the description and thanks for watching
Channel: Mad Ginger Customs
Views: 678,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harbor Freight, DIY, Do it yourself, manual tire changer, tire machine, red head, duck head conversion, princess auto, amazon, mount tires, cheap diy
Id: 4uauYavnP7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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