How To Install Door Trim Casing For Beginners! DIY Molding Install Made EASY!

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of fix this house on today's episode i'm going to be showing you how to put trim around your door so stay tuned thank you so much for tuning once again if you're new to the channel please consider pressing the subscribe and notification bell so you can always be in tune on diys how-to videos and product reviews that i do within this channel first thing i'm doing is i'm cutting a little piece of scrap wood this is a quarter inch thick this will be my main marker whenever i'm marking at the edges of the door frame this will let me know where to put my trim uh where to stop on the edge of the trim so i'm doing it from on the top on each edge as you can see right here so we know where to place our trim and where to stop we are not going to go flush with the door frame we want to at least go a little bit a quarter inch is just my rule of measurement if you want to go in an eighth of an inch or a quarter inch or half of inch it's totally up to you just as long as you leave a little space and don't flush it with each corner now i'm measuring the length of first piece of trim until i measure right here i'm measuring where on the top of that line that i measured it is measuring up to 82 inches now i'm getting my brand new fresh piece of trim as you can see i don't know if this is the colonial or french style i don't know what really the type is but i'm measuring 82 inches right there in a mark and i'm putting a little faded line of the angle that i'm going you're going to be cutting 45 degrees on the angle as you see here this is just my tip and trick to know which direction that i'll be cutting in just so i don't confuse myself the tool that i'll be using to cut this piece is my miter saw by craftsman again all the tools that i use in this video i'll leave on the link down below if you don't have a miter saw you can also use a box saw right here this is a box miter saw it comes with the saw i'll also leave that on the description down below but make sure that if you do have a miter saw make sure the top part is zeroed out as you can see right there and if you go on the bottom you can either place it on either side left or right on the 45 degree angle make sure that your arrow is pointing on exactly on the 45 because a little bit um shy off that or a little bit two more that will definitely make a big difference and will make a gap on whenever you try to fit your two pieces it will not flush correctly this one is a special miter saw that i like by craftsman they added this laser leveler so you know where exactly where it's pointing as you can see the direction is where i mark my pencil so i know for sure that that's the direction i want again that's just a little um notes for me to put there so it's totally up to you once you put this down the laser turns solid which i really love that feature now make your cut that's our very first cut right there nice and clean as you see now the the tools that i'll be using to use to to nail this down is first of all i have this pancake air compressor um so this is a really really nice air compressor that i use on little jobs like these and also a brad nailer i made the tack life brad nailer video i'll leave it on the description on the right side so if you're interested on that video review that i did on this brad nailer please click on that link but this is awesome i really like this is very reliable i'm using here are two inch brad nails so let's go and hook this up i'm using my quarter inch hose air hose and then plug it in and then we're going to start with the one end first so like i said you line up the edge of the your trim to that line and then use your brad nailer boom right there and do it at the top and then work your way up i'm now i'm nailing about every 12 inches totally up to you this is just my rule of thumb for myself but if you want to add more feel free to do so now i'm doing the top portion of the trim again make sure that you differentiate which one's the top or the bottom don't get it mixed up because you'll probably end up wasting a lot of material if you don't because uh it did happen to me and i've confused the top and the bottom now we're putting at the 45 degree angle again to reduce waste you want to go as mostly at the edge as possible to start your first angle and then cut that part and again we're gonna go and put it on the 45 degree mark make sure that it's the opposite way that it's going and mark it with your pencil with the measurement that you're going to cut as you can see that the level laser is right on that measurement that i put right on that edge now make your cut with your miter saw now you can see that one's pointing on the other way the other is pointing on the other way in 45 degree angle and again where you differentiate the bottom and the top make sure you know which side to switch there you go nice and flush make sure that you move it around make sure it's nice and tight use your brad nailer to staple that down again start one edge then staple the other edge and then continue stapling the rest again staple as needed you don't want to overdo it though because it will definitely look way too tacky if you do have a lot of nails on this so do as minimal as possible and again these edges i'll show you how i'm going to close this up with some caulking later on now we're going to do the last piece again as you've noticed that i measured i didn't i didn't measure 82 inches on both sides i measure always each side independently because you don't know what's the length both lengths are not the same as you can see that my last length was 82 inches this one is 81 and three quarters inch so that's a quarter inch less than the other side so make sure that you work in series and not just cutting every you know not assuming that everything is the same size i hope you understand what i mean by that so there you have it mark it where you want it again make that cut nice and clean and then we're gonna butt it up to the last piece right there mark it to the edge use your brad nailer end to end and then we are gonna go 12 inches apart again you can use more but i highly suggest that you do less as possible but i'm here i'm just going to be using it to tack down this is actually going to be hidden behind the door this left side but overall there you have it so simple touching the floor and we are left with these little tiny um uh tiny gaps right there which we'll be using caulking again the the nails do leave these tiny holes you can choose to fill that in with caulking or a little bit tiny of specular paint but let's go and i'll show you how to do that with this caulking gun right there and then we're just gonna dab off and take off any excess so there you have it friend that's how you install trim casing or molding whichever one i call it they're all the same terms um stay tuned because i'll be i'll be showing you next video on how i installed my baseboards and the tips and tricks on that really cool stuff that i want to show you to make it nice and flush and fit just like what you see here right there so stay tuned for that video so stay tuned for any tips and tricks on how to fill those holes and paint them it should be easy very straightforward but this main video is just to show you how to cut out for a door trim okay so very easy you can do it like comment subscribe thank you guys
Channel: Fix This House
Views: 191,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Install Door Trim Casing for beginners, DIY Moulding install, Door Trim, Door Casing, Door Moulding, Crown moulding, door molding, crown molding, baseboards molding, baseboard trim, crown molding trim, coving trim, door coving, baseboard moulding, baseboard molding, fix this house, floor trim, how to install door molding, how to install door casing, home improvement, home renovations, house renovation, house improvement, DIY, Do It Yourself, bathroom renovation
Id: OPElWVlgfXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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