All About Power Apps Modern Controls

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today is all about modern controls we're going to be talking so much about modern controls this is going to be like a little crash course on Modern controls so I've got a lot of surprises for you today we're nearing the end of the year so not only do we have um hey Peter nice of you to Jo us yeah so I was just uh let letting everybody know we've got a lot of surprises today it's going to be all about modern controls and I think uh right away I'm going to give you a surprise right off right from the get-go are you guys ready for this here we go about modern controls so if you go in to add a control to your canvas here do you see the modern controls here yet no no I don't let's go into the settings and see if we can get these modern controls to show up so we'll go into settings okay okay and I'll scroll down here a little bit and it is right here modern controls and themes and I'm going to make sure that I'm zoomed in here so everybody can see everything modern controls and themes give your app the latest controls and themes as they are released now keep in mind when we talk about modern controls we're also talking about modern themes as well themes come alongside these controls okay so what we've been using these last few years well they're now going to be called called classic controls okay and the classic themes these are the themes that we're we've been used to for a while um so these modern controls these new controls come with a new theming system okay so when enabled the modern controls will appear on the modern tab of the insert pane modern themes will appear on the new theme uh themes Pane and classic themes will be removed from the toolbar so remember that okay so what I always do is if I'm ever going to use any of the these modern controls what I will do is I'll go into the theming the classic theming and something that I always do you don't want this thing to be blue because chances are as you build an app you've got your own custom theming in there I know I do if you guys use my um my jump start kit or if you guys have any type of dynamic theming with variables and such well chances are it's going to clash even if your theme has Blues in it it might clash with the shade of blue that's used here I always go with this light theme because it's a gray so a color that goes with anything is going to be white black and Shades of Gray so I always pick light okay and if you look at these others there's always some color involved and then there's these office ones down here I've tried the gray this is the one that I like the best that I like to set it to if I'm going to do anything and I do that inside my jump start kit as well because if you start dropping things here by default like a button instead of it being blue now it's gray now this button will sort of go along with anything and as you use these modern controls you might want to use classic controls and the modern controls okay so that is something that you will probably want to set uh in the theming before you bring in those modern controls so let's go back in here now that we've set it to the one theme that won't clash with anything hopefully okay I'm going to go into settings I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to find model controls and themes I'm going to select that and I'm going to click close so you do that theme selecting first before you go in there yeah I would recommend make sure you've got that nice gray what what was the name of the theme I think it was just uh light or was it gray I don't remember it the third one over though because now I don't have the theme right right okay so that that was perfect what you did there there Kurt because now you feel like you're lost out on something I can go over here look I've got modern controls now right but what about that theming yeah I sort of want that so if I had a blue control over here let's go back into settings let me show you another setting that you'll you'll want to be aware of okay I'm gonna go in upcoming features and now I'm going to type in modern look at this keep classic themes if you want to get back to that classic themes and you're using the modern controls turn that on okay but just realize it's retired it's it's deprecated which sounds like a bad word right deprecated it's like def finra getting thrown out of the window not deprecated means it's eventually going away soon so don't use it so it's retired just keep that in mind so now I should be able to go into the themes here and see that the theme that I just asked you about it is called light okay but look at what what else we have over here oh these themes now if I select power apps this is a power apps blue it didn't change anything over here that's because these new themes affect the new controls okay and you notice it didn't change the the classic button okay if I change it to steel steel has a teal steel is teal um teal color here so hope you guys really benefit from that these are the little nuances that I that I wish I'd known when they introduced these modern controls y good stuff I think uh this is some stuff that this is the typical stuff that we cover in accelerator program that's true it's kind of yeah high level when I was a kid there was a game called Legend of Zelda on the 8bit Nintendo and the very first thing you did was you went into a little cave to get a little wooden sword and this old man says it's too dangerous to go alone take this learning power apps learning software development by yourself is dangerous yeah maybe it's not dangerous but it's really frustrating right don't go It Alone guys right which you know frustration is dangerous for [Laughter] me so what did you think about that I see you smiling Kurt frustration is dangerous for me Hey Thomas how you doing hey you know what I I I love the stash going on there man that's great like that we call called handlebar mustache yeah like that that's going good I need to do that I do like that very cool minty says I like the modern controls and themes you know what I'm really starting to dig them too Kurt like control I was I was totally underwhelmed with them and then when we started looking at them in depth I started getting more and more they just render nice render that I guess that's a word they just render better don't they yeah just I like them so guys we got tons of surprises I'm just gonna give you an riew of what we're gonna talk about today in this live stream okay you're GNA get a full primer of the modern controls but what you're getting is you're getting a preview of something yeah that uh Kurt and I had a uh a brain child here when we put our brains together Kurt says hey I did this go and put your stink on it I'm like well you put your stink on it and and we got this thing is like our two our two stinks we put them together and we make cologne so sometimes when we put our heads together we come up with some pretty cool stuff and and then and then sometimes Rick gets involved and then it becomes perfume that's true hey Elvis and I see uh I see Peter and ammer guys if you want to come on as as panelist if you show your video I'll bring you on if you hide your video I'll take you off and I see you guys in chat um so welcome to the live stream so far we've got a little bit of a a primer now we've got three parts to this primer for modern controls today full of surprises but as a segue into this what I'm going to uh talk to you about here if you see on the left side of the screen I've got personal pocket coaching what do you think personal pocket coaching is C just by that name means you got a coach in your pocket that's right pick up you have your cell phone and um every morning you've got a personal coach like me and Kurt sharing with you little tidbits maybe 5 10 minutes every single morning come to your email inbox you pull out your phone when you wake up in the morning or when you sit at your desk and you starting to wake up you're drinking your coffee just get a little pocket size five or 10 minute personal pocket coaching from Darren and Kurt every single morning every day of the month and that turns into quite a collection doesn't it it does it absolutely does so it turns into a reference yeah yeah so uh you know I'm not I'm not sitting here with my my hand out what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you guys all kinds of tons of value and so you'll get a feel for what I'm talking about here so let's jump back into modern controls okay I'm going to go over here and uh let's look at the second session of this programs um that have classic controls in it if they're retiring them are they going to is our programs going to be all messed up are we gonna have to change everything over is it gonna keep it I think those are great questions Kurt so what I believe by looking at these settings if we were to go back in there and look at our settings upcoming features and we'll go look at uh retired boom so it's the classic themes that seems that is going to be retiring the theming for the classic controls I believe that the classic controls will be around maybe forever or for a good while they're just trying to give you a new better way you know some some Modern control something fresh and new and something that's more stylish for the the new age in the last few years for some reason I my mind you know I went I had a senior moment you know and I went from classic themes thinking that that was the classic controls you know oh no the classic controls are going away no it was the themes Kurt I think it's a very appropriate uh question that I think a lot of people have okay we got modern controls so we don't use the classic controls anymore well let's go look at all these modern controls that we have here okay so we'll go in here we'll say insert we have a button a slider those are the only two that are input okay we got input we have display we have preview okay and they're still working on these controls they're still it's almost like they're allowing us to be bet beta testers right or Alpha testers right so we got two input controls over on classic how many input do we have well we have a lot more several yeah yeah so I don't think these are going away in fact co-pilot is considered a classic control and it's brand new I doubt that's going away anytime soon probably not probably not so uh we have the chat the the chat bot there we've got timer do we have any timer for the modern no so I think those classic ones are going to be sticking around for the long term maybe indefinitely in this video I just want to go over and see what's available as of this moment now you might come in here a few months later and you might notice maybe there's twice as many controls here okay we never know what Microsoft's goingon to do that's so right now we do have a button uh which I've added we've got a a a slider hopefully it looks better I think that looks better than the than the um classic one okay we have a link control now okay now you could do that with a label just by making it blue and underline and do something on the click event right but we actually have a URL uh property and something you'll notice about these these modern controls is we don't have nearly the amount of properties as we do with the classic and I believe that that will be changing over the long term they'll be adding more and more properties and they want you to give them feedback up here okay I'm glad I'm glad you brought that up Darren because I have a question do you think do you suppose I noticed that too like for instance a label um the label doesn't have near the property uh properties that a you know the classic label has right button I'm wondering if it's because they want you to use the themes and and they're more they're more geared towards the theme so you don't have all that color changing and stuff you're just going to go ahead and just it's just going to put the the themes that's one of the reasons why I used the classic was because I didn't have control over the colors that in the in the modern you know but that's a good point wonder if they're trying to get to a point where they're just gonna go with themes you know yeah that that's not a um a bad assumption that that might be a a good thing for the for the industry of power apps developers I know you and me we like to have a control as being developers being able to have control over all the pixels of what's going on there yeah um and if we don't we just end up creating our own controls right yeah it just I hope who knows where it's going to go and you know sometimes you just have to embrace it there's been many times where I didn't like the introduction of something new but then after a while I got I I liked it you know I I I'm one of those like you said we talked about control I like the flexibility of having all that stuff maybe I use it there's a lot of stuff in the button that like the hover and all that I use maybe 1% of the time you know but I want it there in case I do need it for that 1% of the time you know absolutely so so you notice we have a tabl list here it can go horizontal go vertical this will make a good menu if you had to build a menu really quick I sort of like that I like these they look really nice okay got a tabl list okay what about uh this says preview so we have a badge you ever seen this little thing where it just has your initials instead of a profile photo now that's something there I never even knew about a badge I didn't even understand I seen the badge I didn't even know how to use it until you showed me one time we probably should do a video on that we should we should because I think there's a lot of people that don't know how to do that or don't know about it and I remember in one video we actually went and found the individual letters that we wanted to display there um okay so we got a checkbox com comb box we have a date picker and this date picker a lot of people hate the old date picker don't they I I like this date picker I think it's pretty smooth I do too yeah this is good stuff this now those are the two so far that I've used that I've that I really liked that one and the drop down list I think is real professional okay let's let's bring over this uh drop- down List It just seems like the the classic one never renders right between the the selected and the non-selected and it just seems this one render so much nicer yeah and of course drop- down list controls sometimes are confused with with combo boxes see how nice that renders now now bring a classic over and just W and do the same thing and see the difference with the drop down or a combo box drop down drop down right oh yeah once you get used to these moderns like oh this is this is big and clunky right look how big and clunky that looks look look and the way when you go up and see how it's always flashing around and you know the colors are changing in it and everything it's just all weird but then it's real smooth when you go over to that one see how smooth that looks I just like the way it renders better it's more professional looking I think all right what else we got we have a form we have a new form Kurt we gotta try this out I I I sense the live stream's coming our way I I sense there's going to be a big live stream event dealing with all these different things yeah we'll have to look into this I just brought three form controls over here and I don't see them [Laughter] anywhere oh that's why they're there you just can't see them so we'll have to do a video on on each of these controls absolutely yeah so far I I don't know that I like the form control I can't even move it yeah by the time by the time it's over watch I'm gonna start using forms everywhere oh no who likes forms Elvis do you like forms I'm gonna look at this here what's going on I'm hoping Darren will love this form um so we have a part three coming up here in a few minutes guys and I actually do get the form control to work for you guys in this this third session so Guys these are examples of little pocket coach sessions that you'll receive in your your inbox each morning uh if you sign up for it if you're interested um but I'm I'm just looking through this uh making sure we're keeping up to date on the comments here um yeah absolutely ERS uh from from Switzerland um Merry Christmas to y'all and happy New Year absolutely right back at you um and Rick seems to to like these modern controls and I I think since Rick has seen these new modern controls he's thinking about building some Ms for himself you know um and I do see uh MD here um perhaps MD is a medical doctor there's still limitation of modern controls like the reset function good for Dev not good for prod yeah so the this actually is like they're using this as beta testers here but um guys I don't I don't want you guys to um be left in the dark once they make these public and uh ready for production I want you guys to be prepared I want you guys to be have been seeing these controls getting used to them use them in Dev absolutely and they are developing these quickly because um I took a look at the Modern controls before uh before this week and let me rearrange um everything here so we can uh see everything okay and also guys if you're showing your video I'll bring you on as a panelist if you hide your video I'll I'll take you off um so um what was I just saying Kurt I think I almost lost my train of thought there you were talking about how they've increased the number of controls since the last time you looked at them yeah not only that but they're adding more more they're adding properties they're adding functionality there so it's good to see that they're like really pursuing these modern controls and these modern controls used to only be available uh if I'm not mistaken in the power apps for teams and they've been sitting out there and some people like oh there's these modern controls out here in power apps for teams and and some people like copy and paste them over into a regular canvas app um so they finally relased these so it's it's uh sort of exciting and I'm gonna I'm gonna put this out there I think over the next uh few months you're going to see these really uh get developed more and more and um so any type of bugs and and you know missing properties we're going to see these pop up um and uh also from MD here will the pocket coach chase me after a feature that I have yet to develop yes uh okay mty I use modern date control and the near pass but I don't see it in your tenant so um the video that you just saw mty there so m is an accelerator student um now that that video that we just uh played there that was in the tenant so as you see here I'm in power laabs us uh mty make sure that you go in there and and perhaps you've already turned this on but um go in here and make sure this is turned on okay and then I'm going to click close And I'm G to see if I got the the date picker okay so I'm going to say eight there it is uh so mty if you still don't see see it let me know and uh I'll make sure that that option is turned on in your environment so just FYI guys if you sign up u in the accelerator you guys get your own environment inside of our tenant called Power laabs us and um you get your own environment you get your own datae database you get your own SharePoint uh site or sites um generally I turn all the options on um all the AI features everything so you guys have a nice andbox to play typically your it department will tell you no and shut everything off and won't allow you to play and have fun and to learn where I'm the exact Thomas smiling over there what's that Thomas is smiling over there you know he he comes he comes to us he's an IT person so he what do you think what do you think about that Thomas yeah I yeah I'm usually the one saying no I got to admit I've done that before myself working an IT wearing different i' I've been a network administrator a server manager developer help desk guy all kinds of stuff and I tell you what as a network admin um I'm like somebody would stop me in the hallway and like oh my computer fill out a ticket out a ticket and uh but it you can sort of lose your mind working in it you know so in in a little bit of way almost don't blame it go ahead Kurt most of the time you do need to say no right because there's a lot of people out there that don't know what they're doing with stuff but I'm Different you shouldn't say no to me you know that's that's what everybody thinks too right so so it is always You're always they're always mad at it poor it and Elvis says I'm hoping Darren will love this form maybe um and you'll see here in part three how it starts to grow on me Curt and I need to do a little bit more exploration some deep Dives on this form control Kurt Kurt's saying no so I'm not there yet I'm not there yet yeah I just go I go down the the the the path of saying I don't want my power app to look like a power app and it just you [Laughter] know right absolutely yeah the the classic controls they sort of look clunky and I do my best to make them look nice so Ian says I'm a complete beginner inow us well welcome you're in the right place watching along to understand the changes that I should get ready to embrace um so if you are a beginner and you guys may not know this if you're new um check out our our um School Community this is a free community that I run I used to have a crash course I would sell I'm I give it away for free now so you got a free community you got a free crash course so if you go here let me let me actually display something here at the top just in case anyone needs the link here and I believe it's right there so it'll appear on my forehead me and Kurt's forehead head there Power Platform Community from Tiny and that will bring you here now if I click on this little icon I could also put it here in the chat so guys this is free I'm I'm I'm trying to help anybody everybody out all around the world for free it's a free community there's 750 members in here so not only do me Kurt Elvis uh we have Roti I've got several staff members that will help you get your questions answered here but also go over to the classroom we've got all kinds of resources over here okay here's the crash course now something that people don't realize with this crash course talking about an absolute beginner Ian uh if you go over here this is a video that we did a while back now it's almost three hours but it goes over all the basics So within the course of an afternoon okay you can feel like you you've got a handle on the basics so you say you're a complete beginner but you won't be there for very long now Darren you weren't sharing your screen I don't know if you were intending to or not so you know you were because I don't know if you saw that or not so thank you yeah I messed that up that's what that's what that's what I'm here [Laughter] for yeah um in fact I'm going to move myself around here um so what I was going to say here yeah so here's the community you see there's 750 members and we've been growing quite a bit you know the the material the the you know the community is sort of like a Facebook group but it's like 10 times better there's no advertisements there's no distractions and we're just all here trying to master power apps so um yeah so Ian head over there join the community uh chat with us there um what's great about the community and I'm I'm not trying to get everybody off of YouTube by any means but let's say you've got a problem with your app W with power apps and you try to post something in a comment and say Darren I'm having problems like okay well send me a screenshot or send me a loom video you guys ever heard of loom it allows you it's a free app a free service where you can record your screen and send me a link to it you know um it just allows us to more easily interact here because you can post a video you can post your screenshots you can post code we a little comment on YouTube it's just really hard to to help people inside of comments within YouTube but I I certainly still do try um uh what else did I want to show here Kurt um oh back to the classroom I just this morning I'm giving you guys a preview for what has only been available to the accelerator students up here which are Kurt's uh practical labs and exercises and you can see the first M look at this this this mug shot here this smiling mug I I never changed my shirt I think I'm wearing the same shirt maybe oh my goodness gosh I'm glad we're virtual you might be stinking so Kurt has a video here which is the uh introduction and overview now I just put these in here to let you know um you know so animation color collection ma Mastery and Curt even after that you're going to be jumping into mastering data I'm really excited about that but right now guys for free you guys can sort of sample and now it's only lab one right now the um accelerator students are those who are actually benefiting from Kurt's practical abs and exercises when I started the accelerator program guys I I called up Kurt I'm like Kurt you've got to help me out here man because you used to teach me at College you taught me in such a way that everything stuck I learned it I wasn't just copying and pasting your code you would you didn't use a textbook use practical labs and exercises and that's how I learned it all I had all kinds of aha moments like I get this and I guess you saw so much value in what I learned you actually hired me working right beside you so um anyway I'm trying to keep an eye on all the on the com go ahead just like in college um we teach what is I taught what was practical out there not what a textbook said what you actually used and did so once you learn that and you did you learned that very well well then you were ready for the market you were ready for the job market you were ready to be working I said well let me snag this guy up you know because he knows it he's the one that that that I taught I know he knows it so yeah you're doing virtually you're doing the same thing essentially you're doing the same thing now you know with this and we've recreated that whole environment here we don't teach we don't teach what textbooks of course that's one of the problems with power apps there's just the documentation is all over the place right and and you it's hard to find a good central place and sometimes the documentation isn't even right um but but outdated too right but with this and you know what that's that's true with anything in computer science right you said something about these these these modern controls are being beta tested right now guess what all software is Madea tested because it's constantly changing and you know we're all we're it's it's constantly changing so we never really have a grasp on anything right but that's what's so nice about the accelerator program is that we're changing along with it all the time and we're teaching practical practical stuff that you're going to be actually going out there and using in your jobs you're going to be doing it currently you most people have projects right now they're working on you can use this stuff currently you're not just sitting here trying to come up with some kind of theory in a textbox although we do talk about Theory you know we do talk about Theory but we do it in a practical way so yeah I said all that to say yeah you're right Darren uh m m Shandra says can you show how to use tapping for modern controls you know what I'm so I'm so glad you asked that um mandra because I've got an even bigger surprise for you after I play the third part the the third session of person personal personal pocket coaching that we are going to create we're going to start creating a new brand new Jump kit template and you guys are probably familiar with my jump start you know it's the template I always use when I start a new project where we're going to create a brand new fresh new Jump Start kit using these modern controls and the very first thing I want to do I want to create a menu using this tab control that you just mentioned and uh I'm also trying trying to keep um to date with all these the comments are coming in so lots of good uh practice here for any software developer absolutely you have anything to say about that Kurt nope he said it all Vince it said it I couldn't have said it any better I would have made it profound though but yeah all right downside can't modify the color properties of modern controls yeah yeah that's that's something they need to open that up so we can Define our own modern uh themes I can't imagine them not doing that but they didn't give us any control with the classic themes so um that's what I build into my jumpstar kit is my own Dynamic theming that can be changed on the fly it can uh be very customized a lot of people like it were you about to say something well I'm hoping that and I've seen that in other theming um your your jump start kit did a real good job uh replicating that that where you get into the um what's the word I'm looking for in that where you you get into the details of your theme like I want I want borders to look like this I want text boxes to be this size so I'm hoping that they're going to put that kind of detail into this theming eventually you know because like he said white control on a white border or backdrop doesn't look good white control on a white backdrop you know it doesn't we need full control Kurt we need control yeah you know I always said that programming is the only thing that you have total control over I mean everything else in life you just don't have control over much you know but with control with programming you have control and now they're taking that away from us I just don't know what to do I don't know what I might I might pass out or something all right um yes that's very valid uh Ryan um simple chat help me pronounce this simple chanine that's anarie hey anarie she's one of our she's one of our accelerator students and boy you talk about she did a little Pebble snatching recently with these responsive apps she's been working with these responsive apps she came in here I'm hoping that she can say she's gotten some value from from uh accelerator she came in with this this real big struggle on responsive apps and you know this responsive app technology with power apps it's it's ever changing and it's getting better and um so so we came up with some some ideas and where to start with it and then she came in and took that that idea and took it to a whole another level so it's pretty cool good job Amry yeah very cool cool um so guys if there's a lot of you that are in the accelerator program so our accelerator program is a small tight-nit group of people uh we're raising an army uh we're leading an army of power apps developers and and uh we also try to teach the other stuff the power automate powerbi to make sure you're well-rounded power virtual agents um but I pull in experts that are experts in those areas because I I don't know everything sometimes people think I know everything but I I really don't um and uh so Alec uh love y'all's Channel well I I I love interacting with you guys um and and sometimes you guys will book a call uh by the way that's that's free you guys can book a call with both me and Kurt and talk to us um sometimes people are are really stuck some sometimes people are stuck for like two or three weeks on something simple and they get on a on a they book a call with me and Kurt and in five minutes we got it solved and they like oh my goodness people almost start crying like you don't know how long I've been right it happens it absolutely happens sometimes the first 30 minutes we're almost like a a therapist like okay get it all out you know like you know you can almost be traumatized if if you if you think that um software development isn't supposed to be challenging because it is challenging even for me when I'm trying to do something new it's still Challen I still uh encounter and that's really just how it is right it nothing's ever simple right Kurt never simple so uh yeah if you guys are in the accelerator and um are really happy that you're in the accelerator um so I know there's there's a lot of interest that people Express here on the the the live stream so guys if you're an accelerator and have really benefited from it feel free to uh comment in in the chat so people can see that um yeah so so I'm going to go on let's see do they roll out monitor controls to government yes if you're part of a government tenant you're a few months behind unfortunately and that is what drove I worked for the State of Florida and what I did was I was tired of all this government tenant stuff because there's a there's a higher standard in the government uh offering that Microsoft does maybe with security or or other things it needs to be more stable so it's a few months behind okay what that drove me to do is just go out there and pay Microsoft it was like five or six bucks a month I got my own tenant I got my own SharePoint got my own email address I got my own M365 Office 365 tenant that I could manage for uh five or six bucks a month um at the time I think it's gone up to maybe $7 a month if you go monthly and $6 um if you pay make an annual commitment um but you could sign up for free and so you can actually see what the commercial tenants are like and of course if you join the accelerator then you're part of our tenant uh so you can uh play in a good sandbox that's not restricted with the the government uh tenant stuff there um definitely getting value from this program well thank you thanks for letting us know that um now I wanna I want to talk uh Thomas he's over here in the in a different chat and he was talking about how he was just curious how did you guys figure out how figure out power apps when it first came out and and what I really want to say about that is um for through a lot of trial and error obviously right but when you learn the fundamentals of of programming if you stick with your fundamentals and you got a good grasp of your fundamentals it's not a big jump to go into any new platform because everything's going to be they're they're all going to have the same tenants right you're all going to have iteration you're all going to have conditional branching you're all going to have assignment statements and functions you know you just got to figure out how to operate within the syntax of that of that platform and that's and that's exactly what powerups was this new new platform with a new syntax and there's there's a little struggle with that but if you have those fundamentals if you have that basic uh grounding then it's not a big jump to to go into anything when they introduce it Darren Darren learned those fundamentals way back in the 90s using Visual Basic and we thought Visual Basic was going to be here forever but guess what here's power apps but there's Darren it wasn't a big jump for you was it Darren not a big one I mean there's there's struggles there's struggles there's still struggles today you know I know when when Darren was showing me power apps I was like this is a toy language it's stupid you know I I thought it was it's terrible you know and I couldn't figure out how to do assignment statements because you know if you guys a lot of you guys out here you understand what I'm talking about when you look at these traditional languages traditional platforms like Pascal or C or C++ C you know you say say a variable equals some some other variable right and and you can't do that in power apps you can't say a equals B you can't say that you can't say a equals B plus C you've gota you've gotta youve gotta do this this uh I I I kind of call it like a you're you're passive it's like a passive assignment similar to what you do in Excel where you you place a formula in an ex Excel uh cell and you let that the value just captures it you know so it's a little bit different and that was a big big hurdle for me and I remember Darren when when I first started looking at this and calling it a toy language I don't think it's a toy language anymore I think it's it's really becoming a strong language and we haven't even we haven't seen the the the beginning of this yet this is still go growing and it's going to get stronger and stronger Visual Basic was that way back in the day right when you had Visual Basic two and three we thought it was a toy language but then when it came out with Visual Basic Bic four all of a sudden H and then five and six came out and it became a very professional one so so so when I told him that I said Daren this is these you can't even assign values in this thing and he's like that's because you're thinking like a programmer you have to think like an Excel spread sheet citizen developer and so then that's when I started saying okay okay and that and and I I got around that but once I got around that then you could just take your programming skills to it so I said all that to say yeah you know it's it's not a big [Laughter] job yeah I so Amer I'm so I'm following the the private chat while you were talking there and I I I saw ammer so I so we have a private chat that for the panelists that are on they're not showing their videos but they're still chatting here and I love what Amer said here this is very true you won't be a beginner for long I started following Darren as um as beginner to power apps and by eight months of learning I independently made my first app um and I think there was more to that but um so ammer if you if you don't mind could you tell us a little bit about your experience so far stuck and I didn't know how to do it and I was like oh my God this so frustrating I don't understand anything and I did not have anybody to talk power apps and then I went on YouTube and then I found your videos you gained my interest the way you were teaching it and then little by little I started learning learning learning and then after that uh I remember that I texted you hey can you help me can you help uh make a patch uh video I'm having a trouble with that and then you made a patch video and then after that I came across I started learning I did the lab one and then I felt confident on myself I'm like now I can take project and then uh the first thing that came to my mind I was like you I still need to complete the application that I was building like way back so what about I go back and make the application again from the scratch and now when I was doing it I completed the application in 3 days I was like boom everything I was understanding everything and I completed the application it's all easy right cuz now you understand it's all easy it's all easy and then I realized the way you taught me I realized how many mistakes these guys were making while giving the instructions when you coding and when you're actually a beginner and you when you're beginner you just try to copy everything type everything as it is as they say but now I realized why the code wasn't working because these guys in the ER they gave a different name and when they were giving the code they had a different name for those columns and Fields and that's great to hear I appreciate that I'm so happy about it yeah I thanks for sharing your experience there yeah thank you very much Darren and Kurt and and everybody in the school environment like you know it's a very supportive Environ Place safe place for Learning and you don't get judged by your level of learning that's right you should always you should always compare yourself with yourself from yesterday you know are you making progress because if you ever compare yourself to somebody else you know somebody else might you know maybe they've been in the program or they've been uh a programmer for a few years you know you can't compare your beginning with somebody else's middle or end otherwise you're just going to be frustrated all the time so always compare yourself with yourself yes and definitely one more thing your courses and your way of teaching did lower my learning curve 2x or 3x I would say that's great that's great to hear thank you so much for sharing that that makes my day I love it thanks am is there anything you wanted to add to that I know you said the private chat it's probably time for you to create a new video or something but uh yeah I loved it it was very honest authentic yeah yes thank you very much yeah so you've been having a good time in the accelerator you've you've I I I've seen a lot of progress that that you've made and um I love how engaged you are and you know there's a we don't accept every body just anybody into the accelerator program if somebody uh talks to us they're like you know my boss is making me learn power apps and I'll probably learn the fastest with you guys well we sort of guard our little tight-knit Community we only want like good positive energy people are passionate people wanting to learn but there's there's things that I can't impart or give to a student I can't give them passion I can't give them desire you know so these things are the qualities that we look for uh when somebody applies to to get into the accelerator program with us and uh I'd say you're you're like uh if if I had a classroom you you'd be one of my my students that probably be sitting in the front that just you're just like a sponge you like just soak it all in I love that about you man that's the way d That's the Way Darren was too when I was teaching him he was the same way and that and that's what made him a to me if you're engaged that's what makes you a star student for me when I'm student when I'm learning I assume I know nothing about the subject I'm trying to learn and I go in there and if I'm not saying anything you've lost me if I'm talking and I'm engaged well then that means you got me you know and so that's that's a good sign and you know I know that you were uh you're self-conscious about yourself with the videos and stuff I think you did a really good job with that video and I I think that if you would have thought you were doing a video you would have done it completely different and it wouldn't you'd have been choppy you would have been you'd have been stiff trying to worry about what you were saying and everything and because that's the way I am if I if I go into this this video thinking okay I got to do a video I have a hard time man but if I just say you know what I'm just gonna go here and talk about power apps and I don't care how it works well then I end up doing a good job and it's a first take you know he he calls me one take Kurt or whatever he calls me I don't remember what you said but you know I get stuff done in one take because I don't think about it but if I think about it I'll never get it done right I'll have to retake retake retake retake you know John thinks you're corny I love it on horny no this is good stuff this is good stuff um this is great stuff I I love this I love hanging out with you guys and I'm corny uh 200% in fact Kurt you used to call me what was your nickname that you had for me Kurt back in the day scooter scooter call you I still call you scooter I was so cheesy and corny yeah he'd always be bugging he's one of them guys in the class that would always say something about you know what Kurt what do you do about this and I saywell scooter you know I'd always call him scooter in class you know and and I kind of like having fun you know with people poking at him and stuff you know so it programming's dry right so you got to bring something to the table that keeps people kind of on their toes you know so yeah scooter come on [Laughter] scooter um all right well we have so much stuff to cover today we should probably jump back in here I just uh want to sort of make sure that we um are are keeping up with the comments um and everything so modern controls so I I didn't mean for this whole thing to be uh you know a bunch of commercials or anything but um this is my passion what we're doing the accelerator helping you guys out running the free community doing the YouTube channel this is as CT would say every day is Saturday you know we're having fun we're having a great time building a community and this community has grown not only the free community but the accelerator Community um I feel like I got I I have a bunch of best buddies I can hang out with and do some power apps stuff with so you guys have really enriched my life just being a part uh just even being here on the the live streams and and chatting with me I I I don't feel like I'm out here alone when I first started the YouTube channel to create these videos I was really serious and man go going live and doing these live streams and starting these communities has been uh a blessing to be honest and really that's what you wanted to do right your whole goal was to recreate that that that Community College atmosphere that you were in that you experienced where you have we weren't we were building relationships and we didn't realize we were building relationships we were all trying to learn but we all had those same goals and really big strong relationships came out of that you know I mean I've been knowing you now for for darn near 25 years you know so um I mean it just that's that's what happened and you wanted to recreate that and you have we literally have everybody knows everybody in there and it's just beautiful you know and everybody's having fun and like Amber Amber couldn't have said it any better in his video when he said you know you you can bring stuff to the table you're not being judged although I might pick at you now and then but it's fun it's all fun and uh yeah it's it's it's great it's a great learning environment we probably should try to do something here oh I also wanted to say before we do that I also want to say that it is important during these these moments to let you guys know what we're doing you know because otherwise these announcements that we make are the the things that we're talking about because otherwise some of you guys would never have a clue what's going on with what we're doing in the background here so I think it's great that we are talking about these things well I I just got an email somebody has already signed up for the personal pocket coaching and I haven't even put the link out there yet great hey that's gonna be that's gonna be good yeah before I even tell you guys anything about the personal pocket coaching I I just want to give you more value so let's get back into these modern controls shall we let's do it okay so we did the badge we did a checkbox combo box date picker drop down form a header you know how I've got a header in the um that is smooth that is really nice that now you know it's not as nice as my header control though what are you talking about oh no no no no but I mean too much to ask that would be too much to ask I'm gonna back out of this real quick because I think it's sort of uh in a weird place like I I I can't get it to go into design mode right back in this is where I'll play elevator music yeah all right so now this drop down list I can move around now I wasn't able to a few minutes ago what I wanted to do was move all this stuff down okay and uh put the header up there so I'm gonna I'm going to resist the urge to play around with this this control right now because I'm like what can it do where the limitations I'm looking at I'm looking at the uh you got you've got the icon sitting over the side there you get you know it's pretty neat looking you can put a picture it's got an image and then it's got the badge sitting over there to the right that's nice all right now this is interesting so I I brought over that form again now that it's things aren't messed up I closed out and came back in and notice what it did here I gave it a a border why didn't he use a red border you know what I mean yeah but maybe I mean even so this new theme this red theme that we looked at right here it's not even using like I I know it could use Shades of Gray but this looks like the the the dark gray color from the classic theme so I'm a little perplexed about that this is a modern form control let me just try to pull in at least one theme and I'll see if it's red or if it's all gray oh no Kurt that looks like a modern control that looks new doesn't it does let me go in here and set this up to be a new o Kurt that didn't look bad we might have to take another look at the form control it's kind of nice isn't it it is nice now you know what I want to do I want to tie to that red color but we're getting ahead of ourselves we'll do a video on each one of these so right now this is just an overview yeah gotta resist the the Temptation information button what is this it's just an information button H just a little I I for information it's sort of cute yeah so these even these radio button this looks a little bit more elegant I mean the radio button list for the classic ones man they're really big and clunky aren't they yeah they seem to R everything seems to render better yeah okay now you don't have to go off to and make your own spinner you know and uh we got a spinner oh we got a table a table control oh I love this idea I love this I love grids I absolutely love daa grids here we go there's SharePoint there's my site and let's bring in a customer connect do I have any data in customer Kurt we could talk to a SharePoint list with this new grid okay now originally this data grid I remember it saying it was only for data verse I'm like well there's another reason to use data verse because you got all kinds of stuff that you can use in data verse outside dat you don't get those toys but maybe they've updated maybe you know maybe 70% of people out there use SharePoint all the time and they they they they probably listen to your video look it already has the headers in and everything so like that remember that data table I hate that that always looked like something clunky right and it always said preview I'm excited about that man oh I think it does pagination look at this it tells us how many rows we have it's got a horizontal Rob oh my goodness oh my oh we've got to look at this yeah that's a game I'm excited that's a game changer right there that's okay so now we just gotta go down to the simple text box we're down to the text box now yeah that's just simple text is that like a label is that what that is a label because you got text text okay because next is a text input must be a label must be so you got a label and a text box we call them text box the new way of saying text boxes text input yeah I know that and doesn't have any left padding so if You' got a text box like this it's not going to look sort of weird like offset by five pixels that's sort of cool I might start using these modern controls man me too I'm I'm sold on them I'm sold on and of course the toggle the toggle is the big one for me I'm a big toggle person I love toggles oh I didn't bring the toggle over no oh this might be a lot better I there are a lot of things I didn't like about the classic toggle this is good stuff Kurt yeah very cool and then the last one was the co-pilot which I believe we saw in the classic listing as well I think they just maybe want to put it in both places because they want you to use it I can't imagine it would be the same thing on both of them so you can connect this to a data source if I if I go make this look at my accounts supposedly I could ask questions about it how many contacts do I have or we have now when I worked with this before it would just air out yeah and able to provide answers you've reached the maximum number of requests sorry I don't know that one yet but I'm still learning well that's the whole purpose of the control is so a user can ask this thing questions about the dat we set it up to look at accounts all accounts maybe I got to set up the views there maybe okay so looks like that's another uh got another video coming that's right okay maybe it's going to give us a little bit more information I selected the view nope it's not gonna help us out there uh but one of my main questions was is this the same exact control that was listed under the classic one so if I go to classic I can say co-pilot preview and it looks exactly the same it does yeah all right so we've looked at all the mon controls that are out there and we're back what do you think of that Kurt are are you still excited about all these modern controls I am I'm even more excited now and uh Chris had something to say uh so uh Chris says highly recommend the accelerator program been able to completely uh to complete several highly complex apps thanks so much Chris um yeah nice nice seeing you too Chris yeah yeah it's sort of funny sometimes you know we we meet four times a week uh in a live setting and um you know after a while sometimes our our students become so successful you don't see them anymore because they're busy out there making money you know hey come back and hang out with us you know yeah we need you to come hang out with us some more Chris start I start I start thinking that you know I did something wrong or something you know I personalize it you know when somebody doesn't show up yeah I get depressed I get [Laughter] depressed hi guys can you show how to create a PDF and power apps and send it to a colleague example a quote and send the quote with header and some details in a PDF now we won't be that's not really the topic for today but Kurt is there any like tidbit of information you could uh send somebody if they're wanting to create a PDF in power apps yeah I could and um I'm actually doing some video content on that in the in the near future so um because it's part of a another lab upcoming accelerator lab so uh that might be good for the uh personal pocket coaching as well is we we got a little five or 10 minute video in one of these upcoming mornings where we send that out hey this is how you use how you use the PDF function yeah and step two hey how do you send that PDF in into an email because that's actually pretty common use case to be honest um so I do see Ryan and I do see some private chat so I'm I'm going to circle back to the private chat here in just a bit guys uh mon controls and permission management limiting access to certain tabs values drop downs based on user permissions yeah I actually build that into my jump start kit I was getting either via Office 365 if user exists yeah um while building a template like my jumpstart kit has absolutely zero outside dependencies so I don't I'm not using any connectors and uh so I I've got it all built in a sort of a a slick way to do it um and I I create variables and and everything that manages all that so um that's a a a great question um because that's something that almost every app that you write in power apps you need to have some type of security built into that and um Ian says it's interesting that people can join your tenant environment when joining your training means I don't have to watch training on my own MacBook and then try to implement on my work laptop absolutely that's a big deal that's a big that's probably 90% of the reason why you did that the other 10% was so that we can share easier but that's a big deal right there yeah we we can share each other's apps um we get feedback hey this is how I did it that's how you did it and and we could uh compare notes easier we could we can help people uh test um their apps so it's it's a great way to sort of showcase and to to collaborate um now that we have that that tenant all set up and uh Alex says use AI Builder to read a screenshot of your data fields after they are entered and then use power automate to parse the data and format a PDF okay so I think Alec maybe was uh trying to answer the the PDF question um and S another advantage of the accelerator program is that you learn the uh Icelandic translation of control names yeah that's what I was laughing about I had a chuckle over that one yeah because we have uh we have an accelerator student from Iceland and we were working with some of some some a program with him right and he was sharing it and we were all watching it as accelerator students and yeah it's it's really it's it's kind of cool when you're you're you're you're operating in one language all the time and then you see see something like the uh the Icelandic uh language com across the screen it's kind of interesting isn't it yeah that's a shout out to David there from from RC uh and also Ryan I work I work in the government Army National Guard and there are constant changes and permissions based on role and assignment can I PM you and try to get your feedback absolutely yeah um so yeah um come over to our our free environment make a post there you can email us so our I'm just going to put our uh email address here support n. us and if you guys any of you want to book a call with us um and learn more about the accelerator program um yeah out to us let us know and we can we can get that underway and I'm GNA an eye on the the private chat I think there's been a things come up in the private chat as well I just wanted to say in that yeah when you're when you're booking a call with us it's it's good to book a calls and and let us know what your your issues are the current issues that you're having so we can understand where you're at and maybe we can help you and and just we'll see if you're fit for accelerator you know I think that's a great deal there to be able to talk about that absolutely yeah um and I see a private chat uh question from Thomas what problems would you look for if you decide to mix some Modern and classic in a production app um well that's one of the things I address in the very first of those three pocket coaching sessions about these modern controls the first one is that um you may need to go in there and turn on the classic theming just in case it needs to be changed a little bit um so just to sort of go over that one more time so that's the biggest thing that comes to mind Kurt if you have anything that comes to your mind uh please uh put it out there um as we're talking here but I'm I'm still trying to understand what you were talking about there so remember when um you know we got the classic themes the classic controls and we got the modern controls the modern themes well here's one thing that you might want to do if you pull in the modern uh controls you're going to lose the classic themes so I'm going to turn that on just momentarily and um this project here is going to be the new modern jump start kit okay and what I'm going to show you here is um if you if you turn that on you can get back into the themes here and what I like to do is pick this light theme for the classic so you don't have any weird blue colors coming up from the classic controls so that is one thing I like to do I don't know that there's any big big problems that you're going to encounter using both of those controls I'm going to be using both the classic and the modern because over the modern they don't have a timer control they don't have a lot of the stuff that's already out here where's my ga where's my modern Gallery right yeah I did that in in one of our Labs um recently I threw a a modern dropdown just to see how it would work how to mix and match and there's no problems that i s that I saw so very cool okay now that I've I've picked I got that the gray theme now I don't really need it anymore so I'm going to turn that off okay and we've got two controls here now what I'd like to do um and Kurt if you don't mind just keep an eye on the private chat I'm not always I'm keeping an eye on the public chat but not so much the the private so if you see anything there that we need to address um let me know um so what I want to do today is I want to build a menu control so what we have here is this tabl list control okay and uh this would make for a very cool menu and uh earlier in this week in the accelerator program we actually built out our own menu control and it was looking pretty cool to be honest um I think I might actually pull it up and show you guys here look so we used the header control okay but here we used um of course this second uh screen wasn't set up let me go ahead and copy now the problem the not really a problem but the next thing that we'd want to do inside this application is create this little menu as a component okay so this is simply a a a tab control okay and um I you know if you look at this we could actually add in and we use the formulas name formulas here here's all our menu controls okay well I I click expand formula bar here and I could put little emojis and symbols in here and they'll actually show up on the menu I thought that was sort of cool so you think a tab control it doesn't really give us a way like the gallery does where we can have like icons or images but you can sort of do that it's a a bit of an an elegant menu uh system change the alignment once real quick from horizontal over there on the right side all right does that that's kind of smooth that that cool cool you could do it either way right yeah I love it I love it I think it's time that we make our own user component our own control uh because that was the the one thing Kurt don't be depressed I will try to make regular classes meetings I like it don't mess around the Christmas time people that that have the blues during the Christmas time check in on on people during this holiday season and and uh you know absolutely yeah Chris it it's great just uh get there when you can we'd love to see you yeah um now something I like now Kurt what what is this called whenever we've got um this three dots you just call it three dots what do you call that that is an ellipsis an ellipsis an ellipsis look at that so if you wanted a menu that stayed out of the way you just make this this little tab control really small and it's smart enough just to give the little three dots and that could be your menu that pops up it's a little popup menu just a little popup menu nice so um what we're going to do here guys is we're starting from scratch and this is going to be my new Jump Start kit now before I delve into this now this is going to be some intense stuff you guys looking to jump in and actually start doing stuff right we're going to do that I just want to give you the rest of the information so you guys have this so if you need some time to think about it uh the these are the show notes I like to say so there's a link in the uh should be in the description below and I've shared the link uh here in the chat as well and um just just so it's out here I'm going to paste it one more time in the live live chat that will take you to this particular uh web page here okay personal pocket coaching and what what I'm going to go over is the extreme holiday savings I'm I'm I'm G to make a Bonkers ridiculous offer to you guys um you guys know that that probably at least half of my stuff is out here for free for you guys to consume and um I I'm gonna give you guys even a huge uh offering here okay hug a huger offering a huger offering um now you can either do it monthly or annual okay now a monthly plan you'll get personal pocket coaching in your e email box every morning now that's every single day of the month that means that Kurt and I will be recording and they're not always just going to be a series like those three for the modern controls but the modern controls there's a lot of stuff to go through so we're going to have a little pocket uh coaching session for each of these modern controls um and we're going to be covering all kinds of other things not just power apps we could be talking about um some fundamentals of programming logic database design database normalization trying to pick uh like what's the best data source should you be using Excel SharePoint SQL Server data verse should we be using air tables postgress MySQL what what's the best data source you know uh these are the topics so you we might have like a tip and a trick day where we just cover one thing uh we get cover one function one control and you guys know my content I like to drone on for hours here um and sometimes people just don't have time for that but people can have time for like a five or 10 minute little session right and by the way if you guys are wondering uh you accelerator students get even more of a of a discount of what I'm about to show you here now the monthly plan it's $99 a month but until the end of the year it's half off so it's only $47 a month okay now realize you're getting a pocket coaching session every single morning of the month okay so if I were to click on that let's see uh what comes up here okay just to show you what's being offered so that I can answer any of you guys's questions while you got me here on the line okay so instead of it being 94 a month it's $47 a month okay and um now if you if you're wondering about the annual you do get additional savings it's going to blow your mind what you get if you do the if you pay for a whole year up front um I'm going to click on this and show you what you get so uh you're going to get h a big savings there but if you purchase before the end of the year you get it at this price here but if you do that you get some bonus stuff here okay you get my jump start kit that that I sell for $250 and you're going to get the modern jump start kit that's going to be included in this price okay the full ticketing system that I was selling for $1,000 that's going to be included in this okay in this price and you're going to get a session with me and Kurt okay um and if you go out to Fiverr you'll see that I I charge $250 for for a tutoring session okay so anyway so if you guys want to get some good savings um I would re I would highly recommend doing the annual um and you're going to get access to everything so if you sign up for annual what you'll do is I'll actually bring it up here for you guys so you can see it here within the school Community oh look at this here's one you guys haven't seen yet animation and power apps have you guys ever wanted to have a little animation or bouncing ball now this is stuff that even the accelerator students haven't seen yet I see you smiling and laughing would you like to comment as to why you're smiling and laughing right now well that bouncing ball has just been it's just been it's just been vexing people it's great I love it well tell us a little bit about this because this is your lab two this is an element out of lab two it's a piece of lab two yeah um I I guess there's a couple things I you know now that you just kind of threw me out there I I wasn't really so there's a couple things that I like about it number one it's not really about the bouncing ball it's about fundamentals in programming and if you can if you can conquer this and control the bouncing ball on the screen there's not a whole lot you can't control when it comes to everything else like simple controls and data you know and it's and it also trains your mind to think outside of the box um to problem solve to really problem solve and it also teaches you that math isn't really that hard we make math way harder than it needs to be so it's kind of fun and also it teaches you that power apps can actually be used to make animated gains if you wanted to um and and so we we learn about Sprites we learn about collisions here uh there's just all kinds of cool stuff with that it's just it's just a kind of a neat little um exercise right absolutely so if you purchase annually guys you'll get access to this little area within um this says personal pocket coaching so whenever you sign up you get access to everything in the past um and you've got this little interface if you just buy monthly uh pay monthly then it'll just come to your inbox uh every every morning um so that's that's like another perk to to purchase annually go ahead there's something I want to talk about this personal pocket coaching you know I know Darren's got a lot of reasons why he's excited about it and I am too but I've got something that really excites me about it more that we haven't really talked about um you know when you're trying to find something when you're trying to have a solution what you're doing here with this pocket coaching is you are getting a ref an ever changing ever growing reference library of videos and you you you you you keep these collections of videos this collection of videos and so what happens is you now you've guys have all been out there on YouTube when you need to try to remember how to solve a problem programming you use you use 10% of the of the the platform we're talking about power apps today you use 10% of power apps 90% of the time but then 90% of power apps you got to go and look it up you use it 10% of the time so then you got to go look it up you got to figure out how to do it the syntax you know and but so what we have here is you got a reference to go look up programming is about knowing where your references reference material is at more than it is anything else and that's what this pocket this pocket coaching is giving you is a good reference and it's always changing and it's a video reference which means you know you guys have gone through this YouTube and the Google stuff and even with my classes the labs the presentations I do I go on and on and on about a subject like I am right now and and you're you're like well you just get to the point can I just get to the point you gota watch 45 minutes of me going on on on on on to get to the point right well these pocket coaching videos are we're trying to get within five minutes you know get to the point quick we get it's just get to the point get to the point get to the point so you're gonna have this really great reference library that's probably unlike anything else that you know going out there on YouTube and all that you've got great video content out there and you can learn out there but you got to sip through it here you don't you can just get right to it so I said all that to say you got a great reference library here that's why I'm excited about it yeah and we we so Kurt and I have committed to waking up early in the morning and crank out some stuff so that we might actually be creating more than one per day but I'm committed to doing at least one a day so if the the month has got 31 days in in the month you're getting 31 pocket sessions that month yeah um and at least Okay so so there might be some additional things we're so excited we'll we'll you might get uh two two in one on one day or you know go ahead Kurt right and and also within this collection of videos It's not all just uh uh Stupid pet tricks when it comes to to power apps it's also talking about philosophies and fundamentals there'll be some we we'll do a five minute video on a philosophy or on a fundamental on on what to think on a way to think you know so it's a little bit of everything a little bit of everything yeah I think you guys are going to be quite pleased with that um so um and then Ben also asked so he said it it the annual deal looks great yeah I I try to when I make an offer I try to make the deal so good you almost feel obtuse not not jumping on it um how does the pricing of this compared with the accelerating so this is completely separate from the accelerator by the way if you guys are currently in the accelerator you get a even bigger discount you get uh 75% off on either of those um so um so Ben if if you're thinking about signing up for the accelerator let us know right away because we could probably um do some type of a deal with everything included but you'll definitely get the you know the 75% off at the very least but um yeah let us know we we don't really discuss too much of the pricing on the accelerator because we don't accept just anybody we want to make sure people understand because there's qu there's so much to it we literally have an hour and a half video where we go through everything that's covered in the accelerator so um yeah so so send us a line uh send us an email at support at nus and and we'll set you up with the you know with the a call and uh we could talk with you and we'll what we like to do is we like to hear about your individual needs um because we want to make sure that um you know because I I I take uh I've invested interest that you guys will succeed I don't want somebody going through my program and and like they don't finish and they they don't do great things you know what I mean it's sort of like uh you know colleges they don't you know have to apply to get in you know we're looking for an element um and we've got quite the the community based on sort of like the vibe or the atmosphere everybody is just loving power apps and loving cranking out apps and and stuff but um if you'd like to reach out to us you were about to say something Kurt yeah I just want to say you know uh this this pocket coaching is more of a product it's a it's a it's a product like a reference book like a series okay whereas accelerator accelerator is not um it's it's not really just a train it is training but it's more of a result what we're trying to do is we're trying to we're trying to produce a result and everybody comes into this with a different different need and a different reason a different goal and so what we try to do is we try to match you at your map of the world and we try to give you that result in an accelerated way so and that's that's why that's what's so beautiful about accelerator program and that's why you can't just you know to say well what is accelerator it's so hard to talk about you really gotta we really got to hear your story and then we talk about how accelerator works for you and what it means to you you know so we just had a a psychop person sign up for the annual plan yeah yeah um I almost feel like this is this is what what do they call that the um a ton it's ton well it's actually we're unveiling it's today we decided to do this look we've been talking about this for a couple of weeks now and we've been doing some videos and we're just really excited about it and um I think this that I think this uh pocket coaching is the answer to a lot of problems that we had with the accelerator in terms of with the video content being so big some sometimes you need to learn you need to listen to a lecture you know you need to go through it and you you need to get your popcorn and listen to Kurt talk you know but then but then there's a time when it's time to start trying to you know I'm in the middle of this program and I stuck you know now we've got this pocket coaching going on here you know and it also gives you a wake up in the morning when you wake up you look at that it gives you a frame of mind it gives you a frame of mind to get thinking about what you're doing for the day so it's gonna be there's just so many wins here you know there's just so many when you're when you're dealing with these kinds of things you got to try to figure out who wins and here both sides are just winning in so many ways it's just great yeah absolutely um so if you guys don't don't see the link whatever so those links are out there um and you can click on those now if you're in the accelerator program I've posted the link inside the accelerator if you go over to community you'll see the the post down below here um where I announced the the the links here so you got 75% off of of what I'm uh offering there so you guys get a a special discount there um so yeah for that for that amount you're getting my jump start kit the ticketing system a session with me and Kurt it's really a great way of starting off the the year and Kurt have you ever bought yourself a Christmas gift is that is that a bad thing no no you have to you have to it's like that's why for well that's why people talk to themselves right I talk to yes Kurt are you talking to yourself again yes I'm the only one that understands me Kurt are you buying expert advice exactly Kurt are you buying yourself yet another Christmas gift yes I'm the only one that understands me I need one you know very cool all right well let's let's get on this Kurt it's about time to start building a component here you think it's either that or somebody needs to start cooking breakfast one of the two here let's get going all right let's create a component here so you guys are getting some good training on how to create a component this is really good stuff now if you've never created a component I'm going to be going over this fairly fast okay so I want to direct you guys if you want some uh good stuff here go to DAR and say component let's see what comes up here okay so here's one I did with uh my friend Barry over in the UK component Basics that's a good one but um I I talk about creating your own header bar at the top um so if I go into this one here there is a playlist that I'm going to show you guys okay here's the playlist and I'm going to share this link you guys have that um look at this power apps application header so those are some basics of how to create a component and then I just showed you um this one has some good component Basics okay but Kurt I want you to slow me down if I go a little too fast because we got we got some um some stuff to cover here right what should I name my new component Kurt is there any type of Hungarian notation I I should call this I I mean I don't know what it is CMP CMP for component all right let's do that that sound good yeah component and I'm gon to call this menu okay now before I would always put a a gallery in here to build my menu out of but what I'm going to do is I'm going to use this modern control and this is going to look really nice okay going to go find the tabl list I'm GNA bring that over bring that to the top now what I want to be able to do now you notice with this control I can go over and make this vertical okay then it'll go that way well I want my control to do either just like this control does and I think what we might need to do is expose or create a property within our component that allows whoever is using our component even even if it's us to say horizontal or vertical okay so I'm going to name my tab control I'm going to say tab menu okay so we're going to name all of our stuff especially since it's the jump start kit we want to put a lot of good effort in it because it's going to last us for for a few years as we're building all these apps uh from it now we do have a size we could say small wow it's going to make it even smaller okay so we might want to expose that property because we might want to utilize that what do you think of that I think so interesting and then we've got alignment vertical horizontal okay so let's let's create some of these properties that we want people to be able to set okay uh let's call it orientation and I say either horizontal or vertical is that how you spell vertical guys have you got your have you got your uh your zoom up to 150 on that by the way I sure do okay should I zoom up anymore well no I don't know I'm I'm for some reason I'm having a tough time seeing it but could just be me yeah now I can zoom in more let's go 175 here okay okay and I'm going to put our pictures below because our faces would would cover up the stuff at the bottom that we want to see here you you just help my I was going to ask you if you could adjust the minimes yeah I could put us on the side I don't know if that really helps out too much there but uh yeah so there we go now what's the data type for this no it looks like we got quite a few things what I want to do is almost create my own little enumerated value like they have um so let's go over here let me see if I can I'm G to click create for a moment and when I go over here and click on alignment look at this tabl list alignment here okay so what I'm going to try is make that the same thing here so we've got this orientation property at the bottom and I'm going to click click on that if you click on the right side of it where it says text it will bring this panel back up okay what I'd like to do is be able to set it to to something you know I think for right now um taex is going to be fine um now Elvis or Kurt if you know how to to make a property of type enumerated value like they've done that's what I want to do um but I don't see way to do that okay so I'm going to click Text keep it as text but let's look at the default value if I click on Orient the name of the property in the in this corner here you see it says text okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to do this okay we have vertical and horizontal okay so we're just going to use a string here and um all right so I'll exit out of that that's going to be the default value and for this alignment I need to tie into that property okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to and look at this it's telling us it's an enum it's an enumerated value okay so I'm going to open this guy up and I'm G to look at CMP menu dot orientation okay if if the orientation is zontal then okay now what do you think of that Kurt are you proud of the code that I just wrote here does this look good or not I'm as as you're you're writing that I'm thinking boy I wish power would just let us address the NS in a better way you know but I don't know maybe maybe you're dealing with the limitation of of power apps yeah um yeah I wish they would open that up because you know Kurt you and I come from a background of objectoriented programming and doing that type of stuff it it just seems like we need that here so I'm hoping that they'll open that up and allow us to do that but for right now this is what I do this is what I've done in in uh my other components so this is going to hold us over until they they give us more control as uh coders here um okay so that has a property that allows us to change this now I think you see this canvas that we have here this isn't a screen this is a the component canvas I wouldn't call it a screen and what we want to do here we can control the width and the height over here on on the side here but what I want to do is tie it to the height of this control okay now that looks interesting doesn't it uh so this is the tab control here guys and I selected it and um even when I made it really small it's still sitting there like that that's that's a little interesting now what is the default height of this tab list okay it is survey says 55 okay now if I change this to small is it still 55 it is okay find that little strange now we got some wasted space there okay so uh this is interesting so what I'm going to do is I'm going to tie into this tab menu for the height I'm going to say menu do height okay that should change it for us and um we might want to be careful sometimes this could cause a um circular reference so let's go look at the height of this control right now it says 87 well let's just set that to be 100 or um 85 something like that and um you know what I think it is I I think I'm I'm having a um a little bit of a a brain fart here because when you add a control to a screen let's do that okay we got this screen here and I'm going to add my component I'm G to have to zoom out a little bit because I'm just not seeing everything here okay if I click on classic we do have get more components um and that's not what I'm looking for not looking for that I want to bring over my uh my control now used to be it was over here yeah custom there we go now what you notice for this control not only do I have an error here but the developer has control over the height and the width okay so um I don't create components every day but that's something that I that I am remembering now that that we're dealing with that okay now what you can do for this component here this tab control for the height we can make this parent. height okay we could do that and then for the width comp menu. hey and and let's go deal with this air and for the height let's say 100 very good now if we go over to the screen it's sort of a a limbo state if you look over here and you're you're working with this canvas some things aren't available until you actually see it on the screen so I'm going to hit control Z that will sort of Zoom zoom out for us okay and um that's the T the tablet I'm going to delete that and so here is our menu component okay now if I enlarge this okay this is this is a little interesting here we got little Ellipsis and it's what's going on here a little strange you guys Elvis or Curry got it you got uh any ideas not yet on here kind just kind of watching [Music] um yeah I'm expecting this to um work here okay so 100 the width is 640 so we've got plenty of space here and this thing should be growing or shrinking with this parent yeah can you check the we the we property of the uh tab tab uh uh the top mod and control the the top what the top the top menu yeah check the we yeah the width so I'm looking at maybe what I should be looking at is parent that height parent do height oh parent. width yeah parent on WID yeah there we go thank you Elvis all right Sho I was sweating there guys sometimes it's not easy just doing the stuff off the top of your head yeah I I wasn't sure if it was that or if it was just the modern control I wasn't trusting that the mod control was letting us change it you know I I wasn't sure yeah yeah there's a lot of bug in the new modern control actually yeah okay so I can make this take up the full width here okay and I gave it a background color so I can differentiate it between the control and the screen okay so that's the first thing I want this thing to dynamically uh change in size here um and we do have a property that changes the orientation okay very good and um so let's do this click on the control and now we'll type in vertical okay there we go and it did change now the next thing I want to do is I want this this size this small medium and large to be able to be modified by the developer of my control so let's say um let's create a new property here now this is where I'd like to have more control I I I almost don't want to have these three sizes I want to put in a number like how you know how big to make because maybe I want it really big not just subtly larger right but um let's go ahead and create this size menu size maybe okay it'll be be an input um and you know what I think we're going to have to keep it as text because again it is an enumerated value okay so if we click on the control here we have small medium and large okay so if I go here now what is the default if we just bring over a TBL list onto a screen here which did not happen there we go and um the size so the default is large okay I'm going to put large in here I'm going to say okay there we go that's in there and now for the tab control open this up expand that okay CMP menu dot menu size equals large and we want it to be large this is they just made these changes this week have you noticed that I I want to indent this code and I hit Tab and it just moves the focus over here what happens if I select the whole thing and hit tab nope it still doesn't like that so I'm going to just have to be patient and do something different here so um let me ask you a question Kurt so we've got large medium and small here would you use a switch here or would you still use an if just an if which is those three things just an if right so if that is that then we got a large and then we have an else block and in the in what we could we could do this several ways we could have a we could have another nested if I like that you like that yeah because it's it's actually gonna be faster that way it's actually a so if it's medium then we're going to say medium else and then here we could do else just a simple else and then that would be that would be your simple else y now I can hit form format the text now it's going to it over for me all right so you like what we did there did you know that you can keep giving this if Comm and it's the same thing as doing this nested ifs and you may already know that right uh so I'm not I'm I'm just not sure how the how parps processes that I know that if if I know that if I've got a nested if in there that I'm not going to go down to those other two items I don't know if if the other one looks at all all those El's you know does that make sense in other words like if if you have a comma if you have a comma separating the three elements there does it look at all three of those elements does power apps do that or does that's good point that's the reason why I like to put that nested if in there because that way I don't want it to even look at those two at the first one is there if if the first one happens don't even go any further you know um yeah that's why that's why I do it the way I do it uh so I have seen um some people say oh this this looks cleaner you know but you've got a a valid thought there Kurt in that we don't know now with Visual Basic back in the day uh we could find out yeah so it's going to it's going to evaluate one part and you've got an or let's say an and you've got a false something that was evaluated to a false and then you've got an and Well's not even to look at anything else because it already knows it's going to end in the fall so it was more efficient for it not to even look at it and I think that's what you bringing up there that's the type of stuff that you guys learn with us is is stuff that doesn't even come up in a typical power apps class or or course material you know we show you all this uh this cool developer stuff we've learned over the years and and you might think this is about mindset guys you might think that three elements who cares you know it's just fat it's just it's not gonna be that much but someday you might be dealing with something that's dealing with a million elements and so you want you want to make sure you're saving machine instruction time or maybe you know you do that in enough places it starts slowing your whole program down you know so I always just try to think in in ways of control and it's all about control don't even look at those things if you don't need to I have control over the program not not power apps you know but you've got to learn how to how how the processor works you know how is it working I'm thinking it's an interpreted language so it's probably looking at every one of those three things yeah so I just tested the small medium large that's working the orientation is working now if I make this really small do I get my ellipses I do look at that so we could have a little popup menu there now I'm going to uh uh bring up some of the stuff I'm seeing here in the chat so I I did see uh jads comment there keeping the the same height but add a multiply factor I do that a lot with galleries so uh thanks for sharing that um and indeed says hi Darren just passing by and say a huge thanks from France very cool learning so much with you love your pedagogical way of teaching uh Kurt do you know what that means means it means it means like you're teaching uh beginners you're just beginner level children pedagogical means teaching children okay very cool and then um lock says what about the switch uh function yeah and that's why I was asking Kurt you know what what do you think about the switch here because I'm almost I'm almost tempted when I have what I would think is uh more items than just two items I think maybe I'll use a switch here but uh sometimes I get a little Curt on my shoulder that convinces me like well it's probably more efficient if you just do that with and if but um let's say you've got 50 different items I'd probably use a switch in that case or anything any more any more than three I I like to use the switch if there's any more than three what what you did that was the max you know um now a switch is going to do similar to what we just did right there switch is going to work like it's gonna it's going to go down to the one that it finds and stop you know that's what that's what that's the whole purpose of the switch you know so if there if you were the second element into the switch it would just go down to the second element and it would kick out of there now you're still stuck though and I've given points off in in lots of labs using switch statements or or uh you know um cases case uh selections a lot of people like to use that else at the end of a switch statement so if you're going to use a switch statement you need to surround this proper programming is you surround the switch statement with the the amount that you with an if condition that's so that that way it only goes into that switch if it's going to hit those range of values because you never want to be in a situation where it could be any range of value and have an else in the end of that switch if you have to put an else at the end of your switch you did it wrong that's just the way I look at it now it's there and it's there for a reason I suppose but to me that is bad programming practice poor form and just FYI guys if we have any developers or programmers in on the live stream um have you have you ever used a break inside of a a a four or or I I don't I don't know like you see Kurt's face right now he's about to he's about to break out I want a a personal pocket coaching session about using break the problem that we have with and I wish we could do it hopefully power apps uh gives us more but the looping the iteration in power apps is still at a low level in my opinion that's one of the things that makes it a a a toy language right um but it's getting better because at least they have the four all um but it's limited it's so limited there but there should be three types of four Loops right there should be three or not four Loops but there should be three types of iteration and we're only getting one and we're all not really getting the full version of the one either so um until power apps does that it really doesn't really help us to do a a talk about it but boy I I tell you what that you just you just about made me pass out there with that break Chris says H how long will power app stick around until there's a new way of doing forms InfoPath did have its 10 seconds in the spotlight yeah so rest in peace InfoPath right um I know a lot of people really enjoyed that cool and it probably had a good um around 20 years um I remember back when net came out I was somebody asked me to take a look at InfoPath and I'm like oh okay this is this is interesting this is different and here we are I would say we're we're gonna have a good 20 years stent of the Power Platform maybe longer 25 um until they decide doing something and maybe AI just takes over everything after 20 years anyway I I think that's what we're doing right now we're training AI all so so you notice all of our power apps is programming in the cloud right so we have all of our stuff is gathered in one place essentially and now ai can just go through that and we're training AI that's what we're doing what it feels like yeah yeah um okay so what I noticed here guys is we have our own component we've got this tab list in here and look I can change this using this modern themes and it's Chang changing it underneath the scenes okay so that's still an effect now essentially what I need to do Kurt is really build a lot of functionality a lot of properties in this menu so I just sort of going over some of them uh here um I'll be adding a lot more I sort of want to get to just get this menu functional okay so we so we're doing something here now I did want to mention Chris um maybe you didn't catch it you're talking about new forms we do have a new new form right here and it does look quite a bit better than the the classic form so I don't know if you're at all hinting at that but um yeah so we have a classic form and now a modern form okay so uh one of the things I want to do is make sure we at least have three screens here so I'm going to say new screen blank new screen blank okay so now we got three screens at least now let me let you guys in on a a little secret here Microsoft doesn't really want us using app on start anymore or at least they're trying to to get us to use other things than just the app onart to initialize variables to go fetch some data that type of thing what they've given us and this used to be a preview sort of like these modern controls um and it's called named formulas Okay so so instead of going into the app on start and putting a bunch of code in here that's going to create our all of our menu items for our menu anything that's like that like any constants now I know in the world of power apps there's no such thing as a constant uh if you don't mind me Kurt I'm going to put you on the spotlight in just general programming what is a constant why would you use a constant because it's sort of what we're effectively doing here in the next few month moments go okay constants are cheap that's the number one reason why we do do constants in programming okay what does that mean what does che well I'm going to get there constants are resolved before the program runs right they never change constants never change that's the reason why they're called constants variables change that's why they're called variables so constants are resolved before the program even runs and it puts those values not in the not it doesn't put those values in the traditional stack that we have to deal with with variables okay so they are cheap in terms of memory usage and cheap in terms of processing constants are great for programming because they can work similar to to variables in that you can have a label like he's got menu text sitting out there right now and he's getting ready to put a literal first screen that's a constant he's just created a constant right there because he put literals in there that means that can't change now if he put some variable in there like a Lo screen name or screen to go to to type thing then it would be a variable all right so it's a constant constants are cheap they can't change now what's nice about them is that you can assign them it like he's doing right now in this formula section or if you want to go back to the way that uh is not recommended at this point to go into the app onart um you could do those things and you can label those things before your program even runs and you've got your values working so and okay so the other good thing about constants is that that you can change things in one place if he's got uh that that menu text if he's using that menu text that he created up there in a thousand places he doesn't have to go and re change that all over the place for every instance of it he just changes it one time at the beginning of his program and it goes everywhere else there's a there's a um there's a saying an acronym called dry do not don't repeat yourself right so you're he's doing it one time he assigns that value one time in the in the formula and now he can use that everywhere throughout his program sh there you go I love it I love having you around Kurt he just puts me on the spot like that all the time I'm sitting here thinking oh you know I'm thinking about Danel liion and Christmas and then he goes tell me about constant you that's how I feel we been talking here for a bit it's like okay let's get to I'm like okay what am I doing here how do I create a component but yeah I I am absolutely lost it's been so long since I did a component I'm sitting here going you said what do you think Kurt I'm like I don't know what's funny is Kurt taught me most of what I know about building components and objectoriented programming it's he's forgotten more stuff than I probably know well I could I could program a component in C or in Pascal but just in power apps I've done maybe one one component in in power apps so I just hav it you know how it is if you don't you can learn learn something but if you don't use it you lose it you know if you don't do it enough now if you ask me how to do a lookup I could sit there and do that with my eyes closed because I do them about a million times a day but you know I just don't use components very often and I'm impressed that you're you're being able to do that um yeah because I know that you have slept since the last time you did a component yeah plus you put a degree of difficulty on it where you're doing a uh you're doing a component on a modern control which we don't even know how they react inside of a component yet and you're doing this over live stream so um that's pretty imp that's F16 pilot type stuff right there I got I got another question for you Kurt so I created a menu up in the formula app. formula so I need to go run on app on shouldn't have to yeah okay well I won't click on it then I'll go over to this the second menu now we'll deal with this our menu here in a moment but here's just a tabless control and look it's got this by default and it's funny is when we use these square brackets you and I we call this an array they're calling a table here which is funny isn't it it's not a table that's a that is a literal array oh it's not even a record okay do you know you know when we went over to name formulas I gave it a name did you notice what I prefixed my my FX FX because the language that we're writing code in here guys is Power FX Power FX and FX is the the universal because of XEL acronym for formula right that's true yeah you see there's a little FX right there too yeah yeah isn't that cute ain't that cute no well there there's actually a language called f out there too by the way which is nothing but this kind of formula Stu F SHP nope yeah F maybe it is FP yeah and then you've got functional programming yeah look at look at what we're dealing with here Kurt so I I set this up we got 247 4849 orinal data yeah why did it start with 2047 Elvis you know I find that odd and I'm just going to tell you right now I don't know why it's giv us these numbers it's it's it's got something to do with either memory or the way it's being assigned maybe there's 247 assignments at that point this is the data that gave it and it's just pulling out random number ordinal the r i shouldn't say random they're ordinal numbers but why did it start at that number you you think maybe it was pulling in the swort order right so let's click on this let's see what we're dealing with here on this tab control over here in the fields oh look this it's sort of like a a data table control or a form control let's that oh well there's are three things right there how many things can it display it looks like it's only going to display one let's go ahead and say all three let's see what happens here first screen SE so it takes the menu text which was the first item now if I move this around and put the sort order up there now it's going to display the numbers isn't that interesting so I'm going to take that out what about the screen to go to does it aor loading it didn't like that okay so I'm going to take that out so I find it weird that it it pulled in um those numbers now it's it's really having a hard time now see yeah it is so I might have to go in here remove all all of them and then just bring in the menu text which is what I want to be displayed there so you know one of one of the things I don't know if we can do and I doubt we can can Darren but one of I guess this is why I'm I'm not really enamored with components and powerups yet because you have to literally go into the component and and tell how many screens you can have right so let's say we wanted to have 10 screens maybe our component should just go out there and calculate the screens that you have in your program currently in your app and and put them in there for you there's no way for us to dynamically set that is there you're right yeah I I want to dynamically create screens I want to Dynamic dynamically programmatically create controls I want to do all kinds of crazy stuff what's that I want to dynamically dynamically create Fields you know yeah absolutely you can't do do it and it's to me it's really you know you're if you say you're gonna give us this capability then give us the capability you know so I I I guess I'm going I'm my mind is still trying to wrap around that we're only doing three screens what happens if we want four screens you know you know I have an answer to I have an answer to that what is it go search for Daren and say massive app I have a video here that does just that I take I create a hundred screens in my app did I ever share this with you this is before uh you started with me fulltime no no I've never seen this one I went through here and created a hundred screens okay and I created everything else as a component so I didn't have to so every screen had this component and I'd go update this one component that had the header the menu everything so if I want everything to be updated the whole app white and then over an app start maybe I need to move that over to formulas now I've got something that references every single screen and I don't rename the screens and then I dump it over into a database so that I can dynamically pull in screen headings and all kinds of very nice very nice and I see you Ed the gallery in that so that's that's yeah so so I guess you have a better um menu control than what this new mon control can give you huh it's the closest thing I came to having like Dynamic menu items and data driven menus yeah um great stuff that's good stuff Darren so again you're trying to find workarounds yeah yep that's what you do that's what programmers do so I've created a new property here or about to called menu items so this will be a table okay table uh of values that will be passed into the component and we use it as the data source I'm going to click uh create okay and what I want to do for this in this control instead of that I'm going to say CMP menu. menu items and look at that we've got 108 that funny now do we have any fields in here yet and no it's like using some type of a sample thing here that's a little weird huh wow okay what you need to do is give it a a good sampling of the data that it's going to have eventually okay so well that's easy I'm just going to go over here to app formulas and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this table value now I can't have that that um uh semicolon in there of course but if I go over to uh this component by default this controls items um not for the tab but for the component okay so if I click on the component you see menu items here if I go over to the right side it will bring up this panel but you click on the left side it will bring this up this is what it's thinks that it has to work with huh that's not it that's not what we want to work with we want to work with a sampling you at least want one record in here where your columns are defined okay otherwise you're going to be having a lot of problems yeah because you know Kurt with powerups once you define a structure of something whether it be a variable a collection a table it's it like hones in on that schema and it doesn't like it's immutable it doesn't want to change it yeah so I'm gonna give that as a sample but here what it's going to actually pull to it's going to pull in whatever is being passed in so we've got that now we can go over to this edit and add in well I might have to close out and come back in because it's a little confused try this again okay got that if I go look at it this is our new structure okay um if I click on items there it is and then I need to go into Fields add a field see still has that old stuff so what I'm going to have to do is reboot get out and come back in right yeah okay go back in there nobody's falling asleep on me have they got quiet it got quiet yeah oh we got an air what is going on here it doesn't seem to like this okay for some reason it kept my semicolon in there be right back sure now if I hover over the the red squiggly here the table passed in has none of the expected columns sample Boolean sample num sample string field okay so let's see if we can figure this out here and it has that semicolon in there take that out format the text I'm going to save it and um let's see if I can pull in those fields again and I am not able to do that okay so again I'm going to back out leave it and then come back in because it had that semicolon in there maybe it confused it and we're dealing with what I feel like are beta beta components these these monitor controls they don't have all the issues um ironed out yet but I'm hoping that we can come up with a good menu control okay so I'm going to go over here looks like we've got three items that that's looking good I'm going to click on fields there we go if we just uh keep keep our patience keep our wits about us there we go how you like that so we should probably also Implement sorting here let's sort it we've got a good sort order okay there we go sort order so in case we let's say we got 100 menu items and we want the very last one appear at the top well we could we could do that and we'll be right there okay so I'm going to hit save I'm going to go back over to screen means okay we're we're looking a little better here okay now what about going off to these other screens now I'm going to remove this guy I'm not sure if I need uh him anymore and I'm going to size this up a little more make it a little prettier put it near the top okay now what we want to have happen is if we click on these individual items it should take us over to the screen right we'll go over to our component and then for this tab control oh look at this we've got we what is this Cur what is this menu text well we do know that it was oh my goodness gracious I guess I'll save it to my computer okay it doesn't want to save it in the cloud it wants to give me the file okay I got it okay now I'm GNA try to save it again hopefully it's yeah let's go and publish it too see this little control in here this is interesting Kurt this is something new we haven't seen before it almost looks like a uh what do you call it a canvas have you guys ever heard of a canvas control within canvas power apps yeah allows you to scroll yeah yeah allows you to scroll and then you got like a data card inside so almost looks like the icon for that okay so that's interesting um and look this is almost like a form you know you got data cards and you have to unlock them to use them look at this Kurt we've got field display name field name field type S which I'm sure is string short for string and then we got the order in there that's interesting man sort of important I think to sort of Point these things out that we're discovering as as we're building something new okay but what I want to have happen is when they click on one let's go over to advance and let's see if we can find any on something properties which are actually events what's that we want on stuff find the on stuff on stuff that's right so you've got certain properties are called event type of properties and it will start with on the prefix on on change on select okay so I'm going to go with on select because that's typically you know that the user has interacted with or clicked on something so what I want to do is navigate okay we'll navigate away but we're going to look at self. selected dot screen to go to now I think something we learned here recently Kurt is that we don't want to use any screen uh transitions right right not with this not with this tab control because it just doesn't look right yeah so I'm going to say none and I'm not going to pass any parameters into uh this because it needs to be really Dynamic here now have you ever noticed sometimes property you know when you put code in here sometimes you put a semicolon at the end you and you have to have a semicolon you've got more than one line it's not required for the last line and so sometimes you got to put a semicolon in there sometimes you don't put a semicolon in there do you have any like really hard fast rule that tells you if for sure you should have a cicle in there or not and this is for either of you guys with where you're at you put a semicolon if it's not the last line like you say um but this is just one line but and it allowed me it should allow you to do it with that one right all right so check this out let me go over to screen and let me just drop on a classic button that we're very used to and I go over here to text and look there's a there's a string literal and this is my my FX code window right right and I put a semicolon in there it doesn't like it why is that why is it on sometimes I can put semicolons in some places I can't put semic so I'm not sure about that why but I just know that the semicolon is meant for for a command separator you don't have a command this is a this isn't the kind of like thing that you're in the onchange the events you're actually running code you're actually running code okay um and you're assigning values in here so I would say that that's probably the reason why because it's a command line separator it's interesting that in the FX section you have to have a semicolon at the end of your at the end of your lines yeah so for this button if I go into on select and this is something where I could have two lines of code I could say yeah notify and I could have something something cute yep display at the top of the screen and I put a semicolon and it's okay there yep and then I could maybe I could have it go do something like navigate to screen two so I've got it doing two things do I have to put a semicolon at the end of this not on the last one not on the last one but somebody somewhere back over 20 years ago taught me you got to be consistent Darren yeah I always put a semicolon at the last line uh you know in this case and it's it's it's fine with it okay but it's not necessary you take that into C programming languages or Pascal programming languages if you have one line of code in a in a conditional block you don't have to do semicolons right but if you have more than one you have to do the semicolon again if you're cons consistent though you put them everywhere if you're going to put it right so now we've got two two types of code and this is the distinction I'm making here maybe we should have a personal pocket coaching session on this that just hones in on this one thing yeah okay if I go over to a button on the text ah and there's all kinds of properties like this if you put a semicolon in there it's not going to be happy with you that's right here's the distinction there's two words I'm going to introduce to you guys some of you may already know this if you're coders declarative or imperative declarative or imperative some of your properties are declarative like here the text I'm declaring that that text is going to be button I'm going to declare it okay if you do declaration properties no semicolons nope no semicolons at all then you've got imperative which means you've got instructions so here we could we could give this a a color of red a background color of red well that's declarative I'm not telling it to do anything I'm just stating a fact I want that that color to be red for this button so you go over here and and you click on this guy and you say red okay and by you doing that you did a declarative action you declared it to be R then you have imperative how do you know if something's imperative or not Kurt or or Elvis it's gonna happen on on do you see I'm in on select this is the only property where I can put a semicolon in there yeah another another way of looking at that would be the on the on functions or properties those are going to be those are going to be actions and the others are going to be yeah exactly it's either an action or a description right in in object programming it's either going to be a meth it's it's going to be a method but it's going to be a method or a property right so yeah so whenever you hear the word imperative think action when you hear declarative well you're just setting it and and you know could be a variable it could change but you're you're declaring it's always going to be this whatever you put in there whether it be a a static or a variable there okay yeah um now where all this in the world of power apps where this became a big deal was with the app on start okay uh it says start screen but if I go over here here so an app object has three imperative project uh properties so we got onart and whenever they introduce this new property that always pops up first now ever since they put it in there the start screen all of a sudden everybody's talking about oh imperative versus declarative yeah start screen you just want to give it a a start screen let's say we want screens three in there to be the very first screen okay before they created this thing we would have an onart and put a navigate at the end of onstart to go to screen three or you take the screen three and you say oh move up move up move up just the top one so this was they created this as a new way of of doing this and it was all uh this imperative versus declarative was all the rage back then and it was never really clear I never really heard somebody put it out there like the on stuff that's imperative those are actions that's where you put the semicolons at the end I had a hackathon with with Microsoft and and everybody was in the room was trying to get some code to work and they put a semicolon in there and they couldn't and I was starting to wonder like yeah that semicolon shouldn't be there but why you know um so it's sort of good to sort of U really uh spell that out so um and as we're building components you know it's important to realize the the difference here so we've got navigate on the on Select Property or we we would say the on select event okay um okay so it's going to navigate off now Kurt a lot of times when we do navigate we provide a third parameter so we like to pass in local Vari variables uh yeah yeah but it's going to have a problem because this the screen that's it's going to it is dynamic we cannot you cannot pass a parameter into navigate as the third parameter the third argument if it's dynamic because whenever you do a navigate pass a parameter it actually creates that local variable in a specific screen because it's Dynamic yeah if I try to pass in a a parameter let's say a local variable it's going to complain at us I just thought i' throw out that tidbit as well while we're looking at all this stuff um so let's let's see if this works go over to screen and uh well we're going to eventually end up on these other screens let's put in there is something that that uh I know Kurt when when I brought it over you really like this there is such thing called a header control and we're GNA have a a a pocket coaching session on this I'm gonna move these two down pull this all the way up fact I'm going to bring this menu right here and make this as wide as that okay and I'm going to copy these two things I'm going to go over to screen two paste it there now you notice when I when I paste it it's going to tell me what screen I'm on if I click on screen two it says screen two I click on screen one it says screen one so we do get the indication that it is working the way that we're intending okay however you notice if I click on screen two I'm on screen two but screen two isn't selected so now we we sort of in order for this menu for for us to feel good about this menu actually using it in a project that needs to be fixed at least right so um what I will do and you always want to put as much customization and code in the component so you don't have to duplicate stuff in in properties okay so for example we've got this component and in we've got this tab menu control inside this component what about selected items what do we have here we have any type of selected items for this tab thought I saw something before default selected items def yeah yeah so we're looking for a one particular item so let's do a filter on what we have and all of our menu items it's in CMP menu. menu items so we're going to do a filter on that and let's go do a search um like you know the second parameter for the filter is the wear Clause if if you're a SQL Developer right uh it's the criteria what item do you want or what items do you want so we're gonna go look at um the screen right at um screen to go to. name if that equals app do active screen dot name name that should give us the one that should be selected so if I go over here and I run this it does say first screen if I go to the second screen it it's not working and on the third screen okay it finally worked so what's going on here oh yeah it's not um um now is the problem our code or is the problem this is like a beta control here but that's what I expect to a menu if I'm going to use this menu in a in a program I expect that to be like that you know so let me just click around see if I can find any reoccurring patterns sometimes you need to identify any patterns to sort of narrow down what's causing the issue okay now I put in the component so I know it's that code that functionality is in those three screen instances okay I'm going to go look at default selected items okay and we should only get one item based on this and uh I wonder this doesn't say selected item is selected items so there could be more than one item there what if I four Force this it should only be giving me one but let's say if I said first give me one item let's see if that even makes a difference it it should make a difference but as as you called it Kurt sometimes it's about finding the little work around yeah you know um so far I gotta say I think your gallery solution in your menu uh component that you currently have yeah is still is still Superior makes me feel good I'm starting well and that could just be because this tab control is s is meant to be a tab a tab control is usually meant for one screen you know you got one screen and you you do different actions based on that and we're trying to do different screens where you have that gallery that Gallery really helps a lot it helps you be more Dynamic you know yeah it really does um so I'm looking at uh what we did earlier in the week with the accelerator students and um if I'm not mistaken we did do this before we got it working didn't we yep okay if I click on first screen there it is second screen may maybe it wasn't working huh now let me show you now we didn't create it as a component that's that's why I really wanted to dig in and do this um and in uh luck selected it will work only when you select the item in the screen okay so let's go back over here and actually because I don't think that there is a selected and that's what I was uh hoping for but I do not see it there okay we're looking at the the only thing that it has here is default selected items let's put all of our brain cells together and see if we can figure this out so first didn't really do us any any uh good there okay what if we do a lookup now what's the difference between a filter and a lookup anybody tell me they have the exact same arguments you pass in there's the data source just like a filter and there's your criteria a filter brings back a table and a lookup brings a record unless you have a third parameter it brings back a a field value but it still returns a record yeah so so a filter will bring back either zero one or multiple items depending upon the criteria right now A lookup has the ability to do the same thing but it's only going to give you one record the first one that comes across the first occurrence yeah yeah so I'm going to put I'm going to keep that with lookup let's see if that has any difference at all makes a difference at all now what happens on the on the visible unvisible uh event property for a screen what happens if I were to reset our component you think that would um help us out at all well Mark says over here in the private chat he says I'm not sure why this might work but if you publish it and run it as an end user I think it might work it worked for me on an app I was working on at work very good I like it Merry Christmas s stay safe absolutely all right so what I'm gonna do is go in here and I'm gonna go and run this as a user okay okay first screen now we're sitting here on the third screen why are we sitting on the third screen this is hilarious because the app start screen I put you you messed it up that's the reason why this isn't working Darren but here's the deal you know it should have it should have selected this third one since we're there you need to force a selection nothing got selected yet look at this none of the three are selected now if I go to the third screen ah that something toy language now what happens if I've got an idea this has got to work Mark Mark said yikes yikes he said yikes this is the type of stuff we do we just figure it out one way or another right yeah let's look at app. active active screen. name okay now if you're over here in the component there is no active screen because this thing actually isn't the screen we have to go over here and let me expand this a little bit look at that so assess screen one there I go over to second screen let's expand this there's screen two I'm thinking it's getting a little confused a little bit on what the active screen is there's screen three now what happens in the filter in the lookup is I reference that label okay because the app. activ screen. name that changes so quickly right there you know um I don't want that to be a literal I want it to be dynamic here and I say text okay so let's try this out second screen will will it beat us are we giving up yet or are we gonna continue to go until we figure it out well I don't how we doing on [Music] time um yeah we're we've been going for a while here let me I'm going to add a new custom property and and I'm gonna call this yeah I I don't know but why don't we does it a set a string or a record value for the def selected items for the looking for is the the item so if the menu is set up as like we've got items within a collection it's expecting one of those items okay okay what if we manually type in the um the the value maybe it will change maybe we can try that I think you and I are thinking along the same lines here so if I say active screen name here and then as default well I do app do activ screen. name but I can change it okay so if I can if I actually pass this in to not be dynamic but um well let's see if that works itself so we say CMP menu active screen name let's see if that has any bearing on it at all no now what uh was that what you were thinking or were you were you talking about something else yeah yeah I was talking about um can we go to the component area maybe um yes on the tab itself here the default selected items I was thinking on the tab the tab menu uh the tab modern control the default selected items so I was thinking maybe we can pass in um let me say type in a string value there second screen and let's see if it automatically select that yes on the FX formula bar maybe we type in second second screen string okay yeah comment out yes exactly and type in maybe second string or so keep in mind it is expecting if you look at the menu items here okay if I click on this go to menu items it's expecting an item within this table expecting one of these three things so so for the heck of it then just do the second one the second item pass in the second item just to see if it works so it' be it'd be the last uh uh a top two first two or whatever first in okay yeah so we have a function called index that we could use we could do index as well shame say two I thought that's what I thought that's what you meant what what did you say that was different I I was doing the first I was us I was getting all nasty first in the last of the first end we got oh no we got index duh yeah I've been working with index like crazy all all okay never so what happens when you do that so we gave it an in index of two yes and what was the start what was the default select in fact if I select that it should show me a single record two okay now go over here I go over to screen one no there's screen one if I click on screen two it's a hot mess I can't get second screen to be selected for the life of me here that that property doesn't do what we think it does that property does not do what we think it does it's got nothing to do with what we're we're trying to do I don't think yeah something's not right here now something I was going to do there for a moment before we uh switch gears was I was going to reset this okay and now that's I've only done it on the third screen if I click on third screen oh look at that could you do a reset each time it's selected what happens oh I like it so you know what see we have an onchange what changes what's what changes if you're doing an non-change what triggers the onchange from that tab it's it's got to be the selected item right but not the default selected item it's got to be some sort of a selected item so it's going to be changed dynamically because we have default selected items that's filtering or looking something else that's Dynamic right but the user isn't instigating that it's the value underneath it that's doing it so maybe instead of up here on the on select well we don't want to navigate based on that but maybe on the change we say reset now can we set a self we can't it's going to be candary yeah what happens if you put that what happens if you put that that code that you got on the unselect put that in the unchange I don't know what happens so here's a label here I can go on the onselect and then I can say Reet tab menu it doesn't like that okay so here's I think somebody brought this up try they say you can't reset a modern control oh remember somebody saying that in the chat I do think I remember that this function expects a resettable control there are some controls you cannot reset even for the classic like an image you can't reset an image control that's right so Francisco says happy holidays yeah to you maybe we need to do a little more research on this thing there yeah think Mark says H I use a collection for my items could that make a difference that's essentially what we're doing with that table right that we're passing in we're essentially bringing a collection in now the question is Mark um I'll bring mark on here if you'd like to talk to us so he used a collection now does it work for you mark yes it works but I wish I knew exactly why it worked that's my problem I'm like let's switch this over let's put a collection let's put in a collection it shouldn't it shouldn't matter though because that's essentially what we're doing right exactly Yeah Boy wouldn't that Kurt you and I have uncovered some some crazy stuff in power remember how we like we put code in a button and then we like call it from another button and yeah that's to get some things to work tooo too much cod in one button you got to make another button okay so here's a wild question for you guys name formulas how do we create a collection in name formulas I don't think you can I don't think you can I tried it I tried it and it wouldn't let me um it wouldn't let me do anything dynamic in there like that yeah um the collect let's let's say clear collect and the thing is it's it's just like such a weird thing in here the first thing you do is you give it a a a name here so we say menu and then what comes after that well we'd have to do table right yeah still not going to like that has some invalid arguments is there anything invalid within my clear collect here so we could collect we could collect the uh in our program we could collect that table that menu so that menu is being created right there but you could collect that menu in the collection in your unvisible property let's see if the undo works in power apps yet no it does not work all right so let's get all this back out let's go back because I like what you just said there so we have that table set up nice we still need that we'll hit the format text now yeah okay so what you're saying is we could now where should we put it now Mark where did you put yours did you go in the app- on start he did app on start old school old school I mean yeah appon starter you could do it on visible whichever way you want to do it that works yeah on visible for a screen oh come on menu [Applause] items there it is we might as well do the sort here so we don't have to do it anywhere else yeah sort order we have a collection this is interesting guys this is good stuff by the way guys Mark is our resident SharePoint expert and I'm hoping he allows me to pull him on here and uh I want to do some uh SharePoint content on this channel um I think it would be very popular um because 70 70% of people use uh SharePoint list as a data within power apps but you never heard that before Kurt huh I have I have absolutely no evidence to to um back that up although you do um look at these menu items Kur What's happen what's happening here and how come I don't how come I don't have that nasty intelligence that you have on my power apps I'm glad I don't have that what are you talking about my I still have the old Intellis sense I don't know why you got yours let the way you have yours it's well I created a brand new project okay so if you go so this might be a learning experience for everybody here go into support what version do you have well I don't know I bet you I got a newer version than you Kurt you may you may go into now how did you get there now wait a minute okay go into settings for the project oh I gotta go I gotta bring a project up hold on I have a project up don't I have I thought I had a project I've always got a project out shame on me okay I'm GNA do this latest one I just did and which was four days ago so go ahead do what you doing I'll get to I'll get back with you okay I'm want to keep it up here on the on the screen so you can pair it he's always got so he got a take that button out all right so what I did notice it's really concerning to me if I go over to menu items look at this I've got this default value here I don't want that default value there I wanted it to use the FX menu okay so let me go over here click on this menu items it shouldn't be using that it should be using my FX menu screen three this thing FX menu so now let's see if this thing works screen two screen three nope it still doesn't work so now what I'm going to do this new project I have has that garbage intellisense now that you brought it up y it's the same project number yep that's what it is so what I'm going to use now is the collection that we created in app on start okay what did I oh boy what's it say oh empty table it's empty you know why because we haven't yeah we need to run on start yep okay so now on this control we got call menus I'm G to I'm going to copy that I'm going to go to screen two I'm going to click on the control menu items I'm going to paste that there I'm almost going to be a little upset if this thing works and I think it will because Mark just indicated that uh I'm going to take that reset out there screen on okay very good let's try this out first screen oh look it works second screen [Music] oh I gotta click on it twice third screen no it's almost like the toggle that that the toggle problem that we were having with the toggle control where you you got to do it like sometimes you got to do it twice or it gets sporadic right but you figured that out I did I did Sir I did so what was the solution there Kurt I I did not do any changing of the values in the toggle within the toggle I went into the gallery that the toggle was ass associated with so on the on select of the gallery I did the changing of the values and it work galleries are so nice they are and I am convinced that this tab this tab is not good for menus I'm a little sad because I was so excited when I saw the T control I'm like oh that would be a really slick and easy way to create a menu yeah but you've got a slick and easy way of doing it so I'm gonna bring up a project that I've been working on that uses my jump start kit and I'm going to show you how we handle it there yeah and you can see that it's working you know y um as long as it comes up quickly here so I'll show you why my header control it allows for a company logo the text it puts a person's name email address and their profile I think I my my header control looks a little slicker than theirs then we've got the menu here now my menu handles icons images now because this uses SQL server and I had the SQL Server shut down if it's not talked to after a while that's the that just came up it's going to take uh probably takes 20 seconds for that SQL Server to wake back up so uh don't want anybody concerned about that it's just going to pop up a few times there um let me go into my gallery we've got a gallery here what's nice about a gallery is we go down and we have got let's see there's the items an on select items um and I was looking at the default why isn't the default is if I change this to a different screen that menu item is selected and that's what I want to duplicate now that I look up my menu it's like oh this is like really large and clunky like the the classic controls right maybe you can make it less clunky you know what with a gallery you have so much flexibility I bet I could make a better looking menu than the tablet can do and I'll have it Implement images and all kinds of stuff I just thought we could do something really cool with that tab control but can you make yours do the ellipses I could not as easily uh because it's it's already built into it there um so um I am a little um I'm a little surprised that I was almost positive I had a default here that was looking at the app active screen now if I go up here and look at the property for the the the nav here we've got a lot of properties that have been set up we got menu items we got hover color we got icons or images and we also have um yeah I don't have selected item there I guess the gallery is just a a better more seasoned control that can handle this um unless I'm missing something and I might be missing something yeah so um I it's not a good feeling to to feel like I couldn't figure something out in inside of a live stream I don't know I I feel like we got a good we did a good exploration on it though I I kind of feel like we did get a lot done though I mean we went into this never really exploring the tab more than just a few minutes like we did and said let's go make this you know so it was a good project to use to focus on that that tab control this is how you know that that you're a developer at heart there's going to be a part of me and you that's going to bug us you know if you can't like my I like I I truly believe if I spend enough time with this I can get it to work and do you ever wake up in the middle of night or you stay up late because you want to get you want some closure yeah sometimes you don't get closure on that day sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and you I'm like oh I bet I haven't tried this or that now Darren when you get to be my age you've experienced that so many times that you just accept [Laughter] failure no you know it's not necessarily you it's not necessarily you it's it's the it's maybe the wrong component for the wrong thing you know yeah I you probably could fix it and make it right but you've already got the solution better right now until you you can find a better way a better solution you stick with what you got I think yeah you know okay so I feel like we've gone over a lot of modern control type of stuff you guys have found out about our our personal pocket coaching um and uh you know every once a while you guys will hear a little tidbits about the accelerator um so you guys if you have any questions please join us over on the community and um so oh look so Nick Nick just mentioned what we had tried but this is the first time I saw it so this is probably about 10 minutes ago make a table and then collect it so um idea he had the right idea that we were thinking he was L with us and I almost want so I sort of want to pull mark back on Mark did did you did it does it really work on on yours or uh yep it does I'm like why is it still working um still working yeah I do look up and then the collection for the default items I'm just like comparing I'm doing what you commented out there look Kurt I still have that index crap in there's maybe we haven't failed yet maybe and then instead of yeah try that instead of that we were about to give up too yeah we were for mine I still want to give up yeah you still for for mine I have the collection right there as part of the lookup instead of obviously I'm not doing a component so that's that's oh you're not in a component that's probably part of it right there yeah mine's just old plain old tab control so there's a whole another level of stuff that it's got to communicate with to get to the component so w d says Mary Christmas everyone merry Christmas wed D yeah oh that's interesting because I I'm taking most of uh next week off um I'm I I sort of want to still do my live stream next set now next Saturday is the 30th so I haven't decided if if I want to do a live stream or not um but um I'm here I'm here let's go let's do it let's do it people still you know the funny thing about it is it's it's a good time for people to slow down a little bit but for the world at large doing power apps this is a good time for people just to to spend time with power apps and learn too you know where they're not so busy with work you know I might Bing my head up against the wall a few more times before I completely give up and may not do it live on the air but guys really what the the question that you need to ask yourselves at this point is uh are are you going to sign up for the pocket coaching but the the the big burning question is what video of mine are going to watch next right and YouTube thinks you're going to like this video next let's see if they're right or you can select this playlist which I've selected for you based on the content you're currently watching guys got to hurry click one of them otherwise YouTube's going to 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Channel: PowerApps Tutorial
Views: 2,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qo_E2vujIkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 31sec (10171 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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