How to Install Auto-GPT on Mac [Step by Step Quick & Easy Tutorial]

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in this short video I'm going to show you the quickest and easiest way to set up Auto GPT on your computer so you can have an AI working for you 24 7 which is pretty awesome so first thing we're going to do is we're going to open up terminal and terminal is uh where we're going to install all this if this is intimidating to you don't worry I'm a regular dude as well and I did not know how to code prior to this I did not go to school for this type of stuff so I'm just going to make this tutorial as easy as possible and just just remember that you can do anything and these are just words on the screen and it's just an ugly screen and yes now I know how to code but I didn't know before and I promise you I'm just like a regular dude that did not do well in school so let's just follow along here I'm gonna make this as easy as possible and it's really not that hard and with with chat EVT and things these days you can actually have it code for you so it's like the best time in the world to to start getting a little bit functional on coding you don't have to be a genius because watch this I can say hey build me a python trading bot with ccxt that buys Bitcoin over the 20 SMA I can say something like this and chat gbt we'll go ahead and build it for me so we're in the day of age that being a a little Annoying a little tiny bit of code can get you a long long way we'll watch this work while I go ahead and show you exactly how to get Auto GPT installed and running on your computer the first thing you want to do is download Anaconda which is pretty much if you know how to code you know what it is and you might already have it but it allows you to make virtual environments and a virtual environment is like a bucket on your computer it's like a folder a folder that can keep everything separated so Auto GPT is an AI right so if AI takes over your computer well the AI will just take over this folder instead so it's safe it's a lot safer to do it this way just click download for Mac or Windows install it and once you're installed move on to the next part and the next part is we want to go ahead and make a virtual environment so how do we do that well here we would say conda in your terminal conda create and then we'd say dash dash name and then we'd put the name we want so whatever the name we want let's just call this uh Auto GPT or whatever you want to call it and then I'm going to say python equals 3.1 zero and then I'm going to hit enter again if this looks foreign to you I'm sorry but it's it is what it is and you will get better at this I know it's like a dark screen and I was very intimidated by anything Cody when I first got started it'll say proceed say yes it's going to install a bunch of stuff and this is just so you can have Anaconda set up and then we want to you can see here it actually gives us all the instructions it's just hard to read because it's it's all dark and stuff but I'm going to say conda activate Auto GPT it just says to activate this environment so we activate it okay now we're in this environment so we're in this folder right and we can go ahead and now download the auto GPT so one good way to do this is just Google or I'm gonna try to put the link below but I might forget so Google auto gbt GitHub and then we're looking for this one significant gravity gravitas I hope that's not a word we know because I just butchered it but um this should lead us to this one clone this repo into the directory of Auto GPT uh this one actually doesn't look like the exact one so let's see okay here we go I've got the exact one we need now and Auto GPT so I'm just going to put the link below and sorry you can go from the link that I got to you can go back to his profile and you can see I was on the auto GPD plugins but you just want the auto GPT and you can see here we have all of the code and all you have to do is grab this link right here it says code so you can grab the copy click the copy of this long GitHub link and then you want to say in your terminal you want to say git clone git clone git space clone and then paste in that link and then it's going to pretty much take all of this code and put it into that folder the virtual environment you created and it's done so now we want to click LS and you can see that I have Auto GPT installed under applications so the next thing I want to do is scroll down here and we should have to pip install the requirements so these are pretty much some things that need to be installed in order to to uh keep going so essentially all code has different stuff that we need to that's dependent on and you can see the next step here is Type in CD Auto and make sure to capitalize it Auto GPT just like this we're pretty pretty much saying hey change directory I want to jump in to that file and now if I hit LS you can see there's a bunch of other files and the next thing we'll do is we'll say pip install pip install Dash R and then requirements and it's super important to spell requirements and everything right that's one thing about coding is it just does what you tell it so if you do the wrong thing then you do the wrong thing so this will install all the stuff we need to do and once we're here we can go ahead and pretty much use it but there's a couple things we want to do before that we have to input our open API key so I'm going to go ahead and go to open API login and make sure to set up an AP open API account and then you can get a key now I'll get my key here I'm going to just make a test key because I'll have to delete it and then copy it so open just go to open a AI log in and I'll just type it in open AI login and not Chad chat GPT open AI API login API here we go open AI API key and then just log in or sign up and get the API key there should be a thing look on the right of my screen right now you can see API keys after you log in so you'll get all that information I just can't show you my API key unfortunately so now is everything's installed here we want to go ahead and edit that API key so the first thing we need to do I'm going to paste my API key here on a notepad and now we have everything installed we're going to click I'm using a Mac so this might be different for you but I just want to type in LS again and you can see we have a bunch of stuff but I'm actually missing something that I need I'm looking for a DOT EMV file I don't know if you can see this on a Windows but on a Mac I have to do LS Dash a and then here's the EMV file where is it oh here it is dot EMV dot template so the next thing I have to do is I need to copy that file and change it I need to put my key in that file now if I'm going too fast for you I apologize just rewind this video I just want to remind you anybody can do this this is not like to be a coder you just have to be able to read English so if you can read English you got this and we're not even really coding right now so just keep following along I know it's a little intimidating sometimes so what we want to do is we want to type in CP which stands for copy and then we're going to click dot EnV or you can just find the file and copy it too so it was the one that starts with DOT u and v I just lost it oh here it is dot EMV dot template CP dot EMV dot template and then hit enter and then we want to go ahead and open that template so all you do is you type in open space Dash e space dot EnV oh and it looks like I had an error somewhere I'm going to run this this one again I think I spelled something wrong oh I didn't put the last part so let's go back let's start go back to CP so copy dot EnV sorry about that let's make this a little bigger so it's a little easier to see EnV cp.emv dot template and then we want to name the new one.emv okay so we copied it and now we want to open that up so we say open Dash e dot EnV okay so now we have this file here that's open and you can see there's a few things we want to change here first you want to put your open AI key so you see these hash marks that means this doesn't exist like it's not actual code but you can see this one doesn't have a hash mark in front of it says opening I key API key open AI API key paste it in there sorry that was the wrong thing to paste I'm going to grab my API key and you'll be able to see it but I'll delete it paste it in there just like that and you're good to go so there's a couple other things now first off I wanna I'm gonna show you how to do this firstly with out any other steps because there's another step you can take for having local memory using local memory verse using a cloud memory but I found it there was a wait list so let's go ahead and see here you can see by default it uses our local memory and I don't want to confuse you with anything here but we can also use pine cone go ahead and set up a Pinecone account so pine cone type in Pinecone GPT maybe and you can see Pinecone set up an account on Pinecone and there is a there's a wait list so just sign up for it and it took me about a week to get it and once you get it you can get an API key there and let me just see if I can show you real quick now I'm gonna just show you how to do this really quickly and come back to this video once you get accepted but the um you don't need it to get started so today you don't have to have it but I'll show you this step for when you do get accepted okay so all you have to do is log in and then once you log in and sign up you can get a API key and that API key is going to have a value and then environment and you'll just put in the value right here where is it it's not the one with the hash where'd it go I just saw it oh it's right here you just have to un hash Market so memory backup is configured Pinecone API key you just put in your py net cone API key right here and it's a value and then right next to it it shows an environment region so it's going to look like something like this like so below it Pinecone environment would be the region it'll say like Asia or us or whatever and then the key will look nice and long and you'll put it right here just like that and then you'll set the memory here to pine cone like this so that's how you'd set up Pinecone to have the backup memory but I want to show you the regular way so just ignore everything I just said if you don't already have a Pinecone account all we had to do was add in the API key open API key right up here then we click command save or up here and save whatever you want to do however you want to save it and we should be ready to run now so all we're going to do here is go back here to our terminal and then we can start running this and if you've already been accepted for chat GPT or gpt4 through open AI it's in beta right now you can just run python-m auto GPT and that's how you'd run it me personally I have not been accepted yet so I'm going to use gpd3 only so if you've already been accepted you would input this to start it what you see now python-m Auto GPT if you have not been accepted then USA gpt3 only and then we'd run it and now it's just like getting started so there's a little bit of a lag here okay and now it says enabled it says welcome to Auto gbt we'll keep you informed of the latest news and features messages here if you don't wish to receive this message blah blah so you're running on a master Branch this is not a supported branch enter the name of your AI and it's roll below so I could say entrepreneur or uh yeah entrepreneur AI and then I could say it says for example an AI it says describe your ai's rule build me me a trading bot that trades Bitcoin 24 7. and then you give it five goals fine profitable trading strategies build them into Algos back test them and find ones with three plus Sharp uh find strategies with uh 100 per year Roi report back with the top 10. and you're good to go and you're all set up so now it's thinking and it will just go forever well actually not forever I'll show you the next step so it thinks it does one thing and then asks you if you want it to go again and do the next step but we'll just go ahead and say wait for us to say thinking and get through this part and you can see here the memory it's using is my local memory and that's because I didn't set up that part with the pine cone but you can see to start building the trading bot let's go ahead and read it I will first need to research profitable trading strategies for Bitcoin I will then need to build these strategies and algorithms and back test them to ensure they have a sharp ratio of at least three once I have identified strategies with a high Roi I can begin building the trading bot I will need to ensure that the bot is able to trade 24 7 and is able to make independent decisions without user assistance I would also need to ensure the bot is simple and does not have any legal complications so reasoning so it shows your reasoning and then it shows your plan like research profitable trading strategies build these strategies identify strategies High Roi and it gets some criticism criticism and then it says this is my next action so it says command it's going to Google and then it's going to query so it's going to look up profitable trading strategies for Bitcoin then it says why enter y to authorize them to do the command or Y dash a number to authorize a bunch of times so I'll show you one time I'll click y and it goes ahead and look at this it's amazing it says Google returned all of this information all of these titles all of these links so it went and just Googled you know when is the right time to buy and sell Bitcoin the top three Bitcoin trading strategies you can just read through this if you want but now it's it's consuming all that information and it is kind of like thinking on it and then it says hey these are my next thoughts based on Google searches I will start by analyzing the Bitcoin trading strategies outlined in the articles I will then build these strategies and the algorithms and back test them and then it shows you its next plan so create a python file to store the code analyze the Bitcoin yada yada pretty amazing right and then it says my next action here is I want to execute a python file and create the file name so it starts it's starting to code now immediately and now this is the last thing I really wanted to show you was I could say why again and it will do one more command or I could say hey let me just say Y and then 25 so this would give it 25 times to run now let me warn you that it does cost like maybe two cents or I don't know exactly you'll have to look it up but every time you call it it's two cents so 25 times you can do the math there it's like 50 cents so I would hit Y dash 25 and it will let it run that many times and it'll just go in a loop and this is when it gets super powerful and this is when it's really Auto GPT that could be 250 it could be a thousand it could be two thousand whatever you want whatever you're comfortable with spending but that's how you use Auto gbt it's pretty awesome the last thing I want to show you is how to quit it so you don't have it run forever so let's let it run for a little bit and while it does I I want to remind you of having a 500 giveaway at the end of this month all you have to do is subscribe and let me know below what are you working on it could be anything just super curious about what everybody's working on and it's super cool to hear so let's make this a little smaller uh also if you want to learn from me how to code and then also if you want to learn coding up trading algorithms I teach all of that here in my boot camp I make it super inexpensive with a 100 money back guarantee so you can have full access to it and there's a link for that below but I pretty much teach everything I wish I was taught but like nobody was there to teach it so you can see here it just downloaded something it browsed the internet what is the name of the directory where I want to store the python it's pretty cool you can download stuff it's going to browse it browses another website it saw there was no text there it used a data scraper here so this is pretty amazing and then just goes in a loop until it figures out the problem and the last thing I want to show you here is how to stop it so I'm going to hit control C control C aborted boom now we're out of it and you can see we're done and if I wanted to start back up I would use the same thing as before I would say python Dash M Auto GPT and if you have gpt4 that's all you have to do right now and then if you don't have access to gpt4 yet you can say gpt3 only and then it runs back up and it says the news and then it says would you like to continue to do what you're doing and you could say yes if you want to do the same thing or you could say no and then it will start over fresh so that's the full tutorial I hope this helped let me know what you're building below I hope you build some cool stuff with auto GPT and if you need help coding I'm always here for you got a Discord and a boot camp to help you out and other than that I hope you have a wonderful day talk to you soon
Channel: Moon Dev
Views: 8,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: algorithmic trading, algo, trading, quant, data science, how to, code, python, trading algo, trade algo, hedge fund, ccxt, backtrader, back testing, pandas, numpy, how to trade, how to algo trade, course, bitcoin, crypto, nft, autogpt, gpt4
Id: slJ8XpUG_NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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