How to install Atmosphere CFW 1.7.0 Nintendo Switch Firmware 18.0.0 Custom Firmware & Homebrew Menu

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hi everyone nael Tech here and today I would like to show you how I can actually install the atmosphere custom firmware on your Nintendo switch running firmware version 18.0 or below so the system update 18.0 has been dropped like earlier this week and now atmosphere hacky and all other files that you will need to run a custom firmare on your switch are updated so in this guide I would like to show you how I can actually install the custom firmware from scratch so right in front of me I have a completely stock first generation Nintendo switch so I will make a separate guide showcasing you how I can actually install the atmospheric custom firmware on a Nintendo switch OLED which I have right here uh but in this video we're looking at the regular first generation Nintendo switch which uh for which we are going to exploit and use the RCM method so if you don't know if you have a first generation switch I will have a link in the video description to a website where you can actually check your serial number of your Nintendo switch um and your switch needs to be from before June 2018 to have the RTM exploit afterwards Nintendo fixed it so make sure that you have a first generation Nintendo switch if you're following this guide um and if I go into system settings I can show you that I've just updated my switch so I go to the system settings and here you can see that my current system version is 18.0 point0 which is the latest F release as of recording this video so what we need to do first is we need to prepare a Micro SD card so as I said I have a completely stock Nintendo switch and what we're going to do we're going to load up the custom firmare files onto a Micro SD card and then we're going to make a copy of our internal storage of the N flash of our Nintendo switch to the MicroSD card and then run the custom firmare from that copied over n file so what this means is that we can still boot to the internal storage of our Nintendo switch so if you have any games bought from the eShop or if you want to play our games online then you can boot to the official firmware installed on your internal storage and then if you want to play around with your custom firmware then you can boot to the custom firmware that's located and installed on a micr SD card so both firmware files are completely separated from each other which is perfect for our use case so um first steps first uh we need to go ahead and go over on PC so on our PC we first need to prepare a Micro SD card so I've already done so so I have only a 32 gig micro SD card you should have at least I would say 128 gigs but the bare minimum is 64 I would say however for the purpose of this video it doesn't really matter I can use a smaller micr SD card but in your case I would highly highly recommend at least 128 gigs uh make sure that your micr SD card is formatted to factory2 because otherwise if you formatted it to X fat it can corrupt the micro SD card if you do a lot of read and writes to it um and then when the system is interrupted when then it's still doing a read or write action it can corrupt your micro SD card and actually corrupt your entire micr SD card and therefore the custom for so just make sure to format your micro SD card to Fat 32 you can either use the windows option right here or if it doesn't list fat3 right here then you can use a tool like mini tool partition to actually format your micro SD card to factory2 then afterwards you can go ahead and go to this website and of course I will leave all relevant links in the video description uh and in my last video I've already showcased this it's hats so it's a total custom firmware package so it includes the hacky bootload interface which I will show you it includes the atmosphere custom F itself of course it also includes an P installer the 10 F shop um some update files and 90 DNS to actually prevent or switch from connecting to the Nintendo switch server So to avoid getting banned on the custom firmware and as you can see right here version 1.7.0 point1 pre-release has just been dropped um and it supports the Nintendo switch firmer up to firmer version 18.0 point0 so that's perfect for a use case so just scroll down a bit and download the latest release so I've already downloaded this zip file and place it on my desktop then we also need T RCM so T RCM is actually used to send a payload to send the hacky boot interface payload to our Nintendo switch so we can actually boot to a custom firmare so I've just grabbed the portable zip version right here which you can also use the installer version doesn't really matter I've just downloaded this ZIP file and extracted it to my desktop then once you have those files just go to your desktop or wherever you've extracted them I've got my files right here then you want to open up the hats. zip file and then you want to copy all these files and you want to place them on the route of your micr SD card so depending on the speed of your micr SD card this may take only a few seconds or up to a few minutes so in my case I do not really have a very fast micro SD card so this process can take a while then what we also want to do is you want to go ahead go to the bootloader folder of your hats zip file and and right here we have the payloads so I'm not sure if it's located right here no doesn't seem to be right here uh we actually want to have the hack B found I'm not sure if it's this one um so let me really quickly check that so just to be on the safe side I will download the hacky uh boot loader file separately so I also drop this link in a video description which redirects you to the get up page of hacky then just download hacky right here open it up and here you will find the hack T bin file so this is the file that we will use to boot our switch to so just extract that to your desktop as well then you can close out of all of these menus um here's my file so now you should have the contents of hats extracted to your micr SD card you should have the hacky bin file place on desktop and you also should have the T RCM uh interface right here so now you need to go back back to your Nintendo switch grab your micro SD card which now contains the contents of the hats zip file then you want to place the micro SD card into your switch just press later right here and now you want to power off your Nintendo switch and you want to boot it into the RCM mode so the RCM mode is the U mode that you want to put on Nintendo switch in actually send a payload to it so you can either use a paperclip or you can use this RCM jig and I highly highly recommend RCM jig since a paperclip can actually damage the insides of your Nintendo switch so if you don't have an RCM jig already I do have some links in the video description for you guys to check out and the same also applies to micro SD cards and USB cables that you will need for this tutorial so make sure to check out the video description um but you want to just boot your switch into the recovery mode so slide it in the right Joon rail push it all the way down with the contact spins lining up with the inside of your Nintendo switch then you want to press and hold down the volume up button and then you want to press and hold the power button for like 3 seconds ore both of them they want to grab a USB cable and connect your switch to your PC so again if you don't have a USB cable then you can find links in the video description and then over on our PC you want to go ahead and open up T RCM go to this folder and then you want to go ahead and open up the GUI so the user interface right here hit okay and now we actually want to locate this hacky uh Bin file so go to the folder and search icon and in my case I've placed the bin file on my desktop open it up then hit inject payload wait for a few seconds and this should boot our Nintendo switch into the hackt boot loader interface so you can disconnect your switch from your PC you can also remove the RCM jig and now what you can do is you can put the Jen rail back on doesn't really matter to set the DAT and time but you can do so if you want hit okay and now we want to set up an mu MMC partition so as I referred to earlier we want to put the internal n Storage off our Nintendo switch onto our micro SD card and that way we can have a completely separate custom firmware and a completely separate official firmware so no custom firmware files will be located on our internal n storage which is perfect so go ahead go to tools you want to go and partition or SD card first hit okay right here and then you just want to have uh the MU MMC ra slided drag all the way to the right doesn't really matter you can also leave it at 12 gigs I can also do a 12 gig uh raw petition and this is just a petition that will show up as our internal storage once we have the custom firmware load up on a Micro SD card so I will press next step right here hit start and now it will actually try and copy over all the files after I press the power button it will back up all our files that we've copied over to our microSD card to the cache folder of our Nintendo switch then will'll partitional microSD card restore all those files to our micro SD card and then our SD card will be petitioned and we can actually uh yeah copy over all the N files all the necessary n files to our micro SD card then afterwards we can boot to the custom firmare so it's actually pretty straightforward but this process may take up a couple of minutes to like an hour in total because we have to copy off the N files from a micr SD card but at least now micr SD card is partitioned so we can press okay we can close out of this menu we can go back to home go to Mu MMC then we want to create an mu MMC then you want to select SD partition and it should find a partition that we've just made so in my casee it's part one and now as I said it will copy over all the relevant um official firmware files from our internal n storage to our micro SD card so it will actually create a copy of it push uh put all those files on our micro SD card and then to gather with the files that we've copied from the hatch folder to our SD card we can actually boot the custom Firma afterwards and you can see this process goes pretty quickly since I've only made a 12 gig partition of a micro SD card please keep in mind however that this does not make a full backup of your n so actually inside hack and I can show it to you in a few minutes you can also make a backup of your internal n so in case something goes wrong for whatever reason and you corrupt your internal storage and not your micro SD card but actually the N flash or your switch you have a way to recover all the files that are stored on your n storage and have a completely clean backup available at hand so we'll show you that process afterwards um but as you can see this goes pretty quickly so once all these files have been copied over I will come back to you so the switch is almost done copying over all the files there we go so in my case it took a little less than 2 minutes so that was really quick uh It also says that mu MMC is now enabled if it doesn't show enabled right here just press change mu MMC select the SD r one partition hit okay and then it should stay enabled and now I also want to show you that you can actually make a backup of your internal n and in this case here you can see the backup emmc option so make sure to use that option if you have a large enough micr SD card in my case I can actually not make a dump since my SD card is too small and if a 32 gig micro SD card but you want to make a backup of the MU MMC and you want to make sure to do a MMC boot zero and boot one and you can actually also make a backup of the RO gpp partition um so just make sure to do that and make sure to copy over those files from your micro SD card to a safe location or your PC or somewhere in the cloud so as I said in case something goes wrong you have a full backup available so now we can actually go back to home we now set up the MU MMC partition and we can boot to our custom firmware so go to launch and now you actually want to use the custom fir mu MMC option don't use the CIS MMC option this will load all the custom fir files onto our internal n and that's something we want to avoid because we want to have a clean completely stock official firmware located on our nand and then the atmosphere custom firmware on our micro SD card so choose mu MMC custom firmware and this should boot our Nintendo switch from a Micro SD card and you could already see the atmosphere logo right here so that's a good sign then we have the Nintendo switch logo right here and then in a couple of seconds we should be greeted by the lock screen of the Nintendo switch and there we are so you can actually unlock your switch and now it looks completely uh like a stock switch that I've shown you at the beginning of this video and that's because of course we've made a completely one to one copy of our internal nand but if I go to system settings and scroll down you can actually see that we're running still firmer version 18.0 of course but we have atmosphere 1.7.0 e uh installed and the e stands through mu MMC so this is now running from our micro SD card and if I go to data management you can see this is the 12 gig partition that we've made that now shows up as our internal storage and then we have 17.4 Gigs available only on the micro SD card since I've partitioned that micr SD card into two separate partitions and now if I go to the album you can also see that we do have the homeb menu right here with all applications that were actually uh provided by the hats one so you also got tin fil right here so if you want to install tin fil just press a right here o and now it shows an error so it wants to have a title override so I'm not sure if it's installed right now now so if you have a game available just put in your cardridge and then you want to press and hold R while boot in the game and then the homeo menu actually has a bit more memory available so now it's quite memory limited and that's why we do have an error code showing up right here so I can give another try now it doesn't have enough memory right here so I actually want to have a game card installed and then you want to boot to the home menu that way and then you can install team file if you want but of course you can also use these other files right here so now if you want to boot back to official firmware you can just power off your Nintendo switch and then boot up like you normally would and if you want to boot back to the atmosphere custom firmer you will need the RC jig or a payad injector so the payad injector is actually a some kind of USB drive that stores the in this case hackery bin file so the hacky payload and if your switch is powered off you plug in the RCM jig you plug in the payload injector put your switch into the RCM mode uh and send the payload from your uh payload injector to the switch it will boot to hcky and then again you can select the M MMC Uh custom Firma option and this will Bo just switch back to the for custom firmware so as I said if you don't have an RCM jig if you don't have a pedet injector if you don't have a micro SD card USB flash drive uh or mic SD card adapter or whatever you will need for Nintendo switch I do have some affiliate links in the video description but yeah that's basically it so um that's how you can install the atmosphere custom firmware on Nintendo switch I hope this video was useful for you if it was please leave a thumbs up on this video and I will catch you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Nevercholt
Views: 40,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, nintendo switch, switch, nintendo, cfw, atmosphere, custom firmware, nintendo switch hack, jailbreak, homebrew, switch homebrew, nsp, hbg, tinfoil, nintendo switch homebrew, nintendo switch cfw, nintendo switch jailbreak, nintendo switch atmosphere, atmosphere cfw, nintendo switch tutorial, homebrew menu, emummc, update, fw, firmware, emunand, switch guide, 18.0, fw 18, atmosphere fw 18, atmosphere 1.7.0, switch cfw fw 18, switch cfw 18.0
Id: 7EsPvinHZKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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