How to Install and Integrate Only Office with Nextcloud

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hi there so in this video we're going to look at how we can edit documents straight in the browser using next cloud and only office sounds interesting then let's get started [Music] okay so in the first two parts of the video we looks at how to update max cloud and how to fix the various issues that we can find in our installation so we should now have an up to date version of next cloud and no errors so now let's go ahead and install a really useful tool so I'm sure we've all use Google Docs before to edit some documents in the cloud well we can do the same thing with next cloud using only office now only office isn't the only thing that we can use to do this and in a previous video I've gone through how to install collabora with next cloud to do the same thing where in my opinion only office does the job much better and it's really compatible when using Microsoft Office documents so that's a bit of a win there now a version 18 of next clouds been released now and fashion 18 has official support for only office with a document server being built into next flowers however a lot of people have been finding when using a docker eyes version of Mac's cloud that the only office built-in integration isn't working quite as expected and you can see here at the moment I'm installing a fresh version of next cloud 18 and whilst it's installing unfortunately the community document server isn't being installed correctly and the installations failed now it isn't hard to fix this part and we can easily install the document server manually now the only office document server isn't the same as the only office app which you can see has been successfully installed but what this allows us to do is put in the location of where the document server is in order to connect to that so because the document server didn't install properly whilst I was installing next cloud if I go to apps now and here do a search for community we can manually download and install the community document server so to do that obviously we just click here on download and enable okay so it's installed now version zero point one point five now unfortunately that's not enough to get things working if I go to my files here and then I create a new document and I try to edit it it's going to tell us that only office cannot be reached so if we go back to the part where it connects to home the office go to settings and then own the office at the bottom here we can see here that it's putting in the location of the only office document server now notice here how it's actually put in the local IP address of my next cloud instance but not the address through my domain name using HTTP so the address is incorrect I would need to change it replacing the local IP address with the same subdomain in domain that we use to access our next cloud instance so probably that's going to be something like next cloud dot so I'm going to try changing the document editing service address to the correct one and now I'm going to go across and see if I can actually edit a document using only office but again unfortunately it still says that only office can't be reached so at the time of making this video in February 2020 this seems like there's a problem setting up the Dockers version of next cloud with the built in early office document server but luckily we don't have to use the built-in document server that's inside next cloud 18 we can just set up our own docker container running only office and then connect our next cloud instance directly to that so now you may be thinking to yourself so just what was the point in space invaders showing you how to set up only office in a way where it isn't currently working well that's because I'm sure very soon it is going to be working the way I just showed you but until then well maybe if like me you prefer to keep your next cloud and only office container separate and this is how to install only office document server as its own separate container so as always we do a search on the Apps tab and we search for only office and the one I'm going to install is this one in the bottom right hand corner the official only office document server so click on the icon to install and now let's fill out the template now just like next cloud we're going to have to reverse proxy own the office and as in my next cloud video I'm going to be using let's encrypt to reverse proxy mine so to make it easier I'm putting this container on its own custom docker Network the one here that I call proxy maps okay so everything else in the container you can just leave as is but port 8080 is quite common port here so I'd suggest just to check but no the docker containers who you're running are using that port and for me port 880 is in use so I'm going to change the port out support 990 okay so with that done I'm going to click apply and pull down the container and once the containers down just click on done and then I'm going to go back to the docker tab here and you can see that only office is running so I'm going to stop the container now because before we can actually use out in the office we're going to have to copy some security certificates across into the only office container so to do that we need to open the terminal window so let's click onto the icon in the top right hand corner and the first thing we're going to have to do is to create a folder for the certificates and we're going to create that inside of the app data for only office so just paste in the following command all of the commands are going to find in the description okay so with that folder created to put the certificates in let's copy the first certificate over into there so let's paste in the next command this is coughing the first key from the let's encrypt app data folder and putting it in the folder we just created and renaming the cert to only office dot CRT ok so let's hit enter to execute that command right so that's done so next let's paste in the last command to copy across the key file right ok so that's all done now let's just double check those files are there but to do that let's change directory into the folder we created in the only office app data and then just type our last to list out the files okay so it looks good both files are there so now let's close the terminal window and now the last thing we need to do is to reverse proxy our only office using let's encrypt so in the description of this video I've put in a file to download download the configuration file onto your desktop then just unzip the file and with that unzipped I'm going to delete the original now before we go ahead and use it let's just have a look at the file now two things are important here the first thing here this server name this refers to the subdomain that you're going to use with only office just like anything else you reverse proxy it needs to have its own subdomain created which points to your internet one IP address in this file I've set it to be document server but if you don't want to use that subdomain for your name then don't forget to change it to whatever you're using and put it in here now the other important thing is this part here this refers to the name of the container because this proxy configuration file is set to use name resolution through the custom docker network so it's going to be looking for the container with that name right so that's the proxy config file and how it works so now let's copy the file and put it in the right place in our let's encrypt container so now go ahead and open your app data folder and go to let's encrypt and then here go to nginx and then go to the proxy - Colts folder and then just copy the configuration file into this folder here and now if I sort these files by type I can see the file here okay so let's close the window now go back to the docker tab and first I'm going to start up the only office container and my next clouds not running so I'm going to start that too now it's also really important that you don't forget to restart your let's encrypt because if you don't it won't be able to read that file that we just pasted it into its app data right so now we're ready to use her in the office so let's go into next cloud and I'm just going to go to the apps tab here and we need to make sure that we have the only office app installed so you can just do a search at the top and you can see here for me it's already installed and I'm on version 4.1 point 4 so if it's not installed then install it and then go to settings and then on the left hand side here you'll see where we can put in the settings for only office so click onto that and now here in the box where it says document editing service address here we need to put the web address of our only office server and so that should be something like HTTP colon forward slash forward slash document server dot so with that put in then just click on to save then if that works you should see a message at the top saying your settings have successfully been updated so with that done now it's time to go and test it so let's create a document and see if we can edit it right cool so we're looking good only office is loading this document and I can edit it straight in the browser well so that's it that's the end of the video I find only office really useful and I hope you guys do too now I really hope you enjoyed watching the video now if you did if you please just take a moment to hit the like button because it really does help the YouTube algorithms in making my videos more popular and I just want to give a really big thank you to all of my patrons and supporters out there it's you guys who make these videos possible so thank you so much for your support well as it's the end of the video it's time for me to go but whatever you're up to for the rest of the day I hope it's good and I'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Spaceinvader One
Views: 52,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only office Nextcloud, only office documnet server, only office unraid, nextcloud, nextcloud document server, how to setup onlyoffice, How to Install and Integrate Only Office with Nextcloud, spaceinvaderone, lime techology, unraid
Id: dEOfwKH2DHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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