How to install and configure MySQL 8.0.36 on RHEL 9 | How to Install MySQL 8 on RHEL in 2024

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hello guys in this video we will see how to install and configure MySQL 8 on red hat Enterprise Linux 9 but the process is same for all rhl versions open Terminal first update the packages sudo dnf update okay contrl L to clear screen now open Firefox go to mySQL official website that is click on downloads click on my community downloads click on MySQL M repository see for rl8 you have to download this one for rhl you have to download this one just click on download see right click on this one copy the link now go to terminal W get paste it and hit enter it is Success control to clear screen LS see we have the RPM install it by running the command sudo RPM hyph I then MySQL then give the tab is done now we have to install the MySQL server sudo dnf install MySQL hyphen community hyphen server hit enter I will keep all these commands in the video description even I will keep this I will keep this command also that is this one also I will keep in the video description let me copy copy it okay type way for confirmation see it is going to install 8.0.3 6 okay hit enter typey and hit enter again see we have successfully installed MySQL server version 8.0.3 on rhl 9 contrl L to clear screen let us verify the status of the MySQL service sudo system CTL status MySQL see we don't have the MySQL just give the MySQL D see we have the MySQL service and it is enabled but service is inactive and dead Okay so first we have to start the MySQL service sudo system CTL start MySQL D and hit enter this typo we have successfully started the MySQL service let us verify the status again sudo system CTL status MySQL D see MySQL servic is active and running and it is enabled okay contrl L to clear screen now we have to secure the SQL Server first verify the temporary password of root user more where log MySQL then grip password I don't use the sudo see this is the temporary password okay see entire is the temporary password so next is run the command sudo MySQL secure underscore installation and hit enter provide the pass user root password so we have to copy this one and paste it then provide the new password so again provide the same password see password doesn't satisfy the current policy requirement so give the strong password you want to change the password you have to give s otherwise no remove Anonymous users yes no no yes now connect to mySQL server sud sudo control L to clear screen sud sudo MySQL hyph U username is pass root hyphen P then provide the password that we have set see we have successfully connected with the new password so databases to get the list of the databases installed with mySQL server also verify the version of the MySQL server installed control L to clear screen select version semicolon see I have installed my SQL Server version 8. 0.36 after installation again if you want to change the password of the root user you have to use the alter user root root at Local Host identified by then provide the new password see it is Success okay but I have given the simple password but you give the strong password now try to create a database by using Create database and provide the new database name database name I'm giving R2 schools now verify again show databases see new database has been created now let's create table in this new database before that we have to switch to the database control L to clear screen by using the command use database name create table student see we have successfully created verify the tables show tables see we have the one table okay so now insert some data into this table by running the command before that verify the rows in this table because it will throw zero rows because it's nearly created table student see empty set so which means we don't have any data control L to clear screen insert into student values 100 G put semicolon after each statement then insert one more row let's verify the data select star from student see there are two rows which we have inserted now okay also verify the list of the users control to clear screen select user from MySQL do user see these are all the default users comes with mySQL server installation we can't get the users by running the so users okay so we have to use the only the select statement now let's create a user create user James identified by we have to provide the password I'm giving James it is not satisfying current policy requirement so I'm giving create user James identified by give one cap at least and hit enter it is done now verify the list of the users see new user is added let me exit and try to connect with this user to exit from the myql server use the command exit contrl L to create screen MySQL hyph U username James hyphen P then provide the password that we have given verify the current user use Autos School see we got error because we haven't Grant the permissions to connect to R2 schools okay select current _ user see we have connected to server by using James user okay I will show you how to Grant connect privileges to user exit okay now we will see how to how to stop start and restart the my service and rhl L but the are same in all versions control L to clear screen sudo system CTL restart MySQL D verify again system CTL status MySQL D see we have restarted MySQL server 6 seconds ago let us stop by using the same command sudo system CTL then replace this parameter restart with stop now try to connect to mySQL MySQL hyphen U root hyphen P then provide the password of the user see we are unable to connect because my service is stopped so start it again sudo system CTL start MySQL D now try to connect to my SQL Server provide the password see we have successfully connected with the root user select current underscore user see we have connected with Road user okay so in this video we have seen how to install and configure MySQL 8.0 36 that is the latest version on rhl 9 but the process is same for rhl 8 also then we have seen how to set the password for the MySQL root user then we have seen how to connect to mySQL server then we have created a database then in that database we have created tables and inserted some data into the table then we have seen how to start stop and restart the myql service on rhl distributions for more MySQL or Linux tutorials please subscribe my channel thank you
Channel: r2schools
Views: 124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Install MySQL 8 on RHEL 9, Install MySQL 8.0.35 on RHEL 9, MySQL 8 installation on RHEL 9, MySQL 8.0.35 install on RHEL 9, MySQL 8 install on RHEL 9, MySQL Install on RHEL 9, MySQL Installation on RHEL 9, MySQL Install on RHEL 9.2, How To Install MySQL on RHEL 9, MySQL DBA Tutorials, MySQL Tutorials, MySQL Tutorials for beginner, MySQL Installation, MySQL Installation Videos, MySQL 8, How to install and configure MySQL 8 on RHEL 9, Install and configure MySQL 8.0.36 on RHEL 9
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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