How to install and configure Java JDK 22 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS | install java jdk 22 on Ubuntu 24 .04

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hello guys in this video we will see how to install and configure Java jdk 22 that is the latest version on BTU 2404 LDS Noble version okay open Terminal then check whether Java is installed or not see we don't have Java is installed see these are the commands to install the Java but the standard way is control L to clear screen open Firefox go to Google and search for Java downloads click on the first link that is Java downloads see here we have the latest version Java jdk 22 and select the operating system Linux okay then we have to download the deban package for Dean or k Linux or deban type operating systems right click on it copy link then go to the terminal W get paste that link to download this deian package hit enter it size is 160 megabytes wait until this download completes see we have successfully downloaded type LS I LTR see we have the Java jdk 22 control L to clear screen let us install it sudo DP kg iph I then provide the package that we have downloaded give the JD and give the tab and hit enter Then provide the password of sudo user so we have successfully installed control L to clear screen now run the Java High hyph version to verify the Java installation is success or not see we have installed Java jdk 22 now we will see how to set Java home environment variable in open to control L to clear screen now go to now find the Java installation directory that is jvm directory CD user LS CD Library LS see here we have the jvm see here we have the jvm CD jvm contr L LS CD jdk LS okay so we have to copy PWD we have to copy this part copy it export Java _ home equals to in quotations past the path close the quotations then hit enter now export part equals to Dollar Java home back slash bin colon dollar path hit enter okay so we have successfully configured Java environment variables in Linux or to operating system now run Source Etc profile it enter exit and reop terminal now type Java hyph hyph version okay so now let's create a sample Java program and comp it and compile and execute it okay sudo VA or use the Nano also then first program. Java I to insert mode then search for sample Java program sample Java program this s okay anyway go to this link copy this one paste it I'm going to replace this class name as part schools I will keep this command in the video description save the file now run Java C then give the Java program name hit enter now run Java class name class name is R SCH see got the same output now add one more line and execute it VA shift a see it is read only f sudo shifta system. out Ln now add two numbers put semicolon at the end of the statement save the file now run the Java RC but this will give the old output let us execute it and see the output see new line not affected so every time if you modify Java program file you need to compile it so use the Java C then Java program name program file name and hit enter see it is typo so again edit it t is missed okay so again compile it it is done now Java AR scores see we got the second lineup so in this video we have seen how to install and configure Java jdk 22 on 1 22404 Noble LDS version for more Java or Linux tutorials please subscribe my channel thank you
Channel: r2schools
Views: 790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Download and install Java on Ubuntu 24.04, How to install java on Ubuntu 22.04, How to install java on Ubuntu 24.04, How to install java on Ubuntu Server, How to install java on Ubuntu, Install Java 22 on Ubuntu, How to install java jdk 22 on Ubuntu, How to install java jdk on Ubuntu 22.04, How to install java jdk on Ubuntu 24.04, How to install java jdk on Ubuntu, Install java jdk 22 on Ubuntu, Java Installation on Ubuntu 24.04, Java jdk install on Ubuntu, java jdk 22 install
Id: 9BlKLH2GI_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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