How to Dual Boot Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Windows 10 / 11

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today we'll be going through how to install the latest release of Ubuntu 2404 LTS the desktop Edition and dual booted alongside Windows 10 or 11 I'm here on the website where I'm going to download it first I'm going to hit and select the download Ubuntu desktop option it might be also under a download section either way I'm going to put a link in the description below so you can download it direct and scroll down and look for the Ubuntu 24.4 LTS section and hit download 2 404 LTS once you've done that give it a few moments I'm going to confirm below that it's auntu 2404 desktop amd64 at the end for a 64-bit processor then I'll hit save and let it start downloading now that I've downloaded the iso I'm going to launch and use the balena eter app which will help me flash the image onto a USB CD or DVD of my choice so I'm going to select the image that I just got done downloading here in my downloads folder I have auntu 2404 desktop amd64 I'm going to hit open then in the middle I can hit change where I can change the USB CD or dvd that I want selected I have this verbatim stor and go USB device which is a 32 GB USB where I'm going to flash my image onto just know that whatever USB CD or dvd that you choose to flash to well the content of that storage disc is going to be deleted that way the installer can be flashed onto it in instead so just make sure you have the proper one selected I know I do so I'm going to hit continue I'm also going to mention a few other applications that you can use to create a bootable disc you can use unet boin or Rufus if you want to check those out or you're familiar with them finally with that Proper Storage disc selected I'm going to hit Flash the computer is going to ask me if I want to give it administrative privileges to do this task yes I do to start the flashing process now this will take a few moments while things are flashing all right now that the flashing process is done I'm going to take my USB out of the computer that I'm currently using and go over to the computer where I actually want to install and dual boot Ubuntu and Windows on and then start setting up a couple things on the Windows side okay and on the Windows side of things I'm going to log in I'm going to launch a start menu and search for something called disk partitions we're going to get a match called create and format hard disk partitions in the control panel click on this and that will launch the Disk Management tool this will help us edit our partitions on the Windows computer that way we can have some room to install lubuntu on this system notice I have a 100 megabyte EFI partition at the front this helps you boot into your system don't touch this also don't touch your recovery partition otherwise you can lose the ability to recover Windows all I'm messing with is the middle one here the root file partition so mine's called C you also might have multiple discs so make absolutely sure that you have the proper one selected and that you're working with it and you only make edits to that dis where you want to Du boot Ubuntu 2404 I only have the one dis so I really can't mess it up it has 128 gigs which is correct for the space I have overall so what I'll do is select the root file partition and I'm going to right click and then hit shrink volume and then shrink some of this space in order for me to have space for runu so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select about half the space for auntu half the space for Windows so I'm just going to take it down 64,000 megabytes or around 64 gig I'm going to hit shrink and then I should have a split space now which I do you can of course do however much you want just make sure that you at least have 32 gigs of space for runtu otherwise it most likely will not work so we have around 64 gigs for thec roof file partition for Windows and around 62.5 unallocated which is going to be for our Ubuntu space so no worries here this looks good and we'll now handle this on the Ubuntu installer side I'm going to exit out of here and tell you to always back up your data if you have things currently on the window side of things and you want to keep it safe back that data up just in case something goes wrong with the installation and you can't boot anymore it's always better to be safe so there's really two ways to get into that bootable disc that you just got done creating one way is if you hit the start menu and then you type in boot you should see something that says change advaned startup options click on that this will actually allow you if you go to the advanced startup and hit restart now to restart your device and then choose a different dis entirely perhaps a USB CD or dvd that you want to boot from instead of booting into Windows which is very convenient because then you can get directly into the USB CD or dvd that the installer is on otherwise what you can do is simply sh shut down your computer and work on getting into BIOS I'll show you how I get into mine and what mine looks like basically I just Spam F2 when powering on the system after a shutdown what I'll do then is change the boot priority around to select the USB CD or dvd that we just got done flashing and make sure it is the first disc to boot on the system I will mention that this is for UEFI based bios so make sure that you have a modern bios set up on your computer in order to go through the rest of the install process and on my computer when it's first loading up it's going to ask whether I want to boot into BIOS the key for my BIOS is F2 or the delete key yours might be something different in order to get into BIOS make sure to look it up for your particular motherboard or computer so since mine is a newer UEFI based bios yours might be different but I can use the mouse and mine making it a little more convenient what we're looking for is to change up the boot priorities conveniently enough for me it's available here on the right hand side so I can look through and try finding the USB that I just got done flashing on but it doesn't seem to be in one of the top four here so I can either click the boot menu option f8 but let's go to the advaned mode for me F7 because this might be what your bios more closely resembl on mine I have tabs up top so I can select between the tabs I have main AI tweaker Advanced Monitor and boot yours might say boot or boot priority make sure to find this in your bios and then go down you want to select your boot option number one to be the storage disc either USB CD or dvd that you just got done flashing so I know mine's a 32 gbyte USB so if I look through the list I should be able to find something that resembles that USB and here it is right here my verbatim store and go 1100 it's got about 32 gigs I know this is the correct one so I'm going to select storage disc if you have multiple avoid selecting the partitions select the entire dis so this one's the entire disc I noticed that by seeing no mention of partitions anyways I'm going to press enter on this and this should be enough to allow us to boot into our live environment or installer I'll make one more mention here in BIOS if you are trying to install Linux you'll want to make sure that you have your secure boot settings disabled or set to another OS besides windows or else your system will keep trying to boot into Windows regardless of what you have put into your computer also if you can find fast boot on your computer you might want to disable that one as well if you're having trouble booting into your Linux envirment all right and if you made it this far please smash that like button for me you're ready to install auntu alongside Windows there's a few options here you might get past this because there is a timeout this is called the grub menu and by default that selects the first option after a few moments you can also select obuntu safe Graphics if you're having issues trying to load into the installer or if you have an Nvidia graphics card this will help you render Graphics since they don't offer great out-of-the-box drivers for that it has to be install as third party drivers again if you have any issues with Graphics just choose the second option so we're going with the tryer install Ubuntu option just press enter and let's give it a moment to load up the system here and once the system loads up you're going to be welcomed by the installer for auntu if workspaces show up just click on the middle here we really have this here where it says welcome to auntu is actually the installer package if for some reason it did not run typically you can go to the desktop and you'll see install luntu 2404 you can launch it from here sometimes it's also in the left hand side where it says install release anyways where it says welcome to auntu I'm going to choose the language that I want the default English is fine for me I'm going to hit next on this screen we're asked about any accessibility options that we want to customize for our needs if you are hard of seeing hearing so on so forth you can actually select different types of options to be turned on for you make sure to go through these as necessary and then hit next then select your keyboard layout and hit continue then solar is going to check if you have an internet connection if you do it'll give you the option of using Wireless or wire depending on what you have connected you can also choose the option of do not connect to the internet basically this helps you check for extra software and packages that might help your experience if you can use the internet and then hit next now we're being asked how would we like to install auntu well since we're beginners we're going to use the interactive installation it says this is for users that are guided step by step if you're more advanced and you have an autoinstall config file you can actually do it through the automated installation process anyways with interactive installation selected we're going to hit next and on this page we're being asked what apps would we like to start out with the default selection is fine this comes with the essentials web browsers and basic utilities there's also an Extended selection which lets you use offline tools anyways hitting next and now they call this optimize your computer but it's asking you whether or not you want to install recommended proprietary software this is for things like proprietary graphic drivers or Wi-Fi adapter drivers definitely use this if you're doing Nvidia or a newer Wi-Fi adapter card it'll help it says right here including but not limited to NVIDIA drivers and similar you can also download and install support for additional media formats if you need things like mp3 mp4 mov formats it can automatically be installed by selecting both of these and then hitting next otherwise if you don't need them deselect them hit next and here's where the real fun begins the disc setup process so how do we want to install Ubuntu well for most of us installing Ubuntu alongside Windows boot manager is a good enough option but I'll show you the manual installation method with partitioning that way you can have a custom this setup and hit next this is because some of our storage discs where we're trying to install Ubuntu on can be quite complicated and sometimes it's just easier to create insize things yourself this screen here now shows us all the available devices that we have on our system you'll notice here SDA you can think of this as the entire storage space SDA so all the way from here to the end belongs to SDA then underneath it we have different partitions things like SDA 1 partition 1 2 3 some free space four and then a little bit of free space at the very end as well so look at this right here it says there's around 67 GB of free space and right above that we have around 69 gigs which belongs to Windows we do not want to touch this one or any of the partitions before that that were already made by windows make sure you are not messing with those at all otherwise you'll screw up the window side of things instead I want to focus on this free space you might have to scroll down but you'll notice a couple more places afterwards this right here was the recovery partition that we saw earlier again this is the C drive or whatever The Root Drive was and then here we have that EFI part for Windows and then you'll also notice a tiny bit of free space at the end that's just because of the storage disc bounds it's not quite aligning perfectly no big deal we'll leave all that alone we don't want to touch any of these either because we only want to work with the free space that we created earlier in Windows also if you have more than one storage this just make absolute sure you're working with the one that you made edits to earlier I I know this is the correct one for me because all the sub partitions are adding up but you could have something like sdb or SDC so on so forth you can have multiple storage discs again be careful you have the proper one selected and that the partitioning scheme is looking familiar to what you had in Windows I know mine is so I'm going to select the free space and then click on the plus button below and this is going to say create partition I'm going to use the entire size that I'm allowed and then I'm going to select from the drop down the ext4 journaling file system and then as far as a mount Point goes I want this to be my root partition I'm given a few options below for root I just select the Slash and then I'm going to hit okay what you'll notice up top now is a new space filled in and they're labeling it sda5 at least for me you can see the breakdown of colors right below and we'll notice it says sda5 ext4 slash on the 67 gigs so again we have SDA 1 followed by sda2 which is really small so you can't really see it sda3 which is a majority of this right here SDA 5 right behind it a little bit of green at the end SDA 4 and then free space at the very very end now one of the most important steps is below we need to select a device for the bootloader installation if you hit the drop down you may notice multiple options you may not we want to make sure we have the proper dis selected I have the one option it says SDA and you might have more again make sure you're selecting the respected dis from what is above says SDA sometimes it'll also say sda1 or letter number combination there with Windows boot manager you can select that as well so mine's on SDA and it's the overall size of the entire disc because Ubuntu installer is smart enough to recognize where the current boot loader is and what this will do is add both windows and Ubuntu side by side on grub so you can select between whatever system you want to run if you have everything set up you're now ready to hit the next button so let's do that here you can put in a name so I'm going to use Savvy Nick as my name also going to name my computer savvy Nick my username is going to be Savvy Nick put in a password and then confirm that password for the user do not forget this because you'll be logging into with this user when the installation is finished and once this is all filled in you can hit next you can select whatever time zone that you're in and then hit next finally we're reviewing our choices here it says it's a general setup on dis SDA with default applications no dis encryption I'm not installing proprietary software on mine because I don't have an Nvidia graphics card I'm using partition sda1 as the boot EFI partition great and then partition SDA 5 formatted as ext4 used for root fantastic understand once you hit install that the these changes will take effect and once you're ready you can hit install now the install process has begun this could take anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour but take your time wait it out let obuntu do its thing after this is done we'll be ready to load into our newly installed Ubuntu system and check out windows as well if you're eager to see what's going on in the background you can click the little command prompt and it will show you what actually is happening in the background for installation otherwise you can deselect it and it'll go back to the default view okay and after the installation process is complete you'll be able to hit the restart Now button after you hit restart now you should get a screen that says please remove the installation medium let's go ahead and restart it when it says this it means it's safe to remove the USB CD or dvd that you were using to install Ubuntu so it's safe to remove that media at this point and after you've done that you can press enter if for some reason you missed this not a big deal shut down your computer remove your installation media start things back up just confirm that Ubuntu is the first to boot in your boot priority which will then allow you to select between Windows or Ubuntu okay I'm going to press enter now and let the system load if you get this grub screen be careful it might time out you just have to press any key you'll notice you have a few options including Ubuntu and then a few items down Windows boot manager congratul ations if you have this you've successfully set things up let's make sure that the window side of things is still working but I do want to make a couple mentions one make sure secure boot is disabled otherwise your computer will try to keep loading into Windows more than likely some of you might have to disable CSM in your bios in order to disable secure boot look for something called compatibility support module and then two if you have bit Locker installed you more than likely will have issues with installing Ubuntu confirm you have it disabled if you did have any issues anyways moving on I'm going to select the Windows boot manager option and see if windows will boot up awesome I got the welcome screen so I'm going to go ahead and put in my password and see if I can log in things are loading so this is a great sign everything seems to be working correctly so far fantastic everything loaded up properly for me now I'm ready to try out the btu side of things I'm just going to go to the start menu and restart the computer give it a few moments fantastic I could select Ubuntu from the grub menu and now it looks like it's loading in give it a few moments we're going to do some post install setup and show you how to install some essential apps that you'll probably want with a fresh Ubuntu system setup okay and you might be welcomed by an onboarding process we're just going to hit next here you can change your keyboard if necessary you can set up location services if needed select your time zone I'm just going to select New York for myself put in a full name that'll be your username set a password this is for a regular user hit next and then hit start using Ubuntu another thing I'll mention if you're on a laptop and want to use hibernation or relieve a little stress off your memory you'll want to create a swap file I have a link in the description below on how to do this most modern operating systems use swap files instead of swap partitions so I didn't show you how to create a swap partition it's much easier to manage a file fantastic first things first and let's get some essential apps on the left hand side you'll notice a icon called App Center load this up and then search for these apps by default you have Firefox web browser so if you want a different one you can search for one but one thing I'll suggest is the VLC media player if you just type in VC you can install this package by typing in your password for administrative user VC is a great versatile multi media player that can pretty much handle any audio or video format or codec so it's a great one if you want to start using Ubuntu effectively if you need a free and open- Source image editing tool there's I highly suggest using this don't have to pay for it you can also install this as well if you need a great office suite you can install Libre office it's a powerful office suite that has things like word processing spreadsheets and presentations more another great one is steam if you want to play games simply search Steam and hit install and those are some of the Essentials well that's about it awesome job if you were able to successfully dual boot Windows with Ubuntu it's quite exciting to start using them both on one computer if you have any questions comments or suggestions please make sure to post them in the comment section below make sure to subscribe for future videos I'll catch you in another one thanks for watching Linux can be hard to understand but I take the most commonly used terms commands and subjects in Linux and I break them down into simple to read documents including Linux terms flashcards a checklist a cheat sheet and a mind map and if you're ready to level up your Linux experience and knowledge go to learn. saavy now and get access to these sheets
Channel: SavvyNik
Views: 55,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, dual boot, ubuntu install, ubuntu, how to install ubuntu, dual boot ubuntu and windows 11, install ubuntu, ubuntu dual boot windows 10, install ubuntu alongside windows 10, install ubuntu dual boot windows 10, dual boot ubuntu, how to install ubuntu on windows 10, ubuntu installation on windows 10, dual boot ubuntu and windows 10, ubuntu dual boot, install ubuntu on windows 10, ubuntu 24.04, ubuntu 24.04 lts, linux, ubuntu 24, how to dual boot ubuntu 24.04
Id: qq-7X8zLP7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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