How to install an M.2 SSD - Step By Step Setup Guide and Windows 10 Install

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Hi and welcome back to ThisBytesForYou, in this  video I’m going to show you how to install an M.2   SSD into your computer I’m going to show you not  only how to install it into your motherboard but   I’m also going to show you how to install Windows  10 onto it and then how to configure your bios to   boot off of it afterwards I’m going to show you  some of the differences between M.2 SSDs and   regular SATA SSDs as well as the differences  between M.2 drives so come over here real quick   and let's get started all right so again  we're going to be installing onto the Sabrent   rocket 4.0 M.2 PCIE NVME SSD now this  particular drive and there are quite a   few there it's so fast that it requires a  heatsink depending on your system cooling   now on the particular system I’m going to be  installing on it has a heat shield over here so   I don't really need that this is not the board  that we're going to be installing Windows on   but this is just to give you an example so right  over here you're going to notice there's a little   slit right down here dividing up that slot and  then right over here on the M.2 slot itself you're going to notice there's that same little  slit right over here little piece of plastic so   what we're going to do is we're going to  align both of them up and just literally   push it right in there very lightly  you don't need to push very hard then we're going to grab that  M.2 screw and just push this down screw it in and that's it we've physically installed an M.2 SSD into your machine now let's go ahead and  install Windows on it all right so before we turn   the system on first thing we're going to want to  do is plug in the USB drive with Windows 10 on it   now if you don't know how to create this  I’ll go ahead and put a link up above   so you can check that video out as  well as down in the description below then we'll turn her on now right when you turn  around you're going to want to start tapping   the delete or F2 key whatever it is to enter your  bias okay so once we enter the bios just go ahead   click cancel here now your bios may look a little  different but the method to do everything I’m   going to do is relatively similar but of course  if you have any questions go ahead leave them in   the comments below I reply to all my comments  okay so here we're going to go over to boot   and over here boot option number one is going to  be generic flash disk now don't be afraid if you   don't see your drive there you're not going to  see it unless you already have a partition on it   it's a brand new drive we don't have anything on  it that's what we're going to do now okay so at   this point we'll just go ahead hit f10 to save and  exit because we're booting off of that thumb drive all right so here select your language  and your time and currency format   and keyboard method and click next install now okay now if you have a key go ahead and enter it  in here now if you don't this will last you for   a while so just go ahead and click I don't  have a product key but you can always put   in a key later on within Windows okay select  which version you have I have Windows 10 Pro make sure to read through all of this  incredibly important and now click I   accept the license term and next let's do  a custom install okay so now here you see   the entire drive 2 terabytes or 1.863 it's  going to be different potentially on your   drive you can either do new if you want to  load different partitions or for me I always   just do next and I use the entire drive this  is going to take about seven minutes or so okay then we'll click restart now okay so now  that we're rebooting let's go back into the bios   okay so now in the bios we'll go over to  boot okay and now you'll notice there's two   buddha options there's a Windows boot  manager and then also a generic flash   disk generic flash disk is where the thumb  drive well we have the Windows 10 install on   Windows boot manager is how Windows creates the  partition to recognize the UEFI bios and now   you can boot off of that okay so it was going  to do that anyway but I wanted to show you   just in case in your scenario it doesn't so  we'll go ahead and hit f10 to save and exit all right so then here select whatever  region you're in then click yes   your keyboard layout and yes if you want to add  a second one go ahead add layout but I’ll skip   and then one sec while I connect to my network   then click next so at this point it's  installing all of the drivers off of   the network since we just connected to it so  this is the point that it's probably going   to disconnect video wise but I’ll put it on the  monitor okay so set up for personal use and next   and then go ahead and enter in your information  here if you'd like but I’ll do offline account   you can do whatever you like here but I’ll  do limited and then I’ll just enter my name I'm not going to enter a password so just next   and adjust this as you'd like and accept not now  but if you like Cortana go ahead and install it hi oh yeah this might be the  point the drivers disconnect all right so we've just not only successfully  installed hardware wise the M.2 drive   but I’ve also showed you how to install Windows  10 on it but wait there's more if you already have   a machine that has Windows 10 on it and you  want a secondary NVME M.2 SSD as your hard drive   let me show you how to do that real quick so  before we go into setting up the secondary drive   make sure to check out this video up above so that  you know how to get the most performance out of   your system don't let Windows install the drivers  automatically for you they're not good okay so   come over here to file manager this pc notice  we don't see that drive this drive is the USB   drive I just took it out real quick so now we have  a separate drive you can see it's only 500 gigs   what happened to the other one well what we need  to do is right click on the start button click   disk management then you're going to get this  message sometimes you may not if you close   it haphazardly but if you get it you'll just  click ok to select the GPT good partition table   and if you don't you'll look for it here you may  have to scroll down a little bit then you'll right   click over here where you see that down arrow  right click here then click initialize disk then   we'll have that same message we had before  select GPT because the drive is large   Okay, Okay so the drive still isn't there  because we're unallocated so we'll right   click on this blank space underneath the  black bar and click new simple volume   okay and then on the new simple volume wizard  click next if you want to partition it you'll   lower this to whatever size you want but  we'll go ahead and use the entire drive   and click next assign a drive letter so whatever  drive you want it to be if you don't want it to be   the next drive up next then we'll give it a name  so that you guys can see this pop up storage drive   during video and make sure to do a quick format if  not it'll take forever and you'll want to choose   all these defaults next and then finish this  will only take a while okay I was going to say   a few seconds but it literally took a second  so we can close the disk management window   and I’ll close this now coming back into  file explorer this pc now we can see storage   drive during video what we named it and here's all  the space and let's go ahead just copy stuff there bam all right so now I’ve shown you how  to install it as a secondary drive so   let's go ahead and discuss a few of  the different types of SSDs so this   wait this isn't an SSD well but this is a SATA  hard drive these are even if it's 10,000 rpm   they're incredibly slow because  you're on a mechanical spinning disc now we have a SATA drive a 2.5 inch  drive by the way that was 3.5 inch it is   SATA as well you can see the SATA data connector  as well as the SATA power connector now   this was the first iteration  of SSDs now these ran off of A SATA cable, and that SATA cable will get let you  get up to 560 megabytes per second which is pretty   fast especially this guy will let you get about  100 megs per second but anyway so shortly after   or after a while this was out then we had the  first type of M.2 SSD notice there's two little   slits back here and I’ll put it on my hand so  you can see it there's two little connectors   or two little openings right over there that's  because this is a SATA SSD okay it still connects   right over here but it's a SATA SSD now some of  these M.2s the originals were pinned this way so   if you for example pop this guy in you notice  there's one because of that plastic connector   you wouldn't be able to install this but now  as we've evolved over time you're able to   plug in the SATA NVME SSD right into here as  well as the regular M.2 or NVME M.2 SSD so   for example plug that guy right in  there and then its older brother Will also plug in right over there now   depending on your motherboard that may  not work so you definitely want to check   out your motherboard manual just to make sure  that this guy works so the two separate keys   that's an n key you can see just like that  there's only that one little split there Whereas the SATA and SSD has the m key and the  b key so I just wanted to explain that to you   real quick the two different types NVME or envy  or not envy me the two different types so that you   could understand how that worked so thankfully  we don't have to use these anymore these were   good back in the day but is gone so about 100  megs per second it was awesome back in the day   but it would take you a few  minutes to get into windows SSD this would only take you about a few seconds  to get into Windows 20 seconds or whatever   but we are about 560 megs per second Step into M.2 we were a little over a thousand  megs per second M.2 SATA though so we're going   through the SATA bus and then while I have  it in the drive or in the machine behind me   this is another sovereign drive PCIE gen 4 we're  at about 3,000 plus megabytes per second super   fast NVME is great not only because it's super  fast but because it's awesome for incredibly large   file formats so video editing opening  games loading games all that good stuff   it's just that much faster so I  hope I can help you in this video   not only physically install the M.2 SSD but  then install Windows on it now and then also as   a secondary drive now if you still have one of  these guys it's not bad much better than this   but if you don't know how to install it  I’ll go ahead and link up a video up above   as well as down below so you guys can check it  out whenever you'd like so let me know if this   video helped you out down in the comments below  as always please do click like and subscribe   it helps me out tremendously and well if you  feel like this video has helped you out a ton   and if you'd like go ahead buy me a cup of  coffee we'll have a chat but anyway this   is your friend Iggy with ThisBytesForyou, trying  to help you out as always Iggy out, see you guys
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Keywords: thisbytesforyou, this bytes for you, How to install an M.2 SSD - Step By Step Setup Guide and Windows 10 Install, How to install an NVME M.2 SSD, How to install an M.2 SSD into your PC, how to install an m.2 ssd, this bites for you, Windows 10 Install, How to install an M.2 SSD - Step by Step Guide and Windows 10, Step by Step Guide and Windows 10 Install, How to install an M.2 SSD - Step by Step Guide and Windows 10 Install, windows 10 installation step by step
Id: eoFyW5QVunA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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