How to Install Aluminum Deck Railing

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[Music] hi my name is rod technovic and I'm from RIT fence and we're gonna put the Illumina railing on a vinyl deck which is 10 by 16 the material is supplied by fence - Devo calm we'll show you how to do it the first thing you want to do here is a locate your post make sure that they're gonna hit the rim joist of your deck so they go through the vinyl catch the wood so I went in measured in down here to Center my joys about moving my point up to here [Applause] [Applause] have yourself a level once you get these bolted in you're gonna have to level this if it's not level I'm taking washers and spacing underneath each one to make this bubble [Music] okay this section here is a almost twelfth footy or 11 foot something so they comment 10 foot sex is the longest we're gonna put two six foot sections here something laying out a center post here to work out for the railing after you finish screw it down be sure you put your cover on first cuz you will not be able to attach your side rails weight when you're setting these house post will keep I'm keeping this two inches from the siding here make sure your cover plate can fit on there you don't have an issue would be intercostal there is longer than not ten foot we have to use to six foot sections which we talked about earlier okay my measurement is 672 inches here on this total Inc I need 68 so what I'm going to do is cut two inches off of each side and make it 68 [Applause] [Applause] now we have a sexually cut to fit in between the clothes you got to make sure that the bottom bracket is turned up and down because the post isn't wide enough to be able to put the screws in and obviously the bread loaf style bracket goes on the top we decided to use these bricks for our spacer so let's getting us about three and a half inches high off the deck and then also you want to make sure that the screws are either in or out so once you get it all up it's all uniform get our top screw in here we had to take out two spindles so we could run our drilling straight to get our screw in because it's pretty much impossible to put a screw in there when you have a short space in between your your picot and you're one of these screws and every one of the post personal support better if you tap this in you get it to mark and then when you get a mark on the raise them up we drill it it's hard to drill through here and once you tap that in it should be able to delay this and hold it in place there then you're done see how easy that was yes you
Channel: FenceDashDepot
Views: 12,862
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: aluminum deck railing, balcony railing, how to install aluminum deck railing, how to install aluminum fence, aluminum fence supplies, where to buy aluminum fence
Id: DWgxBVE0o_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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