How to Install a Smart Light Switch | TP-Link HS200 Smart Wi-Fi Light Switch Review and Setup | DIY
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Tech4Baba
Views: 92,762
Rating: 4.8249731 out of 5
Keywords: how to install a smart switch, smart switch, how to, install, tp-link, kasa, tutorial, smart home, light switch, wifi, alexa, google assistent, wifi switch, smart home devices, howto, diy, installation, electircal, smart switches, dimmer, 3-way, home automation, smart lights, smart wifi light switches, do-it-yourself, home improvement, google home, electrical wiring, amazon echo, smart light switch, diy project, do it yourself project, shelter at home project
Id: PtZXg3557fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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