How to install a new roof vent or whirly bird to a colourbond corrugated zincalum roof

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hey guys just quickly i'm just going to show you how to install a whirlybird or a roof vent into your your roof there's one we did it just a second ago okay we've been having some hot weather and with this black roof the owner's been finding that all the heat's been getting trapped in it so quickly i'll go through how it's done first of all i'm going to install it high so we don't need any silicon and i'll show you how that's done quickly so first of all we're going to undo [Music] screws okay okay now just a quick point don't cut over the laps okay so you'll see how to cut to the middle of the sheet it's less likely to leak um laps designed to actually have a little bit of water go under so it will leak if you cut it over the laps look at your bottom is don't lose your screws we'll also have one of these if you're putting it into a tin roof that's not needed that is for a tiled roof to fix some of the batten and it gives you instructions how to do it there but we're doing the tin roof today so bear in mind i'm doing this all one hand so if you're reasonably you should be able to do this with two okay slide up and under there okay and what we're really looking for is if you see there's the lap so we want that edge on that and that edge on that lap we're installing it high because that's where all the hot water goes hot air sorry and then we're going to mark it around so we are going to just put a hole in there that's what we're going to cut so i'm just going to cut that hole quickly um i need two hands to do it so a little bit so okay so there's your lovely hole sorry i had to stop it but you need two hands to cut it now what i generally do you can do this with multi grips or i'm just doing it with a helmet is i generally bend up these little bits of the sheet it's not a necessary thing it's not a have to but if you've got strong winds you can actually and that'll stop anything cleaning up the roof okay slides across and in and that it's where your flu is gonna go now we just make sure it's all straight you can probably come across a bit generally those line there's two little holes there that'll line up okay and then we can put our screws back in it looks more awkward than it is because i'm doing it all one-handed it's a film for you guys [Music] change your drill bit okay putting it back okay so now what we're going to do is adjust this to fit on there so it's level let me just give it to you but as you can see it's not level but it has a twisty thing which is really easy to see so as we twist it changes shape so we can get it level so you see we've got it level okay what i'm doing here is i just line it up with the ridge cap make sure that that stays level okay push it down and then i mark that's a it reason why i mark it because i want it to go back the exact same spot all right so now we're going to use their screws okay and what we're going to do is we're going to take this bit and screw it through so that it's fixed in place and it's not going to move there you go that's one and then we're going to put the whirlybird onto that bit before we put that bit onto the bottom so just quickly you can see that there's little indentations out at the top and we're going to line those up the indentations and then screw through the holes to get it in place okay so we've lined up our pencil marks again he's now being put on now we just need to take these screws see the holes right here okay we're gonna screw them three of them around and fix it to the base okay so now he's all fixed you can see that just started to rain so now we're going to put stitching screws all the way through here a couple through here so we'll go two there then we'll go one two three four five six seven and two there and knock it down and then you're done there you have all the screws in place okay now the bottom flange is made of soft sink so once it's done just give it a little tap a little tap and congratulations you've just installed your whirlybird just in time for the rain it hasn't rained for about two months and now it rains too easy
Channel: Fix it
Views: 106,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whirly bird, roof vent, roof, tin, metal, zincalum, how to, handyman, roofer, vent, building, colourbond, venting, flue, Ventilation, heat, extraction, cooling, wind, fan, green, eco, spin, pull, convection, fix, super vent, home, house, cover, maintenance, fit, install, installation, zinc, zincalume, galvanised, spin away, turbine, simple, correct, corrugated, trick, tips, instruction, whirlybird, ventilation, windmaster, home improvement, Roof, summer, cooking, expell
Id: o6k6Izhuzrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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