How to Install a Customizable Floor in your Orbiter | Warframe Ship

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today we're going to be going over how to install a floor in your Orbiter so you guys can have a floor that looks just like this or really any other type of floor that you want it to look like I'm going to go over the pros the cons how much it actually cost to install this floor and give you some tips and tricks so that it doesn't have to cost you more because there is a possibility that you could overspend on the floor before we start building this floor I do want you to know that you don't have to copy this exact design of the floor you really could do it in any which way you want and I want you to notice how this floor is a solid design as you can see the reflection in the black part of the floor of what this part of the ship looks like if it's not colored it's some weird UI thing that they have going on where it reflects what the ship looks like when you don't have it colored but you can kind of see it through the black parts of the floor right there and it's all looking like one solid floor this was a real pain in the butt to set up but I'm going to show you how exactly I did it and you don't have to set it up that way you could do it filed instead but we're going to look for displays so what I wound up using was a landscape display and I'm going to grab a couple of these because I don't think I currently own any even though it says that they're all installed uh right now currently so I'm gonna buy about four of them and we're going to jump over to just me showing you an example we're going to go into equipment we'll go to Orbiter at the bottom here I'm gonna go to decorate so we're going to look for a display I want specifically that landscape display that we just bought four of so the very first thing that you want to do is make sure that it is flat on the floor the way that you want it and a lot of the floor I just use the floor that's built here itself to kind of line up the image when I lined this up what I did was I looked for the edge uh and lined it up with this piece right here so I'm going to leave an arrow on the screen so I tried lining the corner up with the middle of this little indent right here and then I use that as a bearing for the center of the floor for the entire floor another thing too you could try is uh the surface snapping so I could use I could hit the F button here and it'll surface snap by the way all of this will work on controller so if you guys are using that on and you're on Console this will work here as well before you lay anything down here's one important tip is you want to scale this so you want to make it as big as possible it's very important that you do that because if you don't it's going to cost you a lot more Platinum by not scaling these things up as far as how much this costs since I did buy landscape displays which are large displays and then I scaled them even bigger this floor cost me approximately 615 Platinum there's about 41 displays all laid out on the floor here from here it's about four across all the way down to here there's about 20 total uh four across and then what rows five rows deep so there's about 20 right here for that part of the floor meaning about another 21 for this other half of the floor here and that's exactly how I set the floor up so the image that I picked for that picture was this one right here with Ember if I could find her right here this fan art picture with Ember right here so I basically just kind of reset everything made the image as big as possible and I did one of those like that so I remember all you once you do this a few times you're going to remember the specs that you've like adjusted it to and then you'll just be able to respect it every new image that you lay down so I basically just kind of expect it like that say I went to I think I went to 15 or whatever it was and then for this one I think it was probably just zero where it is so and you could flip these horizontally which I did on the other floor that I was showing you guys so that's really how I did this you could also mess around with the contrast of it to change the colors on it if you want more of a blood look or a bleach like this is really going to help you mess around depending on what it is you're going for so for those of you edge Lords that like all black and white stuff uh there you go because that looks pretty good um but yeah you get the point here so I'm just gonna leave that and now once we have this I'm going to duplicate the decoration so I'm gonna hit the F button here I'm going to duplicate it and the reason why I want to duplicate it is because um and I also want to overlap it like this you guys see what it's doing right here this is so important that you get it to do this where it's like the image is all flickering on itself because that is how I managed to get the entire floor to look like one piece is to get it to flicker like this okay um we'll kind of go into why in a second but I'm gonna go back to that ember picture right here going to put it back to I think I had it at 15. oh this is important scale the image first like this because otherwise these don't line up right so that should be the first thing you do and now that I have it lined up like this all I have to do I could just flip this horizontally and then boom We Got The Look that we were going for so now that I have this clicking on the image I didn't mean to do that so this is really important every time you accidentally click an image just hit the escape button to reset it if you accidentally pick it up and move it somewhere don't click it back into a new new place that you moved it especially in scenarios like this where you have the uh the overlapping and the flickering lines here um because what I want to actually do is I want to do a constraint movement there it is so I hit the R button I'm in constrained movement and now you guys can see where it's at the bottom near the bottom where it says transform it says world if I hit the Z button now it says local this is very very important and I'm going to wind up hitting the escape to reset this afterwards but um the world view a lot of times does not let you go through the floor however the local view a lot of times does let you go through the floor it's just it's an extra bit of movement that you have so and now now do you guys notice how like it's not flickering anymore how it's either higher or lower the reason why we want it flickering is because that means it's at the same level as the picture which makes the whole all the tiles you put down all the Landscapes look like one solid piece if we don't have it doing that like right now it looks like it's even whether I go above or below it whatever it is um right now it's not flickering and that's going to cause a problem it may not cause a problem right away but it will cause the problem in the future and then all I'm really doing is just kind of lining these up to make sure that they are to the best of my knowledge our movement yeah I want this as lined up as possible and then I'm just going to set it okay so we lucked out on this one but we are not always going to luck out okay yeah that's good you can see the reflection of this over here through the black I want you to look to look at the reflection through the black the problem that we're going to face the more and more that we do this is that not all of these tiles are going to basically how do I wear this they're not going to look like one piece they're going to look like tiles and that's such a pain in the balls which is why I'm saying when you get these to flicker when you're overlapping them every time I laid these down this is what I did this is also really important to understand is we look at the axises here when we grab an image or really anything that you're trying to decorate with whether it's any other decoration no matter what it is you have the x-axis the y-axis and the z-axis represented by the green blue and red arrows here at the center of those arrows underneath this image is like imagine a focal point but imagine that point is solid and that solid point will refuse to go through anything that you're trying to get it to go through there are ways to make it happen but it's more advanced than really we needed to know for this video so just know that there is a solid point there and a lot of the times when let's say you want to go into local View and you want to get it to drop through the floor or below something it may not work every single time because there might be like a slight thing that's in the way and it could be like anything even invisible things it makes this such a pain in the butt to do this but at the end of the day just know that you could maybe shift it over a little bit and then try dropping it or you know like just any other try shifting it any other way and then try dropping it if you can't seem to get it below where you currently have it if you have to pick the image up around and move it somewhere else to drop it like whatever it takes there's a way to get it done but it's definitely not always the easiest thing to accomplish so just keep that in mind so um I'm just gonna leave it like that all right now I'm gonna leave this on purpose just to see if we can get this do I want to know all right I'll leave that on purpose just okay now do you guys see how it kind of looks like a tile right here like how it's not uh you get out of decoration mode for a second yeah okay right here do you see this line that's happening right across here now it doesn't look like a tile and the lighting that's reflecting through it is like off it's not lining up and I personally I've really this made me angry every time like I wasn't a fan of this this is the biggest issue that you're going to face is getting these tiles to line up exactly the way that they need to be lined up so that you're not getting this like offset of lights or a tile look out of this and if you're going for the tile look that's perfect that's literally you it's so gonna be so much easier just to have a tiled look if you want your floor to be a different color all you're really doing is you're looking at all these pictures that are in here and you're kind of looking for a color or a design or a pattern or anything that you want your floor to look like and please please send me screenshots or whatever you could like tweet them out to me you can post them in my Discord like whatever it might be I think these are so cool looking and I would love to make a video of all the designs you guys have come up with but you're literally just looking for patterns or colors or whatever it is that you want to work with so let's say I wanted it to be blue instead so I'll take this image um we'll make it a little darker blue here I'm gonna scale the image up and I'm going to find a section on this image where it has a pattern that I actually like so we'll kind of just move this over here so like even in just her head like I could even just do it with this or I could just keep like flipping her head and it'd kind of look like a melon or a circle or whatever I don't know it's gonna look it's it'll look weird but it'll look cool at the same time too so we could just leave this if we wanted to we could just pick other pictures with like Forest designs here so I could just find a piece of the forest uh that I actually want to use and duplicate if anything so I could even take this if I wanted like a really bright green color I could darken it too um you know just messing around with these tones here that is really hard to see some of these here but anyway you guys get the point you have all red floor the pros to leveling the the pros to putting your floor down all in one piece like this is that you only ever have to do it once because once you've done this I can grab any of these tiles on this floor and I can change it to any other picture I want and that's going to be so much easier than laying the floor down in the first place so once you lay the floor down you can delete it but I don't ever recommend you delete your floor because when you're installing it you will realize how many more hours this is going to take than it really should for how simple of an idea it actually is but unfortunately with the design of how they set this up it's really all we have to work with I definitely recommend just as another tip as a final tip here when you are placing these down I'm just going to keep hitting the F button here so this is the fourth one this is like the last one that I have let's say sure I want to keep that instead of me um exiting decoration mode or instead of me buying way more floors than I'm than I you know I'm gonna need instead of me over purchasing just hit F on the floor and it'll take you right to the purchase section but then here's another interesting thing it's going to do so I purchased is this it gives me the floor but let's pretend that I didn't actually uh here here's one example it gives me the floor but the floor is not scaled after this is after I buy it the floor is not scaled which means I have to rescale the floor and also the other thing too is I don't think it's going to give me the image like if I picked one of these and bought it I'm definitely needing more of these anyway let's do this this is an example so I'll purchase another one here purchase yeah that's my point my point is is that it doesn't copy the the metrics of whatever you laid down like whatever the design you gave it originally it doesn't copy that so even though I copied the fire floor it gave me this image instead to work with so that's fine the point that I'm making here is this is still how you're better off buying extra tiles because all you really have to do is just hit the escape button after you've bought the tile and then re-hit F to duplicate it so then you have your size lined up so whatever like you know whatever size you scaled this to it's going to be lined up to I hope all this made sense I know so many of you have been asking like how to how I laid the floor down and I'm not necessarily a pro designer uh or like especially a pro explainer of how to design floors and all that sort of stuff but that's how I did my floor I hope you guys found this helpful if you do have any questions I am live every day on Twitch and you guys can come down and ask any questions about that the next video I'm going to make is basically how I did a mural here because I want to put murals up along uh I want to make this whole wall of mural and then I want to just like I did this little cubby here I made mural in the background I want to do it to these other three Cubbies too and that's kind of where I'm standing right now is what I want to do with the rest of this but that video will come out soon enough and uh hopefully again you guys if you have any questions just stop by ask live every day um thank you for hanging out I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: NeoNess007
Views: 32,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neoness007, neo, ness, 007, twitch, stream, partner, streamer, video, yt:quality=high, 4k, content creator, neones, nes, neones007
Id: 7IX2AEPCqsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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