How to install a brush blade on any Stihl, Husqvarna, Echo, Shindaiwa, etc trimmer

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this is khajiit and he is bound and determined to try to be in this video today so i gotta give him some love so he can get his field and go on but we got him a little over a year ago he came to the shop and showed up but we also have another shop kitty there and he tried to come in and he just want to be cool he just want a place to hang out but uh our shop kitty wasn't having none of that he likes you know to rule the roost and they would squab so we went down to the pound and got a cage and we were going to take him to the pound and then i saw his face and i was like oh no he's way too cute and we also saw that his ear was clipped i don't know if you can see that or not his his little ear was clipped and we know a local lady who when she finds strays she takes them to be neutered or spayed and she would get them all their rabies shots and she would feed them um in an area behind her home which was not far from the shop so we knew that he was one of her cats he's been already neutered he'd been you know had his shots there was really no reason to take him to the pound look at his beautiful face and he is sort of the lovely dummy cut in the world easily but i gotta make a video hey y'all thanks for tuning back into chicanic uh it's getting that time of year fall is coming and it's time to clean up those yards the amazon that we live in here in arkansas it is just everything has grown like crazy this year to where i have not been able to keep up with it and i know a lot of other people have not been able to keep up with theirs and the easiest way to do it at the end of the season once the leaves start dying off a little bit you can actually see where you need to take care of business is to put a brush cutter blade all right because you gotta chill okay is to put a brush cutter blade on your trimmer now today we're going to go over some of the most common um trimmers the shindawa the husqvarna the steel and the echo how to um put a brush blade on each of those safely a trick about buying a brush blade and hopefully this video will save you time money and frustration in the future for this demonstration we're going to be using the most four common trimmers i see at my shop is a husqvarna 128 ld the shindawa t242 uh steel um fs 55 and a echo srm 225. all right so we're going to go over the most important thing you need to think about when you are buying a blade for your for your trimmer to make it fit now the gear head depending on the adapter that it already has on on the gearbox or the adapter that you're going to buy it has to be a certain size hole in the center of your blade to actually fit on your gear head so there's only two sizes that it can be and that is a one inch or a 20 millimeter if you buy a blade that has a 20 millimeter hole you can not make the blade the blade hole bigger so that will not work if you do need a bigger size but if you buy one that is a inch they do have reducers so i'm not going to go over all the different kinds of blades that they make because it really depends on what you're planning on cutting project farm is a video that that shows all the different kinds of brush cutter blades and which one's best for whatever project you plan on doing so if you do buy a blade now this is a nine inch blade and this is a eight inch blade and you can't tell much of a difference but you can see that there's a half inch on each side so that also depends on how many cc's of power your trimmer has i mean most ones you'll want to stick with the eight inch seven inch eight inch blade maybe um if it's a really heavy duty trimmer at least 25 cc's or more you can push the nine inch um but if you do and you find out that you have a smaller area that you know then you know the 20 millimeter area you can get this reducer to uh to make it fit on on it and i'm going to show you that on one of these trimmers that we're going to do okay so we are going to start out with the easiest one first which is a steel now steel has three pieces that you're going to need in their kit to put a blade on you're going to have a cupped splined washer a lock nut and a cup to protect the end of your shaft to start out we're going to take our head off now if you remember in my last video we're going to stick something there's a hole in the back of the gear head here and we're going to stick something and turn the head until [Music] it locks into place which i already have this one loose so it looks like yeah and then it's actually if you're on this way it's lefty loosey righty-tighty if you're standing on the other side this is backwards thread so you will go the the opposite direction to uh to loosen this head off so once we've got the head off we're going to just turn it over here and on the back of a steel base here it's already got this lifted up portion that you can see for the blade to sit on and this one actually is a one inch so we're going to be able to put the blade straight on and we'll just go ahead and use this eight inch blade right here and it fits perfectly on there now when you're putting a blade on what you do need to realize is which way it needs to turn so on a lot of blades they'll actually have some writing on them that in that case most of the time the writing goes towards you as you're running the trimmer now it does not go towards the ground but another way to know is that the trimmer head spins this way you know this because your line cutter is right here on the back of the shield so whenever you put your blade on you know that the the cutting teeth need to go facing the area the way that it's turning so it's going to turn this way and that's the way the teeth and the cutting angle is so we know that it goes this way once you have that on it has a splined cupped washer that goes over the splines on the shaft then you have this cup this cupped washer that will cover everything up and protect the end of your shaft and then you have a left-handed lock nut that you are going to tighten down and once you get it hand tight to where it's not going to come apart you want to hold everything together so it doesn't come off that little lip you're going to stick your screwdriver and if you have it this way you could actually just stick it in the hole and lay it on it like that and then you're going to get your tool and you're going to tighten that down into as as tight as you can get it and that's the way you do it on the steel it's pretty simple so the next easiest one in the scheme of things is the husqvarna um trimmer we're going to take the head off just like we did on the steel on the back of the gear head here it has a hole on the other side the steel's on the left side the husqvarna has on the right we're going to stick something in there until it's locked in place and then we can unscrew the head once we have the head off we're going to just turn it on over here and the husqvarna thankfully already comes on the back base here on the gear head with a raised section to put your blade on and it also is a one inch so we're going to like we did with the steel now i'm sure there are actual husqvarna pieces to put a blade on that there is a blade kit i have never used one i have always just used the pieces that come with the other kits because it's just easier it actually takes the same uh cupped splined washer as the steel does um and locks in place and then also you can use the same cup as the as the steel now the only thing that is different is the threads are different because it doesn't have the same threads as a steel it has the same splines but not the same threads it does have the same uh threads as the echo though so let me make sure i got all that lined up there so once you have your steel washer and your steel cup on you can put a echo nut on the end of that and that is also backwards threads as your whole if you're holding it this way so like before you're going to tighten it down hand tight you're going to stick something in that hole in the back and then you're going to make sure you get it as tight as possible so now let's go on it's really easy too okay so i now have my shindawa my personal trimmer my t242 um first thing we're going to do is take the head off like the other ones the shindawa and the echo you have to find a hole here on the side of the gear box line those holes up once you have it all stuck together you can just spin the head off all right we're going to get it turned over okay now on this one this is a really old t242 so um on the newer trimmers they have shafts coming out of them this one it looks like there's a shaft coming out but there's actually not it is part of the kit for the speed feed heads because it's universal and it fits everything so these older shin dollars actually have a bolt that holds everything on now this was an x the x series of the shindawas was the ones that held blades so it came with the attachments to actually put a blade on now the steel and the husqvarna are really simple the shindawa are not they have multiple back pieces to put um a blade on and they throughout the years they change this spline this inside spline um so you're going to have to actually look up your your shindawa a lot of times if you put an x at the end of it that'll be the brush cutter one so you can find your pieces that way but you're going to want to find the piece that uh a blade can actually sit on that has this this lip raised on it so um yeah the easiest way to do is is maybe call your local shop and see if my they might have it or something like that but um because they are they're all different so fortunately i do have the pieces i have the back base i do have the cupped washer both of them have the right splines what i don't have here today is the actual m7 bolt that's going to hold it all together i do have one of the little cups so i'm gonna i'm gonna be able to sort of show you exactly how it goes but i did find my blade in the garage that i've been using for these but i didn't find my bolt or my washer or or i'm not my washer or my cup so i had to bring this cup from work and i did not have another bolt which was really weird but i will be able to show you how this goes so the back piece um with this raised section is going to go first on those splines then we're going to put a blade on and on this blade this is um just an 82 blade that i use for the brush around the house it's got the markings on the top so i know which way it goes so i don't have to worry about that much because on my trimmer my extra piece of my shield came off and i don't have a cutter on there anymore so i need to actually take care of that so once i have the blade on i have this washer that goes on the top and then you will put this cup this cupped washer um cup part i don't know exactly what it's called but anyways you'll put that first before you put your bolt in your m7 bolt and it'll tighten everything down and that's an you know excellent way to do it just make sure you get everything real tight stick something in the side now every time you put one of these blades on make sure that you put a rag around the edge that you're working on because if you slip you do not want to slice yourself so that's how you put the shandaba one on it's not very hard either next one we're going to do is the echo and it's a little bit more difficult all right so last but not least we have the echo srm 225 now the kit that you're going to have to buy to fit an echo fits multiple units i mean it's got a list this long of different units that it will go it will work on so i'm going to put this kit and all of these kits in the description box below so everything you see here even a couple blades you're going to be able to find really simple just look down in the description and and i'll get you to where you need to go on how you can get a brush cutter going so but unfortunately the echo the reason that you have to buy the blade kit it does not come with the adapters with to uh put a blade on when you um get a trimmer like a homeowner model echo trimmer it doesn't have this raised section on it to actually put the blade on um you also need one of the cupped washers you know the cupped washers that helps protect your shaft and also you're going to have to have one of the reducers if you have a blade that's a one inch you can get this much like the blade that comes in here i think it is a 20 millimeter but if you want to use a different blade you will have to get a reducer so first thing we're going to do is take the head off like on the shindawa we're going to go into the side here so we can there we go locked it in place [Music] now you can see the adapter came off this one already had one on it so somebody's been running this one with a blade before so we won't need those pieces but we are going to need the um blade reducer and we're going to need another shield so when you have the echo it's nice it's got this really sleek shield you know with the cutter but unfortunately if you try to put a blade on it the blade just is gonna hit the shield there's no way to go around that why they didn't lift it up just a couple more inches and make it a little wider i have no idea the other models did and that is one one flaw that i see with this i mean i don't know why they did that so they could sell such an expensive blade kit but they did so first thing we're going to have to do is remove this shield and that's going to be okay because it comes with a new shield in the kit that is very safe for a brush plate and that's what we're talking about here i mean really we want to be safe right i mean when you've got a blade spinning at you know hundreds of rpms just a little scary just saying all right so now that we have that off we are going to open up our new kit in the new kit we get a new shield we also have another handle that we could put on just in case we want that it's going to come with a new bracket to go on the bottom of the shield it's going to come with the correct adapters to put your blade on with and a bunch of nuts and bolts some cotter pins a harness so it's got lots of good stuff in here but um today we're just gonna go ahead and show you how a blade goes on we don't need none of that we've got all the profiles out here and since we already had one with the uh um raised section for the blade we don't need to pull that one out today and we already have a reducer depending on which blade we want to use so this kit also does come with a um eight tooth 20 millimeter blade here so um this kit you know it lifts for around 65 but the blades normally you know they're 25 to 30 bucks it's worth it also if you have a pas system with the um split boom attachment i will put that in the description box below so you'll know how to get that attachment if you would like so all you have to do is you know unscrew a little knob push a little button pull it out push it in you're ready to brush cut that's pretty awesome if you did get that upgrade when you bought it all right so once we have this off we're going to put the new shield on we're just going to line that up right there we're going to put this back on we're going to put um actually i think it came with new bolts but we're just going to use these new bolts just for this demon screw or these bolts just for the demonstration we'll tighten this down also i had some people that were having some confusion with my wish list um i had a couple people that went to my amazon wishlist and they bought some things but i think um it is really confusing when you check out and i did not know this so i didn't even say anything in the uh in the top description but i did add something because unfortunately people were buying things through the amazon wishlist but when it goes to checkout it uh ships it to their house instead of their desired destination so when you go to check out on the amazon wishlist if you're buying anybody anything just make sure you see where it needs to go or where you know you want to get it sent to because they'll uh send it straight to your house if you're not be careful so all right now that we have this tightened down we're able to put our back base back on our gear head it's blind um we do have a blade with a one inch hole so we are going to use the reducer and we're going to put the blade on now the um writing goes up on this one so we're not going to be able to see it on the echo one it's got this really heavy duty washer with this lift area to protect everything and then the nut is backwards threads and we're going to stick something in the side tighten all that down now the good thing about echo it even has an extra precautionary measure they have a cotter pin that goes straight through the bottom of your shaft here and make sure there's no way that this blade could ever fall off so once you have this shield on this is an eight inch blade you can even go with a nine inch blade so it's worth it totally i'll have the kit down in the description below and uh now you have no excuse now you'll be able to cut everything down i think he's laid claim to the cougar what so a few things i do want to go over is sorry folks if you have a curved shaft trimmer you cannot use a blade on your trimmer and a curved shaft means if you see it curve at the end the only time you can use a blade a brush cutter blade is when you have a straight shaft other than that it's dangerous you can't do it there's really not many ways to even to put it on so sorry that will not work now i did not go over some of the most other common trimmers that people have which are the craftsmans and some of the troy belts i don't recommend putting in them on many of the troy bills now craftsmans are made by troy bills but some of them are a little bit more heavy duty there are ones that have a split boom in the center and the pu lands that have a split boom in the center i'm going to put some um some links down below to actual you know split boom attachments that you can put on or attachments for just the end of a of a craftsman trimmer that you can put on yours i don't do it that often so i you know don't know much about it to explain it but just in case you need the links to get there it's pretty much probably going to be the same design as what we you learned today hopefully this video saved you time money and frustration in the future if you haven't found us on facebook yet find us at thanks and have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Chickanic
Views: 288,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steel, stihl, echo, red armor, oil, trimmer, weed, eater, blower, hedge trimmer, how to fix, dyi, Husqvarna, shindaiwa, craftsman, Speed Feed, head, Weed eater
Id: gxyLnDstjtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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