How to insert a photo into letters in Procreate

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this is an attempt to make a little instructional video about how I do some of the lettering things that I do I'm going to use the procreate app and this time I'm going to talk about how to put a photo inside of letters that you make so we're going to start with just a high-res square makes it good for printing if I want to do that eventually oh it looks looks good on the screen too so begin by just making some letters so I'm going to pick one of my favorite tools I kind of designed AddThis folded pen brush here it behaves somewhat like like a real folded pen which I like a lot so that's why I'm using it I'm just going to write some letters here I'm running out of round no problem just gonna cheat well it's not great I'll just get this get us going with this so this is going to be my image of the letters I think I'll lease try to straighten it up a little bit in fact I don't like it at all I'm gonna start over that's a good news you can just do that turn that layer off okay so I changed my mind later but I'm gonna create a new letter a new layer and I think I'm going to do a different pen this time maybe I'll go with the big monoline but kind of 70s looking I felt like that either let's see how about oh I know what we can do roll it out with this sketchy one full thing here it's gonna be way too big don't go a little smaller didn't really mean to do all of these retakes on the letters but maybe that's helpful for to somebody part of being an artist is making things look easy probably good to know that even though I do this all the time I don't get it right the first time often okay it's a little smaller here I'm liking this better now there we go so we'll just use that as the the lettering part of it and then the next thing that I need to do is and I need to pick a photo to put inside of this so just happen to have this one that my my son did just today it's raining out here and cleared up just enough to show a rainbow so I'm going to go in here and add a photo see this is it here and I want to position this over the letters that I made and so there's a couple of different ways that you can do that I can just kind of look at it but I'll probably reposition it later so it's roughly in the right place now and and so I'm just going to accept that and then I'm going to go over here to the layers and I'm gonna make this layer with the photo less less opaque and and so that gives me the option of being able to place this image inside of where my my letters are a little easier so I'm going to highlight the desert again and I'm going to use the magnetic here so that it doesn't change the the shape or the orientation of the the picture it'll it'll keep it to consistent if I grab it by the corner so I'll move it in here and move it in here and then see I need to place I like it like that I am making a little bit wider hair like it covering like that get a little bit of the road down here in the word rain and get some of that Joshua Tree in these letters and then you can see the rainbow all the way across with the clouds and everything so that's really cool all right now I'm gonna go back over here I'm good with that I'm gonna go back over here and make it a hundred percent again and then back to the layers the lettered layer that I started with needs to be locked so it's underneath this photo and and I doesn't matter to me now that I can't see it because what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slide this over I'm gonna lock those letters and then I'm gonna tap again to select now when I'm selecting it's kind of hard to see but the little gray lines that are moving across here has selected everything in the background and the letters are actually not moving I'm gonna go over here and click automatic and there's my this is showing actually the background is selected and it's gonna drop out the letters in the middle but I want to make it go the other way I want the background to be inside the letter so I'm going to invert it just like that and I can check again and make sure that I like the way it is and I've got the rainbow going across here and bit of the Joshua tree and you know it's not perfect but it's it's gonna work for our little demonstration here and so then the the next step is to go back over here to the layers and now I'm going to click on to the photo and on the photo I'm going to clear it and then what winds up happening is it clears all the bits of the that are not part of the letters the letters are still highlighted I don't know if you can see that very well the letters are highlighted down here with this squiggly line coming across so not clear and then here's our photo inside the letters looks pretty cool now because I'm me and I like doing fun things with letters I'm looking at this and thinking well maybe I could you know help this pop just a little bit more by creating some kind of a drop shadow or something like that so then what I'm going to do is back over here to the layers the layer of the original letters we don't need any more okay and the layer now that has the photo insert it becomes the one that we're going to use for the rest of the text treatment so the first thing I'm going to do is alpha lock this that allows me to duplicate it and then create additional colors to put into the design so I'm going to duplicate once and the first time I'm going to do this this first one that I'm going to do I'm going to turn it white so that I can have a a highlight on the top of the letters then I'm going to duplicate again and I'll make a black version and I'll duplicate again and I'll make the one that I'll turn into the drop shadow so first thing is the highlighted part gonna select this one here and I'm on a white background so my highlight I don't want my highlight to be white because then I won't be able to see anything so I'm gonna go with a little different color I think maybe what I'll do is I'll lift some color out of the sand here as the highlight and so just gonna put my finger on there and find a place where I like it like right there and then that becomes my highlight color gonna go over here to this image it's already alpha locked and so all I have to do is select it and then fill it and now that whole part is is the highlight tan color then I'm gonna go over to this one and I want this to be the this is the beginning of the shadow so it needs to be black so I'll go back up here to the colors I'm going to select a black out of my palette which you can see is not completely black I'm gonna make it completely black just drag it down here and fill that layer and then this one I want to have the same black although I'm gonna use it differently so I'm going to fill this one black too okay so now how do we get how do we get these different colors underneath the original photo to work the way we want go back up here to the highlight and I'm going to zoom in so that I can see it better see what I'm actually doing here so I'm just picking a place in the image doesn't really matter where it is so I had already selected the highlight color layer and so now I'm going to use this button here the freeform to select that layer and then I can move it just by dragging a little bit you see that and I could actually move it all the way out here like this if I wanted to but all I want to do is just give a little glow to the edge of the letters to make it look like I got a little bit of light hitting it from somewhere we're not really sure what it also kind of makes it look like maybe these letters are cut out of a piece of wood or so okay so I'll leave it like that for now and then I'm gonna go down here and do it with the black - on the black layer I'm gonna pull it back the other way so I have the highlight showing and then I have the black showing and then the last one is this is going to be the one that's gonna turn into the drop shadow now so I'll just do it first I'll highlight it and I'll pull it down here and I'm gonna make it like much bigger than then that original edge there now you could lead this like this and it would it would look fine but I kind of like my drop shadow to to have sort of a blurred look to it you know so that it's a softer kind of a drop shadow this is this is really cool actually if you're going for the for the you know hard 70's kind of shadow lines but I want to do something a little softer make it look like the image is actually kind of floating so so then what I do is go back to the layer I needed to alpha lock this layer so that I could so that I could fill it with the black but now that I want to use the blur tool I'm going to need to take the alpha lock off okay so then I go up here to the blur I got a pic Gaussian blur and we're just gonna kind of drag across now watch here watch for the blur the further I come the further I drag it the more extreme the blur is you see gets bigger and bigger and then if I go back this way then it goes back to original so I just kind of pick a point where I like it I think I like it right about there that's about right and then I'll exit out now you do have to get it right when you do this because you know you you I can't go back into to the blur and change it back to the way it was I would have to actually revert back using the arrow but so there's that so I've got a blur layer I've got this dark edge layer and then I have this high light edge layer here kind of looks like torn paper or something and then it's kind of cool because it does all of that with this sketchy nature of the of the pen that I used for the original letters all right now I'm gonna pinch here and zoom back out and see how we like it and I like it so quick review you make your letters first on one layer on the on the original layer that's this one down here you just make your letters on this layer then you're gonna put a photo above the layer where the letters are you lock the layer that you started with and then you're going to open that layer up and and select it make sure that it's all lined up you can go back to the beginning of the video and see how that goes but then the next step is to is to clear once you've selected you clear the
Channel: Doug Knechtel Art
Views: 29,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XmKSK9xV2_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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