How To Increase Your Squat (NEW PR!)

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hey guys I'm dr. and horik and today I'm gonna show you how you can quickly add weight to your squat and hit that new PR hey guys thanks so much for stopping by the YouTube channel today I'm gonna share with you two simple methods you can use to hit that next P on your squat now I want to give a quick shout out to the inspiration for this video that's coach Travis mash I had him recently on the squad University podcast and we discussed this exact topic so if you haven't listened to it yet go check that out now there are two methods you can use that will quickly increase weight on your squat and allow you to hit that next PR the first one is simple we need a proper warmup if you don't have a proper warmup you're not going to be performing to your greatest potential now proper warm-up has three different parts soft-tissue mobility and stability so first things first soft-tissue work you get to the gym after a long day of whatever you're doing work hanging out in school we need to loosen up some of those stiff muscles that have hindered our ability to get into good positions foam rolling is great now again I don't need you foam rolling for 30 plus minutes a couple minutes on the areas that are stiff and tight for a lot of people that's gonna be your lateral hip like your TfL maybe your quads and even that inside part your adductor muscles so we're gonna quickly get on the ground we're going to roll and we're going to search out spots that are a little stiff go nice and slow once you find a spot sit on it for a couple seconds you can roll in and out roll up and down what I don't want to see happen is this going super fast that does nothing we want to go slow and hit some of those spots that feel stiff then we can also get on the inside part roll up and down that leg and find some spots on that inner thigh that hurt a little bit kick that leg up and down but what I want you to do is spend maybe one to two minutes on certain spots of your body that feel a little stiff and restricted that's gonna be very very helpful at allowing you to get into even better positions directly after so that's step one is gonna be a little bit of soft tissue work with a foam roller you do not need an expensive foam roller find one that works if you don't have a foam roller you can get to go to a Home Depot or Lowe's and get a small PVC pipe that works great step two is going to be work now position-specific what are we trying to do trying to increase our squat so we need to work on getting it to the very bottom of a squat opening up our hips and our ankles what I love to do goblet squat what you're gonna do is just grab a 25 pound plate 10 kilos for here you can use a kettlebell you can use a dumbbell if you can so you're just gonna set your feet in a good position watch how I screw my feet into the ground so from here feet are in a good position drive the knees out to the side the feet turn into an arched position and then from there we're squatting as deep as we can having the weight sit out in front so I can sit into a very deep squat now from here I'm opening my hips up swiveling them side to side a little bit I like to really use this to stretch my ankles as well so I'm gonna drive one knee over the toe feel good stretch maybe 5 10 seconds and then back at the other side 5 to 10 seconds notice how my knees going directly over my toe I don't know if my toe turned out to the side in me going in because I always want to mobilize in a good position that's gonna carry over to what I'm wanting during my list so knees over toes hold for 5 to 10 seconds and then come back now here's how we're going to change this up to where it's actually going to carry over to our movement of the squat as well is from here we're going to raise hold for a couple seconds squeeze the gluts back down ok we're going to do three those in a row right now so from here squeeze the gluts knees out to the side feet grabbing the ground raise one two three back down should be feeling like I'm engaging my glutes like crazy on this ascent 1 2 3 back down and then one more each time sinking back down into a little bit greater depth 1 2 3 back down stand all the way back up so that is number 2 the last area that you need to hit is stability now for the time purposes of this video I'm gonna show you one of my most efficient bang for my buck exercises that's the bird dog if you have I would highly suggest doing the full mcgill big 3/4 exercise routine that's gonna be the modified curl up the side plank and then the bird dog so let's just go over the bird dog today for time sake you're gonna be in an all fours position okay this is called quadruped ed from here you're gonna find that neutral position so I do not want a lot of arch this way I don't want a lot of arch that way find that neutral position from here you're gonna brace your core okay nice and strong we're then going to raise this hand and kick that leg out so from here no spine movement out see how my toe is only a few inches from the ground if you kick it too high what happens to your spine it's gonna round the other way so from right here hold small sips of air in and out of your mouth like you have a straw in your mouth and you're gonna hold this for 10 seconds and we're working on priming core stability so there's no spinal movement wall our extremities go out sweep underneath tap and back out again so both the hold in the movement of not allowing this to happen but maintaining spinal integrity as my arms come under tap and back out ten second holds if you're doing this the right way with enough spinal brace and core brace your third core working pretty good so that when you get back up feels like you have a little bit more protection these are all working very hard and nice and strong that's gonna help you feel much more stable underneath a heavy squat something like this usually I'm doing about six on each extended diagonal for a ten full second hold if you have time you can do six for two but for the purpose of your workout warm up I want you to do just six for a 10 second hold so right there we've done soft tissue work we've done mobility that's position specific to the squat we've been done core stability with the McGill bait three at least today showing the bird dog the last thing you're going to do to really help you hit that new PR is your gonna work on breathing embracing when you get under the barbell now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get my shoes on right now because that we've done our warmup it's now time to put my weightlifting shoes on and I'm gonna show you what that looks like the next thing that we're working like I said is proper breathing embracing this is an area a lot of people neglect because they think that they're already breathing properly but I'm gonna show you if you can breathe and brace properly it will allow you to:add instantly pounds onto your squat what you're gonna do is you're gonna get that barbell on your back now from here in this position most people they breathe through their chest if they do this so their chest raises and they're holding a lot of that tension in their upper body what I want you to do is learn to breathe into your stomach and we're going to use our diaphragm so from here if you can watch my stomach it almost raised to the side almost expanded brace don't let that air out until you pass your sticking point of this scent that's gonna be over halfway up so from here let's work on that again and even then when you're all the way at the top don't let your air completely out you've got a ton of weight on your back eventually we don't want to completely lose tension so once you have that down then it's time to slowly add way down to the bar you can take whatever jumps you're used to doing but I promise you if you come into the weight room and you start off with a proper warm-up of some soft tissue work specific to what your body needs some mobility work position specific to the squat a little bit of core stability work and then you follow that up with getting under the barbell and doing at least a few reps with an open barbell focusing on proper breathing have your hands here breathing out 360 degrees of core stability brace like you have a corset on and then bracing and holding that breath all the way through the squat and not letting any of that air out until you've cleared that sticking point of the ascent which for most people is going to be more than halfway up then letting a little bit out that is going to add pounds instantly to your squat you're gonna feel that much more powerful and that much more strong so that is it for today's youtube content on how to build a stronger squat I hope you guys like today's show if you did please subscribe to my channel share it with your friends and until next time guys happy squatting they say that and then she flows where attention goes so I pay no mind why waste my time with all these negative cats so caught up in their egos these people
Channel: Squat University
Views: 80,690
Rating: 4.9131923 out of 5
Keywords: squat, how to squat, squat PR, squat proper form, squat challenge, squat athlean x, squat alan thrall, how to max out squat, front squat, back squat, low bar back squat, high bar back squat, how to back squat, how to low bar back squat, how to front squat, how to increase you squat, increase your squat, squat tutorial, best way to squat, proper squat form, form on squat, squat tip, best squat tip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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