How to increase FOV on FiveM | Tutorial Jul 2023

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hey everybody welcome back and today's tutorial is going to teach you how to up your F of v in 5m so if you don't know already GTA 5 uh by default has a terrible fov super zoomed in super hard to see stuff uh around you or anything else so today we're going to teach you how to up your fov for 5m especially if you ever play on servers that has first person locked or anything like that we're gonna start off by going and navigating to settings right here we are going to go to game it's usually going to open up an account we're going to go to game and you're going to select latest right here so if it's already set next you're going to go ahead and go to your favorite server of choice I'm gonna go to Malibu sensor role play now do letting you know that these settings do save across servers as this can be changing a 5m value and we're also going to teach you how to set it back let's say if you don't like it we can teach you guys how to set it back okay guys so we're here in Malibu Sunset we're gonna get in this car over here I'm going to show you so you notice everything's kind of zoomed in and we're gonna sit in the car here it's kind of hard to look around a bit uh I I think this is a little up though but if you do want to you are going to basically copy this in I'm gonna give you guys a better number here but if you adjust this number so default GT5 is uh 10 or below so if you just want a little much a little more of a boost you don't want to go crazy with it you can do this and it can help out let's go and spawn a gun in real quick looking like so of course when you do zoom in it does get zoomed in but I mean as you can see not bad now let's say you want a bit more like I said before it is adjustable so maybe you want 25 you can hit on up Arrow to copy it back in your last command and there it is of course once again if you do aim down it does reset back to the default fov and you zoom in it's going to zoom in but I mean that's probably what you want your guns anyways be really great feeding first person so this guy over here you can quickly see him what do you like about it uh you can also when you get into cars you can appreciate a bit more the interior now Lou letting you know that the farther back you do set the fov the more glitches you are going to see um for example like I'm going through the sea my shoulders and stuff like that it's not probably not supposed to see so that is a warning but especially if your server does have good cars or stuff like that it can definitely be fun so anyways I hope this tutorial helped out y'all and I hope you guys have a great day stay safe and see you on the flip side bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Sim Guy
Views: 19,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3bfx6zJglvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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