How to Improve Your VO2 Max | Dr. Peter Attia | The Tim Ferriss Show

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what have you found to be the best approaches for improving the O2 Max think about building a pyramid a VO2 max is the height of the pyramid the key for building a high VO2 max is saying I'm going to spend about 80 percent of my aerobic training time in zone two so once you have that aerobic base that other 20 of the time is used well above and when it comes to VO2 max you basically have to be in the three to eight minute range is the sweet spot so it's got to be intervals that are about three to eight minutes so three minutes at the low end meaning you're doing something that is so hard you can only do it for about three minutes and at the high end eight minutes if you do three minutes at whatever that output is you're gonna need about three minutes of recovery before you can do it again so we typically say look a good starting point is four by four let's say three days a week you're going to do your cardio and it's going to be kind of the low end zone two cardio one day a week you pick an exertion level that you can barely get through four minutes of it you can do it but you know you have a little bit left in the tank but not much and that you need four minutes to recover and then you do that four times
Channel: Tim Ferriss
Views: 575,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tim ferriss, 4 hour workweek, 4 hour body, 4 hour chef, timothy ferriss, entrepreneur, author, writer, angel investor, ferriss, tim ferriss blog, timothy ferriss speaker, Tim Ferriss Podcast
Id: IhEuefiLAso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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