How to import Excel file into SPSS

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hello my name is Elizabeth in this lesson I'm going to show you how to import Excel data file into IBM SPSS the excel file which we are going to use is called a DL now this data file explores the benefits of a proposed type of therapy for stroke patients and it consists of a hundred female stroke patients if we go through the screw box here it will list the hundred records as you can see a hundred and one that means the first record bears the names of the columns or the variables now this is a typical excel file it's got all the labels so for instance if we look at column B group we have treatment we have control now we cannot take Seki a file labels into SPSS so the first thing we do is to do find and replace and cold all the label variables which means the columns we have B C and then F G and on and on every column that doesn't have an American variable we need to code it so by coding I mean we can choose to say 0 equals a ctrl + 1 equals treatment so normally to do that you just click on the column and in Excel you go for Find and Replace so you can go for replace and in that column you can then put the cursor here and type pain I'm struggling to get it in but that's how you do it you use the replace to replace all the treatment into some and all the control also into something so that's how you would do it so take a look at what I have done earlier I have replaced all the control our zero in all the one us treatment ethnicity and the rest of them they are all now X VSS ready to import now one of the key things that you mustn't forget is when you do defined and replace you must record it somewhere so when you get into SPSS you can then correctly put back the coding on or the label of the coding on so I have prepared the code in which I have done in this sheet called the file information by clicking on the file information I can show you this is what I have got for the group variable I replace all the controls as zero and all the treatment as one in that order so this is what I need to print out when I arrive and then some pits on now that our file is ready to be imported into SPSS I need to save it and then close the sheet because if the data is still open you will not be able to bring it into SPSS so I will click on this a because I have made some amendments to this file and once the save is done I can then go into file now you switch back on to SPSS and we are now going to import an excel file into SPSS so we go in for the file menu and then we go for open and we want to open data so here we're looking for Excel files and you cannot find one because SPSS position itself to look for spss files with a stanchion SAV so for us to tell SPSS to look for an excel file we need to pull down the drop down arrow here we need to click it and then select Excel and straight away we can then see all the excel files in the directory so the file that we need is the ATL 2 and then we click on now we've got the file open but we need to accept one or two things before we get it into SPSS the first send is notice that read variable names from the first row is important it's important we keep the tick box on so the variable names in Excel will become the names in SPSS for the variables so you always keep this tick on the second point is that because on our excel file we had a number of sheets in that workbook so we don't want this excel file or if that's this is not the one that we want we would then click on the pull down arrow to display all the sheets in this workbook now the sheet that we want is the one which I have named SPSS ready so we will pick up ADL spss and then click on OK now straight away the files have arrived the first thing we need to do is to check that they all came in as numeric data so this is very important because SPSS cannot work with strengths because it's a numeric program it cannot multiply strengths and therefore we need to make sure that all the data came clean as a numeric type data so I will pull the scroll bar down to make sure that everything is numeric and that is successful execution of you know importing the data now the next column that we need to look at is the labels now because Excel doesn't give us to you know kind of sheet assets where so we need to now type in our own labels so I will start with the first variable label you put the cursor in the label box and you double click gently and then you can type in any label that you want that will reflect patient ID for instance that will reflect the data that you are where all the rest of them now the nest column that we need to work with is the values column here now all the questions that I had tick boxes for the respondent to choose from we need to declare their choices so we will look at the group question which is the treatment group now in the treatment group you recall that we had 0 as the code so 0 was for the control group and then you click on add and 1 is how we replaced it with treatment so zero for control one for treatment and then you click on OK the next one is the ethnicity likewise you click on the none which is a default and then you click on the 3 . and that then bring you the value labels dialog box so here we have one and the one was labeled as white and two was labeled as normal and then okay the next one is patient age patient age if we switch back to the date of view we noticed that there were no categorical variables they were continuum variable which means there were no tick boxes people gave the right age as it applies so therefore we cannot declare a tick boxes as a categorical so we will leave the labels clean or we leave them as none and then we move on to the rest now the diabetes the habitation all these variables label is similar to what we have started with so we will carry on and complete those labels now the next important column is the measurement how is the data measured so we look at the data so looking at the patient ID patient ID was not a question for them to give us information is how the researcher numbered the individual information that they received or the responses so here we will just leave it as skill which is 1 to 100 the treatment group we had 2 choices and such data is termed as categorical such data types is referred to as categorical so we know it now however when we click on this pulldown many what we get is continuous data also need to look at if the a nominal categorical or is the ordinal categorical not differentiation is very simple if there are no special ranking between the choices in treatment group we have special Rankin it's either you in a control group or you're in a treatment group so therefore where there is no order it is nominal and the name actually gives it away nominal is when there is no order now ethnicity likewise it doesn't have any order so they are all nominal to say as we have gone through they are continuing variables so we will give it a continuous skill as a measure if we look at the following group which is diabetic and on they are all nominal so one of the easiest things that we can do is to actually copy a nominal and then highlight everything that required nominal and then paste it now that saves you a lot of time so now that we have brought the data in and we have given it labels we've checked first of all to make sure that the data were brought in correctly and we've given its labels and we've also little made a decision on the measurements of the data we can now switch back into the data view and you can see that the data that we have in SPSS is exactly the same data that we started off with in Exeter so thus we have successfully imported excel file into SPSS
Channel: Elizabeth Wiredu
Views: 55,129
Rating: 4.7887325 out of 5
Keywords: SPSS, Excel, import excel file to SPSS, edit Excel for SPSS
Id: Kbc58NE178k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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