How to Identify Unresolved Issues in the Subconscious

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[Applause] yeah so the question just to repeat up paraphrase what you're saying is that you know the the uplifting people and neutral people and not uplifting not uplifting people and sometimes they're not uplifting people are showing you some of the things inside of you are a reflection of the not-so-good things in you yes I mean they're good in that way but you don't have to seek them out you know so for me my one of my biggest focus in life is to constantly improve myself right so the way I improve myself is I ask myself what am i reacting to right and I observed my subconscious because my subconscious mind is a storehouse of all my memories from the day I was born to today is everything has been stored in my subconscious I'll share with you a really interesting story so yesterday I was getting ready to leave my apartment right and my assistant came over to help me in my apartment to get ready and I was sitting on the couch on the computer doing something she was packing some stuff for me and she had some coins and my baby was sleeping she had some coins in a hand and she dropped it on the floor right so the coins fell on the floor I made a lot of noise it was so interesting to observe the reaction inside of me my awareness went into my subconscious back to when I was 14 years old in school in Malaysia my cotton my teacher for that subject did not come to Khan was ill so they had a replacement teacher right for that one hour the replacement teacher came in he said I'm not going to teach anything I'm just here to supervise all of you I want everybody to be quiet pin-drop silence nobody is allowed to make any noise at all and he's a really mean guy and not a nice guy and that's all you do for an hour and then after an hour I'm gonna leave so everybody's a sec Whiteley I remember about 20 minutes in my friend two seats in front of me was pulling out his handkerchief from his pocket and a whole bunch of coins came out and fell on the floor right he didn't realize the coins he must have forgotten the coins and the teacher got so angry just from that little thing he got up he walked over he grabbed him by the collar a 14-year old boy keep lifting him up and he literally threw him out of the class and the boy fell down right so interesting right my assistant drops a coin in New York 30 years later and my awareness goes to this unresolved issue in my subconscious thirty years ago and that's how the mind works right we carry so much stuff in our subconscious bags and bags and bags of unresolved emotional experiences and things can be a trigger so now I realize I have something obviously I didn't like how that guy treated the boy right he was a 40-something years old man he picked on a 14-year old boy not a fair fight you know pick on someone your age right and that obviously is a problem for me and I reacted to it so I think you know in life there's so many things that we can see as soon as we react we can see that we have unresolved emotional experiences in our subconscious and those gives us a perfect opportunity to work and improve ourselves but we don't need to spend time with negative people in order to see [Music]
Channel: DandapaniLLC
Views: 236,602
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Keywords: Conversations on the Spiritual Path, Dandapani Talks, Dandapani Videos, Subconscious, Dealing with the Past, Memories, Mind, Focus, Concentrate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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