How to Identify Elderberries~

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[Music] hey guys welcome to Appalachian homestead Petare with you is it hot enough No what's were sweating or get eat up by mosquitos I'm not really sure so it's a workday on the farm and we are watching all of our poke berries and all of our elder berries come to life okay so for any of you guys that grow each like we do whether you want to or not I'm going to show you the difference here so feel free to comment below I'm down in at the other end of the field where we have a lot of growth and I'm going to zoom in but I want to show you a brief visual of poke berries versus elderberries then I'm going to take you up to my little my little mini berry in orchard area and I'm going to show you my actual bona fide no one percent sure they are elderberry plants we bought them from Starks we planted them they're doing great actually they've come back better than anything that we've planted believe it or not so if you are interested again in adding herbs and berries and different things to your farm you definitely want to look into adding elderberries depending on your area they came back to all the things to come back the best this year from a really bad drought it was the elderberry thank you so here we have pokeberry now these are very confusing okay so I wanted to show you a just a brief visual because this is where people get confused about the berries so you can see here you've got the yellow the pink stemming right here on the physic oak berry and Polk can get very big and as you can see right over here right in there there's some elderberry as well but we're going to Zone in on here because this is the main concern that you don't want to get involved in you want to make dyes or things like that then Polk berry works really well for dye so you can see they're large plants they get very big and you can see right here do you see how this is starting to come down they do not cluster it's not a cluster situation so you've got like this long strand of berries do see that right there if I can get the camera right no right there okay it's like this long stream and I'm going to take a moment to do that if you're looking for your elderberries you can see I have a ton back there they're almost like an umbrella okay you're going to notice that the stand also when the berries are right it's almost like they're almost more wood like woody and they have like the brown on them so that's what you're looking like there so what this video is to do is to literally do a side-by-side visual to show you the difference again if you are really into this and really good at it comment below because even if you think you find something and you you know you want to work with it if you're like me and like most folks and you trying to use the brain God gave you and granny to you are always hesitant so let's show you the difference side-by-side okay so I'm coming in here and I keep praying there's no Copperhead right no Copperhead we're not on Copperhead Road do you see what I'm talking about right there [Music] that is elderberry do you see how the berries are more like a bee bee shape they're smaller and you have these umbrella clusters whereas if you come down here to the Polk Barry you're going to sing a little Elvis and you're going to sing Polk salad Annie you can even see that the flowering right here do you notice this look at the flowering almost like right the pre-staged see how they're in these long strands like so see that and then you're eventually going to have this look right here now a lot of folks enjoy poke and eat it in its very early stages of growth but when it gets to the berries and they're trying to compare it to elderberry which is way up here look here see the leaves the leaves are in actuality a lot of folks get confused by the leaves more than anything so you wouldn't see the lace you see the leafing here versus the leasing of the elderberry right here see that so you have boom versus boom and then you have your berries back here okay so now I'm going to take you up to my actual plants look up here you can even see there's pokeberry up there so they're all together I've got pokeberry black berry elderberry and everything under the Sun all together Polk elder let's go up to the other side alright guys so here we are up in the side berry and orchard of the farm we have hand planted what you are seeing right here okay this is elderberry this is from start brothers I want you to note the difference in all the things that you're seeing okay so there's no second guessing this is at this is elderberry I want you to see the flowering the elderflower do you see what I'm saying it's more like an umbrella effect you can even see the little flowers are starting to bloom right here it's a little bit of a light cluster coming on so here we have the leaf the leaves the leaving you can definitely see right there you have a lot of them here's more of a fresh skimming we have a lot of that these have done very well so here are here is where you're coming out with your flowers okay now you can see even these little smaller clusters so let's see how they're almost like this umbrella okay so let's come around here to this large one we've got two large ones over on this plant same thing so if you bend it down it's almost like an umbrella umbrella ella ella okay over here is the largest one so far look here and if I'm going to take it downtown now you can see what I was talking about even though the skimming is purple it doesn't feel waxy okay and it started darkening okay everything is taking shape here we're going to have berries and it feels woody okay now if you come around here this is that poke you see what I'm talking about there's a big difference this is a little bit of a has a woody feel to it but it's also come a little bit more waxy Oh and you see that bright color these make incredible color for dyes so here is almost like going from the more flowering stage to the berry so you can see a big difference here right poke elderberry poke and then here are of course the berries I know I'm causing a little bit of shadowing guys huge different spokes look at that okay so take heart and again if you second-guess yourself the best remedy is to order you a plant or two I would order at least two obviously and or however many you want they're great and I would plant them and learning to you know learn to work with them and identify them and then you'll be much more confident if you're looking around your property to identify it okay so always make sure you do your research don't take my word for anything so you know you're doing everything right I hope you guys are great out there staying cool keeping everybody and everything hydrated Falls going to be here sometime right and we'll be making elderberry syrup for all our cost and cold remedies because it works thanks for watching guys check us out on Facebook Instagram and Pinterest remember poke elderberry poke elderberry y'all take care out there PS I forgot to mention this is important when you're looking at your poke berries and you're looking at the plants notice that the leaves alternate so when they go up to stem there they more alternate okay when you get into your elderberries with all these berries right here see right there can you see that all those elderberries here's the plant that that's on there the leaves their opposite can you see that right there so literally you have leaves that are opposite from each other so one more little side note for you to remember to help you identify appropriately thanks for watching
Channel: Appalachia's Homestead with Patara
Views: 191,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elderberry, elderberry syrup, herbs, foraging, herbal medicine, homestead, farmstead, wild berries, how to identify elderberry, pokeberry, how to forage, home remedies, appalachia, farming, growing berries, off grid, stark brothers, homestead conference, east tennessee, mountain homesteads, homemade cures, grow, grow food, how to make tinctures, organic, sustainable living, how to live and sustain
Id: OQVxeyLxqaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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