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- Hi guys it's Lola again, welcome to my channel. I am a certified PMU master, I specialize in permanent makeup and today I'm gonna be teaching you an ombre brow tutorial. I'll be doing it on fake skin, so I'll start from the very beginning to how I wrap my machine, to how to shape and how to actually do the ombre brow. So let's get started. So I'll start by putting on my gloves. Next thing I'll do, is I'm going to wrap my machine. So this is the machine I use, it's from I'll link the website down below so you guys can get the same thing. This is my favorite machine to work with because it's also cordless. So if you run out of battery, you can change it to a corded and then if you wanna keep using It while it has battery you can use it by itself. The reason why it's a different color is because I have two batteries just in case one runs out, so I'll just switch it up with the gold ones. This is why it's gold and this is pink. All right, let's get started. So, I buy these from Amazon. They're basically for tattoo machines, they're very long. Because I don't have a cord machine, I have a cordless I only need a small size. So I only need about one quarter of the entire total of the sleeve. So what I do is I fold it into four like this. So again, I fold this into half, fold that into another half again, just like that. And then what I do with that is I cut it. I'll be cutting this into four. This way one sleeve gives me four different wraps. Just like that. So I'm gonna grab one of these, ill put that into my machine. (paper crumbling) And then I'm just gonna poke a little hole into the machine just to kind of get it through. Leave a little bit of space for the tip. I am gonna wrap the tip again, but how I close this now is I'll just wrap this way, and I'm gonna get a tape, just like that to wrap it. I've wrapped the majority of my machine, now I'm gonna get the self adhesive tape, this is also from Amazon, I'll link it down below. And the beautiful thing about the self adhesive tape is that you don't need anything else it tapes to itself. So, (mumbles) like that. Before I wrap the tip I have to first put on my needle. So I use a 1R needle, which means that there's only one needle in the cartridge. If it says 3R that means there's three needles in your cartridge. I like to work with one. I find that 1R needles give me the most precission, and when you're doing ombre you need a lot of precission. So I'm jus gonna go ahead, pop this in here and twist, lock, make sure the needle's coming out. Sometimes you have to re-adjust, just like that. As you can see now, the needle's coming out. (needle buzzing) Okay. So, when it comes to speed of your machine, every machine has different speed settings. I work with the fastest one for my machine. As a beginner I would recommend you take it to the medium or slowest speed. Because the more speed means that the less control you have over the needle. So, this machine goes by one, two and three. Being the highest, second being a little bit less and third being the lowest. So I work with one, but if you're a beginner go down to two or three, or whatever configuration you have on your machine. I'm gonna show this wrap to you guys one more time. So its a self adhesive tape. Once you have your needle in, open this guy wide up, get it on one side of your machine and pull and wrap towards yourself. Just like that. And as long as it sticks to itself, it's nice and tight. All right, now we're ready to get started. So I'll have my crystal holder, I only put my pigments into a holder, as opposed to a pigment ring. I find that this is more sanitary. I also have another separate cup during procedures for my numbing cream, my second numbing cream that actually numbs the skin out. So, I'm gonna go ahead and get some pigment into this pigment cup, right here, also from Amazon. This is also from Amazon, I'm gonna link everything down below. I'm gonna go ahead and put a few drops just for us to work with. So the fake skin I'll be practicing on is gonna be this guy, it's also from Amazon. I'll leave the link down below. I'm actually not gonna be using the pre-drawn shapes just so I can show you how I outline and wipe it off. So I'll begin with the clean side. Alright, so now I'm gonna go ahead and draw a shape. (lively music) Pretty rough. And I'm gonna clean up the edges, and I'll show you how to do that. So let's just say this is my shape. As you can see it's a little bit rough around the edges, but that's good because I want it to be like that so I can show you that I conceal, especially as a beginner, it's important that you guys conceal your brows. So you can just take a basic generic concealer at the lightest shade possible. And what you're gonna do with this concealer is with a small pointed concealer brush, dab a little bit into your product and then conceal underneath and on top to give you a crisp outline. With ombre it's really important that your lines are very, very sharp, so having ambiguous thicker shaped lines like this will make your job harder and will result in very smudged outlines. How I do this is do not use your concealer brush upright, lay it down flat. And in a small, small sections and a back and forth motion cover up that bottom line. (lively music) The goal is not to make it look pretty, the goal is to make a sharp bottom line so I know exactly where my shape will be. (lively music) Like that. That's my bottom. Now I'll go ahead and pull the top. (lively music) Remember to always conceal towards yourself. Don't push away, pull to yourself. (lively music) Now that I've done my concealer, I'm gonna start with the actual outline. So when you're doing ombre, it's really important that you get a nice outline of your shape before it wipes off. Unlike micro blading, you have to secure the shape that you've drawn out otherwise you'll have no trace of it. So how you'll start that is always pull to yourself when you're using the machine. So don't pull away. If you're working on the left brow of your client, then you're sitting on the right side of her so that you can pull to yourself and vice versa. When you're doing a straight line with ombre what you wanna do is have a small, small stride. So what I call these right here, that's a stride. And to make a straight line, you start with one stride, and then you keep going. (needle buzzing) But the wider your strides, the less control you have. So keep your strides very small to have more control over where your needle goes. This is another reason why I like to work with a 1R as opposed to a 3R or 5R because 1R is the most precise. I'll start from the tail and pull towards myself to the front, since this is the left eyebrow. Let's get started. Have a very steady hand when you're first starting. Finely locate where you're gonna start and then go ahead. You'll be making your outline right above this concealer. (needle buzzing ) Make sure your pinkie's nicely located on her brow bone. (lively music) You can see now why your shape lines should be very straight. (needle buzzing) (lively music) The bottom line at the front should go longer out than the top line, the top line should stop a little bit shorter right about here and the bottom line should come out a little bit further just about there. This is what's gonna help you create that gradient effect meaning it's gonna be lighter from the front and darker towards the tail. But even at the front, the bottom should be the darker aspect and the light part should be the top of your eyebrow, top of the front. So I'm gonna pull this outline a little bit longer at the bottom. (needle buzzing) So now I'm gonna go ahead and wipe to see my line took. And it did. (lively music) With a real client, you don't have to wipe off the entire thing. You can wipe off a small section to see if your pressure was good enough to make that outline show. Sometimes if you're a beginner and you're not too familiar with your pressure on the skin, you may have done the entire outline without realizing that it didn't actually take. So, that right there is the outline. Now I'm gonna go ahead and do the top, so I'm just gonna get some more pigment. And let's start. So again from the tail. (needle buzzing) Make sure you or your client do not talk during the outline because it requires a lot of concentration and a steady hand. (needle buzzing ) (lively music playing) Now, as you start passing the arch, you're gonna start to limit your pressure. Because by the time you get to the front of your eyebrow, the top front, you want it to be such a thin line that you can barely see it. (lively music) So, less pressure. (needle buzzing ) And now I'm in the very last portion which is the front, I'm gonna be very light and I'm not going to be talking. (needle buzzing ) Now let's give this a wipe to see if it took. So the tail looks good. The front also looks pretty good. You can see my line at the top of the front got very light, very faint which is how you wanna have it. If your line is very thick and very dark, you're gonna have trouble making it look natural on the front. So always remember, make your outline very light. So now let's begin. What you'll do is you'll go in sections, always start from the tail of the eyebrow and work your way in. The darkest part of your eyebrow should be from the arch to the tail. So right here, this portion should be the darkest. The next section over from the arch to the midway of the body should be the medium darkness. And then from the midway to the front should be the lightest. And even in this section, the darkest part should be the bottom, not the top. (needle buzzing ) How you'll do this is you'll start from one section at the top, less pressure, you don't need to put more pressure and work your way all the way to the bottom and then go back to the top again. (needle buzzing) Then to move on to the next section, you'll go from the top again, and you'll kick out the pigment further and go in section by section all the way down to the bottom again. (needle buzzing ) Like that. And you'll go back up to the top. (needle buzzing ) Just like that. As you can see, that is what gives you that gradient effect. Maybe you would go back in here and start working your way back in. So let's go to the actual eyebrow. (needle buzzing ) Start from the top. Work my way back in. (needle buzzing_ All the way down to the bottom. (needle buzzing ) Bottom line. (needle buzzing ) Back down to the top again. (needle buzzing ) I'm gonna fine tune this tail, I want it to be very sharp. (lively music) With that fine tune, very sharp tail. (needle buzzing) Go from the bottom to the top in this case, and then go back down to the bottom. How you hold the machine is very important. So don't put too much pressure on the machine. Very little. You wanna see those pixels. Every time you do it you wanna see those pixels. The slower you do it, the less likely you are to see those pixels. So your speed is also really important. It's an up and down motion constantly. Do not linger in one spot for too long because you'll make a harsh line. So if you linger in one spot just like that you'll make a harsh line and you won't have the pixels. So now to go to the next section, I'm gonna go from the top and kick it out. (needle buzzing) We'll work my way down. (needle buzzing) And cover that bottom line. And then I'm gonna go back up to the top line. (needle buzzing ) And also go to the next section from the top, work my way all the way down to the bottom line. (needle buzzing) Slow down when you get to the edges, because you don't wanna go out of the lines. So slow down and reduce your pressure. Now go back up. (needle buzzing) Now wipe this to see how it looks so far. So I did a little bit in the tail, now I see a bit of a gap over here, an opening. (needle buzzing) I'm gonna cover any of the gaps. (needle buzzing) The closer you go to the front of the eyebrow, the less pressure you put on your cartridge. (needle buzzing) Always remember when you're working with ombre or machines, more pressure does not mean better retention and it's actually the opposite. Less retention will come out of the more pressure you put into the eyebrow because you're gonna cause more scar tissue. So always reduce your pressure and just do the area multiple times to create an even coverage of pigment. (needle buzzing) You can see it's coming together slowly. I still see a little bit of a gap right there. Right here. We'll start from the bottom. (needle buzzing) I'm only gonna cover the parts where I see the gap, and then slowly blend it out. (needle buzzing) Now I see a little bit more here. (needle buzzing) So my tail looks like it's pretty much done. Now I'm gonna start moving on. And again, the closer you get to the front, reduce your pressure, okay? So I'll work my way here. You want to have a defined arch but don't make it too dark. (needle buzzing) So the darkest section of your eyebrows should go from the arch to the tail, which is right about here. (needle buzzing) Go all the way to the bottom and then from the bottom I'll kick out to another section just like this. Very light pressure. (needle buzzing) You should see your machine swinging back and forth in your hand just like mine is right now. (lively music) Make them very airy at this point. So your strides can become wider. So again, this is a stride, so your strides can now become wider and with less pressure. (needle buzzing) That bottom line should be sharper than the top. (needle buzzing) With ombre constantly wipe to see how your brows are currently looking. So I'm just gonna blend out this section now. (needle buzzing) So, just gonna start to do really wide strokes. Very light pressure when it comes to the front. You wanna build a little bit more color on the botton portion of your front. And remember your bottom line comes out a little bit further. (needle buzzing) (lively music) You want the top to have basically a very nonexistent thin outline so you can actually pull off that gradient light to dark ombre effect. (needle buzzing) When you're working in the front, constantly wipe to see how your work looks. Don't do too much. (needle buzzing) So I'm gonna show you how to blend this out. (needle buzzing) As you can see my lightest pressure for the bottom front and top front. (needle buzzing) I'm gonna work very gently at the top, follow that line, but just kick it out. Kick it out towards yourself. (needle buzzing) And darken this just a little bit more at the bottom. (needle buzzing) It should look like a very soft, melted front. And when you get to the front only do one direction. Do not do both, you'll do too much. Only work in one direction, just like that. And just really quickly pull in one direction towards yourself. Reduce your pressure even more for the top. And here don't go machine happy cause you can easily do too much and regret it. You can see we gained that very soft, melted effect. I'm just seeing a little bit of a blending that I need to do here. (needle buzzing) Very light pressure. (needle buzzing) (lively music) And do little bit more here. (needle buzzing) You can see I'm only doing one direction with the machine. (needle buzzing) This helps me to fine tune the areas that I want to darken. (needle buzzing) What do you guys think? I think I can do a little tiny bit again here. Very light. Don't do too much, less pressure. (needle buzzing) You should barely hear the machine touching the skin at this point. (needle buzzing) Any small areas that you see that still need a little bit, go ahead and do them. (lively music) (needle buzzing) So a little bit in the middle of the front. (needle buzzing) Okay, so there it is. Take a look guys. So it's all done. As you guys can see we have that light to dark effect. The darkest part should be from tail to arch, arch to midway should be the medium darkness, and midway to front should be the lightest. Even in the front though the darkest part should be the bottom and not the top. The top should be almost invisible so that you can create that soft gradient effect. This is called ombre. This is done using a machine. Okay guys, that's it for today. That's gonna be the ombre machine tutorial. If that was of any help to you guys, please let me know. I'm happy to share my knowledge and experience with you guys. And if you have any more questions, put them down below. Love you, bye.
Channel: Lola Klova
Views: 1,709,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ombre, ombre brows, powder brows, microblading, brow, brows, pmu, abh, benefit brows, benefit cosmetics, benefit brow bar, nano brows, 3d brows, beauty, beauty tutorial, diy, brow tattoo, brow shaping, permanent makeup, eyebrow tattoo, make up tutorial, brow tutorial, shaping, sephora, anastasia brows, los angeles, toronto, dubai, cosmetics
Id: qWYldiZjLYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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