How to Hem Pants with a Sewing Machine (using the Blind Hem Foot and Stitch)

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hi Dominica here from easy song beginners calm in this video I'm going to be showing you how to hem pants using the blind hem stitch on your sewing machine now if at any stage you want to jump straight to seeing me use the blind hem stitch on the sewing machine then just click on the link in the top left corner or you can find in the description box down below so let's get started okay so first off you'll need to grab the pants that you want to him and you'll need to unpick the current hem that's already there so grab your quick on pick and you'll just need to go through and unpick all those stitches on both thanks okay so for this step you'll need to work out where you want your parent leg to go down to so if the parents are quite long it might be best to fold them up on the outside like that and get the person to wear the shoes that they'd normally be wearing with the pants okay and once you've got the right length just pop a pin in just so you can remember where you want the pant line to go down to okay so you need to do that on both sides and then when you're happy with that we'll move on to the next step okay so here's the pin that I placed on the pant leg in the last step to show how we want the pant leg to be now before I said you could do this on both legs really only need to have you need to do it with one and then you can transfer the measurements over to the other leg okay so we've got the pin in there so we know where we want the peg pant leg to finish so I'm just going to measure how wide that party's that we've folded up and it to me it's just over four inches so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go around and just make sure that there the cuff here is turned up the same distance all the way around and I'll just place a couple more pins in to hold it in place so if you've got one of these little rulers then they can be quite handy but if you just have a normal standard ruler then that would be fine as well and this just makes sure it's even all the way around so about four should be fine okay so for my new hem I'm going to need about two inches because I'm going to fold over the hem to hide the Rohr inch raw raw edges so I've just got a pen to mark where that two inches is going to be and I'm just going to place some lines around the panty okay so once I've done that what I'm going to do next is I'm going to trim off this excess fabric here because I won't need that anymore so I'm just going to go and grab a pair of my scissors and chop off that excess fabric okay so I'm going to repeat those steps on the other leg now and then we're ready to move on to the next bit okay so i've trimmed off the excess fabric on both pant legs now i'm going to actually remove the pins and turn the pants inside out and then we're going to do some ironing okay so I've got the pant legs inside out so now I'm going to fold them back up at the two inch mark so just like we did before I'm going to fold it up make sure it's two inches down a bit okay and then I'm going to give that a press with the iron and I'm going to do that all the way around for both of the pant legs okay once you've ironed the two inches we're going to do now is we're going to turn this under so we can hide away this raw edge because you can see already that it's starting to fray like crazy and I'm going to roll it under so it's maybe maybe leaves about an inch and a quarter of a hem there okay so bad like that so I'm going to do that all the way around and iron it down as I go okay so now you can see where I earn that raw edge under to hide it away and stop it from fraying away now the last step before we head over to the sewing machine is we need to make sure pants it inside out still and what you need to do is you need to tuck the hem in and under so you have about maybe in between 1/8 and 1/4 of an inch of the top piece sticking out so just do that one more time okay tuck it in and under ok and then I'm just going to pin that to stop it from coming undone and I'm going to do that all the way around okay so you should have the pant legs looking like this so we've got the hem part tucked in and under and that should be going in towards the right side of the pants okay and then about an eighth to a quarter of an inch sticking out all the way around okay so now we've got the confusing part out of the way let's head over to the sewing machine okay so before we do our blind hem stitch on our actual pair of pants I thought I'd just show you what the stitch looks like and because a stitch is a bit hard to see with the actual blind hem foot on there I thought I'd show you with the open toe foot first so you can actually see what's going on I just got a scrap piece of fabric here so I need to make sure you select your blind hem stitch on your sewing machine so look like as like a straight stitch with some points going off to the left every now and then I'll show you a picture on the screen just in case that confused you okay and so we'll do a few straight stitches followed by a zigzag to the left every now and then so you can see that working right there okay so if we take a closer look you can see that it has a few straight stitches with your zigzag stitch and the zigzag zigzag stitch is actually what will be holding your blind hem together okay so now that you've seen that I'm going to take this foot off and I'm going to put the blind hem foot on so on my Janome sewing machine my blind hem foot looks like this it has a G on it and for this one it has an adjustable guide on it so theoretically you can do the blind hem stitch with a standard sewing machine stand foot about these special the special blind hem foot will just provide you with God and this one is one for the Brother sewing machine so you can see that it has that guide for the fabric to go along hopefully you can see that it's a bit blurry okay but this one's not adjustable and then an adjustable glad okay so I'll slap that on okay I've got the blind hem stitch selected and I'm also going to remove the extension table so I'm going to be using their free arm part of the sewing machine okay alright and now we're ready to sew out blind hem stitch alright so I like to start on one of the side leg seams put on just here so this is the part got the pants inside out and this is the 1/8 to 1/4 inch that we left overhanging so I'm going to place this fold up against the guide on my foot if you're using standard foot you'll just need to pick a spot on that foot to keep it lined up against all right and are ready to go so when it does a zigzag theoretically that zigzag will just catch this fold ok that's good and you might like to do a securing stitch if your machine does well what I'm going to keep on going I'm using a pink thread here just so you can see it easily creates a nice contrast okay so here's the blind hem stitch that we just finished on the sewing machine so you can see all you need to do is pull that tucked in bit out okay so this is the this will be on the inside of the pant leg and then when you turn the pant leg the right way out you will see these little stitches that was created with the blind hem stitch now it's not perfect but I did do it on the other side with a similar color and you can that's very hard to see okay and I probably could have played around with the stitch a little bit more to try and make sure it wasn't going over as far but I think for a machine blind hem stitch that's a pretty good result okay so you can see that's with the red thread and then that's with a similar thread similar color thread okay so there you have it just need to repeat that with both legs and you have m'd your pair of pants with the sewing machine so I hope you found this video useful and it's helped you learn how to hand panting sewing machine give me a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe so you can be notified of upcoming videos and thanks for watching you
Channel: Easy Sewing for Beginners
Views: 465,266
Rating: 4.8853383 out of 5
Keywords: how to hem pants, how to hem pants with a sewing machine, how to hem pants on a sewing machine, blind hem stitch, blind hem foot
Id: -Jxk9AHjUk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2015
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