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hey guys welcome to soapless today I'm going to show you how to have a pair of jeans while still using the original hem so let's get started for the first step you need to try on your pair of pants and decide where you want them hemmed so I tried mine on and I just rolled them up this is the original hem and I just rolled them up to the point where this is where I want the new hem to lay so I just put some pins in there to mark it and next I'm going to take my seen gauge and I'm going to measure from the point that I marked up until this point right on my jeans so right where my hem actually starts so from that point to where I want it to lay is about two inches so I'm actually going to divide that in half and then I will take my jeans and put it down to one inch because that's half of two so whatever you measure right here you're just going to divide it in half and then whatever you get once you've divided it that's what you're going to put your jeans down to now here I have my jeans pinned one inch up like I said before and I also matched up my side seams so you can see this point right here is in line with the side seam of the jeans and then the same thing on this side those match up as well and that'll just keep it looking really nice and professional so once you have it at this point we're then ready to sew now when you're sewing with jeans I recommend using a jean needle this will work well with the heavier fabric and it'll just pierce the fabric much better than a regular needle just set the new hem I put a new presser foot on my machine this is my zipper foot so I can put my needle all the way to the left side and it will still go down or I can put it all the way to the right side and I'll still go down so for right now I have mine all the way to the left because right here it's going to go down and follow along this hem right here to create the new hem so I just have my presser foot lined up right against this hem right here and I'm just going to be stitching right in that hole and I'm going to go along I'm just doing a straight stitch now if you don't have a sewing machine you can hand sew this and you'll just sew a straight stitch also make sure that you're only going through this layer right here you're not sewing your pants together but you're just sewing all the way around it now once you're done sewing your pants should look like this you can see the stitches right along here and if you open it up you can kind of see how it's supposed to lay and what it's going to look like but before we open it up you might want to do something with this excess fabric right here if you have your pants a lot you're going to have a lot more fabric right here so it'd be nice just to take it out just so it doesn't bug you or keep turning up like this when you wear the pants so what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut this excess fabric off but I am going to leave about 5/8 of an inch so that I can surge across here so that the pants won't fray and that won't bug me so I'm just going to cut and then I will surge right along here as well if you don't have a serger you can do a zig-zag stitch right across and just do it right next to where you cut so that will cut down on the frame now before you cut that fabric off I do suggest you try your pants on making sure that you hem them at the right length so just do that before but here I have mine cut off and now I'm ready to Serge that raw edge right there again if you don't have a serger just do a zig-zag stitch right up next to this fraying right here just so it'll help cut down on the frame and won't bug you here's what my pant leg looks like once it's been searched so I just cleaned up that edge so it won't fray and now I'm going to open it up and with my fingers I'm just pressing this seam that we just created up so it lays nicely I'm just curling that one out and next I'm going to take this over to my ironing board and just iron that down now you could stop and be done right there or if you would like you could do a top stitch right along here just on the other side of this seam so that way it would hold this flap in place so you're going to be hitting it when you try to put the pants on now you don't have to do that because that does create another stitching that will be seen on the right side another option to keep this new seam in place is to come over to the sides of your pants in this scene that was created you just stitch right down it to hold that in place that new seam that we created so that would just hold it and tack it down on this side now another option you could come from the inside of your pants and when it's folded up just like that how it's supposed to lay you could tack this part right here on to the seam that's already on your pants I would do about two right there and then two on this side as well and that will just hold that seam in place so on my pants I just stitched in the side seam and you can see it right here just barely you can see my stitches because I did use white thread now if you use like a blue thread or thread that matches your pants that would make it look almost invisible so I suggest doing that and that will just hold the seam on the other side right in place so now I'm ready to do the exact same thing to the other pant leg now you are all done heavy your jeans I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more sewing tutorials and I will see you guys next time bye
Channel: MySewBliss
Views: 174,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to hem jeans, How to hem jeans using the original hem, how to hem pants, quick and easy way to hem, how to hem, hemming, hemming how to, how to, how to fix jeans, simple, easy, quick, fast, sew, sewing, sewbliss, sewbliss713, how to hand sew, how to hem jeans by hand, hem, hemming jeans, hemming pants, original hem
Id: InffoB4w_H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2016
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