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ever wished you had a perfect memory well fret no more today we're unlocking some actionable techniques anyone can use to supercharge their memory so grab a notebook and note down the points number one Unleash the Power of visualization our brains are wired to remember visuals way better than plain text ayanokoji takes advantage of this by creating Vivid mental images of the information he wants to retain when studying try visual izing Concepts as parts of a story or as physical objects within a familiar setting like your classroom let's say you need to remember a list of historical dates don't just memorize turn it into an epic battle scene in your mind the more outrageous and memorable the image the easier it will stick number two make connections that stick feeling like you've got too much information in your head and can't keep track of it all this can be tackled by using a Association connect new information to the things you already know imagine your brain is like a big room with walls you know really well now when you learn something new it's like you're putting up a new picture on one of those walls because you know the wall so well you'll remember exactly where that picture is that makes it super easy to find and remember that new bit of information whenever you need it number three build your own Memory Palace ever get that feeling of familiarity in a well-known Place ayanokoji uses this concept to his Advantage with the technique of the Mind Palace create a complex palace with rooms for different categories of information you need to remember imagine a palace where each room represents a segment of your speech helping you move smoothly from one topic to the next but constructing this Palace is an art form in itself it requires daily dedication much like an artist returning to their canvas night after night before the world of Dreams claims you each evening embark on a mental stroll through the day's events recall every detail from the mundane to the Magnificent the conversations you had the food you tasted the colors you saw let no Nuance Escape you over time your Palace will flourish it will become a sanctuary where every memory has its place and every piece of knowledge is Within Reach number four don't be a passive learner here's the secret weapon stop just writing down what you learn and start using your memory more after you learn something close your book and try to remember the main points it's like playing a game where you test how much you can remember without any help also once you've studied put away your notes and write down everything you can recall it's like telling a story from memory the more you do it the better you get by doing these things you're not just learning you're building a strong memory it's like exercising the more you work out the stronger your muscles get so keep practicing and you'll find that remembering things becomes easy number five sharpen your overall brain power your brain is directly related to your memory it's like making sure a machine is well oiled so it runs smoothly so how can you improve your brain power well here are some things that can help you do that sleep think of sleep as a superpower for your brain don't become a 3:00 a.m. guy who just uses phone all night and get near to no sleep when you get plenty of sleep it's like giving your brain a mini vacation every day it wakes up feeling fresh and ready to remember all sorts of things stay healthy doing things that are good for your health like not smoking or drinking too much soda keeps your brain in top shape so take care of your brain and it will take care of your memory remember these techniques take consistent practice don't get discouraged if you're not at high level right away but with continuous effort you can have a perfect memory like Mastermind
Channel: Growisee
Views: 3,661
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Keywords: study like ayanokoji, study like ayanokoji kiyotaka, study like ayanokouji kiyotaka, ayanokoji kiyotaka, ayanokouji kiyotaka, classroom of the elite, ayanokoji kiyotaka classroom of the elite, classroom of the elite ayanokoji kiyotaka, how to be like ayanokoji, how to be like ayanokoji kiyotaka, cote ayanokoji, ayanokoji cote, 48 laws of power ayanokoji, ayanokoji 48 laws of power, ayanokoji kiyotaka character analysis, memory like ayanokoji
Id: F6yZ5JBlTv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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