How to have 100% of our attention on what we are doing without distraction?

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so when we're talking about performance we also need to think about performance of the minds really think about mental performance and I'm not talking about positive thinking I think it's it's very difficult to do for most people who need it most if you're in a state of emotional turmoil and if you start saying to yourself be happy I should be happy why am I not happy be happy smile babies big smile etc and you're in that stage of emotional turmoil or high stress or anxiety it's not gonna work the undercurrent of emotion is too strong and now if you start telling yourself to be happy you're almost adding a criticism on your giving out about yourself I'm not happy but I want to be happy I'm here but I want to be there so forget about positive thinking and I'm not talking about think negatively either so it's not a good positive thinking it's not about negative thinking but more so it's about understanding of thinking it's about understanding the mind for many years my own personal life my mind was very agitated I was constantly stuck in my head you know my concentration would have been impacted I'd gone for a walk and a beautiful park I wouldn't see the park at all I'd go for a walk in a lovely Street I wouldn't see the street because I was so caught off my mind and how can you relate to life if all of your attention or at least the vast majority of your attention is stopped in your head and too often as human beings our attention is stuck in her head it's almost that we are asleep to life so if our attention is stuck in our heads and if we're just on that train of one thought after another after another after another all of those distracting repetitive and incessant thoughts coming in those thoughts are also going to serve as a distraction because how can you concentration if the mind is continuously bombarded with Tosh because every time that you're holding your attention on something and tortoise coming in and it distracts you and maybe you will go off on that train of thought and then you realize it and you bring your attention back what's concentration concentration is your ability to hold your attention on the subject to matter for a period of time without distraction and when I mean hold attention I'm talking about holding 100% of your attention no distraction this is focus this is concentration your attention is in the present moment and you're also in the zone and three years coaches have wondered how can we get athletes into the zone getting into the zone is not automatically going to happen on the day of the race or the day of the game getting into the zone is a practice that we bring into our way of life how do we train the brain how do we train the brain that we can automatically bring our attention into the present moment that our tache activity there is the repetitive and incessant thoughts subside and that we can connect fully with whatever we are doing that we can have 100% of her intention knowledge without distraction training the brain first focus on the rat focusing on your breathing is a tremendous way to train the brain you bring your attention out of the mind onto your right your feeling and your merging with the breath as it comes into the body and the breath as it leaves the body your mind wanders off bring your attention back onto your breathing your mind wanders off bring your attention back onto your breathing and quit practice a good time you'll find that your concentration will generally improve but don't get frustrated village and don't expect instant gratification this is not about practicing focusing on your attention with the sole goal to improve your concentration no this is about simply taking your attention out of the mind onto your breathing to give your breathing some attention and the more you do it it's an amazing thing practice I wish that you can incorporate into your everyday way of life when you're walking down the street don't have all of your attention stuff in your head when you're with your family don't be there with just all of your attention stuck in your head you know where is your attention now are you listening to me or are you going off on a tangent daydreaming about something and the more we pay attention to how our mind operates and I'm not talking about a psychologist or a psychiatrist or somebody who's done a PhD thesis and the mind I'm not talking about the t irrational function of the mind and tell me about the practical function I'm talking about the mind as a future to which all of our life's experiences are determines everything and every experience that we have in life we we filter it through this mind and yet we never stand back in the ask how does my mind operation how do you know what way your mind operates unless you pay some attention to your productivity so make it a constant feature drive the day to bring your attention on to your thinking and just ask yourself a question what am I thinking about you at this moment and ask also is this thinking helpful is this thinking productive there's a time that thinking becomes unhelpful there's a time when thinking is unproductive we have to be events will always happen some events will happen they happen once don't keep bringing them into your into your way of life don't keep on having and placing your attention there if at all possible so I'm coming back to it again full circle what is focus well is concentration but your ability to hold your attention on the subject matter without distraction if the mind is agitated we cannot concentration if the mind is agitated we cannot focus so how do we improve our ability to focus number one is we start paying attention to our breathing we're training the brain number two improve your sleep and I'm not just talking about the quantity of sleep I'm talking about the quality of sleep and I'm gonna speak about that in one of these talks how can we change our sleep patterns that we have deeper sleep that we wake up more alert if we wake up when you wake up more alert - hammer if we wake up tired and lethargic and we're not productive we can't concentration the mind is naturally going to be more active and the third factor is looking at breathing patterns if we're breathing fast and hard mind is more agitated so when we're looking at the mind we can't just look at the mind and terms up and too often and I'm not talking about I'm just talking about the normal everyday person which is a quite a bit of productivity first of all pay attention to your breathing and if you find that your mind is wandering a lot you know that you've got so much more to get out of this because if your mind is wandering a lot when you're focusing on your breath your concentration is impacted so if you don't have the concentration to focus on your breathing you don't have the concentration to focus on other subject matter so use your practice of focusing on your brain to determine your degree of concentration and I'm not talking about a forced concentration but I'm talking about as subtle observation and bringing your attention out of the mind and not thinking about the brat but taking the attention out of the mind on to your breathing merging which are breathing yes the mind wanders bring your attention back mind wanders bring your attention back and as I said the mind is the filter through which all of life's experience are determined for you start paying attention to the mind
Channel: Oxygen Advantage®
Views: 39,356
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Keywords: Breathing technique, Breathing, TransformYourself, Oxygen Advantage, Patrick McKeown, concentration
Id: C_JKkasV6Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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