How can you improve your sleep?

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so let's talk about sleep and how can you improve your sleep by just making small subtle changes to it if you have rhinitis a stuffy nose or if you breathe through your mouth or if you wake up in a dry matter in the morning you're not likely to have a deep refreshing sleep and if you don't have a deep profession sleep your mind isn't as town as a question it should be your focus is going to be impacted your concentration is going to be impacted and I would say your happiness is going to be impacted it's a very nice feeling when you wake up in the morning and you've got a absolute alertness and if you have a capacity to concentration even to read the subject matter which could be a little bit technical but you have that concentration now for years when I was going through school in university I would wake up in the morning and I would have been exhausted but I kind of learned to live with - and then we're going into school as a school kid and we're expected to pay attention in a state of total exhaustion it doesn't work and then university was the same so for me to get my grades I had to spend so much more hours studying than my peers not because I was stupid but because I didn't have the concentration because I didn't have to sleep and why did I not have sleep I didn't have sleep Kwasi because I was a chronic mouth reader when I first switched to nasal breathing and this was going back in 1998 and closed my mic for the first time his breathing through my nose and I was feeling suffocated so for me to maintain nasal breathing during sleep I wore Breathe Right strips over my nose but I also wore tape across my lips and that forced me to breathe through my nose during sleep and within two days I woke up feeling absolutely alert I knew I was on to something and I couldn't believe the difference now in sleep circles how many times is the importance of nasal breathing discussed you cannot have good quality sleep if you're breathing through an open if you're waking up at a drive act in the morning you're not getting that deep sleep that you should be so the first thing that I would like to say to you is really make a conscious effort of breathing through your nose during sleep now I'm going to show you a tape that we often recommend and just to wear across the lips it's very comfortable and you know if your nose is congested do the nose and blocking techniques from the oxygen advantage put them into practice because the more you breathe through your nose during the day the more you will be able to breathe through your nose during sleep so the tape that I'm gonna use this it's called lip Co tape this is the tape which I rather like because it's cotton I don't have a financial interest by trained in this company I do know the order dr. Frank seaman because he's attended our courses and he's a dentist from Colorado in the United States and he invented nip seal tape to help put his patients with boxing he found that he would repair their crowns as a dentist but if they kept on grinding during their sleep and it was having a lot of problems in in it maintaining those crowns so when he done his patients to start breathing through the nose using the tape hiss when he started noticing quite a difference so the tape goes as follows you you tear it off there's a little kind of a caustic strip at the back where for dry your lips and then [Music] and then it's easy enough to take off you are waking up with tape on the lips in the morning and you'll find that your sleep is naturally deeper the other thing about nose breathing is that the architecture of the airway improves quite significantly your tongue has got two places to be one the tongue is either in the roof of the mouth or the tongue is falling back into the throat and if the tongue is falling back into the throat it's impairing and it's reducing airway size and this is going to increase the risk of having a restriction to breathing during sleep such as a reduction in the flow of breathing which would be called hypopnea or you could completely stop breathing during sleep so you might notice that somebody's snoring and then total silence when that total silence could be because they have stopped breathing during sleep it could be an obstruction or it could be that the brain isn't sending the signal to breathe slightly more rare and essential apnea nose breathing vitally important for diaphragmatic breathing die from breathing increases lung volume and when we're using more of our lungs there's a stiffening of the throat so the troche is less likely to collapse when we breathe through our nose because the nose is connected with the diaphragm and another aspect is that nose breathing tends to be more irregular breathing and regular breathing helps to maintain that the gas carbon dioxide in the blood you know and more regular levels and carbon dioxide is the drive to breathe if carbon dioxide is all over the place because our breathing is all over the place it can contribute to essential apnea where the brain doesn't send the signals breathe and also carbon dioxide plays a role in that if carbon dioxide is low then euro Drive the drive from the brain to the upper airway dilate your muscles these muscles in the truck which are designed to keep the airway open and the drivers is reduced so carbon dioxide in the blood plays some role in the functioning of these muscles in Detroit the carbon dioxide is not the only gas that plays a role with this nitric oxide - even though the completion and full role of nitric oxide not completely understood whoever it is accepted that nitric oxide plays a role in sleep and nitric acid is coming from your nose the nasal cavity not from the mouth the concentrations of nitric oxide from the nose are 50 to 200 parts per billion the concentrations of nitric oxide from the mouth are 10 parts per million so when it comes to sleep nose breathing is king harnessing nitric oxide more stable breathing the connection with the diaphragm better likely to have correct tone resting posture in the roof of the mouth sleep is deeper less snoring less obstructive sleep apnea waking up more alert [Music]
Channel: Oxygen Advantage®
Views: 123,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sportsmask, training mask, mask for training, patrick mckeown, oxygen advantage, breathing sports, breathing muscles, strenghten breathing muscles, respiratory muscle training, athlete breathing, improved aerobic performance, reduced breathlessness, exercise induced asthma, high performance breathing, performance breathing
Id: MLjVIAtgKvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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