How to Handle Multiple Languages in Your TIA Portal Applications | In-Depth Tutorial

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hi my name is hans serena markus and in the following video i'm going to share with you how easy it is to configure different languages for your tia portal applications this video right here is part of my online training course tia portal hmi basics if you like to learn more about this course and other courses then check out the description below the video for more information and for links to the course if you want to see more videos like this in the future then please like and subscribe now let's get started [Music] so here we have our refill hmi project which consists both of a plc refill application and an hmi refill application the plc refill application is right here and the hmi refill application is situated right here now we are going to configure different languages for the whole project this means that these language changes will affect the project as a whole and not each individual application so where in tia portal do we configure the different languages for our project we are going to define languages for our refill hmi project so we start by selecting the project like this and then we go to tools and project languages so here under project languages you can see a list of all the available languages in tia portal currently only the english language is selected and both our plc and our hmi application have been developed using this english language now let's select another language a second language and let's take for example german so we click here on the german language and now we have two languages selected for our project english and german here at the top of the screen you can see that you can make a selection for editing language and reference language the editing language is the language that you use when you are editing your application and the reference language is the language that you use when you're going to make translations afterwards it will show you what the reference text looks like and that will be your orientation for a translation afterwards so we have configured two languages now english and german and both of our applications have been developed in the english language now how do we translate the english texts from our applications to our newly selected language german let's start by having a look at our hmi application this is for example our process overview screen and here we have some texts on the screen in english valve supply tank process tank etc now i'll show you an easy way to translate all of these screen texts to a different language so we first start by selecting all of the items on the screen by pressing ctrl a now we're going to go to properties and to texts now here on the left column you can see our english language which is our reference language at the moment and in the right column you can see our german language which we just selected in the previous step so just as an exercise let's quickly translate this english texts to their german counterparts so there we go those are the german translations for those english texts now we don't see the change straight away because we're still editing in the english language so let's now change our editing language to german and go back to our overview screen and now we can see that the text on our screen right here are being displayed in the german language as a second example let's have a look at our hmi alarms so i open the alarms right here and same procedure as before i'm first going to select all the alarm text by pressing ctrl a and afterwards we're going to look under properties and under text and here you can see all the alarm texts being displayed in english in the left column and on the right column we have our german language which is empty at the moment so here you can as well easily translate each single alarm to german so this method of translating text is fairly easy and straightforward but it has a disadvantage in order to translate all the text of your application you will have to open each screen separately select the text and translate those it's a bit of a long process for your whole application so isn't there an easier way to translate all of your texts at once of course there is if we go to tools and we go to project texts then we get an overview of all the text that is being used in our whole project and we can filter which text we display here using the device filter so if we open the device filter here you can see that at the moment we are displaying the text for the whole project both the hmi refill application and the plc refill application now for this example here we would only like to display the text of our hmi application so we deselect the plc application and we accept furthermore we can filter as well on the category so some of these texts may not be so interesting for translating like for example all these alarm texts right here these alarm texts here are probably interesting because they will be displayed to the operator alarm class text may be not so interesting hmi comments not either nhmi screen texts those texts will be visible to the operator so it makes sense to translate these as well now when you are working with bigger applications bigger projects you are not going to translate all these texts yourself most of the time you obviously don't know all these different languages and what machine builders typically do is that they send these texts to translation agencies they will then translate the text send the text back and you can use those texts then in your application so how does this work in tia portal how do we get the texts from our hmi application to the translation agency well this is achieved in tia portal by exporting and importing your texts to export project text in tr portal you first start by selecting the device and then you go to tools project text in this example we are only going to translate the alarm text and the hmi screen text so we are going to deselect the other ones just like that here at the top our source language is configured as english which is correct and our target language will be the german language so that's all set up correctly now here at the bottom we have our export file name tia project text that's good and our path where we want to save the text now we just need to click on export we already have an existing file so we want to override that that's fine and our export has been completed successfully now let's have a look at our exported excel file now in the e column here in our excel sheet we have the english language the reference language and in the f column we have the german language so in the f column we will need to insert all the translations for the different english texts to save time i've already made all these translations and i have a finished excel sheet with the finished translations let's have a look at that so you can see that in the f column i have translated all of the english texts into the german language now let's go back to our application and let's import these translated texts so we select our refill hmi device we go to tools and we select import project text now we select the right text file which is our translated text file and we import there we go our import of our german language text is completed so now let's have a look here at our text and here we can see for example that all of our alarm texts are translated now from english to german before we continue let's close some of these screens right here and let's put our editing language back to english so far we have covered how to configure your different languages in tia portal how to translate different texts on each screen of your hmi application how to translate all your texts in one place and we've had a look at how to export your texts send them to a translation agency and import your text again now in this next step i'm going to show you how to add a language button to your screen so you can easily switch between the different languages of your application let's go we're going to add this new language button to our settings screen right here so i start by opening the settings screen let's put this nicely in the middle right here just like that so here on this settings screen you can see that we already have some buttons configured under hmi functions we have a calibrate button a clean button a log off button and an exit button so underneath these existing buttons we are going to create our brand new language button so we do this by copying an existing button like we take here for example the log off button we select it we press ctrl c to copy ctrl v to paste and we kind of place this button nicely underneath the existing buttons like this now we're going to edit this group and we're going to adapt it for our language button so we right click press on group edit group first let's start with the button itself so we click on the button under properties general we are going to change the graphic when the button is not pressed and the graphic window button is pressed so let's start by selecting a new graphic for when the button is not pressed i've already added these language graphics to our project graphics so i select the button language off in the same manner we're going to select a graphic for when the button is pressed so here we select button language on now we go to events and under the release event we are going to change the function assigned to it so the function that we are going to add is the set language function this function is set to toggle and that's correct it means it's going to toggle the language whenever we press on the button now one final thing we're going to do here on this button is we're going to remove the security the operator authorization so we go to properties and under security we remove the authorization right here so now we don't need to have any clearance level to operate this button any user operating the hmi device in runtime can toggle the language now that our button is configured let's have a look at the text underneath this text is still saying log off so we change this to language and there we go this step is finished we have created a language button for our hmi application now we have one final step left in this process and that is running a simulation of the hmi application and verifying that our changes are working in runtime before we start the simulation we first need to select which languages we would like to use in our runtime application to do this we go to the hmi refill application and we press on runtime settings here we go to language and font and you can see at the moment only the english language is enabled as a runtime language so we select the german language as well and that's that now both of these languages will be used in runtime now we're ready for simulation so we select our hmi device and we press on the start simulation button right here so let's go to our settings screen and let's toggle our language right here you can see that the language the text on the screen switch between english and german let's have for example look at the overview screen right now the text is in english and if we change the text to german the language to german and we go back we can see that now all our text on the screen are in the german language so before we end this lecture i would quickly like to show you how your selection of different languages can affect your plc application so we go to our plc application here and let's select for example our function block fb equipment modules there we go here you can see that in network one we have a network title module supply and beneath that we have a comment section where it says at the moment call of the supply module now these network titles and comment sections are language specific the texts that are displayed here are dependent on which editing language you have selected at the moment our editing language is english now let's go and translate these texts and see what happens when we change the editing language so we select the device refill hmi that's our project we go to tools and we select project text now under the device filter we are going to filter on the plc refill application so we will only get the text from our plc application now let's look for our model supply text so here is our model supply text and now we're going to quickly translate this to german and afterwards we're going to see what happens there we go next step we're going to change our editing language from english to german so we do that here under our project languages editing language german okay it's going to reopen our editors because we change the language that's fine and now we go back to our fb equipment modules and we can see here in network one the network title has changed to the german language to the german text that we've just added this is something to keep in mind when you're working on a plc application with more than one person if one person for example is making changes to comments or network titles in english and the other person is making those changes in german then the changes that you make in one language will not be transferred to the other language so they will just be empty there is just something to keep in mind so my tip here is to develop your application in the same editing language throughout the whole development so that's it for this video on using different languages in your tia portal applications if you've enjoyed the way i teach and you would like to check out the full plc or hmi course then check out the description below the video thank you for watching and i'll catch you on the next video [Music]
Channel: PLCskilltree
Views: 7,040
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Id: iWc2M24OK-I
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Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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