RSLogix5000 Pt1 Quick Start - CompactLogix

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the plc professor website and YouTube channel would like to present rslogix 5000 jumpstart we're beginning with rslogix 5000 opened and without a project we're going to start by going through the very basic steps of creating a project and creating a hardware image so the first thing we want to do is we want to switch focus for Windows on to our slogic fight then as you see the title bar is grayed out and off I click on it it turns blue so the focus is now within my screen is on our Asajj x-5000 so I'm going to click on file new and we already have an L 35e processor up there that's the processor that I have today to use but if we were to open up this drop-down list and scroll up and down the list you see that there's all the processors are there so I pick an L 35e a the firmware revision level of that processor is version 20 if you have a processor with version 17 then you have to use our logics version 17 so the the firmware level the processor and the Rev level of the software have to match we also need to give it a title and I'll just call it my CPX my compact logics now we're going to create this project in a folder now looking down here create in I could put it there but that was a previous project Summoner browse and I'm going to go up to desktop and click on desktop so I'm actually going to put this project right on the desktop to make it easy to find so notice the path there has changed if I wanted to I could create a folder and put it in there so right for right now we'll just put it on the desktop click OK and the geeks are in the background creating your project for you all of the file structures and folders and there it is now we're not going to go through all of these I will mention a couple things though that will change right now that is your hardware image right there and basically that is the 1769 l35 II plugged into a backplane so it has a local bus they don't really called a backplane they called a bus a IO chassis has a backplane which is the circuit board that goes the full length of the back of the chassis that has connectors on it and when you slide I Oh modules into the chassis they slide into the connectors that are on the backplane compactlogix has a bus meaning that the actual backplane if you want to call it that is part of the i/o module so as you put these i/o modules together there's a ribbon cable and you are actually extending that backplane or that bus from module to module through the module there's not actually a separate backplane also we're going to point out that for controller tags will double click on that you see there's nothing there ok right now there are no controller tags I'm going to go up and I'm going to close the controller tags now I'm going to open up the main program and double click on program tags and you see there's no program tags one other place I want to point to is module defined there's no plus sign next to module to find so there are no module defined data types these are all of the data types and you're saying well what's a data type well a a timer data type with a preset accumulating control bits counter data type with preset accumulating control bits there's integers double integers there they are data types and that's a lecture for another day but I want to point out that there are no module defined data types right now so there's no plus sign later on we'll go back and look at this again so first thing we want to do is we want to add an input module so we so we go to the compact bus local we right-click new module and we have an IQ 16 so I type in AI Q and since that's say 1769 bus it eliminates everything but 1769 part numbers to begin with and now I have all of the part numbers beginning with IQ so right there's ours I can double click on it or move it up or you can see it I can click on that one and go down at the bottom and click on create' and then we need to give it a name DC inputs and if you want to remind yourself what slot it's in you can always do put a 1 after it so you know it's in slot 1 as you can see here if you needed to change the firmware level that can be done right here but for our simple jumpstart we just select the module give it a name make sure it's in the right slot and click OK close that we come back now we see we have a 16 point DC sync source card added so our hardware image now has been expanded to include in L 35 e and an input card so now if we go up to module 2 fine I'm going to expand this remember there was no plus sign here before now I have a module defined data type so if I double click on that open it up and you see I have an integer for my data bits and for my fault bits I have a double integer that's 32 bits now this is a template you see it's all grayed out so it's there for you to refer to but you don't use it for anything but it has to be in here otherwise our size X 5000 does not know what to assign in memory to represent that card to further illustrate that let's add another card right click on your compact bus local new module now we want to add an OB 16 so I type in OB there it is right on top 1769 OB 16 I'll just double click on it and we'll call it DC outputs and it's in slot 2 you don't have to put two on there so matter of fact you could call this anything you want you could call that first module monkey business and this one shenanigans once why I think about doing that just to prove the point so you're just putting a name in there that will help you when you're looking at your code to remind you what you're looking at so we name it verify the right slot number and we click OK then we close the module creation box now look we have an input card and an output card now look what's happened to our module defying we've added three more data types so this is for configuration this is information that comes from the output card that's right you heard me right this output card actually supplies information to the processor and then of course the output so in terms of conventional thinking this would be the data type for the input States and this is the data type for the output state so if I double click on this one you see that there's lots of stuff in there and we're not going to talk about it because I promised you a jump start click on inputs this is the information that comes back from the output module and then of course this is the actual data which is an inner integer 16 bits so we'll close those down but I wanted you to see these module defined data types start populating this area as you add modules ok so this is our hardware image now I'm going to switch over to rslogix 500 to illustrate a point about the data table notice with 5000 that you don't have B 3 T 4 C 5 r 6 and 7 F 8 or any of that there is no data table right now here's your controller tags there's your input cards you just add it there's local slot 1 I local slot 2 configuration input and output so these three tags right here represent that module and slot two this single tag represents the modulus slot 1 if I expand that then expand the data this is input 0 input 1 input 2 and so forth and if I expand this tag that's output 0 output 1 output 2 and so forth so in our controller tags in the logics family the data tables split into two areas controller tags and data tags with slick 5 or PLC 5 micro logics you only have one data table now there's a reason for this that's because in 5000 you could have multiple programs I just expanded the main tasks the main program the main routine of program tags by double-click here you see there's no tags yet so there's no database and the program tags but there is no controller tags these two were all one in the older products the reason it's been split out is because in the logics engine you can have more than one task and in each task you could have more than one program so a program is what you had NS select 500 or a micro logics so a micro logics had one program in the in the logics products control objects compact logics etc you can have up to 100 completely separate unique programs in a task and you can have more than one task now these numbers vary a little bit from processor to processor the point is in the logics engine you can have more than one program which means that you have to separate the program tags out to the program because each program has its own data table just like if you had 3 micro logics processors they each have their own database but you could include the i/o in that database because there was only one database in this product because you can have more than one program you have to split up the database into controller tags which is the i/o and anything you want to put in there you can put everything in that one database but because you can have different programs they allow you to create separate databases for each program hence program tags controller tags all i/o though will always go into the controller tags now let's jump over to 500 rslogix 500 and I'm going to show you something this should be familiar to to view by the way if you're not familiar with a PLC at all you're in the wrong video there are many other videos on YouTube that you can watch to introduce you to a PLC and most of them are based on the older products that program with our logics 500 but it is a good place to learn this is not a good starting point if you're just starting so this is rslogix 500 Pro I'm going to create a project file new and I'll pick a 64 k 505 that's a good one okay notice that I automatically get a set of data files beginning with output file input file notice 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 there numerical in order this is where your output image would be your input image this is the status for the processor the status is not visible in rslogix 5000 you have to do a get use a get instruction get system variable or set system variable if you want to work with the status in a control logic to compact logics processor but moving on we have B 3 T 4 C 5 so binary timer counter control integer and float so let's open up v3 and you see you have one word one 16-bit word or one integer and this is not a memory location I want to reiterate that B 3 colon zero is a pointer that points to a real memory location you'll never know what that real memory location is but B 3 colon zero is a tag name but it's numerical in its appearance I'll show you what I mean here in a second that gives you 16 one 16-bit word in file b3 but let's say you need more than that you go to properties and you can either put the number of elements you want here or put the highest address what is put in ten will apply now look you have ten 16-bit words so I just expanded the array with the tag name b3 from one element to ten elements we'll close that and we'll go to timers see there's one timer there enable timer timing bit done bit the bass preset and accumulate and if you had a description or symbol that would be there so this is one element the first element in the timer array t4 so element 0 of T 4 so I'll go to properties and we'll make this what is safe 5 we want an array of five timers apply ok their yard timer array for t4 that's just a tag name this is all pre done for you with the other products we could go to floating point see you have one floating point word there you have word 0 or element 0 of the array of floating point or real values f8 that's the name of the file f8 and 0 is the element of that array so if I want to increase that I go to properties and will put in 20 now we have FA 0 through F 8 19 sounds like a New Jack jet fighter and of course in these you can put in floating point values okay so this is what you're used to single element of race and then you expand them or you can create a new one you can right-click data files new and you can create let's say you create any of these well we'll just do another binary and we'll let it be file nine and we'll give it 12 elements so see now we have a benign I didn't give it a name I could have if I double-click see you have 12 elements 0 through 11 so you had this kind of pre-configured data files with the products that rslogix 500 programs now if we go back to 5000 we don't have any of that you have to create them all so if you want to have the same look that you had with 500 you can do that now to me that's emotional baggage from the past but we'll go ahead and do that I'll show you how to do that so we're in the program tags I think I'll go into the controller tags and do this so I'm a click there I'm in edit tags to make sure you're in edit tags I'm going to type in uppercase B 3 ok then I'm going to go over to data type and I'm going to pick integer I n T and I'm going to give it an array size of 10 and click anywhere outside of that and then it finishes that now see I have b3 and just for grins let's do a t4 so it looks more like select 500 micro logics only this time because the timer I want to timer data tape and we'll do five just like we did with a slick and we'll do a student f8 f 8s my name f8 I go here to data type I type in our e to get real and what I make that 20 okay now I've got B 3 T 4 and F 8 if I expand B 3 I have b30 b3 1 B 3 2 if I further expand that I have B 3 or 0 bit 0 through 15 or its expand B 3 4 I have B 3 word for data file B 3 word for bit 0 through 15 for timers I have T 4 0 through t44 expand one time I've preset accumulate in able timer timing bit and done bit now this looks identical to our logic 500 except my rslogix 500 it would be T 4 colon 1 dot PR e so we have brackets here instead of a colon and a decimal point those punctuation characters if you want to call them that are delimiters they are what separate different pieces of your pointer or memory location so other than the difference of not having a colon you know - there are brackets here having a colon instead you got brackets surrounding the word it pretty much looks the same so what I just did here in creating B 3 for nf8 in the other products that you program with rslogix 500 it was done for you but you remember I created a benign so if I did that here I typed in b9 and then for data type I and T integer and created I think twelve of them okay see benign word zero through twelve and they expand out to be nine word one bit zero bit one but two but three but four and so on so I hope this helps you a little bit understand not just how you create the database and the data files in rslogix 5000 it gives you a better understanding of what you use in the past past with products a program with rslogix 500 now that we have a hardware image that includes the processor and input and output module let's download these and go online so we go to communications up here who active we pick the processor we click on download we have a no guts no glory message here read it once and then click on download yep change it to the remote run mode okay now we have the processor with a program in it and it's downloaded so we'll go look at the controller tags and you see the kind of rearranges in alphabetical order BB F ELLs and T that's just normal and then we'll look at the program tags so you see we have none ok the first thing people want to do is to create a rung of logic so we'll go to the main routine under main program double click and you I'm actually get a new rung if it's an empty subroutine I'm going to delete that now I'm going to go up here and drag down a new rung just so you can see it happening new rung I want a true find instruction and an output energized so I'm going to go up here and I'm going to call this my push button okay just a name now I'm gonna go over here and I'll call this my indicator now you see the ease the rung is still in the edit mode and if we put a mouse over undefined tag my push button over here undefined tag my indicator so we go here we right-click we say new now I'm going to leave this as an internal tag I'm not going to a lease it to an actual i/o we'll do that in a minute so it's a base type instruction and it's boolean and it's in the as far as the tag scope it's in the processor tags we drop down the list you see you have my CPX and main program my CPX is the processor main program is the program tags we only have one program so we'll leave it as a controller tag we'll click create now when we mouse over tag my push-button data type boolean scope controller value 0 go over here right click on that undefined tag and we'll also leave that as a base bland and in the controller tags and hit create now we see we have eyes now we're doing this online okay so if you do your edits online that's okay you have to be careful when creating tags because once it thinks it's created it won't let you change it online you're going to have to go offline to change it so we want to finalize this edit here so we go to this button right here finalize all edits and program we click on that read that message once and click yes now we have a rung illogic and we're in the run mode and everybody's happy so I want to turn on that bit so I right-click remember this is a true upon instruction that this instruction is true the whole run is true and it shirt should turn on that bit so I'm going to toggle this bit you can see it's highlighted meaning the instructions true it's not highlighted because the bit is on is highlighted because the instruction is true if I were to take I'll double click to put this in the edit mode and I'll grab a true if off instruction and I'm going to grab the address here and drag it over now I'm going to finalize my edits again okay now I've got a true if on and a true if off addressing the same memory location remember my push button is a tag name it's a pointer that points to the actual memory location my push button is not a memory location it is a tag name that points to the memory location you'll never know what the memory location is numerically so I'm going to right click on this and turn that bit off see the other ones true this is true because the bit is off this is false because the bit is off so remember this is true find true five well with this configuration that run will never be true so we'll go back and we'll put this in the edit mode by double click double clicking on the wrong number select that hit delete and then finalize all edits now I'm going to toggle this on see now it's true so we'll toggle it back off now let's actually use i/o well I've already created these tags so if I go to edit them another's right click on the tag not the instruction on the tag edit my push button properties notice that this is grayed out I can't change it to an alias so I click OK now remember that when you are offline everything that you're doing you're doing in RAM of your laptop and on the hard drive of your laptop not in the PLC not the controller if you're online like we are right now everything we've done is in the controller so if you're working in the controller and you decide to go offline make sure you save first and it's going to ask you online tag values may have changed because remember your you have a database but then in the database you have values in all of those tag memory locations if you want to have that offline you have to save that another's upload it before you go offline now you go offline okay now we want to edit the push button in the indicator to be real IO so we right click Edit instead of base we want alias alias for and this is an input so we expand local slot 1 I click on data and then go over here the drop-down list and pick bit 0 then we hit apply okay now look my push button is an alias for this tag name that points to a memory location let's do the same here edit my indicator properties pick alias drop down the list alias for local 204 output data drop down the bits and pick motifs pick bit 0 apply and ok now look my push button is an alias for a tag that points to a memory location that will store the state of the push button or toggle switch attached to input 0 in slot 1 my indicator is a alias for a tag name or pointer that points to the state of bit 0 of the data word output wise of slot 2 which is your output card so let's download this whoo active download download again put it back in the run mode now I'm going to operate the toggle switch okay turn it on bit goes true output goes on turn it off bit goes off this instruction is false and it turns this in this bit in memory off now remember that the rung is true and false from here over this is true and false this is on or off so when you see this highlighted that means that that bit is on when you see this highlighted that means that the instruction is true which remember if it was a true if off instead of true if on it would be true when the bit and memory was off instead of on a I'd be careful what you're doing here okay that's enough just to get us going for right now we'll continue on later there's one additional thing that I would like to mention and very early in this presentation I mentioned Rev levels firmware levels what I failed to mention was when you are configuring configuring your i/o modules you have to select electronic Keane so I'm going to open up the IQ 16 and notice remember I said you could change the firmware level here you can also change the electronic Keane so if I click on that you have a choice of exact match compatible module or disable Keane in this case for the kind of labs that I'm doing I always disable the king that way I don't have to concern myself with the revision level of the module so you may want to disable the king when you do your projects and now we'll open up the output now notice the output of revision 2.1 where the input module was 1.1 and in this case we going to have to disable the keying because the compact logics that i have to work with that you can't see it's hooked up to my laptop those modules are 1.1 so this would be incompatible so I picked disabled King I will mention this just for your curiosity exact match means the major and minor Rev level have to match compatible module means that the minor Rev level does not have to match but the major does disable keen neither the major or the minor see 2.12 is the major point one is the minor so you want to disable the Keen when it acts comes to a real project you want them to match you want an exact match because there's always the possibility that you've picked a module that has some features that were not supported by an earlier version so if you have the newer version of the module with the newer firmware level you want to pick the exact match because if you use that feature and you Commission the project in the field on a machine or a process and then a year later two years later whatever bowl of lightning and the module is damaged if they replace it with an incompatible module and you have disabled the keene it will work but those features that belong to the newer version will not work just a word to the wise thank you for watching
Channel: plcprofessor
Views: 214,903
Rating: 4.8785834 out of 5
Keywords: Quick Start, AOI Add On Instructions, RSLogix 5000, PLC Programming, PLC Training, Controllogix, CompactLogix, Conveyors, Multiple Programs, RSLinx, PLC Tutorial
Id: Fw1MgwbolJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2012
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