How To Handle An Axe

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[Music] it's hard to believe it's been 12 years over 12 years since I purchased my first Grand Forks Brooks axe Swedish axe the small forest axe the favorite act my favorite acts of all time it has been wispy and there's been a companion to me through three different properties logging timber framing just been a constant companion and I I just can't I have never been able to find anything close that could replace it it's just it just fits that spot for a small axe so I noticed last summer that the head started to get loose a little bit very very imperceptible but you know those little things bothered me and I'd like to have them done right so today I've got a fun project for you this this is going to be a very first for me this is the first time that whatever we're going to hang rehang my small for effect with a factory grand forsberg handle I must admit that I'm I'm a little bit sad to cut this handle off I I almost don't want to do it but there's so much so much history here and now just all the little cracks and then dings and you know I meet some things there I can even remember when they happen and covered with the SAP and and but I guess it's just a handle so it's it it's a powerful testimony to me and how well these axes are made that this handle is hung on here like this is this bad I mean I've used it so far outside of its design specifications I've abused it as pounded wedges with it I've actually pounded metal it's a staggering that it is held up in it I think it would probably go another 12 years to be honest with you but we've got a handle and I thought this would be a fun project look at that even that's where I measured that 12 inches therefore I need to measure things and use that all the time so that's the original handle there let's take a look at the new handle so and how I came about this handle so I've got a subscriber by name Babic who this was so timely Mavic as I expressing an email he sent me two things he sent me a brand new sheet the factory sheets for the small look at didn't look at that he's not that nice solid brass solid brass snap there I liked their shoes I really do I when I first got my axe I'd had it I haven't had a very long Jack is just a baby we were up in our off-grid place and he had taken at started pounding on a log with a hatchet on it and you know I keep my axes sharp and so of course you don't destroyed the sheath I haven't had a sheet sent so thank you very much for sending that it's it's you know it's nice to have the original sheet there but he also sent this handle and man is it a good one I have heard I've heard a few guys that have gotten handles that had you know grain orientation that they didn't particularly they weren't happy with on the factory you know as we said anything that's 45 degrees or less running this way with the with the line of the handle I'm fine what if this was a 45 degree pattern I would still use it not no problem but this ear is you just can't get much better than that and you can always tell because you see the grains like it's a topographical map you know how that how they stack up two points to buttes and mountains and such you can always see that gray orientation so when you have an uninterrupted peace you know you can see right there that's just like the the peak of the topographical map you know that the grain has been oriented correctly really nice heavily deep embossed grand Forest Brooks of the season logo in there which as I look at mine this is just almost not no longer perceptible there it used to look like that so let's take a look at the handle this looks beautiful it'd be interesting to see how it fits but let's see what they would be sent here see how that isn't that's a nice wedge right there looks like a Hickory or ash maybe very nice swish oh look at this this is interest I've never seen this before Wow now I have a lot of step wedges I've got more step wedges but my granddad had jars of them bless them and I have them now never seen one like that before there's not an interesting design it looks like a little fork I wonder why that is and it's caddy and plated as well it's interesting I wonder if the fork padded like that and prevent some splitting method it would well that's really nice so there we have it so there we have the two pieces right there it's a wood and I looked at them before I started the camera they appear to be very close I I'm going to be really interested to see how much work fitting work if any is going to be required for this but we'll find out here in a minute so the only tools I think as I'm assuming that we're going to need right here is going to be a foreign hand now I've told I've always said this in the past I could make any tool handle or ax handle and soaking you with with a tool a knife and this these foreign hands are really nice and they for they call them foreign hands because they have four different basically tools in one you have a course for a sphere and you have a fine grasp here where it's flat and if you flip it over you have a coarse and fine this it's on a on a radius on a convex right there and what's nice about that is that helps you to get those those round round areas because if you try to shape round areas with a flat file the only thing that comes in contact are the edges and it'll it'll just basically gouge holes in it so whenever you're doing rounds worker radius you use the round sides and so you have all those options but you can do so much because these are an essential tool for your ax your ax kit right there this just a wonderful tool so I'll bring you guys over here to the newly built saw rack so well I think it's probably the best choice for this is going to be this is a new saw that I got adjust order haven't used to out I have used it I've played around with a little bit but it's a Japanese pole saw Gaucho Gaucho but this is the one that everyone likes first one that I bought was this big one and I used use this one for timber framing but I found it to be too big for small shop work and so I got the meet kind of a smaller version of this and I think that that's going to be when they use a lot in here I also got this one which is it's kind of like a back saw and it's it's you won't believe how fine those teeth are if you look right here so the neat thing about this these couches Scout shoes these saws is that they have their two in one you've got a you've got a cross cutting blade right here and you've got a ripping blade on both sides so you can do so much with them now this one here just look at this this is a dovetail saw you it's just amazing it's like a wood a laser beam for wood it doesn't tear out it doesn't leave any burrs it is a magnificent little saw for small dovetail work Kevin your shoulders and that sort of thing that won't be suitable for here because there's not any set in it but just saw here will be the one we want kind of surprises me how hard this is for me to do I just don't just don't want to do this it needs doing but I don't want to do it just going to have to do it anyway I'm going to cut nice and flat here case we need to pound against it [Music] it really is hurting me it hurts me this this right here I did not enjoy that I did not now it would be best if we could get the wedge out I can't see it because it's all covered with pine or what's up Safin car stir so let's treat with you scrape that down there and get that wedge out out of there yeah it is plus I wanted to see how they had put it in there it looks like they had put it in there sideways there it is alright let's see if we can't knock that out of there I've had pretty good luck at the pass getting these out with a punch with a reasonable point on it in the ball peen hammer if you can get a hold of the get a hold of corner of a tear usually you can drive them out sideways that's kind of interesting there now that's the same one and the new one there and the reason why it's been I've probably bent it just putting it put just taking it out but that that could be straightened in and reused that's interesting it must be a proprietary deal now we've got all the feel out of there and we can drill this out it's hard to put into words how wonderful it is to have your woodshop organized and when you need something to be able to take three or four steps to go get it you know the thing that got me kind of started on this and it was probably six months ago or so we were in our morning we are morning devotional time we were reading the story of Israelites in the Old Testament and God brought them into the into the desert there and he gave them very specific instructions on how to build the camp and it was laid out perfectly mathematically perfectly and the 12 tribes and the spacing of everything and how all of the camps were in relationship to the temple and it dawned on me when I was when we were going through that that God likes order and there's a reason why that and I think that you know the more order we have in our lives the more order we have in in our work in our desk or computer or by you know how it files all those things it translates it gives you a calmness and a peacefulness that carries out the more disorder was this for me anyway I think some people operate better that way I don't don't so much with them I'm enjoying being organized so it'll go a long ways to make your life a lot easier to drill this drill out this top section you never you're not if the wedge has been fit and put in properly you're not going to get that wedge out so what I'm looking for is I want a bit where I can get three or four holes across there but I'm not going to come in contact with the metal of course so what what we're doing is we're essentially moving moving that material you know might give you go smaller I don't want to damage one of these nice bits right I think that would be perfect right there we'll just drill that out and then we'll um we should be able just to drift this out no problem someone asked me in the comments how come I don't listen to music when I'm working in the shop and when I typically do and sometimes it sneaks into the videos and I don't catch it get out listen to audiobooks I listen to audiobooks and I love classic English literature easy if this Victorian time I don't like much written over the nineteenth century or so but because I did not grow up in a in a reading family and noreña that that was really that there was no emphasis put importance put upon that but I have a real passion for it now and so what I've done is I found an app it's called overdrive years ago I've used it for years that you can download free audio books just like iTunes but from the libraries doesn't cost you anything and so what I started doing is is I like the top 100 or top 500 lists of your the best classic literature all the time you know Tolstoy Dickens Poe wild Byron you know that type of author usually British early American and so I went through through all of those you know war and peace Amanda Karenina and we count Dickens you know all the things I really enjoy those books and that's typically when I listen to but I'm listening to actually we're listening to it at the fat as a families in the evenings I read this some years ago I didn't remember how good it was but it's called three men in a boat and that I would get that if I were you if you want to laugh until you cry the story about these three English guys they go on this camping trip in a small boat up the I think it's up to Tim's just be funniest things if ever we just laughed and loud laughing so hard last night almost fell off the couch three men in a boat I think it's considered by many critics to be among probably in the top hundred or so of all time of fiction written I'm having a terrible time with this this sickness that I got I I got up off my sick bed today to come out here and I thought you know what I just can't lay there anymore I'm going to feel bad whether I'm in here or there what difference does it make I might as well getting something you getting something accomplished but it is mine keeps it is nicer it keeps me my mind off all my woes if you line it up right you can get through all can all the way through there without keeping the sides and and now we can kind of start working let's see if we can't take that driftin do if that out of there one interesting fact about Grand Forks Brooks accesses each one of them was personally stamped by them the man who made it they've got each got their individual makers mark this one here has a as an AAS I forget all the names on Drew's give you Swedish you can bet he launders eight we have an ass a s these are my three favorite ones here this is my the hand hatchet this was made by got an mm on there and even addition to that it's got a crown and the sheath is even it's pretty fancy ala this is a this would be a great gift one of my favorites and then this is the this is the Scandinavian for act for us actually it's a next size up from the small for sexist here has a has an lb that's got the crown on it as well well I guess mine does too it's just very shallow is covered in in the first a slammer that's a that's kind of a neat touch isn't it so to get that remnant at the remaining handle out we're going to use that this is just a drip just a piece of tool steel hardened bar made Grenda something granddad made Bank now this is a lot of guys say you should never beat out of ice but you know I live in the real world and it's just just what happens and see this could go either way here sometimes that's going to go well that's the same when you drill it out and you don't have to beat on everything so hard so that's all we have time for today we'll pick up tomorrow and we'll get it all finished up but I do have some good news to share with you so of course yesterday's video I put a title that something like I need your help and that was in getting information helping me to decide what would be the best rifle for me to put together to buy over the counter for a long-range tactical rifle class so I'm taking to the Leupold Academy in July well it just so happened that one of my subscribers by name of Tom is a half owner in TNT armament in Nebraska and those guys are Model 700 precision rifle experts specialists and we had a great conversation on the phone yesterday and basically laid out a custom gun for me and the nice thing about it what tom is doing is tom said hey we enjoyed the channel we don't expect anything back from you but you know you buy the materials will help you spec it out we'll do all the gunsmithing we'll do it right and we'll do it free of charge so so generous of him so I want to I'm going to put his link to his Facebook page that's TNT armament and man I could just help by talking to him what a nice humble guy and he is all knowing about model 700 and I can't wait to do it so what I'm going to do is is I did want to stick with the 700 is I'm going to ship an action to him now I got two choices it's going to be hard choice so I've got a family gun I've got a 700 it's a long action which would be fine but I decided to chamber it in 6.5 Creedmoor that seems like and just make sense and I guess the thing about it is if I do use the long action and we build this gun up if I ever want to change it back if I want to go to a 300 Win or or anything like that then or 7-millimeter it's just a matter of changing the barrel so that that's kind of nice so I'm thinking about doing that or the other option would be just to go out and to buy a gun like Cabela's for example has a new 700 on sale it's around 450 or so and just cannibalize it which seems very strange but it's actually cheaper to buy a rifle on sale that it is to buy an action and according to Tommy says he seems that the actions that are shipped separate for Remington are not quite to quality so he's going to go through and true everything up blueprint we're going to put it into a dice aluminum bedded stock grim put a premium barrel to meet it trigger probably go with a 22 inch barrel not an m24 profile but you know somewhere in between more like maybe about kind of environment but that is going to be really cool and so he happily just so happens that we had to go down that part of the that part of the country in a couple months so it might even actually go down there and get him on camera and pick up the rifle so we'll see about that it would be fun to do a video with him and he kind of explained what he did but that's going to be nice so the thing that really stuck out that he said to me is I'll build you a rifle that if you miss you'll know it's your fault okay that's pretty good I guess one less thing to worry about so look forward to that but thanks for all of you who sent the personal messages and all of the great information out there and and it really was subscribers that that as well as Tom that persuaded me against the 308 to go with the the 6.5 Creedmoor you know I I don't have I'm I've outgrown the whole macho thing you know the funny thing about it is so I grew up hunting you know out cutting Eastern Oregon started hunting when I was 12 first gun eight millimeter mouths or second gun 30.6 third gun 300 Weatherby Magnum now that's kind of a caliber maybe most of you haven't heard of but it's even bigger than a 300 Winchester Magnum and I used to shoot that thing and I shot a lot of elk with it and targeted it in and it was murder it was murder to shoot it was something I never enjoyed it you know what I got it was probably 140 pounds and that is a great big Magnum I mean that it's quite a bit bigger than a Winchester 3 and a Winchester and it was not very fun and I it took me a long time to get over the flinch from that that scarred me so bad I just I don't need it I'm not interested in it anymore even the 7 millimeter Magnum you know that's not a very fun gun to shoot I have one of those that I've hunted with as well I like the idea of something that I can shoot that's comfortable that I can shoot you know put a hundred rounds through on a bench and and not be punished for it so I don't much the thing it doesn't do anything for me I don't just don't need that I need a gun for predator hunting coyotes at seven eight hundred yards I'd like to be able to hit a a target as a thousand just to say I could and and to play around with that but that's kind of where I'm at with it so thanks everyone for their input so well we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 534,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ax, axe, gransfros bruk, small forest axe, bushcraft, wood, gransfors bruks, review, outdoor, survival, forest, camping, knife, hiking, gransfors bruk, wilderness, outdoors, tool, bruk, chopping, nature, prepper, bowdrill, survivor, prepping, backpacking, shelter, fire, gransfors, shtf, small, hunting, gear, camp, sweden, bug out bag, survival skills (tv genre), bruks, woods, gränsfors bruk, knives, axe (product category), blade, tent, gränsfors, primitive, hatchet, wild, fun, adventure, backpack, canoe, survivalist, woodcraft
Id: YQCM6o0wFcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2017
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