How to hand knit a Chunky Chenille Throw for less than $40

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hi everybody its sharing from blessing craft designs welcome back to my channel I'm super excited because I'm getting ready to bring y'all another chunky throw okay a chunky yarn throw and I'm gonna be doing the hand knitting I started this towards the end of last year and I'm gonna keep doing it because one I have a lot of fun making these too it's extremely cold here to me anything below 70 is cold and I know there are some places where it's like below 20 the windchill factor it's extremely cold so I thought you know what this is the perfect time to make blankets and throws to try to stay warm with all this cold weather that we're having right now so this is the woman I got this from y'all know them y'all see that right there no they are not sponsoring me I have no deal with Walmart whatsoever but I saw this yarn I was planning on making a chenille chunky yarn blanket anyway and I just happened to be in Walmart and I saw these and I love the colors the red and this is kind of a gray color and I thought okay that's gonna be really pretty so there were five dollars and 98 cents apiece I decided to pick up six of these and I'm gonna try to show you here it does tell you on the outside how many you need so I did get six of these and then there are some stuff I opened one already you do have some instructions on the inside of how to make what you see right here those two pictures so I've already taken the liberty to open up one because I don't want this to be very long it's super soft and I like this so far because unlike the Murano type wool the very first one that y'all watch me make that probably is one of my favorite but it sheds like crazy and I'm gonna do a little kind of review on all of them once I finish making all these blankets but I heard about this Chanel yarn and I said well let me try this and like I said when I walked into Walmart and I saw it it's like it was calling out to me so I'm like let's do this I want y'all to watch me make this blanket so one thing you're gonna need is your yarn you'll probably need a ruler definitely need a ruler if you wanted those people that measure y'all know how I am and a pair of scissors that's all you need so the very first thing we're going to do is make the very first loop okay so you just pull it like that and then put your hand through it remember this is hand knitting take your working yarn and then just pull it and I like to leave a nice little tail at the end this is so soft and then I'm just gonna pull it to make it kind of tight okay and you need enough to where you're gonna be able to put your hand in now some people might like their loops to be really big I don't because I just find like what I'm laying down on the sofa my feet start going through the holes so I don't really like them that loose so I'm gonna try to keep mine fairly small let me just measure this loop right here for you all so I'm probably right at about 3 inches right at it a little bit less than that okay but you can make them how big you want and I'm gonna do I'm gonna make my chain going across about 22 or 24 so I have one this one and once you do that you see I just you just pull your hand through there's the working yarn right there you take your finger pull through okay so that's one two three you do want this kind of loose and make sure you've got plenty of I'm yarn that it's not too tight so I'm trying to count these as I go one two three this is four six eight [Music] getting a little bit too big some make a little small ten eleven okay so so far that's fifteen eighteen nineteen twenty okay you can stop at twenty if that was long enough for you to let me see I might want to go a little bit longer I'm gonna go to twenty four three and then if I count it right this should be 24 okay so this is our first chain when all the way across was 24 okay and there's my tail alright something have to move some of this out the way and then you just lay this flat and what you're going to do now is go grab one of the in the next one like this is 24 right here so you're gonna come back and grab this because this is actually going to go up you're gonna make your rows going that way so then you'll grab this and pull it through the next one the one back should I say and give yourself plenty of of yarn to work with okay so it's not pulling too tight all right so then you just continue to grab and pull through this is really easy you all this is super easy I promise and they really are fun to make if you watch my video of me making the scarf I would have you to know there are so many mistakes in that scarf that I made but I still wear it and I get a lot of compliments that scarf was made out of the loop it and I'm actually gonna probably do another one of those I don't know but I get so many compliments on it even though like I said I messed it up I have little loops everywhere cuz where I skip places in the rows and all that good stuff but I still use it and it's it's really fun [Music] making these scarves and blankets and everything and this is something you can use you can give it away what an awesome gift this would be right now like I said with it being so cold [Music] so you just find each hole the top hole and each part of the chain that you did and just pull through almost at the end that is where we started off with right here so there is the first row and my table is kind of long enough but I want to make sure you see it what I'm doing so now what we do gonna do excuse me I'm going to make another chain here or I'll put another loop in the very first one and that's gonna be the start of the second row going across now this is where I have to be really careful with this because for some reason I have a tendency to miss some of these little loops right here I've done it I didn't do it with the wool one the the vegan wool so much but the loop it and the very first Murano wool one well Murano type wool I missed one of these loops and so there are ways to fix that but I'm hoping that I won't make the same mistake with this one you know every time you do this and what every time you do something you hope to get better at it right that's the reason why we keep doing it it's to get better this is so soft alright so then you just keep going all the way across and I'm probably going to I'll speed this up a bit too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so now I'm getting ready to start on row three so I'm gonna go ahead and do this and then I'm gonna come back when I get ready to change company I'm back I'm not wrecked quite ready to change out yet I should be very soon but I did want to show you I'm gonna give a shout-out to my coworker miss Alicia who told me about changing the direction that I do my loops because she's a knitter as well she's a lot more advanced than I am but she's been kind of mentoring me on how to do some of this and just giving me some some tricks and little tidbits like that but normally what I did was for a row of four and now I'm gonna change up instead of going behind like this I'm gonna go in the front this will kind of change the pattern of it just a little bit and it will also she said it kind of keeps it from raveling a little bit because one thing I have found is that mine did they like to curl up on the end and I'm hoping to alleviate that so we're going to try that so just instead of going to the back probably on the next two rows I'm gonna go through the front part like that and then it gives it this cool neat little pattern and I'll show you that at the end as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay everybody I'm back and I have made it all the way this is as far as I could get so I do have this much left in the first ream of chunky yarn I was able to do four going the back to going the front and then another three going towards the back and I had this motion if I was going to stop after hour I did one row going to the back but then I had so much left and I know I can't go all the way across with this so I'm gonna go ahead and cut it I think I'm gonna cut it about here and then take the end to my next color I'm gonna take that loop out and then all you do is just tie this together he's going to tie it in a pretty good knot and that's how simple it is to change your your colors out and I'm gonna pull it from the long direction first and then pull the little short tabs okay and just pull it you know really good don't pull too tight because you might snap the little piece of um string that's in there and then just cut these down a little bit more so that way it kind of looks a little bit more uniform okay so now that I know that that's going to be my how much I could do I'm gonna use that same pattern with the red so I'll do four going the back the way I first showed you I'll do two going to the front and then three going to the back again so that will be my pattern so I should have this looks exactly like this in the red now I may decide to do I haven't quite figured out if I want gray than red or then you know maybe gray to red to grey and then I'm not quite sure how I want to do that yet but I do know that I'm gonna keep this exact same pattern that I just did with the gray one all the way out again for two and then three so I'm gonna do that and then I'll come back and let you see how it looks okay everybody I'm back and I'm just about finished and this blanket is so pretty now let me show you the two things that I did the two patterns it's you know in the beginning I did the four I think the two before going under the two going over and then I think I did three going under again so I did the same pattern with the red but then when I got to the middle I did one so this is one ream of um gray one of red I did one full ream of red keep saying reading my thing is skiing skiing I'm sorry I did one full skein of red going over that's why you see this pattern I joined it with one skein of gray and I went well I'm dropping my glasses I went over one full skein of gray and then I started back with the the three to four and almost excuse me mmm I'm almost at the end this is a really big a really big blanket I'm gonna finish I'm gonna let you see me cast it off I have this much left well I have quite a bit left and I'm not sure about casting this one off so that's why I'm leaving a lot here to kind of cast off with so we're going to go ahead and what you do you take this is your working wreath working yeah notaries this is you're working hard you're working yarn right here so this is the end loop right here so you take the next one and you put these two together and then you pull your working yarn through and make one loop so I always say you got one plus two and then you pull this through to make one okay and then you just do this straight across one two and then one and that's how you're gonna wind up pulling it straight across okay so you have your two together you pull your yarn through okay and see that's that's how you're closing it up at the end so that's why I kind of wanted to leave quite a bit of yarn to cast off with because I wasn't quite sure how much would this one it would actually take to cast it off alright and I'm really impressed with this it has made that's the manufacturer actually did that that's where they joined I guess two of the red together but that's alright it blends in really well and I don't want it to be too tight at the top because I do want it to to have some stretch to it I'm really um I really like this Chanel yarn I think this made a really pretty blanket the colors are absolutely that might have been a little bit too and one of the things you do have to worry about see I'm pulling it kind of tight at some places and then you will kind of lose your loops a little bit so just be careful with that [Music] [Music] and that is one thing I noticed when you're making these you do kind of lose your your loops sometimes so you kind of have to be careful now I know some people like to measure I don't know if I was if I was to do a blanket of this size if I would sit there and kind of measure I would think cuz this took me a while to get done I don't know if you could tell but there's a change in the I usually use the natural light and it's a lot darker now then it was when I first started so this is probably taking me well over an hour to do all right so this one I'm getting ready to lose my loop right there so I'm gonna fix that grab this one in this one [Music] that should have been a little bit more loose than it was but so Kaling on work with it I'm going to keep my work brief behind these two and this is my end right here so put these two together and [Music] I probably could because I have this much left so I probably could have made another row but that's okay so I'm gonna cut about this much off okay and that is the one loop that I have left over stick part in there and then pull okay and then I would cut this off and then inner weave it through your the rest of your blanket so I'm gonna spread this out a little bit so you can see it some more I [Music] don't know how I can show you the whole thing okay but this is the front part let's turn it over this is actually supposed to be the front so I'm gonna turn it over this way move my chair so I don't know I kind of like this side too you can see the pattern a little bit better here than on the other side okay so see you can see that in a pretty and I love this part right here where the red and the gray we have one row of each I like the way that looks and it's right there again too so I like the way that looks so let me see I'm gonna take my camera off and hold this up a little bit so it maybe stand back so you can see how big this is okay so this is a pretty nice sized row right here I thought it was going to be a little short but it I like it I think it's perfect I think it's the perfect size and it just keeps going on and on and on and it looks shorter in this area because I think my weave my we've got really tight in here so it looks like it's shortened a little bit but that's okay I'm okay with that I count it and they're still all the same it's still 20 I think it was 24 going across it's alright that was that was another adventure that I enjoyed I hope you did too thank you so much for joining my channel today and watching this video if you decide to make a blanket like this or if you had may have made blankets like this please leave some comments down below for those people like me who are new at this or want people who want to try to make these blankets and just kind of give your you know ideas in and some of the things that you've experienced making these blankets they're really pretty this cost me lesson well right at about $25 so I think this is really nice it wouldn't make a really great gift birthday or Christmas so that's kind of an idea early for Christmas 2019 please make sure you like make sure you subscribe make sure you click the notification bell so you can continue to receive a notification when I upload the videos and share on your social media come to my social media page Facebook bless the crafts designs I have a wreath making page and please don't forget about my Pinterest page which is still the same everything is blessed to craft designs and I'm probably going to post this on there as well so thank you for joining my channel today as always be blessed [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blessed2Craft Designs
Views: 778,615
Rating: 4.9048471 out of 5
Keywords: arm knitting, hand knitting, chunky knit, super chunky knit, arm crocheting, how to hand knit, learn to knit, how to knit, chunky blanket, hand knit a blanket, how to knit a blanket, super comfy, chenille chunky yarn blanket, chenille blanket tutorial, chenille chunky yarn blanket crochet, blessed 2 craft designs
Id: umB2_bVZW-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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