How to Finger Knit a Blanket [Washer & Dryer Safe]

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hi everyone welcome to play hooky with me my name  is roz and in this video i thought it would be   fun to make the popular finger knit blanket using  chunky chenille yarn the beauty of this blanket is   you do not need any knitting or crochet experience  to make it we're simply going to be making a chain   and working loops with our fingers as always  there are time stamps below so you can jump to   your point of interest so yeah let's go ahead and  get started for this blanket i use the burnette   blanket big chenille yarn these come in 32 yard  skein so for gauge a three by four throw took me   five balls and for a four by five it took six to  begin we're going to start with a slip knot and   at this point this is where i like to establish  the length of my loops and chains i found for my   fingers about a one and a half to two inches works  really well this is comfortable for my finger size   and at this point just go ahead and pinch through  the center and pull a loop through your chain   continue doing this until you reach your  desired length i'm making a 3x4 which took   me about 30 chains when you've reached your  desired length be sure to include that very   first chain at the slipknot we're working on  our first row now and i like to place the yarn   pointing in the direction that i'm going to  be working this makes my work go a lot faster   starting in that very first loop  just pull another loop through   here again my loops are about one and a half to  two inches in height similar to the chain that   i started with and now we're just going  to go into the top of every single chain   with a loop this first row and second row  they're a bit fiddly your initial chain is   going to flip around a little bit but don't worry  that gets smoother as you go just continue feeding   loops in the top of those chains don't forget  that very first chain next to the slip knot at this point go ahead and double check that you  have the same amount of loops as your initial   chain so i need 30 because i had 30 chains  okay and now we're getting ready to do row   two and again i like to move the yarn over  to the direction that i'm working it keeps   things organized and it helps me not to skip any  stitches along the way we're just going to start   again in that very first loop that we finished  in feed our finger through starting our next row   and that's it we're just going to keep feeding  loops into our previous loops and just take a   pause and move your yarn over to the other side  before you move on to the next row again this   also helps me to keep an eye on making sure that i  don't miss count on the ends starting our next row another quick tip just to make  sure that your loops don't twist   just make sure the bars are straight on each side   before you pull the loop through this  way you won't get any kind of twisting another quick tip is i like to sit on the bed  while i work and i roll the blanket as i go this   just helps with the ease of the back when i do it  this way i don't have far to reach and it makes   it again very quick to work on this blanket  took me about an hour and a half to two hours   attaching another skein is really  easy to do just take your next   skein and tie it like a shoe  lace making a very tight knot clip as close as you can with this yarn i found  that that works quite well it doesn't come apart   on me it really depends just play with it another  option though if it is pulling apart for you do   the magic knot i'll add a link here for a more  detailed video but you're going to do the same   thing but in two places just tie like a shoe lace  on both ends this will guarantee that these skeins   will not pull apart no matter how hard you tug on  it and no matter how close you clip on the ends   the reason i prefer the magic knot method is  because it just saves a lot on the clipping of   the skein it is slightly bigger than the regular  knot so play with both and see what you like best   finishing your blanket is very easy to do make  sure that you have two to three lengths of yarn   left over this is because you're going to be  making your final loop slightly bigger than the   loops for the rest of your blanket my loops are  about an inch larger than they were previously   we're doing this because we're going to be  feeding them into each other to make a final   chain to finish our blanket and just make sure  that you have a little tail left to feed through   that very final chain and now at this point go  back to the other side of your blanket and taking   that very first loop thread the second loop into  that first loop and continue this process all the   way along just thread through all the way across  and you'll see that it makes a lovely chain effect and once you've reached the end go ahead  and take your little tail there and thread   it through that final loop you can weave it  into the side if it's long enough or you can   for added assurance go ahead and attach with  a needle and thread i like to use white it   is easily camouflaged within the fibers of the  chenille no one will even see it or notice it you
Channel: Play Hooky with Me
Views: 2,012,269
Rating: 4.9669218 out of 5
Keywords: chunky knit blanket tutorial, chunky knit blanket, chunky knit blanket tutorial easy, hand knit chunky blanket, hand knitting blanket, hand knitting, hand knitting for beginners, hand knit blanket with chunky yarn, finger knit, finger knitting for beginners, finger knitting a blanket, how to finger knit a blanket, how to hand knit a blanket, how to hand crochet a blanket, hand knitting a chenille blanket, diy chunky knit blanket, diy chunky blanket, diy chunky yarn blanket
Id: Gr-a15uJaoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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