How to Hand-Colour or Tint a Black and White Photograph using PanPastels

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hi everyone Talia from Zara today we're going to be hand coloring a black and white murder using fantastic [Music] so if you haven't used pan pastels before they're like a soft pastel but instead of a usual chalk pastel which you've probably used before these are highly pigmented so they have barely any filler in them which is why they're in a cake form and in a pan so to use pan pastels we apply them with sponges so these are really soft sponges so there are larger ones and smaller ones depending on whether you're covering large details or if you're using finer detail we also have our eraser here so this is really good for just getting off any pan pastel that's gone over a line that you've wanted to color so pan pastels will be easily erased with these so what we have here is a black-and-white photo which is on photo paper so pan pastels are great to use on papers that aren't too abrasive so something with a mild texture like watercolor paper is fine cartridge as well as gloss papers work really well because the pan past all spreads smoothly on the surface so our black and white photo is of flowers if you are doing something similar with students you might want them to get photos of landscapes or even portraits things that have nice and vibrant colors as well as different tones in the image because the tone in the black and white image will come out from under the pan pastel as well so now we can color in our black and white photo so to use the pan pastels you just dip the sponge into their color so it's not too complicated of a process so you might want to spend a bit of the lesson talking about what kind of photo you would use so something with nice bright colors as well as the different tones in the photo when you do turn it into something that's black and white because all of these nice tones from the mid gray to darker Gray's will show up from underneath the pan pastel so you want to make sure whatever image you're taking like a landscape or a portrait will have something with different tones because we'll be tinting the color over the top so when you're using the pan pass tools you don't have to be too gentle with it otherwise you won't get enough color onto the sponge so you don't want to make it so that you're turning it into a powder and it's coming out of this the pan itself but you do need to get enough color onto the sponge now when you're applying it onto a semi-gloss paper or a photo paper the pigments won't be as bold as if they're on a cartridge so there will be pastel pigments and they'll be nice and light over the top of your picture so don't be afraid to keep picking up some more color and you'll notice a little bit of residue on the page like you would with a chalk pastel so you can just blow that away now if you wanted to blend colors that's really easily done as well so we're just using our basic set of pan castles which has the primary colors and a few others as well so if you wanted to make oranges or purples then you can just mix the tones on top of each other to get the secondary colors as well [Music] so now I'm just using the eraser to clean up some of my edges so with the sponges you might not get the exact right line that you're looking for especially if you're doing this with kids as well so just use the eraser quite gently to rub off the pen pestle if it's not in the area that you wanted to and then it's easy enough to go back over that area in the color that you're intending to use so these sponges are quite good for large areas of solid color so if you have large surfaces to work over and then you might want to use these larger sponges they also have different shapes so you might notice this one has a round tip as well as the rectangular tip so depending on what you are coloring you might find these edges a bit easier to work with instead of a larger sponge or a different kind of shape to what you're working in so now on this one I'm going to do a little bit of color blending so I'll just start with the yellow first as the underlying color and then I'll add the red on top to make some orange turns [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what you might notice is one color might overpower the other so just keep adding on the different colors as you go so we don't want that red to overpower the yellow too much as the yellow is quite soft so what would do is just add a little bit of red and then put the yellow back over the top to get that more mid-tone orange tone that we're looking for so there's a bit more contrast between the flowers [Music] [Music] so in a lesson what you could do is have the original image in color as a reference if you want your students to try and emulate those color mixing skills and really work on that color theory if not you can always look at an image and try and change it and make it something that's a bit more fantasy like with different colors just so they get a bit of an idea of the different kinds of techniques they can use even printing the same image twice and creating an original hand colored one that is similar to the picture that you've taken and then making one that looks a little bit more unrealistic might be a good idea too now for your sponges to clean them off I always have a scrap piece of paper with me or even paper towel and all you need to do is wipe the sponge on your paper towel even newspaper will work fine just to get most of the paymon off now your sponges will be stained but that's fine because you can wash them if you really wanted to but otherwise you shouldn't get too much contamination if you do wipe off your sponge enough so that pigment stops coming off [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just gonna fix up some of these and juice it up going over with my eraser so these are really nice just to follow the line [Music] any of that pestle it's now I'm going to use the smaller sponge to get into those little areas where we don't want the colors mixing together so just putting a color on and using that finer edge to get into color in those smaller details [Music] in terms of teaching this as well looking at the elements of tone and color are really good starting points for something like this especially since we're started with a black and white photo and we're adding those tints and turns in so it's a really good link to color theory as well as looking at composition of artworks as well when you're taking a photo [Music] so if you're using something like this in the classroom it's not too hard to divvy up the pan pastels they're quite nice to work with and they will go a long way when you're using them so looking at this picture so far I've barely used any of the pan pastel it's just little tiny touches so even just buying the primary color set can get you a long way because you can mix all the other turns yourself as well I would just have maybe two or three colors per table so the students can reach them and sharings half the lesson that kids need to learn so you could definitely just buy a few of the pastels go around a classroom if you didn't have enough budget to buy a whole set but they are really nice to work with and I think something kids would enjoy especially since you're using the sponges to apply which is a lot different from chalk pastels [Music] so we've got this image just off a stock image site but I would definitely recommend getting the students to take some of their own photos because that's half the fun of choosing which photos will work well and which ones you can also manipulate so if you do have access to iPads or even Photoshop kids could manipulate the photo through that and then use that as their finished artwork when they are hand coloring [Music] so now we've colored in our whole image you can get quite detailed if you do want to build up some more tones so there are whites and blacks which you can add in as well but depending on the year level you might want to keep it simple like I have and just color in the black and white image with the colors that are the primaries and the secondaries so for an activity like this even just printing out the black and white photo for younger students you could do it from any year level as long as they have enough control of the sponges and to not ruin your pan pastels which can be the hardest thing if you have kids that haven't used materials like this before but definitely a great to upwards is something that you could consider if you wanted the kids to take their own photos great three up is probably good as well but again you can make it as complicated as you want to in the coloring phase of this project like with most things in art you can keep going keep refining but I'm quite happy with how it is at the moment nice colors that have just blended really easily into the foreground and background don't be afraid to have a go it's really simple and really easy and something that kids will definitely enjoy so please watch us next week and don't forget to subscribe so for now thanks for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] you might want to also think of a better way to end this but I can't thank you I'm sorry not really
Channel: Zart Art
Views: 9,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pan pastels, pan pastel, how to colour, step by step, panpastel review, pan pastel for beginners, pan pastel techniques, pan pastel tutorial, pastel drawing, art education in schools, art teachers, how to, photo paper, photo paper art, pastel drawing tutorial, pastel drawing for beginners, pastel drawing easy, colour blending techniques, colour blending for beginners, colour theory, zart art education, art education in primary schools
Id: tR5bvgb3FQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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