How-to guide - UBIQUITI - Nanobeam

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[Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to another dynamic CCTV video today we're going to be looking at setting up the ubiquity nano beams as a point-to-point connections first things first on your laptop or your PC you're going to need to go to your network settings only if you right click and go to open internet settings we're going to choose Ethernet and change adapter options so what we need to do first off is give your active network card an IP address we'll give that in the same range as the device itself so in this case 192 168 1.10 for the computer subnet mask is fine we don't need a default gate and we don't need DNS or Co care that you know we've said or care that we should be able to talk to our nano beam so HTTP in the wall web browser and NT which is the default IP address of the Nano beam once that pops up it's gonna want to set the country cord first it's important that you set to the right country cord for legal reasons so in this case United Kingdom obviously and we're gonna stick okay there were terms and conditions next it's gonna want us to create a username and a password to get on the device in this case I've been in and we're going to need to use a strong password which include capital letters and numbers once we've done that here we get the first landing page of the bit mini device nothing what's going on air because nothing set up so we're going to go to the settings first over on this left hand side and then in here first point the call is to change the default IP address so we're going to click on network at the top we're going to change that to 21 region we're going to do that is because the next device we plug in is going to be on the same IP addresses that and then we don't want the conflict then we're going to change the gateway to - five four - so it matches our network and we'll fill in our dns also we'll click the Save Changes on that page it doesn't actually committed or saves yet but make sure you click Save otherwise remember so over in here we've got the win now we've got the chance of setting the device up so there's two types of devices is basically an access point and there's a station if you look under the selection here there's three types of access point and two types of station to break these down it's basically access point which is point-to-point which is one we're going to choose today you've also got access point to multi-point in AC AC mod only which means it's your nan maximum speed and it's one access point to multiple stations we've also got access points to multi-point mixed mod which is non AC devices going back to an access point and then we've got station final point which is one we're going to choose on our next device and station point to multi-point again if you use in multiple stations coming back to one access point so for this demo we're going to click on access point point-to-point and then we're going to change the SSID is something that we want so in this case I'll call it just bridge one you can call out whatever you want and one thing that's often overlooked but often is can cause problems down the line is your output power now your output power on out of the box is set to maximum now if you are setting these up here for 100 meters to 200 meters something like that these are very powerful radios they just need to be turned all the way down it depends on how you've got that set up in the real world to what you need if you give us a call we can obviously advise on what you need based on your real situations but for the sake of this we're gonna turn it all the way down as it doesn't need to be very high next we're gonna do is the our wireless security our wireless security certainly want to be turned on and choose that and we're going to choose appreciate key in this instance I'm putting one two three four five six seven eight in your instance I suggest you use something slightly stronger than that okay so that's pretty much it for now and all that's done is we've set the IP address we've put it into an access point board give it an ID and give it some security what we're gonna do now is if we click Save at it's gonna reboot the device it'll just save all the settings reboot but do remember that when it reboots the IP address will have changed so you will need to go to your chores and IP in our case it's 1.21 ok so now we've done the first point we're going to do the station so window is the same IP address 192 168 1 dot 2000 advanced and login like we did before it's gone asked us to set the country again which will quickly do where they greet then and set the username and password ok so once you've got that set you'll notice same screen nothing set up go into settings first thing we'll do do what we did before we're going to change the default IP address to something different also set our gateway and DNS just as before so they all we've done that this time now we're gonna go into wireless and we're gonna say it to a station already so as you can see it's already set the station there station to point rather than actually name it there's two ways of doing you could just put bridge in there if we wanted to and it would connect to it regardless but we're gonna lock this which is a slightly better way of doing things for free like select what this was always do a full scan of all the available wireless is in there I see there's quite a few and but there's I was there that we access point sitting away if we click a little tick box there and then lock to where P what that'll do that'll tell our station to always use that MAC address of the access point and lock in that's all that there we're gonna bring the power down again this is basically just as a test book obviously you need to set that event appropriate to how you've got yours set up in the real world in this instance we need to set the same password as we did last time for our wireless security which is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 that's pretty much it that will then connect to the access point and login with steering create the link so if we save the changes there this will take a while to reset and once that to reset I'll show you what it looks like once it's done ok so now we've got all that done if we log back into our access point once this the station is rebooted so we just put in our username and password what we'll see now rather than that basic page we've got before what we've got here is our access point and the remote station which we've just set up you can see the throughput capacity there the signal strength both ends he was also he did it once that starts passing do it through and all the other information here should you have any issues with any of the setups that you do and we'll obviously ask you this get on shorts these pages and we'll be able to help you from there so that's it pretty much that's the staff finished how to set up a nano very important a helpful many questions always just give us a call [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dynamic CCTV Ltd
Views: 2,074
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CCTV, Security, cameras, dynamic, #camsat, #cctv, #security, #safety, #survilence, #dynamic, #veracity, #TOA, #Seagate, #ubiquiti, #vigilantvision, #optex, #illyama, #tplink, #pyronix, #gjddetectandsecure, #haydon, #netgenium, #ligowave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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