How to Grow Scallions | For beginners | Everything you need to know| Spring, & Green Onions |

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hey guys good morning welcome to green tea garden so today guys in this video i'm in the greenhouse and i'm going to show you guys how to grow scallions right at home in a container guys it's not hard trust me i did it and you could do it so this video guys are from beginners who are now starting off garden and ready to grow home grown scallions guys so let me show you guys right here what i did okay so right here you could see my uh one container of scallion it's pretty good uh size of a bucket i actually got this from the dollar tree so it's only a dollar i made some holes on the bottom so we have some air coming in basically what i did from the starting i just had regular soil there's some mulch in here um and then i just sprinkle some seed cover it up a little bit soil within the first week after watering and stuff like that i already see the scallions we're shooting up so i do have another container of scallion which i over water a little bit so guys i'm going to show you saying hi guys all right guys so i'm going to show you guys right here how it looks when you over water as you see my soil it's green so that's mean the soil is there's a lot of water going on here so i'm not going to water this for the next few days so this is scallions this right here guys i planted this uh week and a half ago so i just tossed a bunch of seed in there and as you guys see it's already growing right we got spiders in here that's good so basically guys after you planted your seed you waited a week it over a week it looks like that this is uh a little bit over two months over two months now it's been growing and i just cut a whole bunch yesterday i'm gonna show you guys something real quick like this guy right here so this right here guys is the seed some of them will have it as you see we i had a bunch that had this seed and i already cut it off so those are the seed right there so basically guys what i'll do i'll leave this to grow a little bit more let the expand open up and get dry and then i'll cut it out once i see you could start seed open up more better and right in here if you could look carefully that will be like a that will be a black seed in there so that you could replant and you get more scallions there's another way you could do it when you cut this right here you take it out from the root and that root right there you could either soak it with water you could soak it with water for a week and then you'll see the roots start expanding more and start growing but i would say take out take this out from the root and you can put it back in any different spot of soil and it'll just grow i i'll cut it like that right there and then within another week it'll just keep growing so you just continue growing so basically we could just cut all this down right now and it keep growing but as you look the way i i've been clipping it is not even i don't come too close to the bottom of the joints them i just didn't want to do it to interfere with any you know roots or any problem so i've been clipping it higher this one is a little bit low but like this one is higher so they're all different lengths so let me show you guys right here or as you can see they're starting to grow back already and it'll come fast these guys are delicious they smell great and you can see oh look right here there's another seed and bud coming up there there's not a seed coming here so i could plant that in a different direct different area maybe outside so guys scallions are so easy that you could start off inside so you could start it off for a couple weeks inside and then it grow leave it by the window with the window where there's sunlight it's good it'll help it grow faster and then eventually you could just take it outside you could take it outside or you could open up your window to get some air get some sunlight get used to the temperature and it's so simple it's this one of the simplest thing to grow for me for me scallion was very very easy to grow it was just water just seed and just water guys that's all that's all i did i just put some seed down cover it up half an inch with soil and i water almost every day and then i then that's it scallions so my main tip for you guys would say spread out the seed the seeds are very tiny so it was really hard to spread out all over but they're really close the roots are not that big and it's not a big deal if they're close so i i'm gonna put a bunch more here of seed i'm gonna use that same seed and put a bunch more in here so this whole container is going to fill up with scallion so if you guys you're now if you got a big package with seed and you want make sure you get like a wider mouth container so it's like wide and uh spacious a little bit inside and then you could plant a whole bunch of scallions it's not a problem guys i had no problem with it so far my last my last container before this last year was way big and crowded and i always produce scallions a lot of skeletons aka green onions guys if you guys are new to the garden world or uh been in the garden you know guys guys you know growing your own stuff it tastes hundred percent better it's fresh i cook almost every day so using these fresh herbs is ten times better guys so it's easy it's not hard and you could get your own scallions if you have a greenhouse it grows really fast of the heat for some reason it's hot in the greenhouse so this guy grows really really fast grows indoor it grows outdoor it grows pretty much anywhere i have no problem with scallions i'm sorry if you guys do but hopefully this video could fix that so you guys have no problem with scallions green onions and guys if you're new to my channel please there's a red button right there and says subscribe click on that click on the bell icon uh as soon as you do that guys anytime i post a video you'll pop right up you guys will see it you guys could learn uh if it's a video that you like and you really like it please give us a thumbs up it'll help my channel is 100 free to subscribe and if you guys have any question or any tip for myself please leave in the comment below because i'm still learning and i will love to learn more is always good to learn
Channel: GreenTGarden
Views: 69,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GreenTGarden, Garden, Green onions:, scallions, Spring onions, How to Grow Scallions, everything you need to know about scallions, how to grow green onions, how to grow onions, green onions, how to plant scallions, how to plant scallions seed, scallions tips and trick, how to pick scallions, when to plant scallions, can I replant scallions seed, how to plant onions, onions, how to grow onions fast, how to grow scallions fast, growing green onions, growing scallions, garden tips
Id: s1ecHd_nWKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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