How to Grow Rose Cuttings Start to Finish | 1 year Time Lapse

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it met cool I love that look as that callus builds up and all of those roots just grow and bust out at the seams [Music] alright guys so we are headed to the post office right now because after that rose video I got a comment from a guy named Richard and he mentioned a rose that his great grandmother brought over here from Germany in 1880 and I got so excited just by the story he told about the rose and how it got here now he's had it in the family so long I thought man it'd be cool to have some cuttings of that thing so I mentioned that to him and I'm supposed to go to the post office today and pick up those cuttings thank you Richard so we're gonna head over there now I've got the little buddy with me you're near Ali so let's go get these cuttings and let's get them started guys alright I would get in there we're looking for a yellow slip or a key let's go pick up this package what do you got there Ali the rose cuttings thank you Richard I'm excited to see what happens here alright Richard so I got your cuttings home from the post office I'm excited to see what we've got I already pulled this part out is I saw your note and let's go ahead and read that note to you guys real quick it says hi Mike Kincaid and closed you will find some rose cuttings these are the ones that I talked about on your YouTube channel the Queen Elizabeth I hope they do very well for you if you know someone who knows roses maybe they can take a look at them and see if they can confirm if they really are the Queen Elizabeth because that is what I was told many many years ago thanks Richard Richard I really appreciate you saying these cuttings I think it's so fun when we can trade you know across the country let's go ahead and take these cuttings and let's get started on propagating them I'm gonna try and run through this faster than that last Rose video because you guys already got all the details on that but we're going to use the same propagation setup with the 2-liter bottle and we're gonna get these cuttings stuck by the way guys if you're interested in that other Rose video then just click on the link up here or down below or wherever I put it and you'll get all the information is a 28-minute video with all the details alright guys so I got all the rose cuttings out here and I unwrapped them all and there's quite a few I think I've got like ten of them right here some of them are a little bigger some of them are a little small I want to show you real quick first though I've got a ton of questions about what rooting hormone I use in the rooting hormone that I typically use around here is hormone in 3 I've got about three different varieties of rooting hormone for different types of plants but this works really well for semi hardwood and hardwood cuttings that are tougher to root typically my rhododendrons that's where I first got into the Hornet in three and it works well for so many plants I'm using that now because that's what I have out here right now you can use a weak or hormone for the roses but it worked really well in the last video so we're gonna use this guy again so I wanted to show you real quick guys when we're he sent these without leaves attached and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna plant these the right direction first of all so the leaves grow out upward like this along the stem as you can see and so you always want to make sure that you're putting it in your medium the right direction this end goes down the leaves point up now he actually went ahead and cut these right below a leaf node I'm gonna go and cut a little bit more material off just above his cut because I want nice good green material to stick down into that rooting hormone so the first thing I'm gonna do is break off that bottom leaf and maybe actually maybe the next one as well and any thorns that are along that area because it helps open up new areas for roots to grow if they want to grow out of those points and the nodes are where the higher concentration of undifferentiated cells are that can then form roots the next thing I'm going to do is like I said just snip right above his cut right below a leaf node and actually I want to get a little bit at an angle there and then we're gonna dip this guy in the rooting hormone but first I want to do what I did with the figs which is scar just in a straight line along the bottom portion of this rose cutting with the pruning shears because that will just kind of open up that outer bark to the cambium layer and allow more root to form then we'll dip this guy in our rooting hormone get it partway up the cutting there tap off the excess and that's going to go right in the pot I'm gonna repeat that with all the rest of these guys we'll get them stuck in here alright guys now that we've got all these guys stuck in here and there were ten of them and we got all ten of them to fit so these guys are going to be jam-packed once they start rooting but I'm gonna take my same two-liter bottle look we did with the last video and we're just gonna stick it right over the top there and then that is it just kind of wedge it down there we're leaving the top off of this thing if you can see that okay let me get a little closer there we go we're leaving the top off of it so I can vent warm air but the humidity will still build up inside I'm gonna go set this aside right now and we'll just forget about it for the next four to six weeks alright guys there it is Richards cuttings sitting off with the other two rose cuttings that we just did and those guys are doing well they still got beautiful leaves on them and these guys I think are gonna do every bit as well especially with that little 2-liter bottle setup we'll come back and we'll check them out alright it's been exactly three weeks and there are Richards roses aren't they looking good guys so all of the leaves were off of him when he sent them but look we've got new growth everywhere just starting to bust out from a bunch of these guys and I don't want to tear them up cuz it's only been three weeks we want these guys to sit in here for like six solid weeks we're getting later in the summer and there's plenty of warm weather but we want these guys to really get rooted good in there before we do anything with them alright guys this is it we're here we've arrived it's next spring so I want to recap for just a moment because I need to for myself more than anything so last summer around late July beginning of August I received a bunch of cuttings from a guy named Richard and we stuck those cuttings but they were a little bit different than the rose cuttings that we did in that first rose video put a link down description below in the sense that they didn't have any leaves on them they were later in the season so the wood was more firm and hard off and we had to treat them a little bit differently so if you guys remember well of course you remember you're watching it but I started out with those cuttings with the soda bottle on top of them in this hoop house and then I flipped to a scene three weeks later where they were on the other side of my pole barn and the reason for that I as I've been editing this he'd realized I didn't tell you guys why he did that it started getting hot it was like getting to the end of August and it gets really hot around that time frame and he was heating up in this hoop house so I wanted to get him into the shade and get that bottle top off of him so they didn't cook in there I had every intention of showing you those cuttings after a few more weeks when we would have roots but because we were later in the season I think that's what took so long they didn't root as fast as I thought they would so you know as September came on I just brought him into the hoop house here and I thought we'll just leave him alone and see what happens in the spring well this is what happened here are those same cuttings we started with 10 original cuttings and now we have seven seven of them that rooted and grew on into beautiful little Rose liners so today is June 9th and as usual it wouldn't be a Mike Kincaid video if we didn't dump these out and take a look at the roots so let's go ahead and do that all right girls go ahead and start getting those roots out of there it might be a little bit tough let's get down here so we want to go ahead and grab it from behind Allie grab it from the back and then tip it slightly down right there you go and I'll help you go ahead and just kind of wiggle wiggle there it comes there it comes oh look at that dang look at that we do have roots I couldn't see any coming out from the holes in the bottom but we do have lots of Rose roots in there pretty cool huh what do you think it's cool yeah now we want to show all these roots because we just can't help ourselves okay turn it off let's show these guys look at those beautiful beautiful root and roses those guys are doing awesome man that is so cool there's another one not quite as much roots but still got a bunch and it's just ready raring to go it met cool I love that look as that callus builds up and all of those roots just grow and bust out at the seams look at that Richard those are your roses man fully rooted seven out of ten not bad if you ask me pretty cool thank you for those cuttings we really appreciate them alright so we're gonna put all of these roses up now we got them all cleaned up you see all the roots kind of busting out there at the seams we're headed in the summer so it's a beautiful time to pot all these up because we're gonna have all summer long to grow massive amounts of roots in those pots and they'll be well established and nice little healthy plants going into the next winter so I'm going to answer this question on this video right now because I know I'm gonna get it a hundred thousand times but what medium I am I using the pot these guys up and and what medium did I have them in when I was routing these cuttings and all I used was fine fir bark it's just this stuff it's just the bark on fir trees and the only reason I use it is because it's a plentiful resource in our area because you know logging is a huge industry around here and bark is a byproduct and so a lot of their companies that grind this stuff up and then they sell it to local landscape businesses for mulch and things like that this is just a finely ground fir bark that's all I use I get it by the dump truck load at a local landscape supply store there's no brand I don't get it by the bag it would be way too expensive if you don't have access to stuff like this you can use anything to route your cuttings that drains well hold some moisture and is relatively inert you don't want to use soil you don't want to use dirt it's got too much bacteria and fungus and it's too tight it won't drain well the cuttings will rot [Music] look at this cutting guys this is so cool man so you got all those massive roots all busting out of there and then look at the seams there they're just busting out at the seams look at that more roots want to grow like crazy around there and that's so cool both sides I think that's really neat [Music] [Music] all right so we got them all potted up here the last thing we do of course is put some fertilizer on them and I've talked about this before this is a slow-release fertilizer it's a commercial fertilizer called 8 packs that's the brand name and this is the cool weather special I've got a video about this fertilizer I'll put a link in the description down below you guys can go check that out if you're interested then the last thing we do this is a little pro tip for you put a little pre-emergent on there so that we don't get weeds popping up stuff works great doesn't hurt the plants at all it just prevents any weed seeds from germinating and the last thing we do is water it all in alright guys so I think that about concludes this rose propagation video and I hope that doing this video with these cuttings coming from somewhere else I out of state I believe you know it just gives you another perspective on Rose cuttings because there's so many different ways to do these and I just want you guys to see that this really does work if you just apply the principle so go out take your own rose cuttings to start reading some roses and finally thank you Richard we really appreciate the Rose cuttings don't we girls hey thanks Richard this has been a lot of fun and we're gonna try and grow these guys on with that we did beat them up a little bit and wash the roots off of course but you know that's for educational purposes guys so we'll see how many of them made it through that little onslaught but we're headed into summer and we're hoping that these guys just take off and flush out with tons of root growth so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit the like button subscribe if you want to follow along have a fantastic week and I'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Mike Kincaid
Views: 83,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow roses, how to grow roses from stem cuttings, rose plant, rose flower, how to grow roses from cuttings, rose cuttings, growing roses, grow roses from cuttings, plant propagation, gardening ideas, how to grow rose from cutting, how to grow rose from cuttings, gardening tips, rooting rose cuttings, rooting roses, rose gardening ideas, time lapse, growing roses from cuttings, how to grow roses at home, rooting cuttings, grow roses, rooting roses from cuttings
Id: aa4zgUkXNlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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