Tricks to Rooting Rose Cuttings Successfully | Why are the Roses Stems Turning Black and Dying

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all right guys this is going to be a quick rose propagation video but i've got to answer this question mike why do my rose cuttings keep turning black and rotting so people tell me i did everything you said mike and they're talking about that video i did i'll put a link in the description down below they copied it to a t and they're still getting black rotting rose stems well i've got the solution for you right now this is a foolproof method that anybody can be successful at and you will see no more black rotting stems let's go so i took my rose cutting this is what it looks like it's a soft wood start diverge into semi hardwood cutting today is july 2nd but the telltale sign that it's ready to take the cutting is the bloom has just finished fading it's gone now the wood is semi-rigid here it's not going to wilt over and diet can hold up on its own after being severed from the parent plant so the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to take the top right off of this because we don't need all this softer material up top we'll go about an inch three quarters of an inch above that last node there gone now these are gonna be the leaves that i leave intact so we're gonna strip the rest of these guys all the way down here now i'm going to take these little thorns off i just like to break them off with my fingers it just opens up area to accept the rooting hormone and create little wounds on the plant that roots can possibly grow out of although most of the time they come down below here at the bottom of the base of the cutting we're still going to strip all these guys off another advantage of this is i won't get poked so much after it roots all right so you want a nice tall cutting like that if you'll notice that's about a foot long maybe 10 inches 12 inches long something like that but i've got two sets of leaves i'm going to snip the end of those leaves off we're just going to make it a little bit smaller it loses less moisture through the leaves that way saves room in the propagation little cup area that we're going to have this and now i like to cut right below a node so you'll see there was a node right there where a little leaf branch came out of i'm going to cut right below that and i'll cut it an angle just to give it more surface to grow roots out of now i immediately want to dip this in my rooting hormone which i'm using hormone in three right now but you want it to be dipped in that hormone while that base is still moist so can accept and soak up a little bit of that hormone shake off the excess and that's what you get right there so here's the first secret and reason that this is going to be foolproof the reason your stems are turning black is because there's fungus getting in these guys so roses are susceptible to fungal diseases and that's why you're seeing them turn black but we're going to fight that right now i've got an old bottle of deconil and i don't uh i'm not a spokesman for the brand but that's what i buy for uh fungicide if i need it and we're gonna spray it right on the end of this cutting and just kind of hose it down a little bit we'll turn on the spray part okay so there is no spray button so we're going to be real careful and just drip this or spray it all along the cutting there [Applause] and just kind of saturate it in this stuff all right nice fungicide all over the stem will not hurt that cutting at all it'll just protect it now the next secret ingredient is sand it drains really well really quickly so it doesn't hold too much water like some of you are experiencing which can contribute to rot it does hold some moisture you can see there's moisture around all that sand but it's also got plenty of air flowing between it even though it's small and you can't see it and finally it's inert it doesn't have a bunch of bacteria fungus in it it's not going to grow a bunch of bacteria fungus it's an inhospitable environment for that so pretty quickly we want to take our little rose cutting after we've got it all trimmed up and we've dipped it in rooting hormone and we've sprayed it with the fungicide and by the way i did spray the top of that sand with the fungicide a pretty good amount and then rinsed it in a little bit first too then i'm just gonna and i know you guys are gonna say use a dibbler mic but i'm just gonna stick it right in there and that's it the last thing i'm going to do is take that same bottle of deconil we're just going to spray all over the top of that sand and around that cutting and we're going to kill any fungus that might be getting in there and finally we're just going to run some water over that and let all that rinse down in there real good and there's our little cutting look at that sand see how that's draining draining really but it will leave behind plenty of moisture and aeration throughout that sand for this little cutting now we've got that anti-fungal all throughout this whole little one gallon pot here and then we had put it all over the cutting so hopefully it's done its job it's done whatever it needs to do and we still got some residual throughout there and we're not going to have any single problems with black stems i so want to see this work for you guys that i'm pulling out all the stops with this one and i have no doubt that this is going to work for you in fact i'm so convinced that this is the answer to your problems i'm getting these roses to root successfully then we're only going to stick this one cutting i know i know that this little cutting wants to root i know it's going to do just beautiful and grow massive amounts of roots in this little container and grow on to be a beautiful healthy rose you just gotta believe it guys all right so the last and final thing we're gonna do here is take this little plastic container you guys remember that i'm getting nostalgic again and we're gonna put it right over top of this cutting around those leaves and we're just going to set it right into the sand and then i'll push down a little bit maybe a half inch or so and there the cutting resides just beautiful in this little container and when the last rose petal falls i'll turn into a beast forever all right so here we are again i've placed this on the north side of my pole barn you can use the north side of any building or any wall so that the sun the direct sun never hits this bottle but it gets plenty of overhead skylight and that's all there is to it guys we're going to leave this here like i said it's july 2nd we're going to leave this here for i don't know it's probably going gonna take six weeks or so to root maybe sooner we'll see what happens but i'm convinced this is the answer to your problem and this is the way to go for you guys i'm constantly trying new things i'm gonna make this work for you we're gonna see what happens oh yeah and one more thing you saw me take the bottle cap off last time that's because i had it in the hoop house where more light could get to it so it was heating up in here and i wanted to vent that heat well this time the weather this year has been extremely just variant it's been fluctuating like crazy i don't know what's going to happen so i'm leaving it on right now loosely and hopefully it's venting a little bit of heat but it's not getting any direct sun so it shouldn't build up any heat in there i just want to protect it that much more this year until we get more stable temperatures all right here we go july 2nd we'll come back when something's happen all right so today is august 17th and i am very excited to bring this little reveal to you guys now i want you to take notice of something this little cap here that went on to the top of the container sat on top of that container through the last six weeks it's been six weeks since we started this guy and it sat on there the whole time until about maybe five days ago it's just getting hot it's august so i took the cap off and set it down here it's been off ever since and you see all the humidity the remains inside of there and because i am going to get this question right here i'm going to tell you i have been watering this about every other day when i water all my other landscape plants sometimes every third day but not inside the bottle right here i just go around the outside with the hose and the water just sinks through and keeps everything moist i never watered inside of the bottle i don't know if that would matter or not but i watered on the outside and it kept everything moist so i am very excited about this one guys and i am going to find out with you exactly what we've got in here i have not taken this off yet i haven't dug into here i haven't seen any roots i don't know what's going on in there but it's been six weeks i don't see any black any fungus anything like that and i have a feeling we got this guy to root let's check it out all right so the first thing i'm going to do is just take this guy right off of here get the cap out of there and i don't want to tear these roots up so we're going to tilt this sideways and just kind of let it fall out of here and it started there's not a lot of them but there's some there it is pretty dang cool and as i'm looking down in the fabric i'm noticing some of these roots got ripped off they were growing into the fabric there so see that so this guy is actually it was just starting to take off man i need to leave this in there a little longer you know what we're not ready yet guys i'm putting this back so now we know we've got roots we know that this thing you saw that little bit of white callus right it's busting out at the seams this thing was a week away from blowing up it's a little set back now but we're going to come back here in a couple more weeks we can do better than this guys this thing's going to blow some serious roots out of this guy so lid goes back on don't go anywhere guys we'll be back all right guys today is september 4th and we've got to finish this one up because those leaves are starting to turn a little bit yellow we're headed into cooler weather and i don't want to lose this one i shouldn't have pulled that up so soon but i was trying to show you the roots but let's go get that rose cutting right now it's been several more weeks since that last little shot let's see if it did shoot out some roots there for you we'll take a look at them we'll see if this one's going to make it through the year after me tearing it out of there so many times but let's take a look at it right now so there's our little rose cutting right there and after that last little clip i just brought it into the hoop house i took the bottle off the top of it and just let it sit here i've watered it with the rest of my plants in the hoop house whenever i water so usually about every second day or something like that but let's go ahead and pull this out now we're gonna do it gently and see if we've got some roots down in there all right i am so excited about this one because i've worked hard to try and get this to you so that you guys will be successful with roses now i see a little bud just starting to shoot up hopefully you can see that there just a little bud right at the tip there let's go ahead and let's see if this last few weeks has been enough time to get some roots going here and it wasn't look at that guys there's still just one little scraggly root there all right that's it i've had enough of this we're gonna do something about it all right it's the fourth quarter this is a last ditch effort so i got this guy repotted back up it's got yellowing leaves we're in the beginning of september we're headed into fall there's not much hope left we're going to pull out every stop to make this happen because i'm excited about this project and i want to prove to you guys that we can take one cutting and we can make this rose root no matter what so we're gonna make this happen we've got our bottom heat hooked up now i've got some warmth going on here i'm gonna put that pot right on top of this we've got another month month and a half of warmer weather it's not gonna it's gonna get cooler but we're gonna put it on here we've still got some sunlight going on everything's kind of calming down for the fall but we're going to make this happen so there's one last thing we're going to do here i don't recommend this normally but we know that we've killed any fungus in this pot and this rose has the potential to root i'm just going to fertilize it a little bit because you see those yellowing leaves this thing's been sitting here for a long time now trying to root using up a lot of energy it's pulling energy from the leaves and this stem may not have much left so we're going to fertilize it we're gonna water it i'm gonna water this every time i water the hoop house so every other day every third or fourth day as it starts cooling down and it's gonna put some nutrients into the sand and when those roots first start going because of the bottom heat they'll be able to get some nutrients they'll be able to start some growth and get some nutrition back into this stem maybe that little bud will start growing a little bit before fall but i don't know if we're going to save this one the whole point is to get roots for you guys and prove that we can do this with one cutting successfully without fungal attack all right today is october 2nd and i'm excited to show you guys something now we're going to go take a look at this rose it's been a month since we last did that little clip it's been on bottom heat ever since and i have not tried to pull it up i have not dug down i've not done anything with this so just like the previous little checks i don't know what we're gonna find but i will tell you that i am a major proponent of bottom heat in the right times in the right setting with the right plants and i know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we got roots in that pot i i'd be willing to bet my next paycheck i hope to god this has roots there it is sitting on the bottom he's been sitting here for a month now if you remember i fertilized right there i've just been watering when i water the rest of my plants in my hoop house here and so it probably gets watered every three days or so it's getting cooler so i'm not watering as frequently but look at this new growth this is warm down in here i'd say this is probably in the 80s down here inside that sand and it's probably up into the 70s and maybe even 60s up here on top but plenty of warmth now the air temperature outside is getting cooler now so this is only gonna last for so long i'm either gonna have to get i'm gonna have to get it off the pot so it can start cooling down and go dormant with the winter and just leave it out here or bring it inside and let it stay warm and continue to grow i don't know we might do that we'll see what happens but look at that i told you before i was hoping to get some of these little buds to shoot off and look at that they're shooting off the leaves fell off because they were starting to turn yellow it was getting cold but now that we've warmed it back up for a month it's really starting to put on some nice neat little growth i love that i'm almost kind of afraid to pull this up because it's doing so well now but i got to show you guys the roots we got to prove that this has been working so i've decided i'm going to throw a caution to the wind we're just going to dig down and find the roots because that's what we intended to do with this guy and i wanted to show you way back when this thing started how we can propagate one rose cutting with 100 success rate and not have to worry about black fungal issues so let's start digging and i'm going to try and be gentle ain't going to be perfect but see if we can get down in there way down in there pull this up there we go look at that we got not a lot of them but we've got some roots we finally got some roots guys so there it is one beautiful healthy viable little rooted cutting of a rose now i know that's not a massive amount of roots there i mean anybody can take a look at that and see that we've done a lot better in the past but i think a big part of the problem is i have ripped this thing out three different times now to look at it and we just messed with it so much that it's getting set back every single time but the theory the practice works if you guys are struggling this goes back to why we started this whole video if you guys are struggling with rooting your roses and you keep coming to me and you say i've got black all up and down the stems well it's more likely a fungal disease because these things are susceptible to fungal diseases and if you just put it in sand and you spray with that anti-fungal look at this is it i mean it it would continue to grow if i'd leave it in this pot put it inside a house or if i would have left it originally a month and a half ago when we first ripped it out and just left it alone it would have just kept rooting beautifully it's putting on new growth there it is a hundred percent guys we stuck one cutting i knew we were going to get this thing to root but there's the power of bottom heat we're going into faults getting cooler and cooler and we've still got root growth we've got top growth it's helping this little guy along so i think i'm going to plant this out or not planted out that you wouldn't want to plant this outside right now because it wouldn't make it but it's just too young and not robust enough yet but i'm going to plant this into a little pot and i think i might just bring it inside the house and see what we get with it i i really want to see if we can make this make it now i've ripped the roots out one more time a third time here and i've probably stunted it again but i'm gonna pot it up get into a warm environment get it under some lights that are increasing in the amount throughout the day and not decreasing telling this thing that it's going to be winter soon and we'll see if we can get it going i'll put it in a clear cup too so you guys can see the roots we can see if they get out to the edge and start growing real well see if the new growth comes on more and so there you have it we did it again we pulled this one out by the skin of our teeth but we pulled it out nonetheless so i've got it potted up you guys will be able to see the roots when this thing starts rooting out if it starts rooting out i think it will i love you little buddy please root for us so i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope you learned something from this video and all of you people who have been struggling with rose propagation i hope you use this method and do the little steps that we did in this one because as you can see it really worked and it worked well and we didn't struggle with any of that black fungal issue that you guys are having with your rose cuttings so if you like the video hit the like button subscribe if you want to follow along and see how this little guy turns out have a fantastic week and i'll see you in the next video adios [Music]
Channel: Mike Kincaid
Views: 167,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rooting cuttings, rose cuttings, plant propagation, grow roses, plant cuttings, rose cutting, rooting roses, stem cuttings, how to grow roses from cuttings, how to grow roses from stem cuttings, rooting roses from cuttings, rose tricks, rose stems turning black, rose cuttings dying, rose cuttings turning brown, roses, rose, rose cutting leaves turning yellow, how long does it take for rose cuttings to root, rose cuttings keep dying, rose stems, why are my cuttings dying
Id: C1fHJlJFVhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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