How To Grow PawPaw Trees From Seed | Germination Process

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well good Monday to y'all it's Dan what emergency I want to welcome y'all to my home in the sticks hope everybody's having a showing up good Monday start to a new week but I'm here to tell y'all it is warm as all get-out over him and it looks like it wants to showing off come a flood again but what I wanted to share with you and y'all today is I'm thinking we need to get some paw Paw's he started give me a second and that's what we finna do [Music] all right y'all right quickly let's talk about the pawpaw tree a Samina try Lobo the common names for this this tree which is native to North America is a false banana custard banana or a hillbilly mango that's that's what the common names all forward and there's probably a bunch of other names for it as well the pawpaw belongs to the same plant family as the custard apple cherimoya the sweet shop and the soursop so it's it's included in that family now from what I understand and I've never tried one personally myself but pawpaws have a custard like flavor similar to a banana mango and possibly cantaloupe so I have no idea but I'm really looking forward to trying one you know in the next I don't know 6 7 years I don't know however long it takes to grow I'm showing off showing off ready to try it I you and y'all here we go what we gonna do today is we're gonna try to get these pawpaw seeds into two containers I'm gonna do this two different kinds of ways been doing a little bit of research on the paw Paw's and let me show you what I have here is a 12 inch pot and this right here is a piece of four inch thin wall sewer pipe about 18 inches long and I have a four inch cap that I cut some holes in while I drilled some holes in now to thinking behind this one right here is a papaya tree has a really long tap root once it starts growing if you look around on YouTube and a few other places a lot of folks are really unsuccessful transplanting a pawpaw tree and the reason being through my research and for what I understand is the pawpaw has a root system that does not like to be disturbed once it stage it wants to stay there and if you go to digging it up and trying to transplant of someplace else you stand a chance of damaging them roots the pawpaw tree will grow for a couple of weeks maybe a month or so and then it'll die back because of the root system these pawpaw seeds in this bag and we're gonna pull them out in a second have already been through the process of stratification cold stratification and all that is is just a fancy name saying that these he's been in frigerator for four or five months the plan is to crowd this pot with some some Paw Paw seeds and I've already done one of these on a trial and error thing and I'll show you that but the thinking my thinking on this is once these guys get to growing in here I can easily but transplant them into this container right here if I get this guy transplanted into a long vessel such as this or a long container and tap roots we'll have 18 inches to get that grow on I've seen folks use like tree start cups tree cups or something like that they're little long black things that they loan them kind of like this don't know if it's 18 inches long but you know that's what other folks have been using but this is what I had on hand so I'm going to use it so let's get these pawpaw seeds out and let's get some showing up potting soil put into this thing so see if we can get our grow on with the pump off here would go y'all I apologize again for the light because it does look like it wants the front raining what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go ahead and fill this pot up with some good potting soil so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna add in some perlite because these pop-ups and something that drains well so certainly we want certainly we want the soil to be able to drain real well what we don't want to do is we don't want the seed to sit in in the soil and actually rot because it's so wet and soil is nuts not draining well I'm adding some perlite into the mix okay you and y'all that's what soil is looking like it is a showing off light fluffy mix and I believe it's gonna have good drainage with this perlite that's in there so let's take a look at these pawpaw sees these pawpaw seeds came from Bobby over at Mississippi Gulf Coast gardeners channel he sent me these let's see how many we actually have in here there's one that's what a pawpaw seed looks like looks like a big kidney bean maybe ended up with eight pawpaw seeds plus the one that I already have in the four-inch tube so that's gonna be nine pawpaw seeds we're gonna go over here and we're gonna plant these guys pretty tight in this container right here you're gonna do this we're gonna plant these guys about 1 inch deep and 1 inch on me is up to this first joint in my finger right there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 we're gonna put one seed per hole don't believe there's an orientation maybe but we're just gonna see we're gonna loosely cover these guys up this thing I'll do is I will water these guys and let me show you that's what it's looking like there van why are you doing it this way I don't know this is kind of like an experiment a I've read several articles and watched several videos on folks that are trying to germinate pawpaw seeds and they have done it in the the tree tubes me I'm just using stuff that I have on hand the concept is the same it's just a it's a 4-inch pipe which in my opinion logically it seems like it would work so we're gonna roll with it like that as far as all of those hypotheses that I planted in that 12 inch planner yes they crowded but that's okay cuz once they start growing I could actually take the soil dump the soul dump the whole thing out and carefully just pull the paw Paw's out of the soil and Transplant them into something else probably nine more those four is PVC pipes let's go over to my Shack and I'm going to show you the other what I done did already Medina's right there I have one pawpaw she planted directly in the middle of this four inch sewer pipe and you can see the cap down there and I have a sit in between to send the blocks because of the wind I don't want it to dump over but that's what it's looking like all I've been doing is just giving this guy some water every now and then don't want to overwater it policies just don't like they like to be moist just not sopping wet so that's that's what we doing and this this is just an experiment I have never groom pawpaw trees before so I'm just going by a lot of research and watching a lot of videos just to see how folks are doing it so there you have a child trying to get these dang pawpaw seeds germinated maybe growing into some make sure I'm standing at red ant pile get them growing into some some pawpaw trees you know papaya trees are understory trees and from what I understand these guys for the first one to two possibly three years these guys want to stay in some shade so I'm gonna have to figure out you know try to figure out the logistics behind that where I'm gonna put them but hey it's just a learning thing and we're gonna see but hopefully if these guys take off we show enough gonna get some paw Paw's I'm looking forward to that if you like this video going to give it a thumbs up they helped if you haven't subscribed to the homeless six channel a lot of mercy y'all need to come on over gonna look because I'm always doing stuff really that being said you know what's coming over now rafters showing up always gonna say it only nobody doe you shine I mean nobody get your shine on and T is that damn important and we will see you and y'all in the next video you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Home In The Sticks
Views: 39,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #homeinthesticks, homeinthesticks, rural living, country living, country lifestyle, self-sufficient me, self-sufficient living, self-sufficient homestead, self sufficient, paw paw seeds, paw paw tree, germinating pawpaw seeds, how to germinate paw paw seeds, stratification, sustainable, sustainabl living, self reliant, just me, stick life, homesteading, home place, homesteaders life, mississippi homestead, ms, fruit trees on homestead, fruit trees
Id: 3LyGHmehQ9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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